3. Site Plans for Wells 12 & 13 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Sile v{ww.ci .chanhassen.mn .us 3 MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Paul Oehme, Dir. Of Public Works/City Engineer v. O. o (J~ ' DATE: December 10, 2007 SUBJ: Wells 12 & 13, Project Nos. 08-04 & 08-05: Approve Plans & Specifications; Authorize Ad for Bids BACKGROUND On October 22, 2007, Council authorized a consultant contract with Barr Engineering Co. for the improvements to Well Nos. 12 and 13. On November 13, 2007, staff held a neighborhood meeting for surrounding property owners to learn about the project. DISCUSSION Proposed Wells 12 and 13 are intended to replace the production capacity that was lost last summer when Wells 5 and 6 failed. When the project was authorized, six potential well site alternatives were identified for the new well locations. Additional well sites were considered preliminarily that were further away for the east water treatment plant but these sites were ruled out at this time because of various reasons including time constraints. Barr Engineering Co. developed constraints and criteria to compare the six sites that included completing a ground water model to predict the interference between the proposed wells and existing Wells 2 and 10 and cost estimates for each of the viable sites. Alternatives 2 and 4 had the least amount of well interference with the existing wells, have the greatest potential for success and are the most cost effective locations when compared based on total well field yield. For this reason, Alternatives 2 and 4 are proposed to be the sites for the new wells. Alternative 2 is proposed for Well 12 and Alternative 4 is proposed for Well 13. Based on the modeling work completed, it is anticipated the two new wells will each yield approximately 1,200 gpm. On November 13, 2007, a neighborhood meeting was held at City Hall for residents to learn about the projects and voice their concerns. Preliminary site layouts were displayed as well as pictures of an existing well site so residents would have a general idea of what the finished project would look like. Residents commented on the Well 12 site that they would like to see minimal new pavement added as part of the project and they would like landscaping to be included in the project to soften the view of the site as seen from the northeast side of Lotus Lake. These comments have been incorporated into the site design for Well 12. The City 01 Chanhassen . A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a chanming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. Todd Gerhardt December 10,2007 Page 2 Well 12 is located near existing Lift Station No. 12. This lift station is scheduled for rehabilitation in 2009. In anticipation of that project, the electrical transformer and electrical cabinet installed for Well 12 will be sized accordingly to allow for it to be used in the future for Lift Station No. 12. This will allow for one control panel and one transformer at the site rather than two of each. Well 13 received very few comments from residents. Comments from residents did include reducing the amount of the impacts to the park, including saving as many trees along Lake Drive as possible. The City currently does not own the 25' strip of land along Lake Drive which includes the tree line. Staff is working with the owner of this property to purchase the strip of property. The purchase of the property is recommended to save on costs for installation of the raw watermain, have a better hydraulic alignment of raw watermain, and to give the Parks Department better access to the park. Staff hopes to have a purchase agreement for Council consideration for this piece of property at the same time the award of construction contract is considered by Council. The construction of Wells 12 and 13 will be bid as one project. The watermain required to connect the new wells to the water treatment plant will be bid as a separate project. The project layout is completed and work is proceeding on plans and specifications for both projects. Funding for this project has been budgeted for in the 2008 Capital improvements plan. The current project estimate for the well projects is $1,250,000, $640,000 for Well 12 and $610,000 for Well 13. The current project estimate for the connecting watermain is $560,000. Council should be aware that there is a significant amount of uncertainty related to construction costs right now due to rapid price increases in materials used in construction. The cost estimates above have contingencies to address this but the current fluctuations in prices are very difficult to predict. The anticipated schedule of the project is as follows: Advertise for Bids Bid Opening A ward Contract Start Construction Substantial Completion December 17, 2007 January 8, 2008 January 14, 2008 January 21,2008 May, 2008 RECOMMENDA TION Staff recommends that City Council approve the plans and specifications and order the ad for bids for City Project Nos. 08-04 and 08-05. Attachments g:\eng\publie\_2008 projeets\08-04 well no. 12\121007 app plans-spees.doe Proposed Well 12 Lotus Lake Boat Landing Example of electrical panel Electrical panel and wellhead will be screened by trees and shrubs Example of wellhead Electrical panel and wellhead will be accessed via a bituminous driveway . mTOF IlUJjP.IS\ll - No new Muminous proposed - Natural Rock Retaining Wall Example of electrical transformer From a short distance, the wellhead and electrical panel will blend into the scenery Proposed Well 13 Chanhassen Estates Park Example of electrical panel Electrical panel and wellhead will be screened by trees and shrubs Example of wellhead The park green space will be restored after construction .,. IlTIOf lll\IIlIl\'!IJ Example of electrical transformer From a short distance, the wellhead and electrical panel will blend Into the scenery ~ :' 1? ~ ~ i /' :!Ii ~ j ~ ~ /' .. ~ :g r.i 8 i~ <, i : ""i ;; ~ :2 ... .. i ~ :;; t ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ !!u REVISION DESCRIPTION I HERan' comfY ~T nus PLNi. SPECflCATlON, c: ORD~=~~ ~~~: ~::yW't ! LJCENSED PROfESSICINo*L ENGINEER UNDER lHE CONSTRU LAWS or tHE: STAft " WINN[SQTA. SM;N.