Neighborhood Meeting ....~ f BRIG HTON CORPORATION November 26, 2007 To: Chanhassen Residents in the vicinity of Lyman Blvd. and Highway 101 From: Michael D. Wardle Brighton Corporation Director of Planning Subject: Informational Meeting You are invited to meet with representatives of Brighton Corooration Time & Date: 7:00 p.m., Wednesday, December 5, 2007 Location: Chanhassen Library - 7711 Kerber Blvd. (corner of West 78th Street and Kerber) Proposal Brighton is in the process of acquiring property [attached graphic J at the southwest comer of the newly-improved intersection of Lyman Blvd. and Minnesota Highway 101 in Chanhassen, and plans to file applications early next year for amendment of the City's Comprehensive Plan and a change of zone to Neighborhood Business [BNJ to allow for the development of neighborhood- oriented services and retail. Meeting Puroose Site plan concepts will be presented for comment and discussion. Based on input received, the concept will be refined and applications prepared for submittal to the City. Contact If you have questions before the meeting, please contact me at (208) 287-0512 [direct line J or (208) 863-6150 [cell phone). Brighton Corporation 12601 W. Explorer Drive, Suite 200, Boise, Idalw 83713 www.bri1!htoncoro.com Tel. (208) 378-4000 Fax (208) 377-8962 Base Map -----;;:- City Of Chanhassen /'V 1''''1'0,,'<1 RIl\'l 1~1"(' 2 ISite I.. 10 City of Chanhassen Zoning Map excerpt James Wilson Etal 5730 Yancy Ave New Germany, MN 55367 David Delforge & Cynthia Miller 891 Lyman Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 Craig & Patricia Mullen 611 Summerfield Dr Chanhassen, MN 55317 Paul & Kate Ward Schnettler 599 Summerfield Dr Chanhassen, MN 55317 Edward & Nancy Coughlin 587 Summerfield Dr Chanhassen, MN 55317 Thomas & Connie Mason 575 Summerfield Dr Chanhassen, MN 55317 Derek & Heather Benson 604 Summerfield Dr Chanhassen, MN 55317 John & Barbara Dahl 586 Summerfield Dr Chanhassen, MN 55317 Patrick & Laurene Farrell 801 Lyman Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 Southwest Metro Transit Comm 13500 Technology Dr Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Shannon & Michelle Kern 607 Summerfield Dr Chanhassen, MN 55317 Matthew & Laura Parrish 595 Summerfield Dr Chanhassen, MN 55317 Timothy Y Jolene Vicchiollo 583 Summerfield Dr Chanhassen, MN 55317 Ronald & Gail Iskierka 569 Summerfield Dr Chanhassen, MN 55317 Mark & Annmarie Schultz 598 Summerfield Dr Chanhassen, MN 55317 Matthew & Stephanie Millard 580 Summerfield Dr Chanhassen, MN 55317 Frank & Mary Lou Whaley 851 Lyman Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 Eric & Julie Oyen 615 Summerfield Dr Chanhassen, MN 55317 Daniel & April Weir 603 Summerfield Dr Chanhassen, MN 55317 Eric & Tiffany Lorentzson 591 Summerfield Dr Chanhassen, MN 55317 Timothy & Tamara Miller 579 Summerfield Dr Chanhassen, MN 55317 Kevin & Qi Li Linderman 610 Summerfield Dr Chanhassen, MN 55317 Mark & Michelle Garrison 592 Summerfield Dr. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Map Print Output Page 1 of 1 Carver County GIS Mapping Application Legend Carver Road! c ~ Carver County Map Created on: 11-26-2007 I USHivfml< /I UN Hi9hwys /I CSAHR03dJ County RoEs ;I T_~RoEs ;I ClyRom ;I PrMl. RoEs laku Partels Color 2005 This map was created using Carver County's Geographic Information Systems (GIS), it is a compilation of information and data from various City, County, State, and Federal offices. This map is not a surveyed or legally recorded map and is intended to be used as a reference. Carver County is not responsible for any inaccuracies contained herein, http://gis.co.carver.mil. us/website/parcel_ search/map. asp 11/26/2007 ~ PageLof Z Neighborhood Meeting Chanhassen Site - Lyman / Hwy 101 December 5, 2007 - 7 :00 p.m. NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL . Co"",, qsl4?lfLf~6 Neighborhood Meeting Chanhassen Site - Lyman / Hwy 101 December 5, 2007 - 7:00 p.m. Page Z of V NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE EMAIL (. ( l C'. WI tiLL ~v e; ~&.f 5Y\. (0 ", Page 1 of 1 Mike Wardle From: Mike Wardle Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 1 :08 PM To: Patty Mullen (pmullen01 @msn.com) Cc: Matt Smith; Scott Raeber Subject: Chan Neighborhood Meeting Attachments: Chan Neighborhood Mtg Invite.doc; Doc1.doc Patty, Thank you for calling me last night. We have been hoping for some time to arrange a forum to discuss a proposal for commercial development of the property at the southwest corner of Lyman and Highway 101. Your name was given to us by Kate Aanenson for possible assistance in that effort on behalf of the Springfield neighborhood. You will note by the attached invitation (and site location graphic) that, with concern for the fast- approaching holiday season, we took the initiative to organize such a meeting. It will be held at the Chanhassen