CC Staff Report 2-11-08 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site VN/W.ci .chanhassen.mn. us d- MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Bob Generous, Senior Planner DATE: 6~' February 11, 2008 SUBJ: Business Impact Group/Snap Fitness Planning Case #07-27 (Site Plan Review) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The applicant is requesting site plan approval for a one-story, 50,000 square-foot office/warehouse building. ACTION REQUIRED City Council approval requires a majority of City Council present. PLANNING COMMISSION SUMMARY The Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 15,2008 to review the proposed development. The Planning Commission voted unanimously (four for and none against) a motion recommending approval of the site plan. The Planning Commission minutes are item la of the February 11,2008 City Council agenda. The only area of discussion regarding the project was the visibility of the building from the comer of Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18) and Galpin Boulevard (CSAH 19). This site is going to be highly visible. It did not look like there was going to be a tremendous amount of landscaping added in the front of the building. The applicant meets minimum requirements for trees in the buffer yard plantings along the south and east property lines, but falls short on shrub quantities. Staff recommended that shrub quantities be increased to meet minimum requirements. However, the Planning Commission did state that "it is a very attractively designed building and it will finish off that development quite nicely". RECOMMENDA TION Staff and the Planning Commission recommend adoption of the motion as specified on pages 11 - 13 in the staff report dated January 15,2008 approving the site plan for a 50,000 square-foot office warehouse building. ATTACHMENT Planning Commission Staff Report Dated January 15,2008. g:\plan\2007 planning cases\07-27 business impact group-snap titness\executive summary.doc The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. ~ z < u ~ ~ ~ ~ < < ~ < ~ ~ ~ ~ 7JJ. PC DATE: 01/15/08 w CC DATE: 02/11/08 CITY OF CHANHASSEN REVIEW DEADLINE: February 29, 2008 CASE #: 07-27 BY: AF, BG, TJ, ML, JM, JS STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Request for BUSINESS IMPACT GROUP/SNAP FITNESS - Request for Site Plan Review for a 50,000 square-foot office/warehouse building. LOCATION: 2411 Galpin Court (Lot 1, Block 2, Chanhassen West Business Park). APPLICANT: Eden Trace Corp. ~ 8156 Mallory Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 361-0722 mark@edentrace.com PRESENT ZONING: PUD, Planned Unit Development (OfficelIndustrial) District 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Office/Industrial ACREAGE: 3.8 acres DENSITY: F.A.R.0.3 SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The developer is proposing a one-story, 50,000 square foot office-warehouse building. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The City's discretion in approving or denying a site plan is limited to whether or not the proposed project complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements. If it meets those standards, the City must then approve the site plan. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Location Map Business impact Group/Snap Fitness 2411 Galpin Court City of Chanhassen Planning Case 07-27 ~ (i) e.. -0 S" 0) 'Z 0.. ?> jJ Subject .~ <.0 Property ~ Lyman Blvd (C.R. 18) SCAtHlED Business Impact Group/Snap Fitness Planning Case 07-27 January 15,2008 Page 2 of 13 PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is requesting site plan approval for a one-story, 50,000 square-foot office/warehouse building. The property to the north, across Galpin Court, is a vacant parcel within the Chanhassen West Business Park Planned Unit Development (PUD). The property to the east, across Galpin Boulevard, is a residential single-family subdivision, Stone Creek. The property to the south, across Lyman Boulevard, contains the Holasek nursery, which is currently zoned Agricultural Estate District and is guided for Office/Industrial use. Both Galpin Boulevard and Lyman Boulevard are classified as minor arterial roadways in the City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan. Minor arterial roadways are intended and designed to carry higher traffic volumes. The building to the west is a condominium office/warehouse building within the Chanhassen West Business Park. (i,!Overall Site Plan '-UI...J~o Ide i Water and sewer service was provided to the site as part of the Chanhassen West Business Park development. Access to the site is from Galpin Court via a shared driveway (private street) with the building to the west. A grouping of trees is being preserved along Galpin Boulevard. These trees were shown as being preserved as part of the original subdivision of the site. Pedestrian access is being provided from the site to the City trail on Galpin Boulevard. Staff is recommending that an additional connection be provided to Lyman Boulevard to access the future trail on Lyman Boulevard. Subject to the revisions recommended in this report, the proposed development complies with all zoning regulations, PUD standards and site plan review requirements and is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff is recommending approval of the site plan subject to the conditions of this staff report. APPLICABLE REGUA TIONS Chapter 20, Article II, Division 6, Site Plan Review Chapter 20, Article XXIII, Division 7, Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial and Office- Institutional Developments Chanhassen West Business Park Development Design Standards BACKGROUND On April 10, 2006, the Chanhassen City Council approved the following: . The Chanhassen West Business Park PUD Amendment for a 20-foot parking setback from Lyman Boulevard right-of-way for Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Chanhassen West Business Park. Business Impact Group/Snap Fitness Planning Case 07-27 January 15, 2008 Page 3 of 13 . Site Plan #06-11, for a 49,105 square-foot office/warehouse building for the site immediately to the west of the site under review. On September 29,2005 the Chanhassen City Council approved the final plat for Chanhassen West Business Park creating 8 lots, 3 outlots and associated right-of-way for public streets. On August 22,2005, the Chanhassen City Council approved the following: . Rezoning of the property located within the Chanhassen West Business Park from Agricultural Estate District (A-2) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) incorporating the development design standards contained within the staff report; . Preliminary Plat for Chanhassen West Business Park, plans prepared by Schoell & Madson, Inc., dated June 17,2005; and . Wetland Alteration Permit to fill and alter wetlands within the development, plans prepared by Schoell & Madson, Inc., dated June 17,2005. GENERAL SITE PLAN/ARCHITECTURE ARCHITECTURAL COMPLIANCE ~ !i B o o , . h:===:::=:::=:::=:::=:::==::=:::=:::=:::=:::=::==9':=:::==:==:::==:===:==:::==::=:9=:::=:::=:::=:::4:::=:::===:=~ . .~_ TH_ELE~n~ '-..u: .- ;~'::.-;_T__E~E."".::n._ ~ 0 ~f'.~'~. I I ~~",~"~.~,,t "~. ~ b:=:=:=R::===:===:=:==Q=:=:=:=====:=:===:=:=======:=======:=====:=:===:===:=====:=:=:===:=:====",:=:,9,=!