\TURE PRINTED NAME BriO" K lemofl RE1.EASED A DATE REG. NO. 20789 1O/FOR CITY OF CHANHASSEN WELLS 112 AND 113 RAW WA TERMAIN SYSTEM Chanhassen, Minnesota I I I i , i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I ! I I j I ! , ! , I i ; ! I t I i o PROJECT LOCATION LOCATION MAP SHEET NO. TITLE G-01 . . . . . ntle Sheet, Index, and Site Location Map G-02 . . . . . Site Plan C-01 . . . . . HWY 5 WATERMAlN CROSSING Plan and Profile C-02 . . . . . LAKE STREET WATERMAlN Plan and Profile C-03 . . . . . LAKE STREET WATERMAlN Plan and Profile C-04a. . . . . LAKE STREET WATERMAlN WITH EASMENT Plan and Profile C-04b. . . . . LAKE STREET WATERMAlN WITHOUT EASMENT Plan and Profile C-05 . . . . . HWY 101 WATERMAlN Plan and Profile C-06 . . . . . HWY 101 & SOUTH LOTUS LAKE PARK WM. Plan and Profile C-07 . . . . . BOAT LANDING ACCESS ROAD WATERMAlN Plan and Profile C-08 . . . . . BOAT LANDING ACCESS ROAD WATERMAlN Plan and Profile i I I I 1 ! ! l t i i I i I i I ! i f ~ I I C-09 . . . . . Details C-10 . . . . . Details C-11 . . . . . EROSION CONTROL Plan C-12 . . . . . EROSION CONTROL Plan C-13 . . . . . PLANTING Plan C-14 . . . . . PLANTING Plan _ Projec;lOffw;r. I. BARR ENGINEERING CO. 00.. BARR 4700 WEST 77TH S1REEJ' 0<.0. MINNEAPOUS, IIN. 55435-4803 C_ked B C 0 1 2 3 ~~~~.=a: ~~ '(s;r:r:::;;ll Daigned MlE RELEASED Ph: '-110O-832-2277 WWo.bOfT.eom ......... ~ SHOWN 11-26-07 NRD JNB JNB WELLS 1/12 AND 1/13 CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA TITLE SHEET, INDEX, AND SITE LOCATION MAP CITY OF CHANHASSEN CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA DWG. No. G-01 R~. No. A NC> 'n:t eC! 1O~1 ~:; a~ S~ ..0 ~3 b8 Ii.;:- N" ;;0 ..~ ~-', ~~ 8 ~~ ~ ~~ 8 ...;.., 110 :~ ~ ~~ 5 ~u 0 ~;~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ::j:;;~u ~g~~ C:;;~-I ~~~i ~Q;;''''' ~~:i~ m::llg :I~I 3 ij~ NO. Ff( HK m> DATE \1 q ~ ::;- ~ ~ i1~ JJID, ~ ~ ~~ ,/ ,(\..\ lOTUS~lAK./'-E:: -==1 : I , , ~. " '. C-08 ./ <:--~ - - ------, I :3~ T~ ~'" J '~~! ,:P~' <~~~~~6 ~~::~v~: _ ~""\: ,\rjj ~~ V~ ~\ L1 - ~ f:::::.,.rt::) Vi \~ ~~ - "1 'f;;:::::"""Q N ~ 01<)1 \'-L\\" " ~ ~ "Ih-J!~.,;/ - ~ ~ l~'- ~~ -U, ~ ... ~ '? ~ - [') t ~ ~ ~ ,~~~ ~?I ~ V~'j-(~\ 5~ ~ ~~~ ~ 1 ~~ i' V~ ~ "'6 (!d;i)~n I. ,"<~;...7&'~'i.t J' j 0 ~~~ ''??)~ y I ~ /~&:!' _~~, ; ~k7,2i~~~(', ~~\)5 ~),-'rl ~p-~~ ,,~~/)Jf !~trf(L ~ ~'" :r-li Jet I~~ f r~, f:5JJJ},u'Jf!:!J, ~}~~~~k ~ -'f) /~'\1:~ ~)i L : Tl:-l1Jl--,;nlh\~~ ~J r~~~ ~ ,. tJu''--:: ~ K-U J r ( ,hi i11 ,\]< 't' I ,UI~ --"< ~ ,Z-.rT;' -'\ ;- ~~ ~ (J '- ~ ,-- ~ ~~ ~rl'!~ : ~ ~~ i Ilf::;- \, .~~ II L l-\.- '-"'hi, ~~~c: I t~~ RU ,)~~~,rt~~UB"L~~ ,_ ~ I~ G, < 11,,?1Lf.---J V~:::'h. k ~ ~ ~l --c,,_ ~~ o 1('-" _L I ~...r --1-,\ ' I~ ~ ~ ~ -\\, .... ~ _' ~ I c:::::::..J ~I I ~ m I~ Ur ~ \~~ D:' ~ ;:::JoIJf..