Library at 7:00 p.m., next Wednesday, December 5th. The invitation was mailed this morning to property owners of record (mailing list is the second attachment) within 500 feet of the noted parcel. We will present several site plan options for neighborhood-oriented retail and services at the meeting, with the expectation that we will be able to address concerns of nearby residents for potential uses and site design. For your information, we introduced the neighborhood business concept to the Chanhassen Planning Commission last week during the first land use hearing for the 2030 Comprehensive Plan Up-date. We will attend the second land use hearing next week (December 4th) to answer questions resulting from that presentation. . If you have any immediate questions-or suggestions, please give me a call. Mike Wardle Director oj P fanning Brighton Corporation Office 208.287.0512 Cell 208.863.6150 mwardle@brightoncorp.com 1/1412008 Page 1 of2 Mike Wardle From: Mike Wardle Sent: Friday, November 30,200711 :14 AM To: snjoynt@yahoo.com Cc: Matt Smith; Scott Raeber Subject: Chan - Scot Joynt Thank you, Scot, I hope you will be able to attend, but assuming that you can't, I offer a few comments in response: · We are still in the process of determining uses and site layout. That is the primary purpose for the meeting next week. · We have not yet reviewed the "old town" design concepts proposed by Kraus-Anderson, but we will take that and the character of Chanhassen into consideration as we move forward. It is evident from the design and architecture of recent development in the area that strict design criteria are in place, thus we have included "up-grades" in our proposed construction budgets. · What you see on our web site fits the character and requirements of the areas in which the projects occur. We acknowledge that expectations vary with other communities-including Chanhassen-and will design accordingly. · There is a great deal of area within the 101 right-of-way for landscape in addition to on-site landscape setbacks that provides an opportunity for significant buffering. It is premature to commit to "THE" solution, but the items you note will be considered and likely discussed next week. FINALLY, good luck to your team next week! Mike Wardle Director of P fanning Brighton Corporation Office 208.287.0512 Cell 208.863.6150 mwardle@brightoncorp.com -----Original Message----- From: Joynt [mailto:snjoynt@yahoo.com] Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 8:16 AM To: Mike Wardle Subject: Thoughts of Springfield Resident in Chanhassen Hi Mark, I am a Springfield resident and also for full disclosure on the Springfield Board. Thank you for keeping us updated. Unfortunately, I am not going to be able to attend the meeting next week as I am coaching my son's hockey team. However, I wanted to share a few of my personal thoughts and I am not representing any other home owners or the position of the Springfield Board. The developer (Kraus I think) on the other corner showed a very "old town" design with character vs "box" retail. After reviewing your web site I noticed only very plain box type examples. I personally feel your design should be close in design 1/1412008 Page 2 of2 style as the other developments on the corner vs ~box~ look. A consistent, high end look will increase the values of all properties commercial and residential around this corner. A couple of other ideas to consider: Propose in detail to shield all Springfield houses from any lights and views throughout all seasons. This might be in the form of dirt barriers and evergreen trees lined along the border or 101 towards Springfield. Our association owns the land between the road and the land owners. Another idea would be to propose significant landscaping on our side of the road with higher Berm, Evergreens (All year trees) to 100% shield the proposed development. The addition of a high quality privacy fence that wraps from the beginning of Springfield to around the corner to the first entrance off Lyman to be consistent. Very high ~character~ design similar to the bus station and Kraus along with a legitimate proposal to shield 100% Springfield yearround are my thoughts. Tks, Scot Joynt 1/14/2008 Page 1 of3 Mike Wardle From: Derek Benson [derekabenson@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, November 30,20072:56 PM To: Mike Wardle Cc: Matt Smith; Scott Raeber Subject: Re: 101/Lyman Project Thanks for the response. Hopefully I can attend the upcoming meetings.. On 11/30/07, Mike Wardle <mwaJ1tl~@brightoncofR.com> wrote: Derek, Thank you for your comments. Please note my responses below. Mike Wardle Director of Planning Brighton Corporation Office 208.287.0512 Cell 208.863.6150 mward le@~bri ghtoncorp&Q!J} From: Derek Benson [mailto: d~[e!sabensJ>n@gmail.cQm] Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2007 7:52 AM To: Mike