Spack Memo 1-16-08 S~ack '~:.' ..........-... ,.....".~ ~....:..1Vt:..,_~'-.;r..-:' ,( --, ':'-' ~'" . 't.'\<.. f"""" ,:,-:~~,.;...:.:.~ --: -.." , L . -:,_,_"..,,;:...:....;.,~..,L..~j: THE TRAffiC STUDY COMPANY Memorandum To: Joe Shamla, City of Chanhassen From: Mike Spack, P.E. Date: 1/16/2008 Re: Traffic Review of Crossroads of Chanhassen Per your request, I have reviewed the latest site plan for Crossroads of Chanhassen. This latest design has removed the proposed liS" curve and provides one 300 foot curve connecting a north/south road to an east/west road on the site. The comments I made in my January 7, 2008 memo on Westwood's traffic report are still valid. The new site plan alleviates my concerns about the traffic performance of the site plan. 1. The 300 foot radius meets the 30 mph design standard required for a public street. 2. The location of the gas station driveway will provide adequate sight distance for the intersection. 3. Based on the analysis performed for my previous memo, there will not be vehicle stacking problems between intersections. The outside edges of the turn lanes at the eastbound approach to Highway 101 can be delineated with paint/epoxy or they can be defined by curb lines. Using curb lines (per this sketch) is recommended because it will require less ongoing maintenance for the city. -' ... II Designing the site road to a 30 mph design speed, as required by state statute, increases the appeal of this road as a cut-through route. Although a problem is not anticipated, per my previous memo, it is recommended the developer be notified through the developer's agreement with the city that if a problem does arise at the CSAH 18/Site Road intersection the solution would be to limit the intersection to a % or right-in/right- out. Please contact me at 952-378-5017 if you would like to discuss any of my findings. Thank you for the opportunity to review the Crossroads of Chanhassen development plan for the City. ~"."f."l"('l.,-"..,;q.,.;.." ,~i.>";..~ . . ."'~__~__<'~_~ ~ _',oJ...- ~,.+_ _~._.' _.A___~ __-...1