=:H=:=:=, n Size Portion Placement The building has two main entrances with one on the east side of the building and one on the south side of the building. The entrances are emphasized through the use of projecting columns and the extension of the stone veneer to the roof. Additionally, copper colored, arched metal canopies are located over the entrances. These canopies are also included over the three-paned storefront windows interspersed on the south side and southeast comer of the building. Business Impact Group/Snap Fitness Planning Case 07-27 January 15,2008 Page 4 of 13 Building articulation is accomplished though the use of multiple materials, use of windows and entrances, providing stone veneer columns at regular intervals and the stepping back of the building along the eastern elevation. Material and detail Building materials consist of burnished, rock-faced and single-scored burnished block, stone veneer, cement window headers and sills, aluminum window and door frames, metal canopies and steel columns and wall caps. Color The primary building color is Swiss chocolate (dark brown) with brown entry columns and wall caps, and amber bronze window and door frames. Corbelling at the top of the parapet incorporates bands of desert sand (tan) and Cotswold stone (rust). Window headers and sills are limestone colored. The canopies as well as metal accent bands in columns are copper colored. The stone veneer along the bases and in the columns and at the entries mix tan bronze and red. Height and Roof Design Building height is 24 feet to the top of the parapet, except in the entry area columns where the column height is 26 feet. Pitched roof elements consist of the arched canopies over the entries. Mechanical equipment shall be screened through the use oflow-profile units and placement away from the edges of the roof. Facade Transparency The building includes transparent windows and or doors in all office and showroom areas of the building. Additionally, decorative windows are proposed on the upper level windows throughout the building. All other areas shall include landscaping material and architectural detailing and articulation. For buildings with a use or function that does not readily allow windows, e.g., cooler or freezer areas, mechanical rooms, security areas, storage areas or warehouse or manufacturing space in commercial or industrial buildings, the fenestration standards may be reduced. However, the architecture detailing must be provided by the use of upper level windows, the use of spandrel glass or architectural detailing which provides arches, patterning, recesses and shadowing that provide aesthetic interest. , --_._--"-~_._-- _~I Business Impact Group/Snap Fitness Planning Case 07-27 January 15, 2008 Page 5 of 13 To continue the patterning and detailing of the building, staff is proposing that the following be added to the building. Two upper level windows shall be added on the west end of the south building elevation in the garage area. A column shall be added in the middle of the north building elevation in the warehouse area of the building. Site Furnishing The developer is connecting the site to the public trail on Galpin Boulevard. The developer should also provide a pedestrian connection from the site to Lyman Boulevard for connection to the future trail on Lyman Boulevard. Pedestrian ramps shall be installed at all curbs along this pathway. The developer should provide benches and/or picnic tables for employees. Loading Areas, Refuse Area, etc. Loading docks are located to the west of the building in a truck park area established in conjunction with the building to the west. Trash containers are proposed to be located within the building near the drive-in overhead doors. Landscaping Minimum requirements for landscaping include 5,254 square feet oflandscaped area around the parking lot, 11 landscape islands or peninsulas, 21 trees for the parking lot, and bufferyard plantings along the south and east property lines. The applicant's proposed as compared to the requirements for landscape area and parking lot trees is shown in the following table. Required Proposed Vehicular use landscape area 5,254 sq. ft. 49,850 sq. ft. Trees/parking lot 21 overstory trees 21 overstory trees Islands/parking lot 11 islands or peninsulas 12 islands/peninsulas The applicant meets minimum requirements for trees and landscaping in the parking lot area. Required Plantings Proposed Plantings Bufferyard C - south 12 overs tory trees 13 overstory trees property line, 400' length 24 understory trees 26 understory trees 36 shrubs 21 shrubs Bufferyard C - east property 12 overstory trees Existing significant trees line, 420' 25 understory trees 20 overstory trees 37 shrubs 33 understory trees 32 shrubs The applicant meets minimum requirements for trees in the bufferyard plantings along the south and east property lines, but falls short on shrub quantities. Staff recommends that shrub quantities be increased to meet minimum requirements. Business Impact Group/Snap Fitness Planning Case 07-27 January 15,2008 Page 6 of 13 Staff recommends that all plantings along Galpin Boulevard be field located as to not damage existing plantings. No trees or shrubs shall be planted within the protected area oftrees without City approval. The proposed sidewalk shall not be located within the existing group of protected trees. The sidewalk shall be located either north or south ofthis area with City approval. All trees shown as preserved on plans dated 09/16/07 shall be protected by tree protection fencing before any construction activities begin. Any trees killed or damaged shall be replaced at a rate of2:1 diameter inches. Staff recommends that wood chip mulch be used around trees in all landscape peninsulas in place of sod or rocks. Lot Frontage and Parking location The site fronts on three streets: Galpin Court, Galpin Boulevard and Lyman Boulevard. Parking is distributed around the building with 23 spaces north of the building, 49 east of the building and 39 south of the building. LIGHTING/SIGNAGE Architectural lighting is proposed, exterior finish note number 23, in most ofthe column features. Such lighting may only be down cast. A decorative, shoebox fixture (high- pressure sodium vapor lamps) with a square ornamental pole shall be used throughout the development area for area lighting. The development shows metal halide lighting, which must be revised to high-pressure sodium vapor. All light fixtures shall be shielded. The developer is showing a 6-foot 8-inch tall, approximately 35 square-foot monument sign in the southeast comer of the property. All freestanding parcel signs shall be limited to monument signs. The sign shall not exceed eighty (80) square feet in sign display area nor be greater than eight (8) feet in height. The applicant is also showing wall signage at building entrances. Wall signage shall comply with City Code requirements for signage in the industrial office park. Sign must use individual dimension letters with a minimum of ~-inch depth. Logos may not exceed 15 percent of the signage area. Wall signage shall be backlit if illuminated. A separate sign permit is required for signage. MISCELLANEOUS The building is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. The plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. Detailed occupancy related requirements will be addressed when complete plans are submitted. The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. Applicant must comply with the following Fire Prevention policies: a. 40-1995 Fire Sprinkler requirements. b. 07-1991 Pre-fire plan drawings. c. 29-1991 Premises identification. Business Impact Group/Snap Fitness Planning Case 07-27 January 15, 2008 Page 7 of 13 d. 34-1993 Water service installation. e. 36-1994 Combination Fire/Domestic water service line. Applicant must fill out the Combustible Storage and High Pile Combustible Storage form. The proposed fire hydrant locations are acceptable. A PlY (Post indicator valve) is not required. No burning permits shall be issued for trees to be removed. Trees and scrubs must either be removed from site or chipped. A 10-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants. A portion of the Park Dedication Fees, $40,150, was paid in cash with the final plat with the remaining balance of$319,350 being paid with the building permit based on the lot area. The total area of all lots within the subdivision is 28.61 acres. The park fees payable with the building permit shall be (3.8/28.61) x $319,350 = $42,416.00. GRADING, DRAINAGE, EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AND RUNOFF The site was mass graded with the Chanhassen West Business Park development. Minor grading modifications are required for the proposed building and parking area. The first floor elevation of the building is consistent with the final grading plan. The existing contours on the east side of the property are incomplete. The proposed contours must tie into the existing contours shown on the plan. Runoff from the site will be conveyed via private storm sewer to the pond located in the southwest corner of Chanhassen West Business Park. The pond has been excavated and has the capacity to treat the runoff generated from this site. The total land disturbance associated with the proposed project exceeds the minimum threshold for "small construction activity". Therefore, a NPDES Phase II permit to discharge stormwater associated with construction activities is required. This permit must include the General Contractor responsible for day-to-day operations of the site and the owner. This should be noted on the SWPPP included with the plan submittal. The permit must be presented at the preconstruction meeting or prior to commencement of grading activities. Other amendments to Sheet C4 - SWPPP are as follows: 1. Under 2. "Sequence of Construction Activities" insert "construct rain gardens" after item #10 and before item #11. 2. Under 3.2 "Control Measures" (I) include language that the SWPPP must be amended to indicate all dewatering activities and implemented BMPs for the dewatering. Further, should the dewatering exceed minimum thresholds ad DNR permit will be required and must be obtained by a responsible party. 3. Under 5.1 "Erosion Control Inspection", include language stipulating that the SWPPP and all amendments to it shall be kept onsite in an easily accessible location known to all relevant parties. Business Impact Group/Snap Fitness Planning Case 07-27 January 15, 2008 Page 8 of 13 Sheet CI-Grading and Erosion Control Plan should be amended as follows: 1. Inlet protections shall be called out on all existing structures. In particular, the existing CBMH located at the approximate centerline of the eastern property boundary for Lot 2, Block 2. 2. Erosion control blanket in the northeast comer of the project should be extended to cover all area up to that point where the proposed grades match the existing grades. 3. Rain garden areas should be constructed last and those areas need to be protected during construction of the remainder of the site to prevent heavy machinery travel across these areas and the stockpiling of soils and other materials. 4. Perimeter controls shall be placed around the rain garden features until the area tributaries to the rain gardens are stabilized. 5. Rain gardens should be situated in relation to the curb cuts such that stormwater inputs must travel through a vegetated swale prior to entering the rain gardens. This will reduce sediment entering the rain garden which could diminish the infiltration of the rain garden. This swale could be maintained as turf grass. Sheet LI - Landscape Plan should be amended as follows: 1. Calculations should be performed and provided to show that the rain gardens will drain within 48 hours and will not bounce more than one foot. 2. A pre-treatment filter strip or vegetated swale should be included between the curb cut and rain garden feature which is adequate to remove sediment from the runoff to prevent sediment deposition within the rain garden which diminishes infiltration rates within the surface of the rain garden. 3. An emergency overflow should be provided for the rain water gardens. The creation of a swale between the two gardens is strongly encouraged. 4. It should be noted that woody vegetation is acceptable within rain water gardens. 5. Erosion control blanket should not be placed over the infiltration surface ofthe rainwater garden. 6. Shredded mulch should be placed within the rain water garden. Refer to Wisconsin DNR Bioretention Design, The Metropolitan Councils' "Minnesota Urban Small Sites BMP Manual", or the "Low-Impact Development Design Strategies" from the Prince George's County, Maryland Department of Environmental Resources for additional information regarding design considerations. RETAINING WALLS The plan identifies a retaining wall at the southwest comer of the building. The top and bottom of wall elevations is not shown on the plans. Staff estimates the maximum height of the wall to be approximately three feet. Retaining walls four feet high or higher require a building permit and must be designed by an engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. Business Impact Group/Snap Fitness Planning Case 07-27 January 15, 2008 Page 9 of 13 UTILITIES Lateral sanitary sewer and watermain were installed within Galpin Court in conjunction with the Chanhassen West Business Park development. One eight-inch diameter watermain and one six- inch diameter sanitary sewer stub were installed to the property. The sanitary sewer will be extended to the north side ofthe building. Eight-inch watermain must be looped around the building and connect to the existing eight-inch stub on the property to the west. This watermain shall be privately owned and maintained. Sanitary sewer and water hookup for this site were previously assessed and paid. STREETS AND ACCESS Galpin Court was constructed with the Chanhassen West Business Park development. The proposed building will access Galpin Court at the joint driveway with the property to the west. A cross-access agreement must be dedicated and a copy provided to the City before the building permit is issued. PARKS DEDICATION FEE A portion of the park dedication fee for this property was collected with the development contract. The remaining balance of this fee is $40,770.46 and must be paid with the building permit. WETLANDS A review of available data including the Chanhassen SWMP, NWI, and aerial photography does not indicate the presence of any wetlands on or immediately adjacent to the subject property. Further, the topography ofthe area and the moderately well-drained soils is such that the area would not typically support wetland characteristics. Based upon review of remote sensing materials and a site visit, no wetlands exist on or adjacent to the property. LAKES The proposed project does not lie within 1,000 feet ofthe ordinary high water level (OHW) of any public waters and therefore is not within a shoreland district. OTHER AGENCIES The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies and comply with their conditions of approval. Included within the agency comments are the following: Carver County Watershed Management Organization - "Pond Filtration Shelf It appears that the pond shelf is not functioning. This was communicated in emai/s in July and August of this year... We have requested as-bui/ts for the shelf and have received a grading as- Business Impact Group/Snap Fitness Planning Case 07-27 January 15,2008 Page 10 of 13 built for the pond that shows no details on the shelf. Until we receive as-builts and determine a correction to the filtration shelf issue, no further approval of lots will be !liven. " Carver County SWCD - They had specific comments regarding the SWPPP and NPDES permit. Their comments have been incorporated under the Erosion and Sediment Control and Runoff section of this memorandum. COMPLIANCE TABLE pun BIG/SNAP Buildin2 Building Height 3 stories 40 feet 1 story 24 feet Building Setback N - 30' E - 50' W - 0' S - 50' N - 64' E - 116' W - 25' S - 70' Parking Stalls 96 stalls 111 stalls (Office 5/1,000 with 15,366 sq. ft. of office equals 77 stalls. Warehouse 1/1,000 for first 10,000, then 1/2,000 thereafter with 27,795 sq. ft. of warehouse equals 19 stalls.) Parking Setback N - 10' E - 50' W - 0' S - 20' N - 12' E - 47' * W - 0' S - 20' Hard Surface Coverage 70% 70% Lot Area 1 acre 3.8 acres * Plan must be revised to meet the 50- foot setback from the property line to the parking lot. # Hard surface coverage must average 70 percent over the entire development. Individual lots may exceed 70 percent site coverage. See table below. Lot Lot Area Building area pun Bldg. Site coverage Site (acres) (sq. ft.) area Estimate (acres) Coverage F.A.R. 0.28 (%) (sq. ft.) Lot 3+ pt 1 & 7.4 110,000 97,300 5.1 69 2, B 1 (Waytek) Pt Lot 1 & 2, 2.65 25,300 est. 25,300 1.6 60 Bl Lot 1, B 2 3.8 50,000 46,500 2.66 70 (BIG/SNAP) Business Impact Group/Snap Fitness Planning Case 07-27 January 15,2008 Page 11 of 13 Lot Lot Area Building area PUD Bldg. Site coverage Site (acres) (sq. ft.) area Estimate (acres) Coverage F.A.R. 0.28 (%) (SQ. ft.) Lot 2, B2 3.32 46,152 40,300 2.65 80 (Building 2) Lot 3, B2 2.85 34,800 est. 34,800 1.94 68 Lot 4, B2 5.0 49,700 61,400 3.1 62 (Minger) Lot 5, B2 3.58 48,000 43,700 2.5 70 (Outset) Outlot C 3.8 0 0 0 0 Total 32.4 363,952 349,300 19.55 60 RECOMMENDA TION Staff f€l€l€lmm€lll€ls tkat and the Planning Commission recommend that City Council adopt the following motion and adoption of the attached findings of fact and recommendation: "The Chanhassen Plalllliflg C€lmmissi€lfl r€l€l€lmm€lll€ls tkat tk€l City Council approves Planning Case #07-27 approving a site plan for a 50,000 square-foot, one-story office warehouse building, plans prepared by Houwman Architects, dated November 06,2007, subject to the following conditions: 1. The building is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. 2. The plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 3. The plan must be revised to meet the 50-foot setback from the property line (on Galpin Boulevard) to the parking lot. 4. Site lighting shall be revised to incorporate high-pressure sodium vapor lamps. 5. Architectural lighting shall be down cast only. 6. Two upper level windows shall be added on the west end of the south building elevation. 7. A column shall be added in the middle of the north building elevation. 8. The developer shall provide a pedestrian connection from the site to Lyman Boulevard. 9. The proposed sidewalk shall not be located within the existing group of protected trees. The sidewalk shall be located either north or south of this area with City approval. 10. Pedestrian ramps shall be provided at all curbs for trail and sidewalk connections. Business Impact Group/Snap Fitness Planning Case 07-27 January 15,2008 Page 12 of 13 11. All plantings along Galpin Boulevard shall be field located so as to not damage existing trees. No trees or shrubs shall be planted within the protected area of trees without City approval. 12. All trees shown as preserved on plans dated 09/16/07 shall be protected by tree protection fencing before any construction activities begin. Any trees killed or damaged shall be replaced at a rate of 2: 1 diameter inches. 13. Shrub quantities shall be increased to meet minimum requirements for bufferyard plantings. 14. Wood chip mulch shall be used around trees in all landscape peninsulas in place of sod or rocks. 15. Applicant must comply with the following Fire Prevention policies: a. 40-1995 Fire Sprinkler requirements. b. 07-1991 Pre-fire plan drawings. c. 29-1991 Premises identification. d. 34-1993 Water service installation. e. 36-1994 Combination FireIDomestic water service line. 16. Applicant must fill out the Combustible Storage and High Pile Combustible Storage form. 17. No burning permits shall be issued for trees to be removed. Trees and scrubs must either be removed from site or chipped. 18. A lO-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants. 19. The park fees payable with the building permit shall be $42,416.00. 20. Sheet Cl shall be amended to show inlet protections on all existing storm sewer inlets. 21. Sheet Cl shall be amended to extend the erosion control blanket in the northeast comer of the lot to cover all soil until the proposed grading matches the existing grade. 22. Sheet C4 item #2 shall be amended to insert the construction of rain gardens as item #11 in the sequencing of construction activities and "inspect site" shall be amended so that it is #12 in the sequence. 23. Sheet C4 item #5.1 shall have language added to the effect that the SWPPP, all amendments and the NPDES permit shall be kept on site in a readily accessible location known to all relevant individuals. 24. Sheet Ll the rain gardens shall be designed so that water runoff from the parking area will travel through some form of filter BMP. Business Impact Group/Snap Fitness Planning Case 07-27 January 15,2008 Page 13 of 13 25. The rain gardens shall be designed to drain within 48 hours and not be inundated to a depth greater than one foot during a lO-year storm event. Calculations need to be provided supporting this. 26. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies and comply with their conditions of approval. 27. The complete existing contours must be shown on the east side of the property. 28. The proposed contours must tie into the existing contours shown on the plan. 29. Retaining walls four feet high or higher require a building permit and must be designed by an engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. 30. Eight-inch watermain must be looped around the building. This watermain shall be privately owned and maintained. 31. A cross-access agreement must be dedicated and a copy provided to the City before the building permit is issued." A TT ACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation. 2. Development Review Application. 3. Reduced Copy Site Plan. 4. Reduced Copy Main Floor Plan. 5. Reduced Copy Building Elevations. 6. Reduced Copy Grading & Erosion Control Plan. 7. Reduced Copy Utility Plan. 8. Reduced Copy Landscape Plan. 9. Reduced Copy Landscape Details. 10. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List. g:\plan\2007 planning cases\07 -27 business impact group-snap fitness\staff report big snap.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION INRE: Application of Eden Trace Corp. for Site Plan Review for a 50,000 square-foot, one-story office/warehouse building, Planning Case #07-27. On January 15, 2008, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Eden Trace Corp. for a site plan review for the property located at 2411 Galpin Court. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed site plan which was preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned PUD, Planned Unit Development (Office/Industrial) District. 2. The property is guided by the Land Use Plan for Office/Industrial uses. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 1, Block 2, Chanhassen West Business Park. 4. Section 20-110 of the Chanhassen City Code requires the Planning Commission and City Council to evaluate a site plan's compliance with the following: a. The proposed project is consistent with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; b. The proposed project is consistent with the site plan review requirements; c. The proposed project preserves the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing or developing areas; d. The proposed project creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; 1 e. The proposed project creates a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: I) An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; 2) The amount and location of open space and landscaping; 3) Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility ofthe same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and 4) Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms oflocation and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. f. The proposed project protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. 5. The planning report #07-27 dated January 15, 2008, prepared by Robert Generous, et aI, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the site plan for Planning Case 07-27. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 15th day of January, 2008. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY: Its Chairman 2 . -'-" ."-~~.~-.....~~~.....~.,-~~'- CITY OF CHANHASSEN, 7700 Market Boulevard - P;O~ Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 - (952) 227-1100 - Planning Case No. 01- d.-L " c'rfv OF' CHANHASSEN , RECEIVED I . 'DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPL.:ICATION ': OCT '2 0 2007 PLEASE PRINT CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Applicant Name and Address: Owner Name and Address: EDEN 1RA-C€ ~ep &~t..1 6[S :r-,,.u.- Grov#, / 51'\4,,1' t:;-htu- .s A\Sb MAU..OR'I CouA.,. CW\r-ij}A~~E"N . JIW. 5$'3 \/ Contact: MA-RK UtJDE S,..A-D Contact: \? .e..~ ~tA.....~ Phone: qsz. ~\ (Jizz.. Fax: CfS'2. 3b\ bl'Z.3 Phone: qsz. ltlc.f ~ 'U. Fax: '\~2.- 'f.7'f-~tf\'" Email: Mo. r Ie:. e. e.de.-^"ri' ~ te.~ CD J\I\ Email: " NOTE: Consultation with City staff is required prior to submittal, including review of development plans . .,; Comprehensive Plan Amendment Temporary Sales Permit Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Vacation of Right-of-Way/Easements (VAC) Interim Use Permit (IUP) Variance (V AR) Non-conforming Use Permit Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) Planned Unit Development* Zoning Appeal Rezoning Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sign Permits Sign Plan Revie.w /' Notification Sign - $200 (City to install and remove) ~ x Site Plan Review (SPR)*:Soot SO().:: '.000 Escrow f~ JiJlr1g Fees/Attorney Cost** - $50 CU~ACNAR/WAP/Metes & Bounds - $450 Minor SUBce ~deV\. \(Ct.