Wardle Subject: 101/Lyman Project Hello Mike- My name is Derek Benson and I live in the Springfield neighborhood in Chanhassen near the 101/Lyman property that your company is interested in. I see that you are setting up a meeting on 1/1412008 Page 2 of3 12/5 to discuss site plan concepts. I will do my best to be there but wanted to reach out in advance to get a general idea of what you are proposing. I went to your company's web site and noticed you are an Idaho company with various residental and business projects completed there. Do you have a national portfolio or are you just expanding into the MN market? Brighton is currently involved commercial projects in several MN communities similar to Chanhassen. In addition, we have completed and on-going projects in Colorado and Washington and southwestern Idaho. What sort of concepts does your company typically work with and what are you proposing for the Lyman/lOl property? Our MN projects are neighborhood convenience oriented, providing services to area residents. Potential uses may include banks, restaurants, coffee shops, drug/convenience (no gas stations) dry cleaning or similar neighborhood services. We will review two site concepts at the meeting to initiate the discussion, but we are still "open" to site layout. Are you in the process of acquiring the land from Mr. Gianetti? Yes. What is the status of that? We have a signed Purchase Option Agreement on the property. I don't know how familiar you are with the history of that parcel but as a neighborhood with over 150 houses and even more young children we are very keen that the propert y is developed responsibly keeping in mind that there is typically a transition or buffer zone between single family residental to any sort of commercial use. We are aware of the recent effort by Mr. Gianetti to obtain approval for a Harley Davidson dealership. Our investigations acknowledge the adjacent single-family areas but also consider how the site is in, reality, isolated by topography, woods, wetlands, berming and distance. That is the basis for our belief that neighborhood business-properly designed and buffered-is an appropriate use. As you know, the land is currently zoned residential and there are residental properties directly adjacent to that land. We are aware of the current zoning and are sensitive to the nearby residential development. We will be looking for appropriate buffering solutions. Also, the land you are interested in buying has a wetland component and we want to ensure that any proposed use takes that into account as well. The Bluff Creek wetland constrains the use of the site; in fact, approximately one-third is wetlands. The remainder is subject to Overlay district setbacks and standards. 1/1412008 Page 3 of3 We are also keenly interested in signage since that land isn't directly adjacent to the new 212 freeway. Any proposal needs to minimize visual and audio pollution. How are you trying to address those concerns with your concept while obviously bringing in tenants that can make your concept profitable? We have not yet looked at those details, but you can be assured that sign age, wetland protection, compatibility, quality, buffers, lighting and landscaping will all be taken into account as we work through the process with the City and the neighborhood. Feel free to email me back or call me if it is easier. Thanks, Derek Benson 604 Summerfield Dr. 612.961.9280 !SIG:475086e8147777099866268! ~~ 1/14/2008 Page 1 of 1 Mike Wardle From: Scott Raeber Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 10:30 AM To: FRANK T WHALEY Cc: Mike Wardle Subject: RE: Chanhassen land ideas Frank, Sorry for the delayed response. Our next step is to file a rezoning application in early January and meet with the neighbors again to present a revised site plan with more specificity of our proposed development. We have not set a meeting date yet, but will contact you as soon as we do. Please know we acknowledge and understand your concerns. We will work through privacy issues as well as access issues that we expect and hope will meet your approval. Thanks for your communication. We definitely welcome any thoughts or suggestions and we commit to be open and transparent with all the neighbors during our re-zone application. Scott Raeber Brighton Corporation From: FRANK T WHALEY [mailto:whaler97@q.com] Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2007 9:52 AM To: Scott Raeber Subject: Chanhassen land ideas After attending your meeting in Chanhassen, I was wondering what your next step is going to be. If your development begins to take place, we as home owners to the west would demand a large berm with trees to protect our private properties from the nuisance of car and parking lot lights and the associated noise coupled with any retail setting. Please address these issues with your Project team. 1/14/2008