3. Planning Commission Interviews CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.cLchanhassen.mn.us [I] MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director DATE: March 4, 2008 SUBJ: Planning Commission Interviews Attached are the applications and questionnaires for the Planning Commission interviews along with a scoring sheet. After the interviews the Commission generally ranks their preference for candidates. The preference ranking, as well as the incumbents' applications, will be forwarded to the City Council for their interviews on March 10, 2008. The interviews will be conducted immediately following the Planning Commission meeting. The applicants are as follows: Denny Laufenburger Robert Kircher Corey Bergman Gary Foster Christopher Thorp Jennifer Thorp Steve Donen* *This applicant is unable to attend the Planning Commission meeting but will be able to be interviewed by the City Council. Attachments: 1. Planning Commissioner Interview Scoring Sheet. 2. Planning Commissioner Applications and Interview Questionnaires (7). g:\plan\planning commission\pc interviews 3-4-08.doc The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, Quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. PLANNING COMMISSIONER INTERVIEW PROPOSED SCORING SHEET 5=High l=Low Years Lived Knowledge Commitment Knowledge Involvement Total Name In of to Position of Major In Points Chanhassen Communi tv Issues Community Denny Laufenburger Robert Kircher Corey Bergman Gary Foster Christopher Thorp Jennifer Thorp Steve Donen (not available for Planning Commission interview) g:\plan\forms\planning commissioner interview scoring sheet.doc APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN CITY COMMISSION Date: J an . 10. 2 0 0 8 COMMISSION DESIRED: Planning ALTERNATE: City of Chanhassen, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Name: Denny Laufenburger Addre~: 8673 Chanhassen Hills Drive North, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Home Phone: 975 - 9059 WorkPhone: 763-971-2124 Cell Phone: 612 - 3 27 - 68 00 Ema~ laufendh@mchsi.com No. of Years in Chanhassen: 12 years - 3/95 Highest Level ofEllucation Attained, Plus Degrees, ifany: BSB- Marketing - Uni v of Minn. Employment History (State position, employer and brief llescription of duties: VP of Sales, Spanlink Communications, Computer and Software Sales- Cisco Systems Partner - Since 9/98, Various other Computer related Sales and Marketing positions during the last 33 years. Activities and Affiliations (Include elective offices, honors, amI recognitions received, if any): Treasurer, Westwood Community Church, Chan; Secretary, State Council Trout Unlimited, 1996 - 2002, 1979, Outstanding Young Man in America; Rotary Award in 2005. Past Volunteer for the Minnesota State Services for the Blind, 1998 - 2001 ReasonsforSeekingthisPosition: Desire to give contribution to the community. Feel my leadership and future strategy perspective could be valuable in shaping the continued growth and development of the community. As I approach retirement, I believe I'll have more time to invest in all aspects of the community. Specific Qualifications for the Position: Finane ial acumen, sound business logic, negotiation skills, public speaking and moderating public forums. SIGNATURE PLANNING COMMISSIONER INTERVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE Name Dennv Laufenburger 1. What special qualities do you bring to the Planning Commission? 2. What are your reasons for applying to the Commission? 3. What are the biggest problems you foresee facing Chanhassen in the future? 4. What do you believe are the community's greatest assets? 5. What planning issues are you particularly concerned with? 6. What do you believe are the biggest concerns of your neighbors? 7. What do you believe the Planning Commission does? 8. How would you like to see Chanhassen developed? 9. Do you understand the time commitments it takes to be a member of the Commission, and are you comfortable with them? g:\plan\forms\planning commissioner interview questionnaire.doc FEB/26/2008/TUE 03:24 PM Phase III 3rd Floor FAX No. 952 988 6201 P.001/001 APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSENCITYCOMMISSION Date,' Z-IZb/OfJ "." EAlIlId.D"",rt~N7"AL COMMISSION DESIRED: PLIf)JAlI/I~ (.O~M,$~IIJ.v ALTERNATE:'" 2., !'III'lK.{. Ilfdl~A7t().v City ofChanhassen, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O, Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Name: RotS ere.. r It J/UI-/-€Je.. Address: 6 ~t2.o f f:D lv/AI {j. LAAJE 2085" HomePho1te..9SL..'f70....~orkPhone:rJ2,-9ga- 666'2.... Cell Phone: 9,,8-'11'2-262-"7- Email."l!.llet..J.JT.~_RC@Jf1.S~.Ci}Y..jNo.ofYearsinChanhassen:2-.I1l Highest Level of Education Attained, Plus Degrees, ifany: 13.5,,, II1EL.HA.J/lclk. 1!-AJ6/pJ5;.Ete/M6 Employment History (State position, employer and brief description of duties: 1/1.00(1 10 f~€56P7"., 1..151'1-0 e.,u6/.M~EI(! 