Cover Letter 1-16-08 ~~.. , BRIG HTON CORPORATION January 16,2008 Kathryn R. Aanenson Community Development Director City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Applicationsfor Property at Lyman Blvd. and State Highway 101 Dear Ms. Aanenson: Accompanying this letter is an application-along with supporting documentation, concept plan and fee-for property at the southwest comer of Lyman Blvd and State Highway 101 as presented to the Planning Commission on November 20,2007; and as discussed with staff in a pre-application conference on December 5, 2007. Specifically: . Comprehensive Plan Amendment . Proposed Action: Modification of the Comprehensive Plan land use designation for the property from "Residential Low Density" to "Mixed Use. " . Planned Unit Development / Rezonine: . Proposed Action: A change of zone from A2 - Agricultural Estate, to PUD - Planned Unit Development with an under-lying zone of BN - Neighborhood Business District; and Concept Plan review. . Application Fee in the amount of$1,550.00 for the following actions: . Comprehensive Plan Amendment. . . . . . . $600.00 . Planned Unit Development / Rezoning. . .. 750.00 . Notification Sign. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200.00 If additional information is required, please let me know and we will respond promptly. Michael D. Wardle Director of Planning Enclosures Brighton Corporation 12601 Jv. Explorer Drive, Suite 200, Boise, Idaho 83713 www.briflhtoncorp.com Tel. (208) 378-4000 Fax (208) 377-8962