Administrative Section Administrative Section 2008 SCHEDULE PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE A T CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS An agenda and park and recreation items will be delivered to you the week prior to your assigned dates. Commissioners are invited to attend council work sessions starting at 5:30 p.m. If no items pertaining to Parks and Recreation are on the agenda, no packet will be delivered and you are not required to attend. Date Representative J an uary 14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tom Kelly January 20 ____________________________________________u__________m_u_u_____________________ Glenn Stolar February 11 _______m___u_u__u_________________m___m__m____u_m___u__________m___ Paula Atkins February 25 _________m__m_______~____________m____uu_____________u----------------------- Thor Smith March 1 0 _____________________uu_________________________uuuu__------------------- Steve Scharfenberg Marc h 24 __________________uu_______________________u______________---------------------------- Jeff D ani el April 14 _______________________u________________________________________u_____________________ Dan Campion A pri I 2 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tom Kelly May 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Glenn Stolar Ma y 27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Paula Atkins June 9 ------------------------------------------------------__u___________________________________ Thor Smith June 23 _________________________________u_______________u______------------------------ Steve Scharfenberg J ul y 14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeff Daniel J ul y 28 ------------------------------------------------------____u____________________________ Dan Campion August 11 _____________________________________________u_________-------------------------------- Tom Kelly August 25 ___________________________________________m___________----------------------------- Glenn Stolar September 8 ------------------------------------------------------_________________________m__ Paula Atkins September 22 ____________________m________________m_______m_______________________m______ Thor Smith October 13 ---------------- _____________________m___________________u____________----S teve Scharfenberg October 27 ______________mu______________________________________u_____________u______________ Jeff Daniel November 1 O______m__________________________________u___u______u------------------------ Dan Campi on November 24 ________________________________________________mum_______-------------------- Tom Kelly December 8 ________m__________u_m___________m_u____u_u________________________m__ Glenn Stolar Paula Atkins Home: 952-934-0501 Work: 952-380-4953 patkins@goldengate.net Steve Scharfenberg Home: 952-368-3596 Work: 952-838-4462 steves@sfmic.com Glenn Stolar Home: 952-474-7671 Work: 952-833-6566 stolardad@yahoo.com Thor Smith Home: 952-470-6254 Work: 952-746-8821 thoresmith@yahoo.com Jeff Daniel Home: 952-474-1227 Work: 651-248-7574 ieffdanie11111 @mchsi.com Tom Kelly Home: 952-445-7417 Work: 612-307-7386 thomas.kell y@target.com Dan Campion Home: 952-960-0817 Work: 763-954-2154 Daniel.campion@honeywell.com Todd Hoffman Work: 952-227-1129 thoffman@ci.chanhassen.mn.us g :Ipark Ith\ccschedule08 RECEIVED JAN 0 3 Z007 CHANHASSEN ROTAR~W1,4.s~ 2008 DISTINGUISHED SERVICE A WARD NOMINATION REQUEST Dear Participating Organization: The Chanhassen Rotary Club annually awards its Distinguished Service Award to one Chanhassen resident who exemplifies Rotary's goal of "Service Above Self." It is through the selfless and dedicated works of citizens who demonstrate their passion to serve others that all of our lives are enriched. Past recipients include Al Klingelhutz, Bob Meuwissen and Ladd Conrad. This year we are asking your organization to again be a part of the identification and selection process for the Chanhassen Rotary Club's 2008 Distinguished Service Award. Currently, we are requesting nominations of qualified candidates for this honor from your organization and others throughout our community. Enclosed are information about the Chanhassen Rotary Club's Distinguished Service Award, the award criteria and a 2008 nominations form. F or each nominee, please fill out the