CC Minutes 12-10-07City Council Meeting - December 10, 2007 Resolution #2007-76: g. Approve Resolution Authorizing Early Retirement of 1998C GO Water Revenue Bonds, 1999A GO Bonds, and 2001B GO Improvement Bonds. h. Approval of City Code Amendment to Chapter 20 re: Interim Use Permits for Antennas on Rooftops over 15 Feet in Height. i. Rosemount, 8200 Market Boulevard: Approval of Interim Use Permit to Allow a Temporary Antenna on Top of their Building. j. Approval of Temporary On-Sale Liquor License, St. Hubert's Catholic Community, 8201 Main Street. k. Award of Consultant Contract to Barr Engineering for Design Services for School Well Improvements (New Well 14), Project 08-08. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: Tom Devine: Tom Devine, 7640 South Shore Drive. I just wanted to comment on the adoption of the article on the well heads just a moment ago, and I want to express my appreciation of the city working with the neighborhood association, the feedback and the constructive, what we felt was constructive criticism that went into the process of planning where that wellhead was going to be and minimizing what was originally part of the plan to build a long driveway and a long retaining wall and scale it back from what it was initially and they were very cooperative and we look forward to working and finishing the process of doing that. Thank you. Mayor Furlong: Anyone else for visitor presentations this evening? Seeing nobody, we'll move on then. CONSIDER ADOPTION OF THE 2008 BUDGET AND LEVY AND THE 2008-2012 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. Greg Sticha: Good evening Mayor and members of council. Well this is the final step in the budget process that seems like it's taken quite a while. It takes a lot of our time between August and December, but the final step in the budget process. Just to give kind of some people an idea of where we've come from, we set a preliminary levy in September. That preliminary levy was set at $9,854,000. After that we had work session discussions in October and November to discuss the department's budgets in detail. We held a Truth in Taxation hearing last Monday that was based on the original preliminary levy in September. The Truth in Taxation statements sent out by the county in November went out based on the preliminary levy that was set in September. We held that hearing last week, and tonight we are here for final adoption of the budget and CIP for 2008. The budget and levy then need to be certified to the county by th December 28 of this year. With that I'm going to go over a power point presentation, a brief one similar to the presentation that I made last week. If we could switch. Thank you. First part of the power point that I'm going to go through is the general fund expenditures and revenues 4