EC 2008 01 15
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
January 15, 2008
Members Present:
Shirley McGee, Jim Sommers, Ron Olsen, Bill Fouks, Lee Scholder, Rose
Kircher, Dennis Hansen
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
Eapen Chacko, Eden Prairie Conservation Commission
December minutes were approved.
Guest presentation, Eden Prairie Conservation Commission:
Mr. Chacko gave an overview
of the commission , its formation and role in the city of Eden Prairie. The commission was
formed in 2006 and consisted of 6 member origiannly who were appointed on an annual basis.
The commission is now 7 memebers with staggered terms. Mr. Chacko is the Chair. The
commission was formed by the Mayor and Council and acts as an advisory committee. Some of
the responsibilities of the commsiion are the recommend BMPs for envegy conservation,
incorporate the green building code into city projects, suggest changes in government operations
to conserve energy, be involved in the recycling program, promote targets for reducation of
greenhouse gases, review I and I reports. They were the first commission to develop a work plan
and present it to the City Council. The commission got a Green Fleet grant from Clean Air MN
for retrofitting school buses for emissions. They were involved int eh review of an EAW for the
Heritage Hills development. They conducted a public hearing, put the document out for
comment and compiled public opinions and review for the council, but did not take a posisition
on the development. The commmsion sponsored a Shoreline Restoration workshop and had a
very good turnout of 38 people for the all-day class. The commissioners have reivewd the
stormwater management plan and the goose management plan. In the 2008 work plan they have
included the Change-A-Light program and have the mayor’s support. They will offer workships,
be at the Chamber’s Yard and Garden Expo and sponsor a Clean Up Day for solid waste. They
will do utitility inserts and promote the city’s rebate program for appliances. The city recently
signed a 20-40-15: increased energy efficiency in City-owned facilities by percent; increased
fuel efficiency in the City’s fleet of vehicles by percent; and accomplishing these goals by the
year . Eden Prairie will also be implementing a tiered water rate. Eapen encouraged the
commission to keep in touch and offered to partner with the city on project when applicable.
The commission responded in kind and looks forward to keeping in touch with the neighboring
2008 Work Plan:
The work plan was approved.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00 PM.
Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair
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