enclosed biographical nomination form and return it to Chanhassen Rotary in the enclosed self-addressed envelope or by fax (952) 442- 6543 by 5:00 p.m. on February 15, 2008. Nominations received after that date will not be considered for this year's award. The Chanhassen Rotary Club Award Committee will select the finalists from all timely nominations received. Your organization and others serving the City of Chanhassen will then be asked to cast a vote for their choice from the list of finalists. The recipient of the 2008 Award will be announced at the Chanhassen Rotary Club's Spring Gala to be held on April 26, 2008. Thank you for assisting the Chanhassen Rotary Club in recognizing those in our city that truly represent our motto of "Service Above Self." If you have any questions, please contact Pat Michaelson at (952) 442-2191x5026. We look forward to receiving your nominations by February 15,2006. Sincerely, Chanhassen Rotary Club Distinguished Service Award Committee CHANHASSEN ROTARY CLUB DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD PURPOSE AND PROCESS The Chanhassen Rotary Club annually presents its Distinguished Service Award to one Chanhassen resident who exemplifies Rotary's goal of "Service Above Self." It is through the selfless and dedicated works of citizens who demonstrate their passion to serve others that all of our lives are enriched. Rotary International members is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Our club seeks to recognize those Chanhassen residents who serve others, primarily in our city, in a manner that is above and beyond the level usually expected of all good citizens. This will allow us to honor them, encourage others to follow their leadership, promote civic pride, and advance the ideals of our local Rotary club and Rotary International. Our friends and neighbors serve others in ways of which our club members may not even be aware. Therefore, we seek individual nominations from the various non- profit, religious and civic organizations located and operating within Chanhassen. The Award Committee will evaluate each nominee's service history, and select two to three finalists for that year's award. Ballots will be distributed to each identified Chanhassen organization, and the finalist who receives the most votes will be awarded that year's Distinguished Service Award at the Chanhassen Rotary's annual Spring Gala. All nominees will be individually recognized for their service. All finalists will be publicly recognized at the Spring Gala and will receive a framed certificate. Each Distinguished Service Award winner will receive an individual award plaque and have his or her named added to a publicly displayed commemorative award plate. Our objective is to build a tradition within the City of Chanhassen. A tradition that honors those who exemplify "Service Above Self'. A tradition that honors those that live up to the award's name - the Chanhassen Rotary's Distinguished Service Award. CHANHASSEN ROTARY CLUB DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD AWARD CRITERIA 1. Candidates must reflect Rotary International's motto of the "Service Above Self'. 2. Candidates must be residents of the City ofChanhassen. 3. The candidate's qualifying service may be performed locally, domestically and/or internationally. 4. Nominees may come from any occupation, including retired individuals and "homemakers. " 5. The service activity or activities prompting nomination are beyond the normal scope of one's employment. 6. "Service Above Self' has been defined as: "any and all service above and beyond the usual level required of all good citizens, which is performed in a meritorious manner over a period of years, or would be considered extraordinary service or a heroic act performed in anyone year or over a number of years." 7. The nominee's service includes their contributions to one or more organizations. 8. Re-nominations of previous award nominees and finalists are welcome. CHANHASSEN ROTARY CLUB DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD 2008 NOMINATION FORM Nominator's Name / Organization Nominator's Phone Number Nominee Name: Home Address: Employer: Work Phone #: Home Phone #: On a separate page, please provide the following information for the nominee as succinctly as possible. Attach additional pages as necessary. 1. List nominee's major volunteer service activities with dates, offices and awards. 2. Statement of how the nominee has exhibited "Service Above Self." 3. In a few sentences, please state why all of Chanhassen would be proud to recognize your nominee's distinguished service to others. To ensure the best representation of your candidate please submit a full and complete nomination form. This form will be reviewed with the nominee for accuracy. Nominee may, in his or her sole discretion, decline nomination. Please return to Chanhassen Rotary's Distinguished Service Award Committee in the enclosed self- address envelope or fax to (952) 442-6543 by 5:00 p.m. February 15,2008. Thank You! Nominations must be received on or before February 15,2008, in order to be considered. ~ 1 School District U2 '" Preparing all learners to achieve their personal best Office of Food Service District Education Center 11 Peavey Road Chaska, Minnesota 55318 (952) 556-6150 (952) 556-6159 November 2, 2007 Dear Todd, Thank you for your commitment to District 112, the Wellness Policy and serving on the District Health Council. I have enclosed "Wellness Policy Resources, School District 112" that was developed to ensure that District 112's Wellness Policy continues to be implemented successfully. The resource manual contains materials that administrators can use at staff and parent meetings to help create understanding of the wellness policy. Elementary administrators were given this manual on October 23 and secondary administrators will be given the manual on November 20. The manual is also a resource for you to use. Please let me know if you have any questions. S~IJ Anne peglOW~ Food & Nutrition Training & Support Assistant Serving the communities of Carver, Chanhassen, Chaska, and Victoria through equal opportunity in employment and education. CARVER COUNTY PARKS Department of Public Works -- -. .--- 11360 Higl1way'212.\Ve~t, S!litef. RE .. . ..1I3:;:;~~~:~t5~~~; I Cologne, Mmnesotaj5322... ..... ... .......CfIVe{)hon!.(9.52)466.5200 Fax (952) 466-5223 Phone (952) 466-5250Fax(.952)466~5223- DEC-r"O"ibo'l www;co.earver:mn;us/parks . ........ ] , . --CITYOFC~~'i~X' .............; .... ..... ..~.~!.s.~CtL . INVOICE .... .' '. ." . ... .. TO: Todd Hoffman , DATE: 12/07/07 Park and Recreation Director INVOICE: PW-1283 7700 Market Blvd, P.O. Box 147 . Chanhassen, MN 55317 ~make~ableto: CARVER COUNTY AMOUNT RE: COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CARVER COUNTY AND THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN AND CITY OF SHOREWOOD FOR THE PARTICIPATION IN THE OFF LEASH DOG AREA WITHIN LAKE MINNEWASHTA REGIONAL PARK $30,000.00 .. n II J :::...~ V"<--'::> \ . . .' , ~ 711 t1,.tJ 1(10 , !11~";ff""d7 . ----::: i:=""'" v ) TO~E $30,000.00 Than oul FUND DEPT. PROGRAM SERVICE OBJECT AMOUNT I hereby certify that the above statement 30 528 512 0000 5214 $30,000.00 is just and correct, and payment has not been received. ~ I //J~ Francis Kerber, AdminiStrative Services Manager TOTAL $30,000.00 Carver County Public Works Department Equal Opportunity Employer Printed on 30% Post-Consumer Recycled Paper CARVER COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS GRANTS CONTRACT MANAGEMENT 12107107 MUNICIPAL PARTICIPATION - $40,000 LMP - DOG PARK RECEIPT 528-512 CHECK PMT chanhassen shorewood DATE VENDOR / DETAIL AlC# tNV# CH# AMT 07-177 07-177 OTHER BEGINNING BALANCES . $30,000.00 $10,000.00 , OS/25/07 LANO EQUIPMENT 6314 50690 266798 6.48 $4.86 $1.62 07/13/07 HOME DEPOT 6420 3044410 268606 103.41 $77.56 $25.85 08/10/07 LANO EQUIPMENT 6340 54654 269762 1,065.00 $798.75 $266.25 08/24/07 TCW DISOSAL 6610 270510 410.00 $307.50 $102.50 08/31/07 BRYAN ROCK 6610 270773 2,625.66 $1,969.25 $656.41 09/07/07 ALL STEEL 6610 270897 607.05 $455.29 $151.76 09/07/07 WICKENHAUSER EX 6610 270898 560.00 $420.00 $140.00 09/14/07 BRYAN ROCK 6610 271129 230.91 $173.18 $57.73 09/21/07 HOME DEPOT 6426 271418 39.50 $29.62 $9.88 09/28/07 RUMPEA CO 6610 271718 708.00 $531.00 $177.00 09/28/07 TCW DISOSAL 6610 271862 410.00 $307.50 $102.50 10/05/07 BRYAN ROCK 6610 272068 4,322.93 $3,242.20 $1,080.73 . 10/26/07 BRYAN ROCK 6610 272964 443.21 $332.41 $110.80 11/02/07 ALL STEEL 6610 273111 363.17 $272.38 $90.79 11/09/07 BRAUNWARTH WELL 6610 273862 700.00 $525.00 $175.00 11/09/07 HOME DEPOT 6610 273401 68.52 $51.39 $17.13 . 