Signage Criteria Sianaae Criteria Signage at the Crossroads of Chanhassen development is intended to control the size of signs in order to keep them in scale with adjacent buildings and surrounding development. Signage is viewed from both long and short distances whether you are a pedestrian or in a vehicle across the street or perpendicular to the sidewalk. Building signage should not overpower architectural character, but serve to identify tenants. An important guiding rule for signage design is to encourage creative graphics. The message should be easy to read and direct. In addition, there are some other basic rules to achieve a successful sign for a business. Approval of all signage is subject to the city ordinance in conjunction with the landlord's conditions. -Signage types: Retail wall signage shall be illuminated individual letters mounted on an opaque background. The use of a colored or frosted Plexiglas face is required. All signage returns shall match the face color of sign or blend with adjacent building color. Office wall signage facing residential shall not be illuminated. Individuality of colors, styles and identity of tenant is encouraged. Reversed halo lighting may be acceptable, but shall be reviewed on an individual basis. All signs shall derive light from a concealed source. No exposed lamps, globes, tubes, etc. will be permitted. Logos will be allowed on Tenant storefronts only when reviewed and approved by Landlord. Double-stacked lettering shall be allowed on an individual basis only and such requests are subject to Landlord approval. Double-stacked letters shall be individual letters a maximum of 18" high and shall comfortably fit within the Landlord bulkhead as determined by the Landlord's Architect. Tag lines shall be allowed on an individual basis only and are subject to Landlord approval. Any allowable tag lines shall be individual illuminated letters (no box signs) and shall not exceed 10" in height. The width of the tag line shall not exceed the width established for the primary signage. Box signs with raised letters will be considered on an individual case basis. Lettering on all store signs shall be limited to business or trade name of the premises. No sign manufacturer's name, union labels, or other lettering shall be visible. Looo sions will be reviewed on an individual case basis. Any interior sign, notice, or other graphic or video display visible within the site must be approved by landlord. -Prohibited Signs: Exposed neon is not allowed At no time will hand-lettered, non professional signs or newspaper advertisements be displayed on the storefronts. Clear Plexiglas sign faces are not allowed. Internally illuminated box or panel signs are not allowed with the exception of certain logos. Painted signs are not allowed Decals or other signing indicating product lines or credit card acceptability shall not be permitted on the storefront glazing, with the exception of the store's operating hours. Display areas shall not be obstructed by window signage. Small stenciled letters, addresses or logos can be appropriate signage in windows, but the painting of large areas of glass is prohibited. -Signage sizes: The sign areas shall not exceed 10% of the SF area of the fac;ade of the storefront The maximum height for letters in the sign band area shall not exceed 36" in height for tenants. Double stacked letters shall be a maximum of 18" high and shall comfortably fit within the landlord bulkhead. Tag lines shall not exceed 10" in height. The width of the tag line shall not exceed the width established for the primary signage. -Signage Locations: No exterior sign or sign panel will be permitted to extend above any roof line. One tenant identification sign per fac;ade is allowed. End cap tenants are allowed a maximum of three fac;ade locations (3) signs. Tenant sign area shall be on the building fac;ade above entrances, and within sign band areas. Except as provided herein, no advertising placards, banners, pennants, names, insignia, trademarks, or other descriptive materials shall be affixed or maintained upon the glass . panes and supports of the storefront windows and doors, within 4' of the storefront without prior written approval from the Landlord. Flush mounted signs or projecting signs shall be located above the storefront display windows or transoms and below any second story window sills. Signage shall be within designated sign area and within the boundaries of the lease demising walls. -Installation and Operations: All illuminated signs must be turned on during the Center's normal operating hours. The use of time clocks for sign and show window lighting is required. Lighting of signs shall be at hours as required by Landlord. It is the tenant's responsibility to secure signage permits and comply with allowable criteria. All electric signs and installation methods must meet UL standards and contain a UL label. Sign illumination must be internal and self-contained. No exposed raceways, crossovers, or conduits will be permitted. Signs shall not extend more than 8" beyond the face to which the sign is mounted. All cabinets, conductors, transformers and other equipment shall be concealed from public view. Visible fasteners will not be permitted. All metal letters shall be fabricated using full-welded construction, with all welds ground smooth so as not to be visible. Manufacturer's labels, underwriters' labels, clips, brackets, or any other form of extraneous advertising attachment or lighting devises shall be fully concealed from public view. Threaded rods or anchor bolts shall be used to mount sign letters which are spaced out from the background panel. Angle clips attached to letter sides will not be permitted. All mounting attachments shall be sleeved and painted. -Freestanding signs All freestanding signs must utilize the same materials and architectural details as the buildings. A masonry base is required for all signs. ~ Freestanding signs must be setback 10' from property lines One highway pylon sign is allowed for multi-tenants within the development. Maximum height of 24' and 100 SF of signage area per side. One monument sign per lot is permitted. Maximum height of12' and 48 SF per side. One project identification sign is permitted at the intersection of Hwy 101 and Lyman Boulevard for the purpose of identifying the name of the development. Multi-tenant identification signs are allowed at the entrances off of Lyman and Hwy 101. Project identification signs have a maximum height of 6' average and 25 SF per side.