6t: IvJf7c~ I E.1tI61A1~e'n Iv/'1-1'EIt 11tCl4-7PfeNY E611JI,tJPf~ ,/zoo? 70 II'Loo 8 ~ PIi "JEer E.1.I61J1e~Jt" 1..Ih'NE CHIt11,aJ.e"P' EA/6/A/E'EX tvlf1tJt TII!J!1f-7#/~A/l' CQtJtfJPlCU7; . , , (tJlfp;IJ{P,;t! &6Iv€Z/l.I"v6 OG-$FoA/ I 1 70 7/z.t,07 EAJGIAli!IDt!. fJ11t.vif'~~ rllEs'1f ~~EfiX ~H. ~ItI".TI? WA-7~ ittl!.4TI"1e:N7 d?j)IJf'~~ r()~ S;()/b" '.4/-'?'EIt!, ~U~ Activities and Affiliations (Include elective offu:es, honors, and recognitions received, if any): Al.l~/)€jt1 It or A,DeL A-crloult'tlil~,j - AI/JO/u'1'Cb Orr/C6.Jl "!'tJ Alii-filM/I'lL /f6IfotPt,I;4ttr~ fYJfJ-SOA/IC. Lo06C 4.. scorrt!"H 1l1T'~ - thEfl1I!EI2 o~ fjo-rl/ eve ~LOU-r.f - 17/1-57' 7/ll!A5Ih'lCJe e AOV/~€.J( Reas01lSforSeeking tltis Position: l' rC-l:L TH-Jll-T #1 Y !J6law L/57ED t!pV/jLJf1CI1-7itJvS Htl€ A- fJJ.&rfE~7 Fir roll wolllll.v6 IvrrJ.l ,liG CCr'1mlsncus:. .::r wl4-;Vr 1"0 Ht.LP K 6Ej/l t../ll4pHl'1sfrA) If. 6((f~/lr "J"otC/,;V 7"0 LIve .rv~ wrrl-i c.oA/7IPtJlE-J) "SA-FE t!. Got>o 6lCouvrl-l. SpecificQualificationsforthePosition: ;r lItl-v~ Wl)J(f(E.O ~A/ Tlfe wA-"'7EI( T/l6Jl/--rfi1~ ~A/Dvs-rt?'1 FtJll ovcll. '3D YEI1~S. OVI(/.u6 11115 Y"/Pt!f; r JJ41/E:.. t:v6I.1/EE~ ~f) tv'if1ed -rIlEfI,,,,,c,v; E~vJfJ"Ii:A.r/ F"//. crrv ~/PE jI()TI/~1L. lvF1-r~ 6Y5rEP15. JH6J-/ tJv~11Y Fo,e fltJw6'4/JLA..vrs !=()j$JL t/. NvupA.R. AA/IJ IZlVvIPmE'"trf'7c.) 5miUL. /'1l,;AT tJ;()I((11I1/IJ-Tt::R. ::J:# POM.lb -r#I$~ f J/l/vC wp,eK~O wlrl/ lAtf6E/j6U61A!t-F;(/.vb Fu'l.1'15,. C"A/,(Il.A-t.;"'o~S: Llhvl/ OeV&Lo/~. fJLt/5 LocAL, f1HE { Frl)~i!Jl/L w6~ke~/oFA~~~5~ . ~~~~ . SIGNATURE PLANNING COMMISSIONER INTERVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE Name Robert Kircher 1. What special qualities do you bring to the Planning Commission? 2. What are your reasons for applying to the Commission? 3. What are the biggest problems you foresee facing Chanhassen in the future? 4. What do you believe are the community's greatest assets? 5. What planning issues are you particularly concerned with? 6. What do you believe are the biggest concerns of your neighbors? 7. What do you believe the Planning Commission does? 8. How would you like to see Chanhassen developed? 9. Do you understand the time commitments it takes to be a member of the Commission, and are you comfortable with them? g:\plan\forms\planning commissioner interview questionnaire.doc RECEIVED APPLICATIONFORCHANHASSENCITYCOMMISSION FEBj 7 2008 Date: Z-Z6~oB COMMISSION DESIRED: Pl,:f)J}/ fIG mD'~HAs..C:;EN City ofChanhassen, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Name: ~Ii'f; Y 8e1if'7ln4Al Address: ?;, 7q f R c b WING LN Home Phone:q>Z"Zl7~~~~2- Work Phone: 7G~"1f76" 00'0 Cell Phone: Email: ~8~P.GlnAN€JrrlPl/.fI. '\I}rvJ No. of Years in Chanhassen: Z Highest Level of Education Attained, Plus Degrees, if any: g . S . C, It,L G/~(i,IN'G61..f f..b Employment History (State position, employer and brief description of duties: . f~':f;t!cl t11ffAl~~ . (YJ f'R,/\ I J>p~(., /lIf~AC;efl'\~JIJ1 0-- (it'AblfJ ~'(ON OJJ / ' t.~l\Ib ~/tUfft1t.M1 ?Ao~ K-( Activities and Affiliations (Include elective offices, honors, and recognitions received, if any): "lA. ReasonsforSeeking this Position: LlM""Nb H;~ /..v'A-y~ -(0 .p~A-rIClfl1''(c "" U~"r Oua CoMmlllllr~ (?(J.ow Q" 1>AJj~p~\, Specific Qualificationsfor the Position:-.JJi,~ IYl'I CAI2'f.€r1. ~ ~14~ )tAn ()~f\lunrrfY "to NOQ~ {AJ((U C"fV~ . ~/frJJllftNb .doAAb5 I r- CoIJIkIU . 'fJ.bs J.ht- ~lJttJ m~ ~ 1J1oApuE>" l)k\I\Hl.SfAlJOIN'(? f Df J.I,.(,I' iU~ P!~,"'~I!l'!~ ~ ~#'YIm. CIIlW t" ,o{).(.(< J.- Uc.w It''1~A1~!Jf (j If, 70 1w::. Ctim(J7I("I'iY t 1m; 1,fYlf. Corl1t11,it(16Jff ,..q~,.. 15 lJ&a...,QJ:D 7~-- - ATURE --- PLANNING COMMISSIONER INTERVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE Name Corey Bergman 1. What special qualities do you bring to the Planning Commission? 2. What are your reasons for applying to the Commission? 3. What are the biggest problems you foresee facing Chanhassen in the future? 4. What do you believe are the community's greatest assets? 5. What planning issues are you particularly concerned with? 6. What do you believe are the biggest concerns of your neighbors? 7. What do you believe the Planning Commission does? 8. How would you like to see Chanhassen developed? 9. Do you understand the time commitments it takes to be a member of the Commission, and are you comfortable with them? g:\plan\forms\planning commissioner interview questionnaire.doc APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION Date: 2/27/2008 City ofChanhassen, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 RECEIVED Name: Gary Foster FEB 2 7 2008 Address: 710 Carver Beach Road. Chanhassen. MN 55317 CITY OF CHANHASSE~ Home Phone: (952) 474-1366 Work P/lOne(952) 380-2200 No. of Years in Chanhassen: 5 Highest Level of Education Attained, Plus Degrees, if any: See attached resume Employment History (State position, employer and brief description of duties: See attached resume Activities and Affiliations (Include elective offices, honors, and recognitions received, if any): See attached resume Reasons for Seeking this Position: See attached resume Specific Qualifications for the Position: See attached resume ~m~ SIGNATURE Gary Foster 710 Carver Beach Road Chanhassen, MN 55317 Home Phone: (952) 474-1366 Work Phone: (952) 380-2200 Number of Years in Chanhassen: Owned a home here since 2003 Specific Qualifications for the Position I have deep knowledge of residential and light-commercial construction and have worked with city building departments in three states. I'm extremely interested in both the technical and policy issues surrounding sustainable building and development