-C.e. Co,< P TOTAL FEE $ I ~ ~O. ~ IL C) rz... Subdivision* An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. *Sixteen (16) full-size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8%" X 11" reduced copy for each plari sheet along with a di~ital copy in TIFF-Group 4 (*.tif) format. **Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. SCANNED PROJECT NAME: _Bu SINt:SS ~fA-cr G.(?O\..tp / SNAP , , LOCATION: ~411 6MRltl Ccu.(<."t'" r'tnJ8SS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1.-01" l BloCK- 1- C ""AfJ~S E;"N \N es-r BtA,S(AlesS ~-t::' 95 - dd-4:0ot.lO TOTAL ACREAGE: " WETLANDS PRESENT: YES X. NO PRESENT ZONING: f'U J) REQUESTED ZONING: .f PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: :r: O.p REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: REASON FOR REQUEST: 50,000 sF. o.fQ.~ / V\I~re.J,o~ se.. b\J~ . I This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. ,I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further , understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~~ 6t>GN~ CO~ ignature of Applicant ll-I-? - 07 Date (i?c cI~ \\-\ B- b' Date Signature of Fee Owner G:\pLAtflformsmevelopment Review Application.DOC Rev. 12/05 Proposed Office / Warehouse Chanhassen West Business Park Addition l') .111.... t Imp~~ . lbtal t.ffrct;B!ldf_~. A~e/lC'; ornct~IIuUIIC~1IIUC1lOar, -...s _ MCMIq;t~ CCJOIIlI kOCll a cu...... stOe IlOOf' _ SlUL.... "'1'11 SOL IlOOf' ll(~ .._/1llI....0I1111/...,....,.,'_~ .. 11:, Of" "l.AliIi II .. . GnOl-.... NOJlCf MfI' __ 10' Cl-.. ... __AC~~.~...'I$c:all(T.....c:a ..lIVIIllllMlllOC 1I(~",1IC c;oca.tlCOOIUC_",lIC ~ ........IlIKJI[PAM;I(I.~"'-"'IIIi ...,.~ ?;?oo_ -.:>I Il(~ tIC tGlnuc_ 10 0t00C 10M .NJD. --. 0I1Uo~ CNP AIOIO~ _ lO.1IIOo.oCoIl1O 1IC "11OI_or tIC MlCMlIlCI, ~ __.ILUlQ.fOll:~_ ..~ III........ ~~~, =~ A2 I A .- i1iii e,-------.-----eJ not r. 1 L'ftMNLC. PRCl...eC ~verQU Site Pion ~ 10"'" IItt_ lU..UI U' CMOo 1P.a-.....,. u. ,.. to\IIDIAG( ..... ..IU (IUlG. """"'1') n...... U_'''c:lJ'CUGI PRO.EC:T o:;rTAA(](~ _" NQP(.h uc _ no APMAlI "'w~" uc _ acr-r lID.......' )If 10 ~ lOl.I"lI'IICWJIhUC-JIf1"~' 1AS,~".......-rlO.........' PARICI'IC RJ"OIJ1M'WrNf!;' _'UllJIIO''''' u.. ~.IlIIOS'. oIC......lIKlUS1Ul-. \&.*....,.., U. arncc 11000 ......." SlALLS n,,,, Lt. -.sf:. I SI.lll.Lf'O U" ..,. ~ ~0I11CNlllo.OGlI ..... ..,taus. 0.""1.000. '''M.I.I. 10'''' ttllAU.S IOlIlL,"""_CUllQMI'AU.1 TOTAL PARKINC PROYlDEO 111 STAllS - Of' ...cH I S R[QUlRED TO BE H.C. AC<<SS8..E: STAUS. I , ARE SHOWN @~~ SIGN DETAL Southeast Corner Perspective ii -""1 -' I I I 0...,L. I ...,.. I 1,..,,__ .~11lOOf' 1_10 =C~:.~~ ~~~~d~= ::"="r"'1lWllC r-_ ........ I ....., LYMAN BLVl5. -------- e'iIII..toICJ, .- @~.~ crNrRA\ Norrs- I. 11(_. CMl. IllIA-.cs ,.. CllAOloO .. III1U1'CS a. XI 111",," toloTMl(" _ IUlU*G AI l~ D<lQ;S J.=o==:"~n(llMCulClAU.~1 ii ..........'DnlClll'P~(ICiIlGIIlMGOlIAWIC:S. .. $IOlACl[ lO.MC..../o.<<lt.O,,_1OIAQ[ -.-U... "1I1C\.ICM_~,*Il.",,"_fVoIl ey.^'-'.......m.N11i->'\."'U1 &lJUllrrlSllrelS'" Nt-\,fIIl!dllull,)I'IS,o;IIJ 1b:illtUHUOU U.W6Jll-117Jti E)t-\lL:~"'*hUll"nlolluull ........n-.H'n'II"'..I'lMIIoft01l".\rn.,.. ....lIlf.\IIl~l>IIl......IN""'II\.~ lil__".'~'Tl...tl_\lII.\llIlY""~1UUl ,,,,,'m''-lNOlnllt.,,,...url,Il,,HllLII _1'",.....\ll~...l1'_ EDEN TRACE CORPORATIO~ t1ISliU\U..OR\cnlRT QW'f"SSc..,<:. WoI553IT lfl,".JJ36I.oi'12 F.\XIOr>2I.1fiI072.1 f'RtJJEL1'ux.:.nl.lt"I: G.\I.1'L\" BL\D.' LUL\N BlVD. OL\Mt\..'>.'X:N.)L'( lot I. a...t 2 lltllWINGO\\'Nrn,<;; Snap Fitness 2025 [1....'" DMi Suiif' 200 Ot\fl.llAS..'il:JIi,U'l55317 Business hllpact Group lM7bOl4.l,[)rt\.\,BlSt UL\.\1L\S."iCN.)r<f:.r..117 REVISED SITE PU\N SUBMmAL SET $I1~"","f;I."'''''.\l.T PREL~ IL'l/ARY ONLY NOT FOR COXSmUCflON JOOI 0.\TE /)H....WN QIECKfO ""'.., utl9-07 '" HI' SrrEPLlJI A1.0 @~I,~.~.~~OR PLAN 'i ll.unli'dSWC'Usw NrwBrill!II\nU"5:i11J ll'>.,1l 6.11 {J..>(l) Cli\'(JhJ9-9n6 F..'L\I~ l\lLol!hwwln.ntlm ,........IJ'Jlll"l_ln."..'._.....TlI\,. _......05'_'...".... ..,......'" ,_n "'_lIO".'~I....I'_"'''..l\..'...'~ ....lfi~n\_t1t~,.'''nJ:5'T.\ll... __,"l"'~~lL\ll_ EDEN TRACE CORPORATION 8156 M.\U.lllW nllm UL-\NIL\SSL'\j,U'l~17 \U521:Jlo1-V,H fMlfl521l6J.()T.!J "RnIHT l0CA1Ul; GAl P\.'IIHl....D,l1.\)!,I..'lRI....D. (.H.\NtL\SSl::N,Mr\ lOlI,BIocJ;.1 lll'lUlI.\'GO\t.\l'Il'i: Snap Filness 20lS CMer Bl\'d SUiltl 2UO Qi.\.,'H.-\......,~:N, lINSSJI7 Business Impad Group 187UOL~I>rtw.1Oast aL\.'\lIl....<;..<;EN.MN,....~117 REVISED SITE PLAN SUBMITTAl.. SET .........""" _.-...,. 1'lC:l..I*<\It'l-.:llIrrsn !Il11:fUt."",-IMTV.l>CT PRELIMINARY ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION JOllI D.\TE [)lv..WN OI:CKfO """" .,"'''' hh "" R.OORPL\N A2.0 ~'Dil !Il. I z I I ~H 0 cwo l/') ~!: U t;; M iH~ u- '" >-:5ij . ~~,. I :1 . ;;!;: ~ 1~ So o~'" ~~ < ~!~; .5g. i1lC::::;:!l 0:::"-6 ~..- ~~Z" ~ f-= __a g .__/x. =-~! ::: ...,.... ~B ~b::O 'C~~~ ~ ~!! 1G~ ~ a"'; ;...cw~o , ~ =::t i! ~w lilt ~i~ ~Q 2~~ 1 ~z~ - ~" e~ : , fil8 = '-'$ "iQ ; ~>u; ~.~~ ~ ~ i ~ '" ~o iO ::0 , i ~z = ~BH ! . '" I, 08 ...;:;~s E , . all '" " " " " " !! " H H _JO f1 " H " !! :: " " :l ii , - l , , i , i i ! : , , : , : , i ~ I -~ " " q - , H H ii " =~ :: :: :: :: " " :: -~~ 1: . , l! :: " -"" ." - :: " !! " :: :: -1l ii " :: " -JJ " : :t &1[3 ~ [3 I[3 i ~ [3 z o 1Ij:: "< ::> ""-' ::[j ~ " . ::1- ~ I tlJ')- ::~i ::> :: " " H --u I I t I . a 5 i , i I i f r ; 1111 I ! ~ 01 I I I i II!'!III ill i I~J!I:.. I II I u! h J J II .. i 1;...,lIi i i a 1I1,.!;:..lilll 5 II!J'fll~lltlll 110It'!.J"JJJ 11.i'.h!li,lilll ...~ .!lr lr lr II i H II ~ II ! inn; t:Jt:!t:JtiJWtiJtiJ[<J[<J[<Jt:J[<JtiJ I : I I I i I . f ii' I I · I I ~ · i I II i II Sa I la',lt i I Ituls .1 II! ,IiHU I !i ffi ~t!:BUUl!lU lr ~~:!:I.I.lIlJhll ~I ~ q ,. J ' ~ ~ I Q If I t ~I ;11111. ; ; ; : n n II [3 [3 El [3 El[3~[3 tiJ tiJ [<Jt?] GRAllING NOTES: 1} CON'TRAC~ SHAil CONTACT 'COPH[R ST....t( ON( CALl' AT LEAST .t" HOURS PRIOR TO [lCCA,VATlOH/CONSTRUCTtOtt nlR EXIST1NQ UNOERGROUND lfflIJTY LOCATlI)IIlS. 1WItt effiES '-IURO AAEA: fl~I-4~OOO2 OR TOLL-FllEE: 1-800-2~2-116fl. 2) CONTRACtOR SHAlL F1ELD VERIFY THE LOCATIONS AND ElEVAnoNS OF' EXIST1NC UTILJrC> AND TOPOCfW'H1C F!AT\,lR[S Pf!IOR TO START Of SITE CIlAOINC. THE CONTRACTOR SHAll. IWlotEDlATELY NOTIfY lli( PROJECT [~"'EER Of /1Hr DISCRfPANCIES OR V~TlONS. 3) surrABLE GRADING .....TrRIAL SHAll COtfSIST OF AU SOlI.. O/COUKrrRED ON SIT!: wmt THE: EXCEFfJON fJT TOPSOIl. DEBRIS, ORGANIC .....TfRW..., AND NIt OTHER lMSTAlllE w.TtR...... 4) SUflCRAO[ EXCAV,I,T1OH SfW..L!lE 8oIoCKF1t..UD "'WOl.AffiYN"TER EXCAVATION TO I"flP 0fF"SET Nff STAflIL.JlY PROBL[t,lS DUE TO WATER SHPAC[ OR SlUP SLOPES. WfI.1OI !'\.ACING NEW SU!UC,t.C( w,Tt:'Rw. oI.D.W:f:N1' TO EXISTING P"'~OlT. THE [XCAVATlOtt SHALL BE BACKfllLro PROIM'TI-Y TO AVOID UN[)[RI,lININD 1l1E EXtSl1NC PAvn.lEN'T, 5) CONTRACTOR SHAlL BE RESPONStSlE roA ..u. HORIZONTAL AND \UlTICAl COHTI<Ol. 6) ALl. [X~s ""mnAL lNClJ.IOINC BIT\.MNOUS Sl/RF"AClNG. C()NC~ A8ANOOH[l) UTIlITY 1TEW5, NolO IoNf OT\iER Uli\JSA8l.E .....TtRw.5 SAAl. Il[COloIE THE PRQPERTY OfF THE: CONl'RACTOR AND SHAll (IE DISPOSEO on' fH( CONSTRUCTION 5fTE. 7) COlM'tETlON OF' SIT[ CIllDINC OPERATlONS SHALL RE'SUlT '" ALL AREAS BEINe CIWlED TO 'PLAH SUeGAADE ElLV"TlON'. THE rOUNOATlOH N<<) BVlLOlNG PAD DIUENSIONS SHAlL BE OCTERllllt-lED BY REfERRING TO THE ARCHITECTURAl AND/OR !>mUCTUAAl. OAAWlNOS. THE HORjlON'lAl D1I.1ENSlONS AHD lOCATION Of THE PARI(ING LOT AND ORMWAY AREAS SHAll BE DETERMINED BY REfERRING TO THE SITE PlAN. f}.IE P",,"U.IENT SECTION AHD SUB8ol.SE SIW...l. BE COORDlNol.TED wml TWE G(OTECHNICAl REPOIU. 8) FlNISHED GROUND AOJACOlT TO PRoposrn BUIl..DIMGS Sl-W..l lIE SlOPED "WAY AT A MINIMIJIol OF tI INCHES IN 10 FnT (5.OX) fOR f}.I[ f1RST 10 f'EIT, EXCEPT ~R[ NOlID ON PlAN. BEYOND 10 f!U, REfER TO Pl..AH GRol.DES. .) CONTRACT~ IS RESPOWSI8LE fUR CAADlNG THE flNfSHED GROUND SUR,ACE AHO CONSTRUCTlNC PROPOSED PA'-UIENTS, Sl[)[WAU<s, Nro CURB II CUTTER wml SloIOOf}.I II UNifORM SlOPES TO PlKMDE POSrrNt OIWNool.CE AWAY FROM BUIlOINCS AND PREVENT PONDlNG IN lOWER AREAS. CONTACT ENGINEER F F1ElD ADJUSTlolENiS TOCRAOiNG~SAR[REOUIREO. 10) lHSTAll. A IolIffiMIJIol Of" 4 INCHES OF CLASS 5 ACGREGol.1T B4SE UtttR All. PROPOS['[) CUftB AND ClJfTER. 