-J " -'" . '-~ /, ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ .' ~Y;;~/{~ ~~( : ~L;~,~~,1\v~; ~ ~~1..:' ;~__-t- ~ ::-:......-- ~:: \; /. ~ <:r I r-<'l_-:=t~ v p.' 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Lel.4on DATE REG. NO. 20789 RELEASE!> TO/FOR ABC 0 1 DATE RELrASE!> Approv.d Designed AS SHOWN 11-16-07 NRO JNB JNB JNB CITY OF CHANHASSEN Chanhassen, Minnesota CHANHASSEN WELLS 12 & 13 Chanhassen, Minnesota SITE PLAN BARR PROJECT No. 23 10-095 CUENT PROJECT No. OWG. No. REV. No. G-02 A r . I o 20 40 1.".1......".1.".1 I SCAlE IN FEET ~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ "'2 ~D ........ ~~ ::8 ~; 0-8 ~<." '" ;!~ S~ ~ D ~, ~ di'i ..:,; g ~-g t:. 9.~ ~ l;:~ ;; ~fj~- ~;:j!~. 30 - ... 0 .......~ 0: ~~~ gg2~ :fj3J e.,;'ll~ oog~t:i .r~~~ ll'~~ 6:! ~ ~ ~ 3 ; NO. BY I HEREBY CERTfY THIS Pl>>I. SPEClflCAnON, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED En' ~E OR UNDER MY DIRECt' SUPEJMSION AND ~T I AU A DULY U::ENSED PROFESSIONAl EHCIrfEDt UNDER THE NSTRU LAWS OF THE STAT[ or MINNESOT.... _ Prcjecl Office: Seal. AS SHOWN BARR ENGINEERING CO. 001. 10-30-07 BARR 4700 WEST 77TH SlREET ""'on NRD lotINNEAPOLJS. loiN. M4JS-4803 Choc... JNB 3 Corporat. Heodquort.ra: Pic 1-800-632-2.277 -..... JNB Minneapolis. Mlnnnota r"", (1a52) 832-2601 "'" l-IlCO-63Z-22n .......borr .com -.... JNB 64" HOPE SRD 17 IPS 16" HOPE DRll DIPS CD ~~~9N: CASING PIPES o 1 234 1....1....1....1....1 I I SCAlE IN FEET 24" CASING 16" RAW WATER o SECTION: PLUG ENDS OF - 1'-2'-0' CASING PIPES o 1 2 3 4 1....1....1....1.".1 I I SCALE IN FEET I I I I I I ! t ! J I ! I , ! BARR PROJECT No. 23 10-095 CUENT PROJEC No. CllY OF CHANHASSEN Chanhassen, Minnesota CHANHASSEN WELLS 12 & 13 Chanhassen, Mlnnesata HWY 5 WAlERMAlN CROSSING PLAN AND PROFILE SICN4lURE PRINT[D NWE Brion K. laMon RElEASED DArr 20789 Me. NO. 12-7-07 TD/FOR ABC 0 1 2 D4TE RELrASm N'P D4iE REVISION DESCRIPTION I ~ I 18 I u t:> ~ ) fri ":j CHANH"I I I 940 o 20 1...,1....1,...1.,..1 SCALE IN FEET 40 I ~ ~ ,. ! :1~ ~~ ~~ ~~ aN ,-:: ~~ ~3 b B 940 l!~ !!~ "0 ~-', ..~ ~~ ~~ m ~~~2 ~ 8~ci- ~~~5 OIU~O ~~~- N I '0 ~~~9 ......,.:;-Il. ::Ion2)uo ~~~~ ~Sid 8:l~~ '!;.......~/ m:J I ~ :~~I 3ij~ .'...:::. .::.: .:::: ..:..:..: .:. .::::...:' ::....: ...:. .... ...:.. ::.. :..:.::.::.:'-920 9+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 _ProiKt Office: Scole AS SHOWN IlARR ENGINEERING co. 00', 10-30-07 BARR 4700 WEST 77TH SlRW ""'.n NRO CllY OF CHANHASSEN lotINNEAPOUS, UN. M43~4803 Check.a JNB Chanhassen. Minnesota 2 ;3 Corporat. HfKldquort.ra: PM: 1-800-632-2277 Uinneapolla, Uinn..oto Fox; (952) 832-2601 D.."~ned JNB Ph: 1-800-&32-2277 ....bOlT .com Apprcw.d JNB OWG. No. C-02 I HERESY CERTIFY THA.T THIS PlAN. SPECIACAllON. OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY WE OR U~ER yY DIReCT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY UCENSED PROFESSIONAl. ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STA.TE 0' MINNESOTA. I NT , N RUCTION BARR ROJECT No. 23 10 095 CLIENT PROJECT No. CHANHASSEN WELLS #12 & #13 Chanhassen. Minnesota LAKE STREET WATERMAlN PLAN AND PROFlLE A RElEASED TOIFOR REVISION DESCRIPTION MTE 20789 I I I I I ! f i , I I i ! ! ! I I I ! i I I i I , j 1 I I I r I I I i i \ i l , i I f ~ j ! , i I I i i i I 1 i I I r I i I I I I i I F i i I I I i I i i i j i t- I REV. No. A ~ ~ :; ~ ~ ::- :> ~ q ~ ~ ~ ]' ~~ .,<, ~J: ~C! m -, ~! ,~ ~~ -g w2 ~3 bS ~~ -", r~, ~:: g~ ..:; ~~ j~ g o ~o ~.c :;;~ 5- mu 0 0", 33~; ~~!l ../rJ'l ~~~~ ~~Sj e"!~ g:8.-:"."~ ~~~~ ~jn ~ij; NO. ~ \ / f / I I I I ( / / <0 l .... if 0> I if I if I if VlI <3, ....J 1 J i J ! I 3 L 1 I I I . I . I . I . I . I . J . -1- ABRA CHANHAS~EN REAL EST TE CO. 60 LAKE DR. E. CHANHASSEN, MN. 936 ~_f_T_T_'_T_f_ t----- I I ~ If \ I I I I I ~j I 9;'2. o 20 1"..r".......t.",1 SCALE IN FEET I I / 92 10+00 12+00 11+00 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS f"l.MI, SPEClflCAnON. OR REPORT WAS PREPARED f/( l.E OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVlSION AND TH4T I AM A DUl.Y lJC(NSEO PROf'tSSIONAl. ENGINEER UNDER lHE LAWS OF THE $fATE a MINNESOTA. .Ie 00. _Project Office: BARR ENGINEERING CO. BARR 4700 WEST 77lH STREET MINNEAPOlIS. !.tN. 55435-4803 3 Corporat. H.adquort.,..: Ph: 1-800-6J2-2277 Illi~polis. Wimnota fax: (952) &32-2601 Ph: 1-800-632-2271 _.barr_com I I NSTR AS SHOWN 10-30-07 NRO JNB JNB JNB K APP REVISION DESCRIPTION SIGNATURE PRINTEO ~E BrTQr1 K. l."'on DATE REG. NO. 207Sg RE1.EASEO TO/FOR B CO, ~TE RElEASED 2 A Dea.vned ApprO"lIld ~TE ~~,J 930~ 928~ 926 THOMAS R. &:. NATALIE J. TwlNNING 8009 CHEYENNE AVE. CHANHASSEN, loiN. 12'" DIP -~7T-- ~~r~.._ /~ i ON~_:'," ~~ I I I I / / / BLUE FLUSHING I tlYDRANT. ~l 920 :.~915 13+00 14+00 15+00 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Chanhassen, Minnesota CHANHASSEN WELLS 12 & 13 Chanhassen, Minnesota BARR PROJECT No. 23 10-095 CUENT PROJECT No. LAKE STREET WATERMAlN PLAN AND PROFILE OWG. No. C-03 REV. No. A ~ ~ ..- ~ o :i 'i ::- :.i ~ ~ I ~ ~~ ~~ ~":I 2i .....~ z~ :~ ~3 S8 ~i ~~ ~i s~ ~ Q.~ : Uo ":,:::: 8 ;~ ~ ~j 5- ~~ 0 ~~~~ ~~Jl -;~~u ~8~~ ~~~:I ti~~ ~~~~ :in 3 ij~ NO. BY 15+00 HI< ~p DATE TO METER loIANHOLE 60", R'T _. _, _. ~~ -r _. -T 3 ~ :J: Z ~ U ... o ~ u ~{ ~-------- o o 20 40 1.".1....1....1....1 I SCALE IN rEET 16+00 17+00 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PlAN, SPECifICATION. ClIENT OR D~~~~J'~~~Nt~ ~~EI ~ ~N~~y WY BID lICENSED PROFl:SSIONA1.. ENGtNEER UNDER ltIE NSTRucnON LAWS OF THE STATE OF' MINNESOTA. REVISION DESCRIPTION SieNA TURE PRINTED NMl( Brion K. LeMon OAT[ REG. NO. 2Q789 RElEASED TO/FOR ABC01 DATE RElEASED 2 I J _Project Office: BARR ENGINEERING CO. BARR 4700 WEST 77TH STREET MINNEAPOLIS, IAN. 55435-4803 3 Corporote HeodQuortors: Ph: 1-800-532-22n UinntlOpolis. UinnMOta Fox: (S152) SJ2-2601 Ph: 1-800-632-2277 www.barr.com 18+00 Seal< Dal. Drown enecked Designed ApprCN.d AS SHOWN 10-30-07 NRO JNB JNB JNB CITY OF CHANHASSEN Chanhassen, Minnesota CHANHASSEN WELLS 12 & 13 Chanhassen, Minnesota LAKE STREET WATERMAlN PlAN AND PROFILE WITH EASMENT I I I ! I I I I t I I I I I I I I ! I ! I I I I I I BARR PROJECT No. 23 10-095 CUENT PROJECT No. OWG. No. C-04a REV. No. A fi q -, ~ .;; ~ i ,- !:Ii ~ ~ .;; 8 ~ ~ ~~ ~~ gi ,,'" ci"~ ,~ "::8 ~~ l>f ~-:: ,,'" .;:~ f~, ~:l S;:: ~:;l ~:\: o~ j5 8 b~ ~ ~~ ~ :;:~ 0 2'!