and have the technical background to understand these issues. I've successfully worked with and led teams through the process of working through competing interests in multi-million dollar projects. Reasons for Seeking This Position I believe every citizen has a duty to participate in government service for some period of time. I want to help make Chanhassen a place that people from all over will want to move to, set up their businesses, and participate in our thriving community. Chanhassen is a great place to live and I would like to do my part to help make it even better. Education Forsyth Technical College, Winston-Salem, N.C., and Gwinnett County Technical Colleg.e, Atlanta, Georgia: coursework in carpentry, electronics, residential wiring, computer programming, 1972 - 1988 Employment History Employee, 2003 - present Eckankar. Software analyst and programmer. Information Systems Professional, Employee and consultant 1985 - 2003 Self-employed, General Contractor, Residential and Light Commercial Construction, 1972 - 1985. Participated in all phases of building and remodeling. Career Highlights Residential and light-commercial construction Carpenter and general contractor for 13 years. Highly knowledgeable in all areas of residential construction, both single and multi-family. Certified and worked on BUD projects. President of Devin Construction, the construction arm of Devin Management in Atlanta GA. Examined large multifamily properties for structural concerns prior to purchase and made recommendations as to suitability. Experienced with light commercial construction and renovation such as shopping centers and office space. Currently remodeling my fifth home. Wetland Preservation Study Part of the community effort to study the effect of proposed I35W /62 Crosstown intersection redesign on local wetland. Participated in long-range bird study on endangered Grass Lake and developed the computer software used by the data collection teams. Corporate re-engineering Led the reengineering of mission-critical software systems for three companies since 1987 and participated in others. Accounting Over twenty years of business programming and analysis-budgets, estimating, job cost, inventory, business-to-business communication. Activities and Affiliations Membership chair for the Judo Minnesota Inc. (state governing body for U.S. Olympic Judo) Board of Directors, 2003 - present. Past president, church board of trustees, Prepared local and state church budgets and presented to board; advised local groups. Twice represented Starkey Labs, at that time the largest hearing aid manufacturer in the world, in technical negotiations in Copenhagen, Denmark with HIMSA, a Danish standards organization that certifies hearing industry software, as well as other Danish business partners. Member of a city arbitration board that resolved a dispute between a building owner and contractor in Winston-Salem, N.C., 1980 PLANNING COMMISSIONER INTERVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE Name Gary Foster l. What special qualities do you bring to the Planning Commission? 2. What are your reasons for applying to the Commission? 3. What are the biggest problems you foresee facing Chanhassen in the future? 4. What do you believe are the community's greatest assets? 5. What planning issues are you particularly concerned with? 6. What do you believe are the biggest concerns of your neighbors? 7. What do you believe the Planning Commission does? 8. How would you like to see Chanhassen developed? 9. Do you understand the time commitments it takes to be a member of the Commission, and are you comfortable with them? g:\plan\forms\planning commissioner interview questionnaire.doc ~LILb/L~~8 23:19 41212-533-1423 NATUREWORKS PAGE 1212/1215 City of Chanhassen Letter of interest - Chanhassen Planning Commission I am interested in taking the recently planning commissioner position. My resume is attached for a more detailed description of my experiences, qualifications and history. From the experiences of my many movC?s throughout my career and during my 9 years in the city of Chanhassen, I can really appreciate the ex.cellent leadership and high standards this city represents and has maintained for its citizens. This only comes with visionary leadership that is also closely involved and understands what is n.eeded by the community and its citizens. The reason I am seeking this position is to continue this tradition of excellent leadership, further citizen participation in local government, and continue to make Chanhassen the great city it is and has b~en recognized for over the 'years. My k~y area of interest as part of the planning commission is to maintain the proper balance between development, the citizens and community needs and the environment. . My career in the private sector has given me the many experiences neede4 to excel in this position. I have been involved with business development as a technology leader in the companies I have been employed by. including Dow Chemical, Cargill and now NatureWorks I;LC. I have worked with local governments in India, Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, and China trying to find the best fit for the businesses and technologies I represented. Through t~ese experiences I have seen the