12-11-07 Minutes
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
December 11, 2007
Members Present:
Dennis Hansen, Jim Sommers, Lee Scholder, Rose Kircher, Bill Fouks, Shirley McGee, Ron
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist; Krista Spreiter, Natural Resources Technician
November minutes were approved.
Water Conservation Education Program
: The commission discussed various ideas for what the messages should
be and how to disperse them.
The idea about a contest to see who can conserve the most water is good (Waukesha cty, WI). The city
should also look back over the last few years to see who has consistently been conservation minded.
Could do a flyer on the scarcity of water, the danger of overusing the wells, whether taxes will go up to pay
for new wells, the cost of developing additional wells, etc.
Door-to-door visits may be an option. Focus on certain high usuage neighborhoods.
Need to focus on kids and get the education out to them.
The county will be promoting rain barrels again in 08. The city could piggyback on that.
Lawn care education is needed. Write an article or series of articles (weekly column) on low impact
landscaping, when’s the best time to sod/seed, adding compost to the lawn, native landscaping, etc.
Give a rebate for LILAC or native landscaping?
Have xeriscaping info at AD event and also alternatives to lawns.
Have a website where residents can pledge to conserve
Put big gauges on the water towers to show usuage.
Watering during the day is ineffective – need to educate! “When to Water”
Promote appliances – low flow showerheads (centerpointe), washing machines, etc.
Mailing with utility bill
Cable channel
4 of July float – water theme, dunk tank?!
Weekly newspaper article
Partner with businesses – set up info tables, distribute table tents, drawing for prizes
AD event – rain barrel, add info table, water based activity
Schools – classes write answer to question and win prize or scholarship $; “what could your household do
to conserve H20?”
2007/2008 Projects:
Change a Light: City should sign up as a pledge driver, add link to website, have tally on front page of
website, can it be made more personal with names?, goal will be 300 pledges
AD planning: xeriscaping and rain garden info sessions, Bug Show, planting demo, add xeriscape plants to
tree sale, repeat Arb classes on AD
Recycling coupon: should reduce coupon to $5, not hand out at 4 of July
2008 Work Plan
: Add water conservation education program and tour of water treatment plant.
General Discussion
: change Jan meeting to Jan. 15 and invite Eden Prairie representative.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 PM.
Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair