Pleasant Hill 2nd Addition Plat OFFICIAL PLAT PLEASANT HILL 2ND ADDITION EGAN, FIELD a NOWAK, INC. SURVEYORS PLAT FILE NO. R. T. DOC. NO. C.R. DOC. NO. 479 164646 113347 THE NORTH UNE OF LOT I, BLOCK I, PLEASANT HILL HAS AN ASSUMED BEARING OF N.89059'27"E. oDENOTES 1/2-INCH X 14-INCH SET IRON PIPE MARKED BY LICENSE NO. 17253. ~ N .". ,Wgrth ,.... .f the Sou," 110 (t..r Lot 3', MURRAY HILL :....... _...~.~".59'1rc. 3n.D'l ~-~~-..D,,,j".'f .nd Ulfllty Ei...em'nt." SCALE IN FEET:~-,"",,\ o 40 , eo b ~ i .,10;:1. i'. ", I r ~'l \.l " . I I ~I I ~I :~ "I I "-~l!JrE:. _ J I ~ \,O~ 0'" t:) 1.- ..l... ...~.~ ".;-, ::;.~ -'.;/ ~"'" <-' , 120 , 160 I 200 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEIIENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: I' 0 l r~~_______i___~:j , BEING 6.00 FEET IN WIDTH AND ADJOINING lOT UNES, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE MAP AND BEING '2.00 FEET IN WIDTH AND ADJOINING RIGHT OF Witt LINE, AS SHOWN ON THE MAP. v ;; '_.0 I .... (..) I ~ "I: 'iC ~ Lt: . I g ': ~ .., ,.,: I ~n I "i' I g ;~~ ^- I ci -!..~ I ti::: . , ~~~ ~ ~~' ;---....ou..) __ ....... ..../ ". . 'X ... ..' / .( 1 .:/ " / II ... ....>'. ,-- )" -" ~ ',,' / ^'.,./~.~5'./ - , / .~~. ~;" -," ../ ,,~0 ",':---- ---" ~"/ --~~--( - ) \ ./ ~-- \,,11\ t.. \... \~N.~~~9~~rf". " , ~ o ..~~ (.') '?" .:..:... ~.,'" ',./ ..../ "~. :;.:' J[tIOlI' ALL Iil!M BY THESE PRESI!:IlTS: 11I,t 111" City of ehanh"nen, . Jlinnnota Jlunieipal torpor.tion. r... owner of Ut. fol1011inl duc..1bd p......erty lltuated in the County of CI""l:'. statl or.inn...ota, to wit: The .....".110,00 fnt of l" 31, IoIUARAY HilL, .cu.di", h ,"" ..c:~.d ,~t ,....,..1'. Aho U.at Gilbert ae...,. It...idb.... and .Jillcnc Ann l~io!b".... huaband and wlf., -,""Ind proprietor. of the fo11_i... ducribed p.......rty ,ituated in the County of CI....e... 5tatol of JliNl..ota, to wit: Lot 1, 'h.ckt, PLE.l.SA.MTRILL, accordinl! to the "cONedpht thlnot'. ..... ....... th" ._. to be ...rveyed ar.d platted... PLEASANT RILL 11U11J1lHTIOHand <I. h....by dONlt. and dedicate to the public for the public..... f"...".rth.......-nh (.....,..."i_x. end u.tilityp"J1><J..... e"-.,,,ntheplet. ;~~~::-:.;::;"'::i:-~11~~~ ;:I"~':''':~::~.n:.~;~e~e:"p;-r:~:~\::e.~:;'~n~~ ~=: ~r:i~" ,,:~~c:;~'~:;~h~~ In IIGlftD, ~"".O'/.CHAKIlA~S1!~ .,'~;~~ I ~'O. hy: ~~ .Chrk ~~~YO:'~Th. ra~laillR in.t......nt... Ickn_lcd<<cd hero,... oe th ~~d.y of~ n~. bYJJ.ll.-J- ~it .!:.;",,; I;~ hy "T'i-....fll ..L .CI.rlrOf",.CityorCh.nh....n../IIinne.ota....nidP.I~O or-atio".onbch.lrofU.,eo."or.tio.., ~,~!