negative impact that happens when government leadership does nof use long term community planning; congestion, traffic, safety issues, pollution, and business investment non~xistant. I have also seen the positive things that happen when a government does good long tenn community planning; efficient traffic patterns, low environmental impact, safety and strong business investment. Along with opportunities to work with government organizations, I have had many leadership positions throughout my career which have taught me how to manage responsibilities and goals and priorities toward an overall objective. These opportunities have resulted in many different successes in my career but the one that I believe really demonstrates it is when Cargill approached Dow Chemical and said they have a technology to produce a biodegradable plastic from com. Dow's leadership out of the 45,000+ people in the company picked me to go represent Dow in this new to the world business opportunity. I was the technology leader as Dow and Cargill worked to make this wonderful new product a reality. It has grown from that initial meeting between these two companies to a multi-million dollar sustainable business for Cargill and I have been instrumental to the success this business has experien.ced. I have taken an active role in the Chanhassen government and community. r participated in the Lotus Lake No-Wake Committee, I am president ofthe Lotus Lake Clean Water Organization, Vice President of the Lotus lake Home Owners Association and I have been recently appointed to the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District Citizen Advisory committee. All these organizations are attempting to improve the current standards through community and government involvement, working together for the continuous improvements wanted by the citizens and community of Chanhassen. If appointed to the vacancy I know I will be a positive influence for the city to continue its leadership among cities, setting the example of how to best meet community needs through the proper balance of development, and the environment. !/!;~ Steven A. Donen ~LfLbfL~~~ ~~:l~ 402-533-1423 NATUREWORKS PAGE 03/05 SUMMARY Visionary and talented executive with experience leading manufacturing operatiollS, engineering and technology organizations in the United States and abroad. Recognized expert in technology development, plant operations. and engineering for neW and large scale bio. chemical and plastics manufacturing. Have spend career leading new to the world and major step change improvements in manufacturing processes. &perienced in successfully implementing new process technologies from piloting through to world scale manufacturing. Successful senior executive with proven ability to drive and improve corporate revenues through broad-based competencies in: STEVEN ALAN DONEN 7341 Frontier Trail + ChIlt1JIl'l~en, Minnesota 55317 + (952) 974-9163 + c _ sdonen@yahoo.com . Bio, Chemical and Plastics Process Technologies . Process Development Engjneering and Project Management . ContinnonslBreakthrough Process and Cost Iropl'ovements . Manufacturing excellence . Environmental Impact Planning . Supply Chain' . Health and Safety . :8udgeting and Planning CAREER EXPERIENCE NATUREWORKS LLC (PRE 2005 NAMED CARGn..L now LLC) - Minneapolis, Minnesota 2000-Preseot Director of Manufacturing Technology and Engineering , Responsible for the Manufacturing Technology deployed at Cargill Dow LLC. Responsibilities include leading the Manufacturing Technology and Engineering organization in developing, building and starting up the new NatureWorks PLA plants, along with continuous improvements in capacity, costs, reliability, quality, environment, health and safety. . Successfully led the engineering, research and development organizations through the development, design, construction and startup of the worlds first world scale polymer plant that makes plastic from com called Polylactide (PLA) and the development design and startup of the worlds largest Lactie Acid Fermentation facility more than tripling the worlds supply of Lactic Acid. Continue to lead these organizatiollS through the tripling of the original capacity and reducing costs by 50%. . Leading the organization through the challenges of both the initial fermentation development and the 2nd generation improved fermentation microbial development and scale up to world scale implementation which will reduce operating costs by 25%. . Using a process called Asset Utilization. continued the identification and implementation of process improvements reducing the costs by over 50% sinCe startup. . Led the continued efforts between Cargill Dow and the Nebraska Environment organization (NDEQ) to work through the environmental pemrlts for this new process technology. As we have operated the new facility, we have identified issues with our original permits and are currently in the process of identifying and implementing modifications to meet Nebraska requirements. THE Dow CHEMICAL COMPANY -Midland, Michigan 1979 - 2000 Promoted continually through a series of important and escalating projects and management responsibilities for the Worlds largest US chemical company, Dow is the world leader in the production of plastics, chemicals, hydrocarbons. herbicides