PC 96-01 CITY OF CHANHA$$EN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: February 7, 1996 RESOLUTION NO: 96-01 MOTION BY: Skubic SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION GUIDING DEVELOPMENT FOR THE GA TEWA Y PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 5 AND 41 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held work sessions to discuss alternative development proposals for this site; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission wishes to adhere to the Comprehensive i Plan guiding this property as industrial; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission will not consider requests changing the ¢and use for this property until a bona fled industrial proposal has been submitted for "eview by the commission. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Planning Commission will not 'eview land use guide changes on this property. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen Planning Commission 7th this day of ,:ebruary, 1995. ~ TTES T: · , ancy Mar~cino, Chair Jeffrey Farrnakes, Vice-Chair ~'ES NO ABSENT Con:ad Man:ino Heh. Meyer Sku~ic !. · None Farmakes Peterson