Application Directions 1-30-08 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED JAN 3 1 Z008 January 30,2008 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT I'Directions" for Revising Brighton's Application Up-dated project information is provided in the sleeves in this binder. To "complete" the up-date, per the instructions in the noted sleeves, please do the following: Remove the contents of the binder sleeves listed below from the January 16th submittal and Insert them in the sleeves of this new binder, dated January 30, 2008... . Sleeve 2 - Application Form [no change] . Sleeve 3 - Application Fee [traffic study escrow] . Sleeve 5 - Neighborhood Meeting Information [no change] . Sleeve 7 - Traffic Report [no change] Discard all other previously-submitted information in sleeves 1, 4, 6, and 8-12 ICall Mike Wardle for assistance or c1arication @ 208-287-05121 L-........-__.~___._____"~_._~_ __~ _