~'" 3:;~o ~~j~ 2~~o ~~~~ ~3~~ ~3~~ ~j~~ ll'l! ~ ~ i:. ; NO. BY HK APP DATE / / / / / / / /11 ~o/~ o o 20 1....1....1....1.,..1 SCAlE IN FEET 40 I 920-]..:::::.:.....:..:.:;}r:;p~~~E;~.~4\S[~g~~~~~~~::::: ...~..:..... .........:..:...::::::.:.::::::... .-............................................................................-............................... ....z..:.. ...... n... ..... .................. ...: .......:..... .W..: :...................:.. ............ ...................... .... WRAs>PEO .................... ..q.......... qq...... .......... . ......................q..q...Dl::...........q.. .0:: ............... .... ..... ::6.: ::::::i$3.~12..P\P~t:i.:~2I'OLy...;:.:. ".-+"':'!'s::~:,::",lL--,";'" ,,~ mmmm -""'_."""""'mm~~j .._....m:~[!mmm+!I~~Tm m""mm" _ _.m""""""'" 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 REVISION DESCRIPTlON I HEREBY ctR11fY lHAT THIS PlAN. SPEClFlCAnON. C, _ Proj.et. Office: 500'. AS SHOWN OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ~E OR UNDER WY DIRECT SUPHMilON AND 1H4T I JJI A OOlY 81 BARR ENGINEERING CO. Dat. 10-30-07 lJC(NSE[) PRorESSIQNAl [NCIN[(R UNDER tHE CONSTRUCTION BARR 4700 WEST 77TH STREET Drown LAWS OF THE STATE OF' UINNESOTA. 1IINNEAPOUS. loiN. NRD S1GN4.l\.RE 55435-4803 Check.d JNB PRINTED NAWE Brian K. LeMon RELEASED A B C 0 1 2 3 Corporote Heodquortllt'S: Ph: 1-800-632-2277 D..iiinltd JNB Yinne<lpolis. Uinn..cto Fox: (952) 832-26D1 "'.. REG. NO. 20789 TO/FOR DATERELEASro Ph: 1-SOo-532-22n www.barr.com Approv*<t JNB 20+00 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Chanhassen, Minnesota CHANHASSEN WELLS 12 & 13 Chanhassen, Minnesota LAKE STREET WATERMAlN PLAN AND PROFILE WITHOUT EASEMENT I I I I ! t I t f I [ I I ! ! I [ I ! I I ; [ f I I I l f I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I r I I ! I I f f r i I ! I [ I t ~ I f i I ; BARR PROJECT No. 23 10-095 CUENT PROJ CT No. DWG. No. C-04b REV. No. A ~ --- ~ f :i~ U - -, 8: 0"' N~ 'N e~ ':::-g ~;:; ~, gJ D.j; ,",0 :~ gj In~ Il"I 9" : ~~ g ~~ ~ rli ~ ;~ "- , ;; ~~ ::;-1 "6 :;:'N g~ l ---:;:. :zit) ~ ~~ b ~3 ~~' !?~ .- 00 ~-< -:; ~;~ I i;l ___ " :. 3 .t I L-.. _ _ _ _1_ _ --1 I I I ICREGORY MICHAEL DRO~DEK 7743 SOUTH SHORE DR CHANHASSEN. loiN. I I I 1 I KEVIN MORIN ~ 7719 SOUTH SHORE 01. CHANHASSEN. M~ _ '.~' ..~"'-.'~ ':':~;'.. 'I ~ o 20 40 I 1....1..,01...,1... I SCALE IN FEET ~ ! I I ~ ! 