CC Minutes 11-13-07 0/. zt.( City Council Meeting - November 13, 2007 d. Resolution #2007-67: Approval of Acquisition of Tax Forfeited Property on Powers Boulevard. e. Resolution #2007-68: SCBA Equipment (Breathing Apparatus) for the Fire Department: Award of Bid. f. Resolution #2007-69: Final Plat Approval, Life Time Fitness Second Addition. g. Resolution #2007-70: Accept Street & Utility Improvements in Walnut Grove 2nd Addition, Project 04-09. h. Accept $1,000 Donation to the Fire Department from Spartan Chassis, Inc. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to O. VISITOR PRESENT A TIONS: Ken Wenel: Ken Wenel, Chanhassen from the watershed. Some of you know but some of you may not know that we've had a so called common carp study going on in our three lakes, Riley, Little Lake or Rice Lake Marsh and Lake Susan and they're coming up with some very interesting things. But anyway on November 27th at 7:00 at the American Legion Hall right over here the two doctors are going to be there. Mr. Sorenson, Dr. Sorenson and Dr. Pajanak and they're going to give us a review as to what's going on in our community, in our area as far as carp fish barriers and what we can do in order to control them to the best of our ability. There's lots of things very interesting such as the carp will go through 200 pounds of cracked com in Lake Susan in one evening. Some of the carp in Lake Riley are 52 years old. Various things that these gentlemen will explain. I don't want to take any of their thunder but please mark your calendars and please come. We need the support to keep this going. It's being sponsored by the Legislature. By the Legislature Citizen Committee. The watershed is going to help out and the lake association members in and around our lakes are very high on this thing and working very hard. You should be very proud. Councilman Peterson: Are there cocktails? Ken Wenel: Cocktails. That's good. There's a chip in there for each of you to have a refreshment. Not really. Councilman Litsey: This isn't a carp fry now is it? Councilwoman Tjomhom: And what time was that? Ken Wenel: At 7:00. On November 27th. It will be enlightening and we're going to try to make it a fun evening so put everything aside and come. Thank you very much. 2