11/09/07 WICKENHAUSER EX 6610 273403 1,011.25 $758.44 $252.81 11/16/07 MOST DEPEND. FOUNTAINS 6610 273695 2,840.00 $2,130.00 $710.00 11/16/07 K-FENCE 6610 273568 15,421.86 $11,566.40 $3,855.46 11/23/07 GREAT LAKES SPECIALTY 6610 274013 9.38.79 . . $704.09 . $234.70 , 11/23/07 SW NEWSPAPERS 6260 197 274015 130.80 $98.10 $32.70 11/23/07 MUELLERS 6610 274016 160.00 $120.00 $40.00 11/30/07 HILGERS PLUMBING 6610 274221 88.75 $66.56 $22.19 11/30/07 BRYAN ROCK 6610 274422 4,911.04 $3,683.28 $1,227.76 12/07/07 BRYAN ROCK 6610 274646 1,645.06 $1,233.79 $41f27 12/07/07 HOME DEPOT 6610 274534 44.25 $33.19 $11.06 12/21/07 ST. CROIX RECREATION 6610 144.36 $108.26 $36.10 $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 40,000.00 $30,000.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 COLUMN BALANCES N/A $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ~Wf~f~i.t.ru~M~i ..:0:............0:":::4....::'-=--::;:;....0:::::..... ..................... .~... ,'. ,',Y. REMAINING BALANCE $0.00 $0.00 . . Agreement between the City of Chanhassen and Carver County For a((9ffLeash DogAr~t Lake MinnewasmaRegional Park The County of Carver and the City of Chanhassen agree to partner on the funding and development' of an off leash dog area ("space") at Lake MinnewashtaRegional Park. The City of Chanhass€m("partner") agrees to provide partial funding for an off-l.eaSh dog area. Carver County agrees to provide the land, ongoing operations, maintenance, and partial funding for the space. '1 A Services to be Provided As Per Attached Exhibits Carver County agrees to construct the space consistent with the approved Lake Minnewashta Regional Park Master Plan and the Lake Minnewashta Dog Park Development ConceptS (Exhibit A). 1. Operation of the off-leash dog area shall be consistent with established County Park . Ordinance. A. The partner and Carver County agree to contribute to this project as follows: i.) Carver County's List of Deliverables: Carver County will provide .thefencing, trail development, parking lot, signage, grading of clay and topsoil, seeding of graded areas, removal of existing garage, removal of asphalt road material, general site clean up, potable water & dog wash area as funding allows. Upon consultation with the Partner, Carver County reserves the right to adjust the above tistof deiiverables if funding is insufficient to cover costs related to the development of the space. " ii.)Financial and other Contributions: . The parties are committed to financial contributions up to the following: City of Chanhassen - $30,000.00; Carver County Parks - $5000.00 + land, in-kind services, on.,going operations, maintenance and project management. iii.)Ownershio and Space: . The space is a part of Lake Minnewashta Regional Park and is owned by Carver County. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to transfer ownership or property rights from Carver County~ Materials and equipment purchased for the space shall become property of Carver County. Carver County will exercise reasonable care and provide repair maintenance and replacement consistent with other park facilities and grounds. iv.)Maintenance and Ooerations: '. Carver County will provide ongoing maintenance and operations of the space including a minimum of one (1) portable restroom, routine grounds care and upkeeP, regular trash/waste collection, repairs and equipment replacement. v.) Recognition of Partnership Carver County will provide a sign for the off leash dog area at Lake Minnewashta Regional Park which acknowledges that the funding for the project came from a partnership between: City of Chanhassen, and Carver County. 2. ReimbursementlPavment . Carver County will provide funds for materials and services to be purchased for the off leash dog area upfront. Carver County will submit a copy of the invoice, and warrant number as proof of expense and payment to the Partner. Billing of the project will ,not exceed the stated funding amount. Payments by the Partner shall be made within 30 days of the billing invoice date from Carver County. Example of Reimbursable Expenses: . Contractual.services: tub grinding, plumbfug, fence installation; . Materialcosts: fencing, water line, hydrant, aggregate for parking lot and ADA trail, wheel stops, culverts, signage, waste containers, and benches; . Equipment rental: bulldozer, tree grinder. Examples of in-kind services provided bv Carver County: . Staff time, use of owned equipment, items which can be fabricated in house (signage), surveying work done by Carver County public works. 