and pesticides. Dow specializes in chlorine, caustic, ethyleno, polyethylene, epoxies and polystyrene, which are used to process chemicals and treat water and petroleum. Director of Manufactu1ing, Engineering and Process Development, Cargill Dow, UC 1998 - 2000 Selected as a key member of the leadership team of a new joint venture between. Dow Chemical and Cargill that is commercializing a revolutionary new plastic from corn - Polylactide (PLA). Responsible for Cargill Dow Polymers manufacturing senli-wotks facility, engineering, and process development, along with the design and construction of the first world scale PLA manufacturing plant. Working with Cargill Dow's commercial and R&D teams manufacturing waS able to supply development customers with products to assess ;I11Mket nec::d.s and value, and to determine product performance requirements. Used feedback from developmental customers to design and begin construction of the: first world scale PLA production facility. . Successfully completed the process definition engineering for the first of its- kind world scale PLA plant. . Efforts in plant and product design were critical to earning the funding of $300 roi11ion necessary to move the venture from developmental stage to commercialization. 1 ~LILb/L~~~ L~:l~ 41::12-533-1423 NATUREWORKS PAGE 04/05 STEVEN ALAN DONEN 7341 Frontier Trail + Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 + (612)974-9163 + c_sdonen@yahoo.com . Developed and led the manufacturing organization for the PLA semi-works facility through defining the characteristics and roles of the organization. recruiting top talent, developing two~year business objectives and maintaining focus on achievement ofthosc objectives. . Managed the development of the new PLA technology through identification of technology gaps in cost, product consistency and performance, resulting in a PLA manufacturing process with competitive costs to other hydrocarbpn-based polymers. . Doubled the capacity of the plant and improved the quality of products through the implementation of new or improved unit operations including the conversion from batch to continuous operations. Global Technology Manage,. for Polystyrene Business - Midland, Michigan 1996 - 1998 Led the technology team., which was responsible for both developing the long-tenn technology strategies, identify new technology opportunities for the polystyrene business along with solving any tecbnology/equip:ment related plant problems. Worked with the plants and individuals to find and implement new technologies for future needs. Traveled worldwide to solve problems and complete technology reviews. Developed, approved and implemented global budgets including facility capacity, maintenance and quality improvement goals. . Led the Dow Chemical manufacturing due diligence efforts of a new process owned and developed by Cargill to produce a plastic Polylactide (pLA) from com. Along with the coznmetcial organization u.,o;ed Dow's develop and commercial teclmology process (D&CT) in combination with the manufacturing due diligence to develop the recommendations reviewed with the CEO of the Dow Chemical company. The recommendations resulted in a Joint Venture between Cargill and Dow Chemical called Cargill Dow LLC. Through my leadership Cargill Dow is a company with a manufacturing process capable of producing PLA plastic at over 300 MM lbslyr at competitive costs with oil based plastics and as sales continue to grow the company is on its way to being a successful addition to both Cargill and The Dow Chemical Company businesses. . Led the global technology improvement team that consisted of engineers located at the central technology center in Midland, Michigan and at each plant to implement technology strategies using the most effect technologies as defined by the global business strategy. The improvement team consisted of7 process engineering and subject manner experts and 18 engineers located at each ofDow's polystyrene locations across the globe. . Spearheaded the design and implementation of the business IP strategy that protected t.~e most important innovations from competitors while profitably licensing other processes without risking the position as the industry leader in polystyrene. . Championed development and implemented a vision to decrease both. the capital requirements and manufacturing costs while providing product quality to meet the customers' needs, resulting in a 20% increase in existing plant capacity, 12% improvement in plant reliability and 30% increase in new plant capacity. . Achieved reduction in costs through mechanical reliability iInprovements, modeling, automated process control and improved design of various unit operations. . Instrumental in the introduction of technologies that led to two new global products: one product improved the aesthetics and product strength at a lower price than competitors did and another product improved the strength of a very brittle product without sacrificing product clarity. Polystyrene Plant Superintendent - Midland, Michigan 1994 - 1996 Fully responsible for personnel and plant operations that included a $100 million annual budget. Provided leadership and suppon through coaching and guidance of teams and individuals. . Along with operations responsibilities had re..