Market Street Station Sign Criteria . JAN. 4.2008 8:57AM KA REALTY COMPANY NO. 5339 P. 4 ;. EXHIBIT E SXGN CRlTER(A MARKET STREET STATION CIUL~1IASSEN,NrrNNESOTA SIGN CRITERIA FEBRUARY 2()OS TO BE ATI' ACllED TO AND BECOME A PART OFTIIAT CERTAIN LEASE AGMEMENT COVERlNG SPACE IN'TaE }.'Vl~S'rRE:ETSTATION snOPPING CENTER. JAN. 4.2008 8:57AM KA REALTY COMPANY NO. 5339 P. 5 rrm.PO$E, A. Putpose 1. Th~ purpose of this sign. criteria shall regulate the I:lPPro,val, installation and placement of tenant signag~ .at Market S1Ieet Station RetaiE :Building. 10 promo~ the ~th,. safety,. aesthtmcs, environment. economics and genend v,'clfarl: of the shopping center and me communit)'. 2. Altboogb. previous mldGUIrent signingpmcrlces of the Tenant will be con~ider.e~ they will not govem signs to be instllllcd ~t Mlliket Street Station Retail Building, ~. Landlotd may adopt or revise any sign criteria govem1ng design: and p1ax:e/IleDt of signage upon the Retail Building at any ti,me) which Tenant shall abide by- 4. The fumishing ab.d installaIion pf a sign ~d. the costs inclined shall be the :respo.nsibUity of the Temmt. Sign ~OIlSttUCQon is to be completed in compIiMce with th~ iIIstn1ctions contained witbjn this cdterla. 5. Each Tenant will be .e.qui.rt!d to identify his premises with a sign (s). AP:PRQV AL 'PROCESS A. Pro~'Ilre for Obtaining 5ignage Ap}>.t'oY~l 1. Tel'l.an~ shall iSUbndtthree (3) S~ of drawings and specifications for its entirt: proposed sign w.Otk to me 'Umdlord. The drawings sluUl clearly spow locations or the signs on the e.'ttenQr and interior ~levations, graphics, eol(lI'Sf constrUction details and installation xnethods, including fasteiling devices. 2. The Lantilo:cdshall retutn.'One(l) set ofc4'~\Vings, as soon as possibl~ to th~ Tenant, The chawing$ win be marked 'either U Approved",. "Appro~ed with Landlord Modifications",. Or <<Oisapptoved". Sign diawings that ltave be~ h App{(We.d with. Landlord Modifications" are to be returned 10 th~tandIord be~ Tenam's appIQV81 'Or iltte to be redesigned and tesubmitted for Landlord's ll.pprt:lv.a1 ~thin seven (7) da}'S of roc=ipt by Tenanr, Sigtt dtawing:9 that have been -'Disapproved" an: to be redesigned and. testl.b.mitted to the Landlord for approVal,. also within seven (7) days of~eipt by tenant. . 3, Appro.val of store desi~ dxawiiJ8S or worldng drawin~ and specifications fer Tenant's le~ premis~s DOES NOT constitute appro'Val of my $lgn work. 'LandlOrd~5 v.Timn approval of Tenant's sign drawingS and specifications. is. required. 4. Tenant shall sllb:tnit ~L:mdlord Approved" sign chawing(s) to the City for review ~d permit. TO BE AttACBED TO AND SECOME A PART OFTBAT CEQ'l'AIN LEASE AGREEMENT COVERING SF ACE iN'rtrE MARKET STro:~$TATroN SHOPPING CENTE1t JAN. 4. 2008 8: 58AM KA REALTY COMPANY NO. 5339 P. 6 ~ EXTERlO~ SIGN dtlTERIA A. Gencr'al Crlt~l'ia 1. Tenant signs shall ~ Store identity signs only, 'lUld will be limited to the proper nnme and major ~du.ct and/or seJ:"icl! provided therein. 