11) RUtR TO STORWATER POlumON PREVrh'TlON PlAN (SWPPP) f"OR OETALS ON EROSION II srnllENi CO/IlTROl PRACTICES. t<lCLUO!MG INSTAUATION AND WAlNTDUHCf: PROCrnURE$. EROSION COtmlOl StW..1. BE 116TAUn) NolO NSPf:CT[tI PRIOl' TO foJf'( SITE GfW)lHC. , 2) COM'RACTOR Sl-W..l NanN THE CITl' A lollNlMut.I OF 48 HOUflS PRIOR TO WORKING wmllN f}.IE RIGHT-OF-WAY AND O(T[RlIlIN[ F CITY INSPECllON WIU. BE REQUIRro. 13) RETAINING WAllS OYER fOUR fUT HIGH MUST BE DESIGNED BY A PROfESSIONAl ENGINEER AND A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTlOH .LEGEllD -"""=- ----"""""-- PROPUlT'l' UN[ EASEU[WT UN[ TIP-OUT CURB UN[ ._._____ 1-4-s SAHlT"RY st:wrR . WI MANtia..(: --L I _ -1- 1_ WATER MAIN wI nR[ HYlJfIAJ<tTIIAUX.VAlVE CAT[ VAlW: "''''''''' -44--41'-4~-c CA~:;:~::W -..---4 _t>l>'_Rn:;~~~pSEcnOH MAJOR CONTQlJR LINE -__, '^l.'-., 1.1INOR CONTOVR UN[ ............................ [l)G(Of'mns PrRC'OIT CRAOE/blI'AlHAGt SLOP[ [W:RGENCY OVERFlOW DRAINAGE RETAINING WAll. nPE 1 EROSICl't CONTROL SILT rENt( TWE 2 EllOSlOH CONTRCl. SILT f'ENC[ INLET PROTECTICl't ~ -- - .~ [J[][)[J[)[)[). -0?0ooooo- I:) ~~~,;_::;J c:::::==:J IffimllmillI 'l:ll1U/; c::::::J ;::J STAHt>ARD DUN PAVEMENT HEAVY OUN PAVEUENT CONCRETt PA'wnlENT c::::::J ROCK CONSmuCTION ENTRANt( EllOSlCJ(CONlRQ..fll...lNKn" GUTlER/PAVEloI[NT E1..EV. """''' , '._- /' ..'12- :'.: -,~~-\t\-r\\"\ e rttT ---4r:~,o;~~,-.:.... BIT\JtolINQUS [DC( -.. / I I I II , I I I h ! 'S_'.o.:: ~ '\,. :961 ~_ AA~~ _ _;;;;~~_______Jl6l!~=~-- EXISTINC COtolTOlJltS ~ c:ow9lNATlON OF Sl.lRVE'I'ED TOPOGRAPHY, DESlCM CONr0UR9 FOR ....=. [~._._ -.~:~~iF _ . ------=o~:~~-~~~,~~--- -- ':_----,~ N D. '--_C~:::-:"~_":c_~_~::_~_~::_=_~_:.::_::..;:;;;::".,_ -------- ''--::,:;:-'";,., 0.......:I8t: J8 O.......Bt: JJ Chec:bdBy. 'H r- CHANHA~~':."~ST LOT 1 I r=-15.07 I ['GRADING & EROSION CONTROL PLAN I rC 1 I 'Ml~III_ber: I2Mt~ 1-...,1IrtIfW1hIl""'...._"'-"IIr....._ ..,._~..__I_.L_""'-...... ~_.......IIf.......IIf---. K~u...:. --~~ 0.: -1t.'!!tL-- ..... _ --1Pt!- --,:~-- lliOlIOnt__ =-~~:.,- "'1G_~IlW."'1 ~~',::--;=:,,~, --- Schoell Madson ".,... "9_ ....,.. EDEN TRACE CORP. IU'.a/lofyC-' CMnhu-. MN 15305 ('10)'''''712 lIT1lJTY CONSTRUC11QH Ham;: I) COtmlACTOA SHAll. CONTACT 'CoPHOl STATE ON( CJrU' AT LEAST 48 HOURS PR~ TO (XCAV,I,TlOH/CONsmucnoN ~ EXISTING UNOERGROUHD unUTY lOCilTlOHS. TlI'1N cmES III(lllO NfEA: 6~1-"~4-OOO2 OR Tou.-fREE; 1-800-252-1161!1. 2) PRIOR TO CONS1RI.ICT1ON. tl1[ CONlAACTOR SfW..l. nno VUllf'Y AU. [XlS11NG UT1UTY l()CJ,TlONS AND ~ SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN. IH( ~SCRU'ANCY 8ElWUH PUHS >>40 f1ElD COM:llTIONS StW..L BE RE:PORitD TO TH( PROJ{CT [HCINITR IWt.lEDlAfELY. 3) THE CONfRACTOR SHAll IJERtfY THE: LOCATIONS ..,..0 n[VATlOffS OF lHE BUl.D!HG PIPE SYSTnl PRIOR TO COHSTlWCTINC SEIlVICE CONHE:C'OON$ 4) Al.L lJT'VT'T WORK SHAU. BE P[ArQflW[O IN ACCOROANCt WITH em SPtclflCATlOl<fS ANO 8UIlO1HG PERwrr REQUIREWENTS. ~lO" SHAlL COOROl....l[ 'Il'QRl( 'Ilmt AlL lJTlJfY COWPANI(S. 5) WAT[Rr.wN SHAU. BE C-9OO PVC CO'ffQRlIfHQ TO THE RE~twOltS OF ANSI/A.""A ~1/Al1.51 ANI) Cl04/AlU. FlTTlHGS SHAlL BE cuss 2~ CONfORUlNQ TO THE REQU1REWE~ Of olHSl!AwttA CIIO/"2I.IO OR ~/AWWA Cl53!All.Sl. HYDFWrT5 SHAU. BE THE PACER AS t.lANUfACTURED 8T WATI:ROUS co. OR CfTY APPROVUl EOt>>L CATE VAlVES SfW..l BE $1"'1:;1..[ DISC TVPE WITH RESlUE:HT 5f.AT wrEnNC THE R[Qt)IROiEN'TS Of "'_A C509. AU. PlUGS, TEES. BENDS....O OTHER THRUST POIKTS sw.u. BE PROVIDEO WITH CONCRrTE R[AC'T1ON BACkING OR WECA LUG. AU. WAITRlolAIM SIW..L BE INSTAll1:D Wmt A WIN1WUW 0.. 7.S' ~ AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH AW<<A ClIOO AND COHOUCTM1Y PlW'.1Sl0N$ CONFORMING TO ANSI/AWWA C11I/AlI.1I. BEfORE BEWC PUCro IN SUMCE, THE COIM'LETED WATERt.IAlN SI<ALl BE OONF"ECTED AND Fl.USI-IED IN ACCOfm,lHC( WfTW IoWWA C~I AND THE REQUIR[l,lomi or THE IoltNNESOTIo OEP~ OF HEAlTH. 6} s.t.NlTAR'I' SEWER SKo\U. BE PVC SDR-26 UNLESS HOTrD 01HERWlSE. SANITAA'Y """"'1iOLES SHALL BE 45. Dw.IETt'R PRECAST RElNFDRCED CONCREll IN ACCORON<<:E WITH ASTlrl C47S. CASTlNG SI<ALl BE NEENNt "-1&42 wrTH 'M>f: '" COVER. Mo\HHOL(S SHIolL WoVE A IoIINlMUW OF" TWO AND A WAXlt.lUt.l or r~AO.JUST\lENTRlNcs.. 7) STORIol SEWER SI-Wl. BE DlW.. WAU. HOPE PIPE OR APf'RO'IEO EOUAl.. STORIol IMNHOlLS SHALl. EtE 45. Dw.trnR PRtC*ST RrINrQRCro CONCRUt NIO CASTlttG SIW..L BE NEENAl-! R-17JJ. CATCH 9ASIHS SflAU. BE PREC\ST RrINrORCEO CONCRETE AND CASTING sw.u. at NEOWi R-32~-B OR APPROVED [OVAl rOR CATCH BASINS I,. CURB UNE AND NEEHAH R-1733 WITH ~ -Co (;RATt OR APPftOVED EOUAL f"Ofl B"-SlNS IN THE 1ol100LE OF PAVED AREAS. IoU.. STORW STRUCTURES stWJ.. BE IN IoCCORONlCE WITH ASTU C47S AND .....VE A ...NlIolUW OF 2 AND A IIWIWIol or 4 A[)JUSTIol(NT RlNoliS. B) AU. PIPE CONHECTlONS TO EXlS1lNC IJTUtY STRUCJ\.IRB SIW..L BE 'll:Qft-N-SEAl" OR CITY N'PflOVEO EOUAL rOIl: COtfCRETE BlOCK OR 9RICI( STRlJC'TUflES. CONSlRI.ICT AN OPENrNC EDUAl. TO THE PIPE SIZE. CROUT NlOUMO PIPE TO ClOS( Of'f:NING, AHO REPAIR SllM::l1JRE TO CITY REQUIRo.lENT5. THE CONTRACTOR SHAU. \'{RIfY THe TYPE OF" COJlNECTlON WITH CITY Et<<:1NfIRIl'tG DEPARTIolENT AND COORt)INATt JNf NSPEClKlNS NEEDED rOR CfTY ACCEPTNtCE. 0) COtmRACTOR SIW..L nno ADJUST AU CASTlNG$ 10 IllATCH FINAl. CIWlES. 10) CO~ WIll BE RESPONSIIll[ ~ OBTAlNlttG THE APPROPRlATt SEWER. WArm, AND PLUt.lBINO PERlolrrs AQIot THE CITY'S 8I..M-DING DfPARTWENT. 11) UTl.l'TY TRtNCHES SIW!. BE CQt.lPAClUl TO l~lIIi STANOAAO PROCTOR WAXn..II.IW DRY OCNSITY (ASTIot 0&98.711 OR MSHlO T-99) fROW THE PII'E ZONE TO WITHIN THREE rtrT Of" THE GROUND SURr...:t AND 100llli STANDAAO PROCTOR IN THE UPPOl lHR[( tEET 12) CO~OR SHAI..l NOl1FY THE CITY A IolINIWUM or 43 HOI.JftS PRIOII TO WORKING WITHIN THE R1GHT-or-WAY. CITY INSPf:CT1ON lMY BE REQUIRED DURING CONSTRIJCTK>N or l1T1IJTY SERVICES TO EXIS1lNC l1TllITY WJNS. 13) THE CONTRACTOR IAJST CAll THE CITY TO INSPECT THE CONNECTION TO THE SANITAA'Y SEWER. .LEGEHll JllQ!'QSDL -""'lIllO.- _PROPERTYUNE ------- [ASOl[NT LINE TIP-OUT CURB UN( "-1--, SANITARY SEWER wI WANHOlE ~l- WATtR "AlN w/nRE HYDRANT II AUIt VAl'o'E GAlt VAl'o'E '<O<IC" CATOi BASIN/STORW -11--(, SCYl(R/I.IANHOlE _ ~~ _ cti Fl.ARED END SECllON wI R1PRAP :~ ::. _.'':- ~ :',:. RETAlNINC WAU. c::::J 'U'U)." .-i-. ~,- _i1~--4 -..-. c::::J ..wIR......ion o.toI: Onel ~~~~~~~:==~~:~:-~=-~~:~:=:: , .j--."'lr \ I', \ \ , ' " {~_ ____ ~l \ ' \ -.,...-,-'''' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_~\-~.~ , ..- " ( U_'L~LU,'~~'" L~ e , ' ' rm ,ft r~ ~------1 ~ 'L-...._.~., -, \ i I I I I ~VD;- WARN~' --- =-=-~=~=--:::...-..:.::-::..-:-~~..:..._ THE comRACTOR SHALl.. CONTACT.1oll PV8UC lInLmES -- ~.~--.~..:~___ ~~~~s,~~~z..~N~~Ot~~"'-- - __ _ --~~~__~__ _ _._ __ __ _ _ _ ._. _ _ _ _ ~~~~~G:?~o~~~=-:': _ _ __ ---- --- --____ ~, ~~>~-~~:._~_:'_ \ \ ~- I'*-Y-""'........,...._~..._.~ ..,tI....~.....I_.L_,...---.. ~~..._,,--,,-- .ff;.t..~~ o.-.:---1t.1!.I!.....-- btI.....---!nIL- ~8r. ........-- o..loi*isr; J' D_Br. JJ ~,; 'H EDEN TRACE CORP. Itst.dolyC__ CMRtI--. IfM S53llS (tIJ2)Hl412:l1 ~I'.'- CHANHASSEN WEST LOT 1 110";.,507 CHAtlM.UlI!Il,_ I ~-,.. I ~ UTILITY PLAN ~ SIIlI ProJ-GI NumHr: I2Ml~ 1_~-"" ....--""' TJV.l4f.... fl'G'.'" lll'O~ClIIdIIIW.""1 ~::'\::-:=,nal -- Schoell Madson I'IImIng Enol"""'v ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~i' ~ L~ i '~. i ~ e~' i !~~~ ~ ~:~. ~~ ~;~~ ~;a a:~rDi ~ . ~ 3; ~ ; ~ t; ~ !~ ~~ ;~ ! ~ a ~ -~ ~~ : :~ ~~ i~ ! i ~~ ~ ~ !~ ~t~ ~ . i~ ~~ ~~ i g!~ ~. g ~,~~, o ~ ~. _ ~~ e ! ~~ ~8 i .~ s;~ ~ 0 ~~ ~. 0 f ~~ g~ ~ <~ ~.. ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~I i h i~ ~ ~~ ~u~ ! . i ~~ i ~e 3 l5 . l5~ ~ ~ g; ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ 8~ ~ ~ ~i ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~d5 B ~ 3 ~~ . ~. , t ~o ~~ ~ ~ ~o ~..~ ~ ~ Hi> ~~ ~! ~ g i ~i ~ p! ~ ;~~ ~ ~ ~ g i'i; ;; ~~ d ~ ~~ ~~ ~ s i~ i~~~ e ~ ~ 0 ii 8 ~ 9 .~. 13 ~. ~ ~< h'~ ~ ~ d ~i'i ~~ ~i ~ ~ ~.'~;i ~ ~:~ ~m - ~ ~ ~ ~i ~. t~ - i~. ~- ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !~. ~~. ~~ ~ ~ ~~ s€ I. i ~~! ~:~i ~ g ~ ~ ~.. ~~~ ~ · ~ '."'~ 8 ~~. g~_o ; H ~ ~~h;n; ~ n; ii d qi Bi~; ~ ~ ~ ; ~"z l5~. · ~ l5 I~ 8f ~. ~.~ ~..~ . u 3'8 B ~g ~ ~;' ~.- .~'" . ~ i ~~g ~~~ ~g ~ ~ u '. I' ~ ~g ~~oe i ~ ~ ~ ~~i ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~!~ il ~ ~ e il ~~;~ ! ~;! igi ~g~ !;I ~~ ~,. ~~ i :. i ~- II~; " ~ ~ · ~~. i~~ · ~~ ~!!~ ~i- ~ ;Ii ~ f~ :*8~ Ii ~ i ~ .