950 1+00 2+00 3+00 HOO 5+00 I HEREBY CERTIFY l11AT THIS PlAN. SPECIFlCA.noN. OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER I,('f ORECT SUP~N AND THAT I All A DUlY lICENSED PROfISSIONAL [NGIN([A UNOER THE LAWS C:F THE STAT( Of NNNESOT.... NT _ Project OffICe: Seale I>S SHOWN BARR ENCINEERING CO. Dat, 10-30-07 BARR 4700 WEST 77TH STRErT "'awn NRD MINNEAPOLIS, loIN. 55+35-4803 Checked JNB 3 Corporote Heodquorte,.; Ph: 1-800-632-2277 O..lgned JNB MinneapoliS. Ylnnesoto Fax: (952) 832-2601 Ph: 1-800-6J2-22n www.barr.com Appl'OYed JNB BARR PROJECT No. 23 10-095 CUE NT PROJECT No. CITY OF CHANHASSEN Chanhassen. Minnesota CHANHASSEN WELLS 12 & Chanhassen. Minnesota HWY 101 WATERMAlN PLAN AND PROFlLE 13 CONSTR ON NO. IlY HK APP REVISION DESCRIPTION SICHATURt PRINTED NAME Brian k. lel.4on DATE REc:. NO. 20789 A B C 0 1 DAlE RELEASED 2 RELEASED TO/fOR OWl;. No. C-05 REV. No. A DAlE ~ q ~ / ~ f 'i~ ~! ;;...=, ~i ,~ ~~ -l'; w2 ~~ s! ~.-,: N" ;.;U ..~ ~-', ..::! b~ ~ ~~ :l ~~ ~ j~ ~ ~.; ci' ......~ 5- ~O 0 ~~~O "rJ~O !i;e2Ci ~~~a: ~~~~ ~~-q :~~j t<g.;~ I~~~ l!'i.~ tr '-i ~ .~::.. ~. j 0_ LS ~ ~ I ~'<:^t. -7 ~ I / 'I "' ",~ 0,< / I j------ I / I ---J I I> I 7- ---- -- I I I I / I / /;g, I f~pt'W c~ SO:;"~/J.J", 9 Sl( I CI"f.4N~ur/{ IVSkO I ~SS<:IV" S,,~f/. S<:/oi SitOf/ I -....: "'lit. '1<: 0 . AlIV. <: 9F/. / --J I I I i I I I I j I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I j I I 1 i I I I ! ! ! ! I i I I I ! i I i ! I I I r I I i I I I I SOVTH LOTtlS lAKE PARK tlW\..\..\:.~'. ~\.. "*' \:.,-,,0 ,. tl,1< <M'. . ~tll'\:.~. / CONSTRUClION ~ ;:.~. UI.IITS '" ,. ,~ ,. -- - -- .. ."".. .' .~ e o 20 40 I 1".,..01..01"..1 SCALE IN fEET 950 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 I H[REBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PlAN, sptclFlCAnON, OR R(PORT WAS PREPARED BY WE OR UNDER IIN aR[CT SUPERVISION AND THAT I IdA A DULY U:ENSED PROfESSIONAl ENGINEER UNDER 1HE uws OF' THE $fATE or IoIINNESOTA. I NT I CONSTRUCTlON _ Projed. Office: Scole /oS SHOWN BARR ENGINEERING CO. Date 10-30-07 BARR 4700 WEST 77TH STREET 0<0.. NRO CITY OF CHANHASSEN MINNEAPOLIS. MN. 55435-48OJ Checked JN6 Chanhassen. Minnesota 3 Corporcrt.. Headquort.,.: Ph: 1-eOO-632-2277 D..igned Vinn.apatlll, I.llnn.sota Fox: (952) 832-2601 JN6 Ph; 1-800-6::52-2277 www.l>orr.com Approv.d JN6 BARR PROJECT No. 23 10-095 CLIEN PROJE T No. CHANHASSEN WELLS 12 & 13 Chanhassen. Minnesota HWY 101 & LOTUS LAKE PARK WATERMAlN PLAN AND PROFILE NO. BY K M'P REVISION DESCRIPTION SlCNATURt PRINTED N,tJ,lE Brian K_ lel.4on DATE REO NO. 20789 A B C 0 1 DATE RELEASED 2 RELEASED TD/fOR DWG. No. C-06 REV. No. A DATE ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~! ;j 8. ~~ ,~ ~~ ~N ~1 :!i ~~ 1;::: ~~ U ;}3. ~ ~l ~ ~/ ~ ~~ -:::- U~: 'cl~ ~ 905 ~~,.~ ......,.." "~l'l~ ~~~~ -~~...! "e",o:; E;.!t~3 .a:i I~ !;'Jl ~ ~ 3 ~ NO. BY ~ o o 20 40 1"..1....1...11..,,1 I SCAlE IN FEET 12+00 I I I I I , I ! , [ r ! I 905 I 900 . I 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 Seal. Dal. 13 I HDUBl' CfJfIlfY THAT THIS PlAH. SPECIFlCAllON. DR REPORT WJ.S PREPARED 8't WE OR UNDER 11'( [)fI:ECT SUPERVISION AND lH,I.T I At.I A DULY I UCDISED PROfESSIONAl.. ENGINEER l.INOE:R THE N LAWS OF THE STATE OF WNNESOTA. _ProJect Offic.e: BARR ENGINEERING CO. BARR 4700 WEST 77TH STREET IIINNF.APOUS. \IN. 55435-4a03 3 ~~~~~. r~ '(sm-:1;:;lll f'tt. 1-500-632-2277 ... barr.com />S SHOWN 10-30-07 NRD JNB JNB JNB CllY OF CHANHASSEN Chanhassen, Minnesota Ch..... Designed Ap""",od s.....1URt PRINTtD tw.lE Brlon K ~O" MTE REG. NO. 20789 BOAT LANDING ACCESS ROAD WATERMAlN PLAN AND PROFILE A B C 0 1 IloI.TE RELEASED 2 RElEASED TO/FOR RE.VISION DESCRIPTION ~ ~ I j ::1--:':' ..