2, Each Tenant 'will be allocated all area on the exterior elevation of the Building to which ihe Tenant may attach ? sign. Exact placement of your sign will be uetennined by the criteria set f<mh herein and by the o'wner of theBuil~ing. B. (Y 1. " ~. 4. 5. 6. E~erior Sign T~t1.ant sign shll.11 be '1ocared within sign baI1d provided on front ofleased space. Sign shull not exe.eed 30>> high by Sn% oflength ofleased space and must maintain at least 1&" clearanee from lease line. Stacked letters. will be .allowed with the ma.xiI1\uril size ofletterS being, l!ftd l.1:ecessaty space betV/eett letters.,. not to' exceed 36". M3..'>:imum lettet bl:ight of sign to be lbcated above awnings will be 24" high. The use of logos, shields: ctc. will be pennitted at Landlord's discretion and contained entirely within the-sign. area '\\itha ma."Cimum height of 36"'. Face, t:ri!Q:.-cap and letter (etllm colors are detennined by tenanrs. Landlord will provide two freestanding signs, Space on these tWO signs -u.;ll be ll.ilocated to t~ts 8~ ~dlord~s dis<:retl.on. Faces shall be .080 aluminum with \vater jet Out om letters and baeked up by black or wbire:acxylic. Cost ofllie sigt1 faces will be tenant's responsibility. 7, Intema11y illunfulatcd l~tterS to follOW these specifications; A Raceway to be ttta'<imum of'a" deep and painted polar white to match. buildiIlg color. LW Letters TO be 5" deep and con:struct~ of .Q~O aluminum primed and painted color of tertant's cl10ice subjectto Landtot<rs ')l.ritten appro"<tal. c. Alll~tters axe to be of welded C6nstIUctiOIlSr 1;aulked and drain holes placed in bottom of letters. d. Faces are to be 3/16" thi~ acryli~ wirh 1>1' Jewelite ttim..cap for moun~g. Color offaces is subject to !Jmdlord's approval ~. Lettets ar.e: to be internally illuminated. Prefetted method ofillumination is by LED lighting. Option fOI neon lighting v.':ill be considet:ed. f. AU sigtt attac:hmenlS are to be non..col:tdsive lnld pa:i,nted to match boilding colQr. g. All exterior signage to carry Q UL listing with labels placed 021 raceway. TO BE ATTACHED TO AND BECOMK A PART OF THAT CERTAL.~ LEASE AGREEMENT COVERING SPACE IN TIlE MARKET S1'WllET STA TrON SHOPPING CENT~R. JAN. 4. 2008 8: 58AM A. 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. KA REALTY COMPANY NO. 5339 P. 7 P:ROHmlTED'SrGl"i'S Prohibited Signage Moving Or rotating signs. Signs employing mo\:ing Or iIasbil.lg lights. Signs. letters, s)'1nQols bt i~tifications of any Mtuto painted mrec-Jy on any exterior .ro:rface of the building. Cloth, wood. pl!