-..'J/.."r ~;:::,;:~77,:7'; :; C"'i"jtl'I~~::C"";oY.it..~',iuot. ~~~o~,~",. (0...,.01ne In.t,....~~;;.~-i,.:..,~ _ U.i.~1lay of~ nt!. h,- Gilbert .'1'1')' I:~ic!he........ JilhneAnn..nidbe....hil"'if.. II ~ LA" Z-;t:;;;;-,:::;;.j :::t.:;;':b i . ....n~. Minnuota ~t..r;J:f/:J/t<-;,:'~~ I .,. c-s.' bpi~.:~1 I h.....by certify that I hav. .......eyed .nd phtit~"'1 r r ~ ","el"1b~d on this pbt as PUlAnHT8ILL 21'11 AODInOll': that the plat i. . cor~ot ...._ presentation of thl .un't!y: that dl di.tanc.. .~ correctly ahovn on the plat i.. f_t Ind hundredttl. of . f_t: thlt III ........nta heVl hun co.... I'.ctly pbced ill the <<round .. shown: th.t the olluldl boundary linc. .~ I>o.......,tly dui.nahd Oft ttll pllt Ind that t1\e~ .... no _t land. or ,ubliohillh..y.tobldeaianatedonaaidplat. n. (b' !..:lO ","" P) J ) .::J. ..-.. I""ce.. urn..., Lanil~urveyor lIillflllOh Lice.... 110. U2~] STAT!OrIl11lJll!SOTA COUllTTOrHEJlKEPIM "'1 fOrqloir'C l.n.t...-nt _I lolenowled<<ed befarl.. thh~41,. of~. u..fa. hy I....", W. Cil"ivna, Latld Surva-yor, li~;f! .:;'};;:;:;,t.S9-S'1 ~d~(C~:M~ -1tc:'i:::.otl . ~:..:"'- ......"""....,"'''''.....>1411. IIy C_i...on Expi....:I'?c._AI":>l' 7 199J' CIlAlfHA5sr:ll.WIMJfI:SOTA ~~::':~I~ei': ~~:~~:/~ r~';t~""d Ind Iceepted by the City" C......cU of the City of Cl...nt>....n. .in.....ot.. at a re,uh~ ...tine CITYCOUICILO,tMICItYO'CMAI."SSA".1I1llIESOTA .,'~~.~ ,.'0. '" M ('JLgj:, ."'" ~OO;::n~:~ba;t~~r;:~.C:;~~~o~~nn~=:~f 1m. thia pllt h.. bun app..oved ttti..M.tLd.,. of~. uh. '" .:tIuIMJ J2 %~ 1h.....0...O. l_.....C........C....nty$urv.yor COUllTY AUDrroR. ClrM~ County, lIinllesota .JDJC4/'J ~~.;.~~~:1~e~;~ no delinquent tax... fol' .11 y..rs pdor lJ>1...!!?_.tor I.nd deac..iblil on thi. plat and tMln.f.r e..te~d. Dated thi. Joann Mecklin, County hdito.. bY:~~ J~ .J.y J<( (J(~ ~~h~~~'~:;v:..~;,;:~~~~~;o:e yeal" 1..2L fOI" land descrihed on thil pl.t.a PL!ASAIlT KILL 2JIg AIIDITIO" hev. beln p.id on thh~ d.yor~,19~. , II. ,. Ilahlb. C....nty 11"....u..... hy: c4.//j~ ( ~i. ~t~~~h,-ARc:~r~~t(~:rp~~"~'P~~:;;t:IU. 2!CD ADDITIOII.... filed thil~4a,. O,~. u~, .tLElhlockE... .. Poc:_ent Wo. ~. c.o.,..WJ,~Q, C'1"1 .. H.n.on. JI".. Relti.tral" of Title. by: (~'h l2n1tO.At1, A f::{O~ COtntTYIII!:CORIII!:II.C.rverC....nty.........."t. ~/11~"'''~ify that ttli. plat of P'UAS""THILL 2IftlADDITIO"",.. fU.dthi.~~~t{l';Jjo'dockJl'IIl. Carl.. HI"IOII. JI".. County It.cord.r by: ~JmJ:'LJ.{?t^.q~