~~ i'i~ ~ 2 i ~~ i ~ ~o ! n .~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~. ~~ .~. ~~ . S i- 0 ~~~. ~ i i; i ~~t i~~ ~~ ii:'~ <i ~ ~~ ~ i: ~~~~ :3 ~ ~ ~ g n!~ ~~i~; !~ i h !i ~ ;~ :~! a~~ ~ ~ iH ~ n~~ ~~i ~u ~n ~I~ :d Ii i h I!~i @ ~ u n ~ !:~ ~i: ~~i ii ~ i~~ ili ;i ! i~ !iii u ~ ~ ~ i i gi ~~~ g~~ ~ I ~~~ g~ ~ .; i ~~ ~I~! ~ ~ I~ ; i! il !ii Ii; !! II;i Ii III! iU I:h ~ . ~f ... ... " .a~ ,,~~ ,,8~ ,,~ " eJ :~ ,; ,;~ t ~~~ ~ih . DO ~ I I i Op J' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" ~ . ~ I i ~Oo . i ~t>~ ~i . ~ . g~i3 gg 3 ~ iI :::~ ~ ~ ~ H ~ :. Ro !~~~~~ ~ ~ J ~S. oe~ In . g ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ H ~~~. ~ ~ ! ~ W ~ ~. ~ Vi H I~ ~ ~ il ; i ~ ~ ~ q ~ _ ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~~ ~.~ >"'~H'" ~.. !i~t"~.'~ I ~ n ::J ~ ~ ~ g r ~ ~ ~~ g · q · · p h ~ i . ~ ~ 21 ~ I h. ~ ~ H ~ i . ~ ~ ~ g ~il u ~ ~8 z..a~i3' ~ 0.' '" ~ ~ ~ ~ q ! l i ~ i ; i i ~ i~ ~ :! . N:: N :!: ~ :: ~ ;;; ~ i ~ ~ a ~~ ~ ~ H" n~UiH~i ~ ~ ii . I "'''' "'''' zc.: f::5 Zcr j'" o..c.: ,...,f'l <... zog -< f-< i5 c .., i ~~>i ~ g3iu ~ ~ ~ ~ J i i I ~ i ~--~-~- -~- -=:.:0--:"- -------=-- .-/' ~~-- -~./ ~ --=~~- ----------------- -===--==-- ~- ~~~--~ ,t ~-=-.~ \, --==-~ ~=---~-- . ' . , I ~ ," ..- :;\ . ~~!~ ~ .~._~" ~H"~ ~;3i~g " ~~;d~ j!; ~~~iii ~ j~i~i~ :~l5 ,,~~~ ~~~.~~ ~~~~~8 ~~!~ I 'u I, ~ ~TI!~~ Ii ~: 0 ~ ~0~ ~ ... ~ !; J-I ! I ! - l- e -' z Ii; :5 ~~ ::; zi ~ ~~ ~ .0: z ~ :5 .0: X U J ..: a: e . ~l!~ U ii- ~'!' :;;.a ~ w c w !P Iii I;~ I Hi IIi t !J"f .- . i~lil !!! .. _Ill.. ~f "O~ ~[ <l>~ c ~f ,: .... 1 : i J ! ~ ~ . I _ RAIN GARDEN NOTES I. S[[I..ANOSCN>[FVHNolOOETAIl.Sl-arsF'OR~PI)HT1NCSN<<)CD4ElUrl PUHTING lNSTAU.J,noH. 2. PRCMOE AND INSTAlL EROSION CONTROL BlJ"NK(f AT RAIN .Am GAAOEM AArA S1DESlOPES. BlANKET TO BE ONE SfASOt\I (;EOGUTr. WNOOT CATE:GORY 2(~W IS, WOOD tlBfR 15), OR APPll:C1vfil [QlW... B1..ANK[T TO Il[ 0VERlN"P{I) BY 4" AND ANCHOR[[) BY SOO SlAPlf5. PI.J,C[ Ilt.NII<ET PERPENDlCUI..AR TO THE SLOPE. TRENCH 1M EDCES Of' Bl.ANI(Ef AREA TO PREVENT UNDER WINING. PRCMOE SilT rENCE AT TOP Of SlOP( /oS HEEDED. 3. 5HR(OO[D HAAOWOOD WUlCH TO *T04 OrnER PROJECT Pt.>>lTING t.IIJlCH. PLACE ... DEPlH Of MULCH AT AU. P\.ANTI!'oIO ANtI EROSION C~OL 9lJ"NI(ET ARtNNO FUER FABRIC). 4. SOllPffOflLEOfTH[ItAINWA~GARDENASINOlCAT!DONDETM... DRAlH11lE: TO BE AT BOTTQlr,I Of PROflL[ AND CONNECTED TO STORW SEWER SYSTEM, COt.lPACllOH AND/OR SOil. [ROSKlN IN Tl€ Il.AlN GAROEH SOIL PROfl.E IS NOT AllOWED. REMOVE AND REPlACE AS NtED TO PI<<NIOE PROPER INf1LTRAllOtt ANtI ORAlNotGE R[OUIREWENTS PER ENGINEERS N'PROV'*L !S. INSTAll IN ACc:tJRD,.\NC[ WITH CITY, WATrRSHrn, ANO/Oft lCU R[QUIFtELlENTS. I. PROVIOE A 2 'YVoA WARRANTEE roR PlANT MAlIRW.. UPON PROJf:CT SUBST.4HTw.. C0IotPlE110N. _ RAIN GARDEN PLANT LIST COllE OTY CQt.lIolON NAM[MTlN NAME OZE ROOT REl,4ARK$ "" .. SAU.OW SE:DGE ....ua SEEDUNG Pl.AHT 1"" D.C. Cor..lunda "'" "'A .. 'wmM ....ua "''''''''' PI.ANT 1". D.C. Iri.v.....lcolor "'" '" '" BROWN MD SUSAoN "''' SEEDlING ~ J:'.[~5Pr Rudbe<:klo,...bl~OtIO ,we 100 BUTTERnYWIIJ(WEED ....ua SEEDlING PI.AHT 11"" D.C. ....cIeI>IOIltube"'... SlOESlOPE "" .. GOLDEN ALDWtOERS ...." SttDUNQ PI.AHT 111- O.CO li.;.. SlUE:SlOPE "'" '" REO CARDINAL fLOWER "''' StEOlINC PI.AHT 18- D.C. lob"~ c..rd;nlln. "" Be, , BLACK CHOKEBERRY ,.. 12 CONT. PI.AHT 5.-0- D.C. AIon;ca....llI<IOC..'l'lI >IT. e.o.sE I SIOESlOPE: OUANTnlES SHOWN IN THE Pl..NmttG SCHUlUU ARE fOfl lliE CONlfW;lOffS CO~E.NCE. COHTIlACTOR TO VERIFY OI..WmTIES SHOWN OM THE PI..AN. 4J-BrS /- 'B-",,^ RAIN GARDEN- ENLARGEMENT SOUTH OF PARKING LOT ~"7= mmr= B """"~'''''"'''''''- ~","" II ...... i~T" '. :"''':5'..' .~""'" ~ ItL.... l:,'f.. CONiAIN[R STOCK 1. SCARlFYSIlDNCl8OT!OUrEIO.L l. Pl'lOCfiD wmt COR~E~ f'Rl.INHC AS DIREctED rrr EMClNtElt. :OO:~I<j(~.Il:ANJ SCQllE 0fI PM\JN( ~q: OF SOlI.. w.ss rn ItEDll[CtCIIICtJNC f"8lIlCIU! 4. SET fIl..NiT OH UI'OSTI./RllEO....~ SOIl. Oft TWl)lIlOOQt.YCOW'ACTttl tw:kFU~ATlH!: 5N11EDEFn4("'Pfl:OP[Il)ASIfWAS~~TliEJ<<..IRSERY. IS. I#'Ft.YWAlUlTOWTU:PI.ANl'5ANDfl.1."'tl<<lS.CONSTlII.ICT3MOEJOn4..TtRNG~ I."TUI~Y'IIfTll""2~ 7. PlACEWIA.C"'Ilffi1IN...HOURSrETHE5(COI'lD....lERJ<tOlH.E5SSOI,.WOISTUl(IS(XCBSIIIL U SnRUB CONT. PLANTING DETAIL '.T>. ~"';::" r~rnEI.""'''__co'''''''''' t . ~ ...;R~W.).>.~...:. ,"" \"'" ""-... co """"""'" ,.. "" 1 ~7;~.:c.~,'__~/ ___;:~:=....I.........._ '~~WIW'.ST.lrRTATIIOTTOlol. ;. Ii Y D~ IlINC WI 40 DD'TM lIU.CH ~ I'VoNTINOSOl. IIoIIN. I .,._....._~.~ . =:.~ItLN'I/3OFROOTBAU.>>lD"[I,I()\/[All . .-:-",;' 'lWINE AND W\RE.. hI ' .~. NOTE: UNllISTl!R8EDSOI.OftCOl/l'ACmI!W;I(fll . . STmP0ST5lOllENl1TCHroOlllOllll.LrDTORttNMcuYWlIlt'S.PI.ACE C",,"T1"'" OUTSI()[OFIIOOT&otLOM:M:PlUlol8IlfGARDLfSSOFCIlOUND$lOf>E. ~ 1l[QU[S1STOSUBST11VT[RIJBIIEIl: HOSE AND WIRE W\"lNQ S'l'iTDISWlL1. NOTBEAF'f'lllM:D. ~""""'''''''' "".... ~.......=.o~~ '. '. AS APPlICMU ~~_, ..,y-IlIOlA.l.NO ..'J," - ," _"'--. ..... ,. EXTO<<J[IlO'CAVAT1OfrlANDIIoOOCFUSOI.rnAl'OM'llOWI\I!ll(lf'f[QUI<<.TOOftlowtlt.. n..rw.11ON TOWl THE 8OTTOW OF THE HOU ~C1I.Y 9f1lfAlll 1>€ f'lN,If 10 II6lM( .<DIOUATE DIWIlAC(~tOWSOllS. CfW'lIUI.NIISOI.WUS'll(oIIOOIDM8ACllflU....ARE.A5OfPOOll ....- o PLANTING DETAIL FOR STEEP SLOPES 'TS. AVE. AUOVNT or WATER PER ~_ ~""!UCATlO"!.(GAl.2 """"'''''''''''''''' TRE[S (].. CAUPER+) _50-100 """'. """^""'" """ ". ,at BAR[ ROOT TREES ~ A BURlN'Pro ....."""''''' CONTAINER SHRUBS WOOtn'SffDU~ HlR9ACEOUS ~,." VINES 1) nlE WArrRlNG GUIOEUNE'S ASStJWE A SOIl CONDITION Willi AO[QUATE BUT NOT EXctssM: [)It POOR [)RAI1<UlCE. WATERING INTERVAlS AND ~UNT Of' APPUCAllON MUST BE VAI'lI(D CONSIDERING PREVAILING SOlI.. lolQlST\JRt AND WEATHf.R CONOIllONS THROUGHOUT niE GROWINC SfASOM. AOEO~TE BUT NOT EXCESSIVE SOIl lol()lSTUR[ IN THE ROOT lONE Of NEW PlAHTlNG$ MUST aE UAlNTAIN(O AT ..u TIIoIES THROUGHOUT mE CROWING SEASON FOfI THE FIRST TWO YEARS FOllOWING Pl..NmNG. WATERINC loIA.Y BE REQUIRED WEEKLY OR INm(QUENTLY. THIS tlET[RloIlNATIOH SHALl. BE loIA.O( BY niE CONTRACTOR. -----.....JtlN~OfPL.AHTlNGHOl..[ NOTE: /- STAMfoKlCl.1'1'NQI5NOT>>mc:PAtm ;;~-- ~ ""TS ~ """" "" (,,,,,om. -." [f \ ~~~~~/CltYlNO \' 1II.lflS Of ItOO'I 5YSTE\l DUERIoIHED 8T THE DIQI"'EElt TIlE \, I llU"I'IN:lsmtw ~~WITIl~MST:O" '- ::- POST TRU SlAKINC/Gl.MNGl 1l[T...... ------ fi.M!...I'IEl'! 3\ TREE PLANTING, STAKING/GUYING DETAIL C) WATERING GUIDELINES ----------------- 959_______ -- 4J-Brs --, 4t1-~ 49-BF"C SCALE'-.IO' 0"......1y: Schoel! Madson ~E~S~ 1......,-trrr..........._,..,....lIr_....... ..............-......_I_.L_,.,.,....,.. ~~....... .......,.......,....... '" _______ J-.,......__ I """- o..:~,...,_~ ChecIledBr: D_Iy: 2) THE CONTRACTtl'l IS ADVISED THAT THE WATERING CUlDEUHfS AAE NOT REOUrROlENTS OF" THE CONTRACT AlTl-lOU~ FAIlURE TO CORREct WATER DEFlCITS BY SuPPlEIoIOilAl WATERIN; [)It fAIlURE TO COIolPfNSAT[ fOfl tXCESSIVE SOIL WQI$TUR:E AND OfI.AJNAGE F'ROBl..EWS IllAY RESULT IN UNACCEPTA8Ll PLANTS lE.AOIttG TO REOUCED 011 NO PAYIol[NT. _WASH/llEOJUTE 0l0SI0M COIrnlOl. r.-.::(WN/OOf 3M]. lYPt: 2') ON S<<SLOPES Of '"'-1\1 DR CIlEATEIl ANCJo.c<< rABlllC WITIl SOD STAPUS _PlIlOVIOE."OYDll..o'IP. lRDlQlOlGD~rllBRlCtO ~~.COVEJIwmt4.IIEPTMSHIl:EDll[J)t'.olIlDWOOO..lU:tI ~~S -70l1; SMa. (5l!; f'ASSINC TIlE '200 ~ NCl A ~lNOFSO'IPASSlNC'M!:'40SIEVL) -.3OlI; ORGoloNlC (PElT woss. H'IPMIIiI Oft SPHNHJU) FPRCMOE SflMl(T IIMIN AT ,Ill. INlETS W!1H IlIP fW'. VEM'Y 8o'SIN SlZE(3'XS'U' DEEP "1M.) AND _ _ 'M'[ P(II: PVH. AND/OR wml ~~=~~WAmt IWlllEN lU I( OIlY wmtN 24 !lOUR PEIllOO. lINtESSDESlCNEDOTHEJr/IISE. 3. COHTRN:10f1 lU PIlCMX IWIrl ....rot ~ tfFl.1Il:AT1Ofrl 'It51ING "., CCWl<;[Fl.TDtACCRECATE(WnDOT314UH) :r~~CH.~MQfITE(;1.f'IIIIOIII1Q~IlUo\T1ON Cl:D1fJlTUr.>8fllC-T'I'PI:'I"""OOTJ7J3),12"0IA.wrM. O'JERf1.OW STOR'" SEWER WHHOlE 011 CATCM BASIN. NEENAH R-25111 BEEHIVE: CASTING A F1W.IE. _~I l I~_ """'''''''''"''''''"'''........ J, ~, DRAINTlLEI OVERFLOW ~ ..- DfWN11l[ CDNNHT Tn ~. I "'\10\" S[W[A Oft [Iol.YUGHT o RAIN GARDEN- ENLARGE~IENT ..". 11IlllO~""""'NDIII ='':'''::':.."" IlllI_oallW.....1 ~::.'=-:=1_' -- r- I~ ! CHANHA~~'!'~ST LOT 1 ~ r--r4k I F:::I i LANDSCAPE DETAILS ~ '11I1.............0.: GM1..u EDEN TRACE CORP. 11J1""""Ccut eNol...... III" S530S ('112)"1-872:1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDA VIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on January 3, 2008, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for Business Impact Group/Snap Fitness - Planning Case 2007-27 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Subscribed and sworn to before me this3zL day of ~\'\l UlY"'-{ , 2008. Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. This hearing may not start until later in the evenin ,de endin on the order of the a enda. Location: Cit Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for Site Plan Review for a 50,000 square-foot Proposal: office/warehouse building on property zoned Planned Unit Develo ment PUD located at A Iicant: Eden Trace Cor oration Property 2411 Galpin Court Location: (Lot 1, Block 2, Chanhassen West Business Park) A location ma is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the What Happens public hearing through the following steps: at the Meeting: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the ro'ect. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.cLchanhassen.mn.us/serv/plan/07-27.html. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Robert Questions & Generous by email at bqenerous@cLchanhassen.mn.us or by Comments: phone at 952-227-1131. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday rior to the Plannin Commission meetin . City Review Procedure: . Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. . Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the pUblic to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the pUblic hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commerciallindustrial. . Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. . A neighborhood spokesperson/representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested person(s). . Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. If you wish to have somethin to be included in the re ort, lease contact the Plannin Staff erson named on the notification. Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. This hearing may not start until later in the evenin ,de endin on the order of the a enda. Location: Cit Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for Site Plan Review for a 50,000 square-foot Proposal: office/warehouse building on property zoned Planned Unit Develo ment PUD located at A Iicant: Eden Trace Cor oration Property 2411 Galpin Court Location: (Lot 1, Block 2, Chanhassen West Business Park) A location ma is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the What Happens public hearing through the following steps: at the Meeting: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the ro'ect. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.cLchanhassen.mn.us/serv/plan/07-27.html. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Robert Questions & Generous by email at bqenerous@cLchanhassen.mn.us or by Comments: phone at 952-227-1131. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday rior to the Plannin Commission meetin . City Review Procedure: . Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. . Staff prepares a report on the SUbject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commerciallindustrial. . Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. . A neighborhood spokesperson/representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested person(s). . Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. If you wish to have somethin to be included in the re ort, lease contact the Plannin Staff erson named on the notification. Lyman Blvd (C.R. 18) Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a sUlVey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, infonmation and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Infonmation System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error Iree, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952-227-1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Sfatufes 9466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable lor any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City Irom any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out 01 the use~s access or use of data provided. Lyman Blvd (CR. 18) Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a sUlVey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and dafa locafed in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Dafa used to prepare this map are error Iree, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952-227-1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 9466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map aCknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City Irom any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided. DAVID G & YAEL M RUBIN 2345 STONE CREEK LN W CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -7413 MARK ALLEN SUNDQUIST 2374 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -7403 RODDY Y & LAURIE L W ZIVKOVICH 2337 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -7401 THOMAS V & BEVERLY L ANTILLEY 2361 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -7403 JOEL E & HEIDI M LEHRKE 2329 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 -7401 DOUGLAS VERNON JOHNSON 2322 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 -7401 TOM & SOMMANA MONTHISANE 2381 STONE CREEK LN W CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -7413 RICHARD B & CHRYSAUNA A BUAN 2369 STONE CREEK LN W CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 -7413 WILLIAM A & LORRAINE RODRIGUEZ 2357 STONE CREEK LN W CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -7413 THOMAS E & MARY K WITEK 2318 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -7403 JEFFREY J & ABIGAIL M WILSON 2332 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -7403 JOHN D & JODEE A MURPHY 2360 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 -7403 JOHN F & LAURIE SULLIVAN 2346 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -7403 JOSHUA T KRIENKE & CHRISTINA A KRIENKE 2375 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -7403 DANIEL J & PAMELA J CULHANE 2333 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -7401 JEFFREY J & KARLA M ALTHOFF 2326 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN , MN 55317 -7401 KELLY K MORLOCK & SARA B ROMANSKI-MORLOCK 2325 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 -7401 CHARLENE A STENDER 2321 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN , MN 55317 -7401 JAMES M & JENNIFER D LARRANAGA 2318 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -7401 DOUGLAS G & SARAH P HIPSKIND 2317 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN , MN 55317 -7401 WELLS FARGO BANK NA C/O SELECT PORTFOLIO SERVICING 3815 SOUTH WEST TEMPLE SALT LAKE CITY. UT 84115 -4412 RORY D & AMY J LEA 2313 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN. MN 55317 -7401 GERHARD & HELENE A SCHOCK 2309 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -7401 DELORIS B HOLASEK TRUST C/O HOLASEK FARMS LP 2015 STAHLKE WAY CHASKA. MN 55318 -3239 SCOTT T & NICOLE M BRUSH 2301 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 -7401 MICHAEL & JACQUELINE R MROSKO 2305 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -7401 VOLK-MINGER PROPERTIES LLC 2218 LUKEWOOD DR CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -8425 TAUNTON VENTURES LP & SNAP FITNESS INC 18760 LAKE DR E CHANHASSEN , MN 55317 -9384 JC INVESTMENTS OF CHASKA LLC 1405 WEST FARM RD CHASKA. MN 55318 -9517 CHAN WEST II LLP 8156 MALLORY CT CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -8586 MP DEVELOPMENT LLC 2218 LUKEWOOD DR CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -8425 CARLSTON COMMERCIAL RE LLC 8150 DREXEL CT EDEN PRAIRIE. MN 55347 -2189 WAYTEK INC 2440 GALPIN CT CHANHASSEN . MN 55317 -4621 Public Hearing Notification Area (500 feet) Business impact Group/Snap Fitness 2411 Galpin Court City of Chanhassen Planning Case 07-27 r / I i I I //1 I _l I:jnd1e ~ _--_- {i'(Q-fl -- ---- - ---- ~ Ii> S \ tone Creek Ln W -\ stone Cres.f - <;,\ mL - --.--- \ (f) o :J ct> () ~~ " ~~ --- .-- : - - -- / -.- {-- - --, - - i ~\ (i)F ~ ,-g. 1!!11.~0~ i ~ ~.~~ liil~ '(0 Property ..::./ ~ ~ Glee\<. Or s~ one Creek O{ -- --- - .. .... '..- . . " '--. --- - ,- - .0.. 4~ r ~ t ~ 1]-~ '- Cll) ~ - " <J/t'. -- O'/: - '0 A.~ / - --q' . 'd> ';/ ~\~ Qe'<.. ~ o -- -- - - Lyman Blvd (C. 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