~e:r or' J:<U'dboard si~, stickers, decals or painted signs lItOt11ld or on exterior surfaces (~~'aIldlor Windows) of the p~mises. Si,gns employing noise making devicea or components. Cab~s~s. :Freestanding signs. ~oof top signs, Sig~ eltm:Otting lI.lU11CS, stamps 'Or d~cal~, of sign manuf1eturer or installer Ubless displayed on 'the c(ige of'tl:te s{gn 'or: rerum and is not laxget' tbad 3" X 6". TO BE AtTACHED TO AND BECOME A PART OF THAT CERTAIN LEASE AGREEMENT COVERING SPAct lNTHE 'MARKET STREET STATION SHOPPING CENTER. JAN. 4. 2008 8: 58AM KA REALTY COMPANY NO. 5339 P. 8 :- .04<1 AWM*UM REnJRNS ~ ( TRIM CAP 1.1:0 UGHtlNG 3/16" ~ FACE LOW VOl.~ TRANSFORMER 1~O VOLT ~ SUPl>!.y BY EJ.ECTR1CAL CONTHACTOrt DRNN HOLES IN BOTTOM 01= LEIiER AND R~CEWAY ~ TYPrCAL Ul RA~O tJ:lTER CONSTRUCTlOl'{ NO SCALE: Lv\t"CK'" t><..p'lh TO BE ATTACHED TO AND 'Bl:COME APART OFTBAT CERTAIN LEASE AGREEMENf COVERING SPACE INnm MARKETST~E~ STATION.SHOPPlNG CENTER. JAN. 4. 2008 8: 59AM KA REALTY COMPANY NO. 5339 P. 9 , . TRIM CAP> 4 ,063 AWM.."" lETi1:R 8AC~S ..... lJEON TU~E 3/16" PLEX FAce .CJQ3 ALUMINUM RAcewAY ~20 vo~ 5UPPI..Y BY EleCTRICAL COtlmACTOR DRMN HOLES IfiI aOT'roM OF LETTE~ AND RAC~Y TVPICAl. UL RATED L~R. COr.(STRUCTION 11I0 SCALE L.eM--e-v- ~ TO BE ATIACIIED TO AND BECOME A. PART OF mAT CERtAIN LEASE AGREEMENT COVElUNG SPA.Q IN THE MARKET STREET STATION SHOPPING CENTER. JAN. 4. 2008 8: 59AM KA REALTY COMPANY NO. 5339 P. 10 Exmntt E (Continued) SIGN CRITERIA Upon Lease termtruuionlllxpiration, all Tenant's signage shalL be removed from the Premises at Tenant's ~l~ cost: stgnage on the fascia .of the buHding shall be .remov~, holes caulked, W'ld MY pylol'l/momnnent paneIS' shal[ be replaced with blank panels. TO BE ATTACHED TO AND BECOME A PARt' OF THAT CERTAIN tEASE AG~MENT COVERING SPACE IN TllE MARKET Sl'REET STATION. SHOPPING CENTER MARKET STREET STATION CHANHASSEN, MN TYPE 1161l-C9- 3/4 "-7CHPS-MED-12 QV- SC-CN 37 - SPUJ -G9 W/1B" FACTORY CUT BRACKET 10' Cord kit with 'J." strain relief GM 10' Cord kit with '/0" Red Glow Ring GO Black strain relid 10' Called Cord kit GRB with 'I," strain relief Blue Glow Ring G1 White ~.~~E 100W MH-MEO' 240,277 640'/," Stem mounting kit for G2 Red 640'/," 'I," or '/," stem GRT lS0W MP-MEot 642'/," Stem aligner kit for Tangerine Glow Ring 642'1," 'I,. or 'I," stem G3 Yellow 120.208 STxx'/," Steel Conduit Stem OC 17SW MH-MEO' 41L.PR STxx'I," SChedule 40 N.P.T. Octagon Box 240,277 41LC Opal (xx Denotes Stem Length('^) mounting G4 Blue 480 116B G5 Green ST 42 Wire Guards: 9W (2.Pln twin 120,277 42-PR SC.GN23-SPA See page 7 tor 1208 tu~) 42C Red appropriate sl~es to G6 Brown 42C Green SC-GN48.SPI! part numbers. 516B QT 42C 81ue 1/2" 13W (2.Pin 120,277 42C Amber SC-GN30.SPC 5208 G7Ve quad tube) 42C Opal ClIst 914B 3/." SC.GI'l24-SPO Cylinder Guards: QT See page 8 for G8 Dark Bronte 28W (2.Pin 120 SC-GI'l40.SPE approprtate sizes quad tube) GG6 and part numbers. AG10 SC-GN56-SPF G9 SlIvadlllo PG10 . 