CC Minutes 11-26-07City Council Meeting - November 26, 2007 Councilman Litsey moved, Councilwoman Ernst seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager's recommendations: a. Approval of Minutes: -City Council Work Session Minutes dated November 13, 2007 -City Council Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated November 13, 2007 Receive Commission Minutes: -Planning Commission Verbatim and Summary Minutes dated November 6, 2007 Resolution #2007-71: b. Stonefield Project 06-07: Approve Street and Utility Improvements. c. Approve Master Contract with Barr Engineering Company for Consulting Services, PW009B. d. Approve Nominations for 2007 Environmental Excellence Awards. Resolution #2007-72: f. Approval of Resolution for Advancement of State Aid Funds for Lyman Boulevard Improvement Project 06-03. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. 1(e). LAKESIDE DEVELOPMENT, NORTHWEST CORNER OF LYMAN BOULEVARD AND LAKEVIEW ROAD EAST, APPLICANT: SIENNA CORPORATION: APPROVAL OF MINOR PUD AMENDMENT TO ADJUST INTERNAL SERBACK REQUIREMENTS FROM 20 FEET TO 15 FEET AND ADJUST THE WETLAND SETBACK CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT WETLAND SETBACK REQUIREMENTS. Mayor Furlong: At this point then is there a motion to adopt item 1(e). Councilman Litsey: So moved. Mayor Furlong: Is there a second? Councilwoman Ernst: Second. Mayor Furlong: Any discussion on the motion? Councilman Litsey moved, Councilwoman Ernst seconded to approve the Minor PUD amendment to adjust internal setback requirements from 20 feet to 15 feet and adjust the wetland setback consistent with current wetland setback requirements for Lakeside Development at the northwest corner of Lyman Boulevard and Lakeview Road East, 2 City Council Meeting - November 26, 2007 applicant, Sienna Corporation. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: Debbie Lloyd: Good evening. Happy Thanksgiving to everybody. That was a slam dunk. That hasn't happened before but that's alright because I didn't have time to hang around tonight anyway. Mayor Furlong: I'm sorry, what are you? Debbie Lloyd: My visitor presentation. I just had some questions for you. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Debbie Lloyd: Were you aware that if Eden Prairie didn't approve grading on the Eden Prairie side of Lakeside, that the final plat wouldn't fit as proposed? Do you know if Eden Prairie approved the grading? Were you aware that a condition of approval for the Lakeside final plat was to meet the wetland setback ordinance? Were you aware that the new wetland setback ordinance that you approved was the only nay vote being from Councilman Litsey were lower standards for that particular wetland? Did you ever see a list of wetlands when reviewing the ordinance changes? Do other land owners know how the changes affected them? Did you sent out notification to all landowners with wetlands and advise them about the changes? Are you aware that these lower standards, along with the amendment, which you just approved, the change in the building side yard setback, were needed to make the Lakeside development meet the wetland setback? Ironic don't you think that we need to lower standards and ease up on the superior design of a PUD in order for the original condition of approval to be met. Mayor Furlong: Anyone else from a visitor presentation standpoint? Okay. We'll move on then. LAW ENFORCEMENT/FIRE DEPARTMENT UPDATE. Sgt. Peter Anderley: Good evening Mayor, councilmen. You should have in your packet the numbers and stats for last month. If there's any questions I'd be happy to answer those. Couple of things that I want to remind the public about, one reminder is the winter parking is in effect stst from November 1 to April 1. No vehicles can be parked on the street between 1:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. or during the day when we have 2 or more inches of snowfall and those streets have been plowed. Just to remind everybody again. So far it's been pretty good. We get a lot of cooperation and the guys out working the road are not running into a lot of problems with the on street parking. Second thing is Chanhassen has a number of lakes in the city. It's starting to get cold. We're starting to get some ice forming on there. Remind parents and everyone to you know watch their kids. Make sure they're being safe on the ice. You know you need at least probably, at least 4 inches before you even think about walking out there and every year you know it seems like we hear somebody falls through and we'd like to try to avoid that if we can. Second thing going along with the winter months, the driving. Remember when the roads start 3