3. Defaultlfermination If any of the parties fail to perform any of the provisions of this Agreement or so fail to administer the work as to endanger the performance of the Agreement, this shall constitute default. Unless the Partner default is excused, Carver County may upon written notice immediately cancel this Agreement and project in its entirety. This Agreement may be cancelled with or without cause by either party upon forty-five (45) days written notice. Upon such cancellation, costs for the project will be determined and shared proportionately based on the agreed to fundfug c~mmitment remainfug. 4. Proiect Completion Carver County Parks will make reasonable efforts to complete this project by December 31, 2007. 5. Indenmification/Hold Harmless The Partner agrees to indenmify and hold hannless Carver County, its employees and officers from any and all liability, loss, costs, damages and expenses fucludfug but not limited to property damage and personal fujury which arise in connection with any negligent acts or omissions of Partner's employees. "The Partner's. duty to indemnify and hold hannless is subject to the limitations and immunities in Minnesota Statutes chapter 466 which are, not waived". The County agrees to indenmify and hold' hannless the Partner, their employees, officers and agents from any and all liability, loss, costs, damages and expenses including but not limited to property damage and personal injury which arise in connection with County's performance of this Contract or in connection with any negligent acts or omissions of County employees. It is understood and agreed that the entire agreement between the parties is contafuedherefu and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter. All items referred to in this Agreement are fucorporated or attached and are deemed to be part of this Agreement. Performance Carver County operates Lake Minnewashta Regional Park under a conditional use permit issued by the City of Chanhassen. The conditional use pennit states that the development of the park is to be consistent with the approved park master plan. This master plan guides the development of the park. The off-leash dog area is a part of the approved master plan. " , ,~ ' ..... Carver Cmmty agrees to operate the off-leash dog area at Lake Minnewashta Regional Park for a minimum period of ten years. It is the intent of the County to operate an off-leash dog area in the park for an indefinite period of time beyond ten years. Operations of the off-leash dog area may include the temporary closing of the facility for purposes of general park maintenance, public safety, public health or other operational issues such as non compliance with rules or park ordinance. Permanent closing of the facility would be contemplated for safety and health reasons that could notbe resolved. Carver County will have the improvements to the property of the off-leash dog area insured. fu the event that damage occurs to the improvements, replacement or repair of . damaged items would occur. 6. NOh Discrimination . During the performance of this Agreement, the Parties agree to the following: "Noperson shall, on the groUnds of race, color, religion, age, sex, disability, marital status, public assistance status, criminal record, creed or national origin be excluded from full employment rights in, participation in, be denied the benefits of or be otherwise subjected to dIscrimination under any and all applicable Federal and State laws against discrimination. " 7. Amendments Any alteration, moPification, or variation of this Agreement shall be reduced to writing as an amendment and signed by the parties. An authorized person from the. Partner having. signed. this Agreement, and the Carver . County Board of Commissioners having.duly approved this Agreement on.th~y day of ~ ' 200'-, ',and pursuant to. such approval and the proper County officials having s gned this Agreement, the partIes hereto agree to be bound by the provisions herein set forth. APP~~ ~s t~.tytttomey Date: 7. Vi ~/ c:!J:CO~ Chair~er Coun.. Board Date: </I,;..cfl f>? Date: D~+ County En~~ '. Date: 7 7 . /