~onsibilities for the supply chain for all the Midland Michigan based Styrene Polymer facilities shipping over 2 Billion Ibslyr globally. One of my direct report lead the implementation of SAP in the Midland polystyrene facilities. . Structured an effective Environmental, Health and Safety (EH&S) program that achieved corporate goals and complied with regulatoI)' and permit requirements while utilizing internal self-audits and inviting external analysis. . One of my direct reports 'WaS the building facilities manager for 433 building in Midland Michigan. The building is Dow's largest single building with over 300 occupants including offices, labs and pilot facilitie~ with over 400,000 sq ft of space. . Devised and implemented an integrated quality assurance/quality control program that improved finish product quality ratings by reducing variations. producing quality products and meeting customer expt:ctations. 2 ~L/Lb/L~~~ Lj:l~ 402-533-1423 NATUREWORKS PAGE 05/06 STEVEN ALAN DONEN 7341 FrontierTrai1 + Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 + (612) 974-9163 + c_sdonen@yahoo.com . Through modeling and advanced process control techniques set the new world capacity standard for any Dow Chemical polystyrene plant by increasing the capacity by 20%. Project Manager Plant of the Year2000-Midland, Michigan 1993 -1994 Led the definition of the project to create the polystyrene manufacturing processes and organization of the future, year 2000, by working with commercial, R&D, EH&S, quality and manufacturing divisions around the world. . Assisted in implementing the visioD$ that achieved globally a 50% reduction in operating costs and a 30% increase in capacity without sacrificing the high quality of the product. . Identified and developed improved asset utilization opportunities on a capital spending budget of $100 million and an expense budget ofless than $5 million. Technology Superintendent Pacific Area - Hong Kong 1989 - 1993 . Researched opportunities to expand manufacturing and operations presence throughout Asia. Completed due diligence efforts in India, Japan, Thailand and Indonesia. The India and Japan analysis resulted in recommendations to not pursue while 1bai1and and In.donesia resulted in Dpw starting Joint Ventures and investing in new manufacturing plants. . Managed the technology implementation for three new plant startups in Hong Kong, Thailand and Indonesia total capital spending on these new facilities was over $180 MM. . Oversaw capital spending to upgrade the e;lcisting facilities to improve plant reliability, product quality and capacity with a capital budget greateJ: than $ 60 million per year. Assistant Stlperintendent Caustic and Brine Plants - Pittsburg, California 1986 - 1989 . Managed the day-to--day operations for the plant including people supemslon, process improvements, maintenance, budgeting, goal setting, qlUtlity and environmental, health and safety for the facility. . Increased capacity of a 50-year-old facility by 20% through improvements in maintenance reliability and good operating discipline techniques. Production Supervisor, Torrance, California 1984-1986 . Managed the day-to-day operations for two polystyrene plantS including people supervision, maintenance and quality. Project Manager - Torrance, California 1983 - 1984 . Oversaw the im."tallarion of new reactor technology, state of the art process control, opern.tions and control facilities. . Senior Production Engineer, Research Ellgineer- Torrance, California 1981-1983 . Coordinated troubleshooting and process improvement projects along with maintenance planning. Senior Production Engineer, Research Engineer - Torrance, California 1979 - 1981 . Designed and engineered the construction and startup of 8 polystyrene roini~p1ant. . Implemented two new ABS products that improved the toughness of resins. . Developed a new molecular weight control additive for polystyrene. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING Creating High Performance Teams, Management Essentials, Effective Presentations, Continuous Improvement, Investing in People, Tennessee Associates Statistical Analysis, Burner management, Performance Management, and Managing Interpersonal Relations. EDUCATION BACHELOR OF SClENCE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Washington State Unil'efsiry GPA- 3.79, Magna Cum Laude 1979 Pullman, Washington 3 ~LILbIL~~~ ~3:19 402-533-1423 NATUREWORKS PAGE 05/05 STEVEN ALAN DONEN 7341 Frontier Trail + Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 + (612) 974-9163 . c_sdonen@yahoo.com VOLf.iNTEERlPROFESSXONAL ORGANIZATIONS Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District citizen advisory committee President of Lotus Lake Clean Water Organization Vice President of Louts Lake Home Owners Association President of Lotus Lake Water Ski Club Member of American Institute of Chemical Engineers Member of American Water ski Association and a qualified Scorer and Assistant Judge PERSONAL DATA FAMILY: Married to Carol K. Donen, Two children, Adrienne (21) senior at University of Wisconsin-Madison, Heather (19), freshman at University ofWisconsin-Maclison, Member of Temple Beth Shalom, Carol is on board of DirectOrs (over 700 families) and works at Datacard in Minnetonka, Minnesota. HOBBIES: Competitive Water Skiing, Snow Skiing, Snow Mobiling, Running and swnmer water sports. '.