9. Administrative Report
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Park & Recreation
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2310 Coulter Boulevard
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Park and Recreation Commission
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
March 17, 2008
Administrative Report
The following work initiatives are underway or are being monitored.
Lake Ann Park Ball Field Lighting: See Dale's report.
Lake Ann Park Picnic Shelter: See Dale's report.
Picnic Table Order: Thirty-four (34) new picnic tables are on order for the
new Lake Ann Park Shelter.
Tree Planting: Five (5) Bur Oaks will be "spring planted" to finish up last
fall's tree planting project.
Chanhassen Nature Preserve Trail: Steiner Development will be bidding the
final segment this month. Construction will start in Mayor June.
Highway 41 Pedestrian Underpassffrail: Carver County has recei ved
confirmation that the matching grant application has been approved. Funding is
scheduled for a $1,000,000 federal grant with a $250,000 local match split
between Carver County and the City of Chanhassen. The County is the lead
agency on the project.
The Preserve at Bluff Creek Trail and Bridge: The Bridge was put in place
last November. A temporary trail connection will be completed to the
intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Audubon Road this spring. A connection
to the planned Lyman Boulevard underpass will replace the temporary trail by
next summer.
Lakeside Trail: The final section of trail along Lyman Boulevard prior to
crossing into Eden Prairie has been completed. Sienna Corporation built this
trail as a condition of approval for the Lakeside housing addition. The park
dedication fund will be tapped to refund Sienna for the cost of trail materials.
2005 MUSA Park Acquisition and Development: Even the city's park master
planning efforts have been affected by the housing slow-down. The 2005
MUSA area is 600 acres of expanding housing developments centered around
Bluff Creek. To date, the natural areas adjacent to the creek and three small
private park nodes have been set aside for recreation and open space needs.
Efforts to acquire two neighborhood p'ark sites, one north and one south of the
creek, need to remain at the forefront of future development plans in this area.
The City of Chanhassen . A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play.
Park & Recreation Commission
March 17,2008
Page 2
Lyman Boulevard Underpass/Trail: Plans are nearing completion for this
summer's phase of construction along Lyman Boulevard. Phase one is
scheduled to be completed for the opening of the new Chanhassen High School.
The project limits are Audubon Road (east segment) to Galpin Boulevard. This
section does include the installation of the city's tenth pedestrian underpass.
Municipal Well Projects #12 and #13: These new wells are both being
constructed in City parks. Well #12 is being drilled in South Lotus Lake Park
adjacent to the boat access. Well #13 is being constructed at Chanhassen Estates
Park. Construction activities will disrupt public access to these locations for the
next two months. Restoration efforts at both locations will be ongoing
throughout the summer.
Lake Oxygen Levels: Lake Susan, Lake Lucy and Rice Marsh Lake are
predicted to experience some level of winterkill due to low oxygen levels. This
phenomenon is a normal occurrence in shallow southern lakes and produces
higher quality fisheries over time.
Controlled Deer Management: Staff continues to work with the Carver
County Sheriff's Department to manage safe hunting zones for deer population
control within the City. Hunting in 2008 and beyond will be restricted to bow
hunting only.
Snowmobiling Ordinance Amendments: Staff is working with the Sheriff's
Office on this item as well.
Acquisition of Excess Right-of-Way Along Highway 312: Staff continues to
wait for a response from MnDOT concerning our inquires.
New Ball Field at Recreation Center: Staff will open the new ball field at the
Recreation Center to the public in April.
Chanhassen High School: Staff is communicating with District 112 officials
on a weekly basis concerning the opening of the new high school.
Chanhassen Veterans Monument: The American Legion Post 580 and
Commander Gary Boyle are heading up an initiative to build the monument in
City Center Park. Commissioner Scharfenberg, Atkins and Daniels have
expressed a willingness to assist with the project.
2030 Comprehensive Plan Update: Staff continues to monitor the review of
this document.
Chanhassen Depot Bricks: Staff is working on a proposal to replace the bricks
with a bronze plaque honoring contributors. The product utilized to highlight
the names in the bricks is failing.