~ ~~ 8:' N" ,~ ~~ 8~ "N C" gJ .. U N~ ~! ~-; ~~ g~ ..r;; ~~ ~I~ ~ ~i ~ ~~ 5 ~<> c c'"' 3S~~ ~~J~ .........,n :>~l';~ ~8~q ~~~~ lf~~ ;.-::'::I~ rI'l] n;.. i ~ .~~ 3~f~ NO. BY , 'y-CONSTRCt1TlON UlIlTS ~ / ~ ~ / ~ / 1 " '" ::I: '" / ~//~ 940-,.......::::::::: ::::::::: ::: .::::::::::;:: :::: ::::. ................... . . .......--_............-............................ . . . ............................................................. . . . ...................................................... . . . ............ ........................................ . . . .... ......................................... . . ...................................... . . . . ................................................. . . .........--...................................... ......... . . ........................-............................ . . . ......................................................... . . . ................................................. ::::::::::::L- 925 ................... :~e;,AJWO~~~;::: .:::L:::::::::::::~. :'};lE:Tf:~:~HOLE:6?~::: . HU:::::::::: ::::::: ':::/'UH H'" U'" 920_{~E~..:.::.:::::....:..:F.........:.:.y :::.::::::::::..::y.~~::~n~~..~?::::.:.:....::::::::::::::::::L:::::::::::::::::.~ 920 :::.:::::::S ',' HHHH............. ...-i:~"~~"...........................~ '" . . ._.._.-.._.. . . .............. ................. . . :::::::/::::::::::::::/:- 910 ..... H..H.H........ H..... .............. H' ........ .,.................., 905 ooJ.~lli_iGJ;f~.i,i:~ 16+00 16+00 I 58'-12" OIP Cl 52 16+7f.80 17+00 17+00 I HEREBY CERllfY THAT THIS PlAN. SPECIfICATION, ORC:,f:grrSU~~~~AR~ rK'o~EI: ~N~~yMY BIO LCENSED PROfESSIONAL ENCINEER UNDER THE N UClJON LAWS Of' THE STATE OF UINNESQTA. ~,.. / @/ II> 0' 3 ;< ::<: '" '" / '" '" / \ \ 0 0 20 40 I , , I I SCAlE IN FEET _ Proj.ct Off'.c.: Scol. AS SHOWN BARR ENGINEERING CO, Dot. 10-30-07 BARR 4700 WEST 77TH STREET Drown NRO CI1Y OF CHANHASSEN UINNEAPOUS. UN. 55435-4803 Checbd JNB Chanhassen, Minnesota 3 Corporat. HlllCJdquarteB: Pn: 1-800-632-2277 Designed .......neapolis. Winnesota fax: (952) 832-2601 JNB Ph: 1-aoo-6J2-22n -.-.barr.com ........ JNB K N'P DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION SJOiATVRE PRINTED NAWE Brion K. lel.4Qn DAT( RtG. NO. 20789 B C 0 1 DATE RELEASED RElEASED A TOjFOR 2 \, \ L01//S lAKe" \, \ \ \. \. \. \ \. \. \. \ \. \. / / '" '" / / / / / / BARR PROJECT No. 23 10-095 CUENT PROJECT No. CHANHASSEN WELlS 12 & 13 Chanhassen, Minnesota BOAT LANDING ACCESS ROAD WATERMAlN PLAN AND PROFILE owe. No. C-OB REV. No. A