MnDOT Letter 1-29-08 ~E~'~NEISO~1o Minnesota Department of Transportation ~ E Metropolitan District .~ I Waters Edge ~OFTf\"~~ 1500 West County Road B-2 Roseville, MN 55113-3174 ~f r: P j;: ~ \.1 t; n !i ,~ ~,~ ~....; ~a: "t":' t,,. bi JAN 3 0 Zo08 January 29,2008 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Robert Generous, Senior Planner City ofChanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJECT: Brighton Corp. Site Plan Mn/DOT Review PRE08-002 SW Quadrant ofTH 101 and CR 18 City of Chanhassen/Carver County Control Section 1009 Dear Mr. Generous: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the above referenced sketch plan. We appreciate early coordination with our agency on development activities that involve access onto our highways. MnlDOT has approved its Highway Access Category System and Spacing Guidelines as the Department's policy for managing access and signal spacing on the State's Trunk Highways. The guidelines are intended to promote the safety and mobility of the traveling public while accommodating the access needs of the surrounding area. We have used these policy guidelines in reviewing the proposed development adjacent to TH 101. For access management purposes, MnlDOT categorizes this stretch ofTH 101 as a 6B - collector in an urban/urbanizing area. It is MnlDOT's strong desire to have the proposed 'right in, right out' access onto TH 101 be located as far south ofthe intersection ofTH 101 and CR 18 as possible to maintain as much corridor mobility and safety as possible. The proposed "pork chop" island at the access to TH 101 is not necessary as traffic only has a 'right in, right out' option at this access. Further, it is recommended that the development limit the number of accesses onto CR 18 to no more than one, which should be directly aligned with the CR 18 access to the "Crossroads of Chanhassen" project to the immediate north. There should be a shared thru lane, with a right turn lane, for the entrance at CR 18, so that it further ties into the "Crossroads of Chanhassen" development. Lastly, the drive-thru window traffic for the proposed Walgreen's conflicts with internal traffic circulation and should be modified. Sight distances for the access onto TH 101 may be affected due to the crest located at this location. An intersection profile will be necessary to determine if sight distances are adequate. Further, the recommended width of the access at TH 101 should be 32' instead of26'. An equal opportunity employer A drainage permit may be required. The proposed development will need to maintain existing drainage rates (i.e. the rate which storm water is discharged from the site must not increase). Thank you again for your early coordination. This review was only a preliminary sketch plan review. If this development progresses, a formal site plan/plat review will be necessary. If you have any questions regarding this review, please feel free to contact me at (651) 234-7797. Sincerely, ~ Senior Planner Copy: Scott Raeber, Brighton Corporation Roger qustafson, Carver County