Application Letter 1-29-08 1.~ , BRIG HTON CORPORATION January 29,2008 CITV OF CHJ\NHf\SSi:r. RECEI\!t=O Kathryn R. Aanenson Community Development Director City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 JAN 3 1 200B CHANH.ASSEN pL)\~nJ!NG D::,:r Re: Applications for Property at Lyman Blvd. and Highway 101 Dear Ms. Aanenson: Accompanying this letter is a revised application in response to staff's January 22nd letter, along with supporting documentation, revised concept site plan, and fee for property at the southwest comer of Lyman Blvd. and Highway 101 first presented to the Planning Commission on November 20,2007, and as discussed with staffin a pre-application conference on December 5th. During that pre-application discussion, it was determined that Brighton would submit requests for Comprehensive Plan Amendment and for review of a Planned Unit Development (PUD) through the two-step process outlined in Chanhassen Code Section 20-517, General Concept Plan, followed by the detailed Development Stage and preliminary plat reviews under Section 20-518 of the Code. Specifically: . Comprehensive Plan Amendment . Proposed Action: Modification ofthe Comprehensive Plan land use designation for the property from "Residential Low Density" to "Mixed Use. " . Planned Unit Development I Rezonine: - General Concept Plan . Proposed Actions: o A change of zone from A2 - Agricultural Estate, to PUD - Planned Unit Development with an under-lying zone of BN - Neighborhood Business District; and o Concept Plan review under the provisions of City Code Section 20-517 as detailed in the accompanying application narrative and plans. . Application Fee in the amount of$1,550.00 (previously submitted) for the following: . Comprehensive Plan Amendment. . . . . . . $600.00 . Planned Unit Development I Rezoning . . .. 750.00 . Notification Sign. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200.00 Brightoll Corporatioll 12601 W. Explorer Dril'e, Suite 200, Boise, Idaho 83713 www.hrif!lItollcom.com Tel. (208) 378-4000 Fax (208) 377-8962 Page 2 of2 01/29/2008 . Escrow Fee . Funding in the amount of $2,400 is provided herewith for an independent review-we assume--ofthe traffic report prepared by Westwood Professional Services, Inc., and submitted with our initial application. We provided that report as directed by staff in an e-mail dated December 17, 2007. . Additional Fee . The set back for Building 3 is 100 feet as required for the "BN" Neighborhood Business District buffer yard adjacent to the residentially-zoning land to the west, per Code Section 20-695(8)e. . The primary access to the site is provided by the newly-constructed access which, according to the highway construction plans, is less that 50 feet from property line to centerline ofthe access. Thus, it is unclear ifthere is a need for a variance for the drives and parking located between Building 3 and the western property boundary. o If it is determined that a variance is required, an additional fee in the amount of $200 will be provided. I want to thank Bob Generous for his guidance as we have "perfected" the application. As a result, the site plan is significantly improved and the landscape area along Highway 101 provides an even more substantial buffer for Springfield Subdivision. If additional information is required, please let me know and we will respond promptly. Michael D. Wardle Director of Planning Enclosures