Transmittal 1-29-08 TRANSMITTAL LETTER Date: 1/29/08 To: City of Chanhassen Attn: Anqie Auseth Address: 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen. MN 55317 Project: Job Number: In Re: 41300 Jimmy John's - Chanhassen 07131 WE ARE SENDING o Attached: n Under. Separate Cover: ~a: Same Day D Shop Drawings Section 0000 D Copy of Letter [ID-ints [Qlange Order lE]ans [OOsks [Specifications [Q]ther Copies Date No. Description 16 1/29/08 03 Colored Elevations and Persnective 1 1/29/08 03 8.5Xll CODV of all documents 1 1/29/08 01 Disk containina Elevations and PersDectives and Full Sheet Set tiffs D For Approval D For Your Use [8J As Requested D For Review and Comment [!]>r Bids Due [?9lproved as Submitted [?9lproved as Noted ~turned for Corrections Bsubmit ~bmit 0pies for Approval Bints Returned After Loan to Us Remarks: IQIher: Attached drawings to replace prior submittal as requested. Full size set copied in full. Reduced copies to replace 7 sheets in 8.5x11 packet. efT,. CC" CHMNHASSEi\I RECElv;=n JAN ~ tJ 2008 rli^,fU~~~~~1 r . "",' [j - "-." L.fll.'...<I'",'...:I :::~, Copy To: Sig-ned: Ben Ptacek Pope Associates Inc. 1255 Energy Park Drive I St. Paul, MN 55108.5118 Main (651) 642-9200 I Fax (6SI) 642.1101 POPE ARCHITECTS www.popearch.com