~ r-~ ~. ~ ",. ...... . . I ...J 1 . . , " - r~ ~ ....::. --+ '- .... ..,....-.... ......~ 4 RECEIVED APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN CITY COMMISSION . 7 Date: 26 February 2008 FEB 2 2008 COMMISSION DESIRED: Planning conunission ALTERNATE: None CITY OF CHANHA~~I::N City ofChanhassen, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Name: Christopher Thorp Address: 1050 Lake Susan Dr., Chanhassen, MN 55317 Home Phone: 952-974-7848Work Phone: Cell Phone: 612-382-0208 Emaik cthorp@spacia.org No. of Years in Chanhassen: 1 Highest Level of Education Attained, Plus Degrees, if any: Master of Science, Bioengineering Employment History (State position, employer and brief description of duties: See attached resume. Activities and Affiliations (Include elective offices, honors, and recognitions received, if any): None ReasonsforSeeking this Position: I am interested in becoming involved with the city. I want to help maintain the high standard of living in Chanhassen, encourage responsible land development, growth of independent businesses, and preservation of green spaces within the conununity. Specific Qualificationsfor the Position: As an engineer, I am good at problem solving, seeing all sides of an.issue, and finding solutions that are as fair as possible. ~~ SIGNATURE Christopher Thorp 1050 Lake Susan Dr. Chanhassen, MN 55317 (612) 382-0208 - thorp@spacia.org SKILLS · Electronics: · Analog design, digital design, prototyping, and testing: including filters, discrete logic, biopotential amplifiers, power monitoring, and microcontrollers. · Fine-pitch manual soldering in prototype quantities with sub-millimeter pin spacing. · Schematic capture and 4+ layer PCB layout. · Power line and intersystem interference debugging. · Power supply monitoring subsystem design. · Fluent oscilloscope use. · Computer hardware: · Microcontroller and embedded system design and prototyping. · PC and Apple hardware integration. · Computer software: · Java, C, PIC assembly, Matlab, and SQL. · DSP filter design and implementation. · Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X system administration. · Eclipse IDE. EDUCATION Arizona State University, Fulton School of Engineering Tempe, AZ Master of Bioengineering August 2007 Thesis topic: A model of interference sources in human intracranial microwire EEG recordings. Papers: · Thorp, C.K., Peter N. Steinmetz. In review, December 2007. External Noise Interference in Human Intracranial Microwire Recordings. Presentations: · Thorp, C.K., Peter N. Steinmetz. (2005). Noise Sources in Human Intracranial microwire Recording. Biomedical Engineering Society meeting, 1115/P5.79. · Thorp, Christopher. Design and implementation of a system for human intracranial recording. Bioengineering department seminar, April 7th, 2006. · Thorp, C.K., Peter N. Steinmetz. (2007). Pre-selection and Multiple Testing Contaminates Neural Response Analysis. Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) meeting. Page 1 of 2 Christopher Thorp -Continued from page 1- · Isham, Eve, Christopher Baker, C.K. Thorp, William Banks, Peter Steinmetz. (2007). Separate image durations activate distinct neuronal populations in the human medial temporal lobe. Computational and Systems Neuroscience (Cosyne) meeting. University of Minnesota, Institute of Technology Minneapolis, MN Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering May 2004 Bachelor of Computer Engineering Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Minors: Computer Science and Women's Studies WORK EXPERI ENCE Devicix, LLC Eden Prairie, MN Electrical Engineer July 2007 - Present · Designed and implemented DSP firmware for a number of different external devices. · Designed hardware and software for a long-term temperature data logging module. Brain Modeling Laboratory, Arizona State University Tempe, AZ Graduate Research Assistant Nov 2004-June 2007 · Designed, prototyped, and constructed a 64-channel, 2 Megasamplelsec, human, intracranial, microwire EEG recording system. · Solved electrical interference including power line noise and intersystem interference. · Assisted with clinical research. · Hired and supervised technicians who manufactured disposable recording electrodes. · Worked effectively in system and experiment design teams. · Used pair-programming to reduce software bugs and increase quality. · Performed lab administration including supply purchasing and vendor selection. Brain Modeling Laboratory, University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN Undergraduate and Graduate Research Assistant May 2002-Dec 2004 · Designed and supported human, intracranial recording and testing equipment. · Developed a prototype headstage amplifier for intracranial microwire recordings. · Designed, coded, and tested mission critical Java applications for experimental data collection, online analysis, and offline analysis. · Designed, configured, and. tested a computer cluster. PC Tech Owner · Provided excellent customer service for clients. · Designed, assembled, and tested custom PCs. · Troubleshot complex hardware and software issues. · Managed delivery and service schedules. Page 2 of 2 Minneapolis, MN Jan 1997-Present Christopher Thorp -Continued from page 1- · Created bids for customers while meeting specific price/performance points. · Installed, configured, and upgraded Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux computers and networks. . Page 2 of 2 PLANNING COMMISSIONER INTERVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE Name Christopher Thorp 1. What special qualities do you bring to the Planning Commission? 