'l6W QT 32W (4-Pin 120,277 '/," Only SRN and AAN poles: G10 Dark Green 42W triple See page 15 tor tube) "Lamp SC-GN22.SPH spedficaUons, sizes Enclosure end part numbers. Gl1 Copper Required SC-GN18.SPl SC-GN25.SPJ Heritage Series G12 Brushed ~ostalglc poles: Aluminum SC-GHfO.SPK See page 14 for spedtications, sizes Note: Custom and part numbers. colors or color metching services are LA av~llable. With Lamp See page 28 for lamp specifications. SELF BAllASTED DOME 5168 16" 520B 20' 14" Integrally ballasted fixtures available for metal halide, high pressure sodium or compact fluorescent lamps See page 26 for ordering guide. SELF BALLASTED DOME - ~ . . '~B}'.1)'i\~:i?lfl':;:{:h .11l~'. 1168 I 175W 16" 13" 120B I 175W 20" 14", Integrally ballasted fixtures available for metal hlllide, high pressure sodium or c:ompllct fluorescent lamps See page 26 tor ordering guide. SELF BALLASTED CONE 914B 916B 9188 175W 175W 175W 14" 16" 20" 16" 17" 19" Integrally ballasted f"tu!~s 3Ya,jeb'c for metal halide. high pres;ure sodium or compact fluorescent lamps Sea page 26 'or ordering guide. DOWN LIGHT REFLECTOR ~oo ~S~~~r:ph~.?r~llt~!~;~ R=r.~ 914DL 300W 14" 13'1, 9160L 300W 16" 15'/," 918DL 300w 18" 17", 924DL 300w 24" 18'/,' Medium base standard. Mogul on Request 901 ISLAND UGHT Sturdy cast aluminum housing Ilts over 2" pipe, 2'1," 0.0. locked with 3 set screV\"5. In dudes prismatic glass globe. Aluminum reflector, Powder coated. Medium base only. 18" UPtiGHT 17'/," Medium base standard. Mogul on request. YARD UGHT Powder coated. Includes arm and wall plate. Medium base only. ') 902 ISL4ND UGHT Sturdy cast ~'umjnum housing nts o'/er 2" pJpe, 2'1," 0.0. locked with 3 set screw-s. Includes prismatic glass gl~. Aluminum reflector, PoWder coated. Medium base only. OR $~RIES ;,.lltil";t~. ~~t~SF~~~l~rfir~'uigl1illt,t][}~r 312.08 100W 12" 6" 314-08 150W 14" 6'1, 316-08 200W 16" 7" 4" octagon box mounting reflector supplied with ;::>igtail kads and medium base wcket. , 1 ! S(~GN40-SPE3 , i . i I i ! 'ft I . II IL j', SC::~N18-SPI3'~::>:" ..--- , '--''', ~-~-~ R~V2 ~ . \ / SC-GN32-SPG3 I '--7- --'--'-'---'--"--'--'-' - --------, ; , ~~ ,. i w !; I , I : i R 7 I I : 1\ ----- '6 f'8',; I i .\ I, II ~ L ! .. d I I I,: J i ~~!~.T. " ",I '~~-. '. '. ;~": .)~\; 1!~~"'~~0';i" . ~,; .' '. ,.:- ',: ',,] '~'.'.;,'."'.'.""::',:,""':':..""';"'::.",:.':'~.-..".,',...'.:.":,;..r_._..T.,..1.-::'~~"; 18 ,,' . . " ;;),<~~:'PW::; 'oPThi)'NAL ,'. (':,;,;!~,,'f~~~~~i;',~".:,' ':'~~':~":J~~:': ": "",~(:~-~~~:,~:) ;:~'>.~',):' ~-~. ", -.t>.' .'j :.: 'j"" ,L! . ,\.' ','.~ 4..J j " :,$t.P RING ;',' :. MTH SET SCREW . ')}o": bT'I~{HCL:' (;~~f~;'~ 5 i .~: L_ -l43/B SUP RING W11rl SET I SCREW . I 1 I .__.._._.____,___1 GO Block GfWhit~ 02 Rtd G3 Yellow G4 Slut G5 Green G7 VeTcigris as Dark BI G9 SII.;.dillo Gl0 0.11< Gle~c. Gl1 Copper Gl2 Brushed AIU:r.. GV 0.1'001,,::1 WT Olpjl GHIU.SPAJ GH48-SP83 GH30-SPC3 GH!lA-SP03 GH4G-SPt3 GH56-SPF3 GH32.SPG3 GH22.SPH3 GH18-5P13 GH'.lS-SI'J3 GH10-51'1<3 Gl>l41.5PPJ GH37.SPUJ tlTMG SCDC SC4 r..~'i'.~f:~:-: ~;~ :'. -",r-:.v,,;. ~:';;.X;~f.t