2. What are your reasons for applying to the Commission? 3. What are the biggest problems you foresee facing Chanhassen in the future? 4. What do you believe are the community's greatest assets? 5. What planning issues are you particularly concerned with? 6. What do you believe are the biggest concerns of your neighbors? 7. What do you believe the Planning Commission does? 8. How would you like to see Chanhassen developed? 9. Do you understand the time commitments it takes to be a member of the Commission, and are you comfortable with them? g:\plan\forms\planning commissioner interview questionnaire.doc APPLICATION FOR CHANHASSEN CITY COMMISSION Date: 2/26/08 RECEWEfYSSION DESIRED: Planning FEB t '1 2008 City ofChanhassen, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 ALTERNATE: Parks. and Recreation crrv OF CHAN~nifer Thorp Address: 1050 Lake Susan Dr., Chanhassen, MN 55317 Home Phone: 952-974-7848WorkPhone: Cell Phone: Email: jthorp@spacia.org No.ofYearsinChanhassen: 1 in Chanhassen 10+ in Eden prairie Highest Level of Education Attained, Plus Degrees, if any: Bachelor of Science, Environmental Science Employment History (State position, employer and brief description of duties: See attached resume. Activities and Affiliations (Include elective offices, honors, and recognitions received, if any): None ReasonsforSeekingthisPosition: I am interested in becoming involved with the city government. I moved to the city because of its many community amenities and access to the metro area, while maintaining a small community feel. I want to help maintain the aspects of the city that I enjoy. I think it is important that Chanhassen maintain its character as a city. Specific Qualificationsfor the Position: I have experience though my work with all types of governments including watershed districts, local, county and state agencies. I have experience working with zoning codes and ordinances while looking for project compliance. I deal well with all types of people, looking for compromises and working to resolve problems. /;f ;/~ rp /. NATURE Jennifer Thorp 1050 lake Susan Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Home: (952) 974-7848 - Cell: (480) 720-0028 - Email: jthorp@spacia.org EDUCATION University of Minnesota - Twin Cities College of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences Bachelor of Environmental Science, Soil Science Emphasis Minneapolis, MN May 2006 WORK EXPERIENCE Houston Engineering, Inc. Maple Grove, MN Environmental Scientist July 2007 -December 2007 · Prepare Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans for substations throughout Minnesota and North Dakota. · Created information sheets and a database for SPCC plans for an internet GIS application. · Research information for business development in new business sectors. URS Corporation Phoenix, AZ. Graduate Environmental Scientist June 2005-June 2007 · ASTM Standard E 1527-05 and custom Phase I Environmental Site Assessments on commercial properties and raw land including: field work, historical data research, regulatory file review, and final report preparation. · Comprehensive Asbestos Surveys of multiple and single-family housing units and various commercial properties. · Asbestos abatement and pre-demolition oversight including field audits and inspections. University of Minnesota, Dept. of Soil, Water and Climate Soil Laboratory Teaching Assistant · Setup and maintain weekly laboratory experiments. · Answer student questions regarding coursework. · Grade and give feedback on laboratory reports. Minneapolis, MN Sept. 2004-May 2005 HTPO: Surveying, Engineering, and Landscape Architecture Survey Crewperson · Operated manual and robotic total stations as part of 2-person teams. · Maintained accurate field notes. · Participated in biological surveys. Eden Prairie, MN Summer 2003 Jennifer Thorp -Continued from page 1- CERTIFICATIONS · AHERA Asbestos Building Inspector, EPA, Arizona - Expiration 9/8/07 · Certified in adult Red Cross CPR and first aid. · Minnesota Class D Drivers License Page 2 of 2 PLANNING COMMISSIONER INTERVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE Name Jennifer Thorp l. What special qualities do you bring to the Planning Commission? 2. What are your reasons for applying to the Commission? 3. What are the biggest problems you foresee facing Chanhassen in the future? 4. What do you believe are the community's greatest assets? 5. What planning issues are you particularly concerned with? 6. What do you believe are the biggest concerns of your neighbors? 7. What do you believe the Planning Commission does? 8. How would you like to see Chanhassen developed? 9. Do you understand the time commitments it takes to be a member of the Commission, and are you comfortable with them? g:\plan\fonns\planning commissioner interview questionnaire.doc