Administrative Section
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110
Building Inspections
Phone: 952.227.1180
Fax: 952.227.1190
Phone: 952.227.1160
Fax: 952.227.1170
Phone: 952.227.1140
Fax: 952.227.1110
Park & Recreation
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fax: 952.227.1110
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fax: 952.227.1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952.227.1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone: 952.227.1300
Fax: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
Web Site
WW'//. ci. chan hassen
Robert Generous, Senior Planner
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
March 6, 2008
Request for Subdivision approval of 4.19 acres into two lots
(Audubon Corporate Center); Site Plan approval for a 45,000
square-foot one-story office/warehouse building with a future 15,000
square-foot expansion (illI Distributors); and a Wetland Alteration
Permit to alter or fill wetlands on site on property zoned Industrial
Office Park lOP and located at 8301 Audubon Road. Applicant:
Eden Trace Corporation/IDI Distributors.
This property is located within the park service area of Sunset Ridge Neighborhood
Park. This lO-acre property features off-street parking, a ball field, basketball court,
play area, trails, a wetland and open space. No additional parkland acquisition is
being recommended as a condition of approval for this subdivision.
The subject site has convenient access to the Audubon Road pedestrian trail. The
applicant should be required to protect and maintain access to this public amenity
during the construction of their project. The Audubon Road trail connects to the
Lake Drive West pedestrian trail just south of this proposed subdivision providing
convenient access to Sunset Ridge Park and the remainder of the city's trail system.
No additional trail construction is being recommended as a condition of approval for
this subdivision.
It is recommended that full park fees in lieu of parkland dedication and/or trail
construction be collected as a condition of approval for this subdivision. The park
fees shall be collected in full at the rate in force upon final plat submission and
g:\plan\2008 planning cases\08-07 audubon corporate center-idi distrihutors\park report.doc
The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a channing downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play.
Location Map
(Subject Property Highlighted in Yellow)
Audubon Corporate Center/IDI Distributors
8301 Audubon Road
Planning Case 2008-07
2007 Regional
Selected Projects
o CMAO System Management Project Locations
. STP Project Locations
@ CMAO Transit Expansion Project Locations
. Bridge Project Locations
. Transportation Enhancements Project Locations
----. Highway System 2030
I:::J County Boundary
D Municipalities
~ Metropolitan Council
February 20, 2008
I -
r l
Transit expansion project shown in Downtown Minneapolis is MTS Express Service from Hastings, Shakopee, Lakeville and Forest Lake
Met Council 2007 Solicitation (2011-2012 selections)
Project No Applicant Description Federal $ Match $ Total $
HSIP 18 Scott County CSAH 68 and CSAH 91 $630.000 $70.000 $700.000
HSIP 24 MnlDOT - Metro District 1-694 from US 61 to south of 1-94 $873.000 $97.000 $970.000
HSIP 23 MnlDOT - Metro District 1-35E from 1-35E11-35W split to Wagon Wheel Trail $1.116.000 $124.000 $1.240.000
HSIP2 City of Minneapolis Chicago Avenue - 33rd SI. to 54th SI. (excluding 46th & 48th). $445.500 $49.500 $495.000
HSIP 25 MnlDOT - Metro District MN 65 and 169th Avenue NE $675.000 $75.000 $750.000
HSIP 19 MnlDOT - Metro District MN 100 from CSAH 152 to 1-694 $270.000 $30.000 $300.000
HSIP 12 Washington County CSAH 22 and Hardwood Avenue $396.000 $44.000 $440.000
HSIP21 MnlDOT - Metro District US 10 at Foley Boulevard (CSAH 1) $585.000 $65.000 $650.000
HSIP 14 City of Mounds View CSAH 10/MN 810A and Cournly Road H $562.500 $62.500 $625.000
HSIP 5 County of Anoka CR 57 (Sunfish lake Boulevard) and Alpine Drive $900.000 $100.000 $1.000.000
HSIP 7 County of Anoka CSAH 7 (7th Avenue) and CSAH 14 (Main Street) $1.350.000 $150.000 $1.500.000
HSIP SUBTOTALS $7,803,000 $867,000 $8,670,000
Map 10 Applicant Description Federal $ Match $ Total $
Como Park Streetcar Station.Pedestrian Bridge Interpretive Site. Preserve a
1 portion of and reconstruct Bridge l-5853. construct viewing platforms. interpretive $1.084.0OC
City of St. Paul signage. concrete removal and trail access. $842.400 $441.600
2 Carver County Public Dakota Rail Line Extension Project. Construct a 6.2 mile bicycle/pedestrian trail $1.320.00C
Work from the City fa Mayer to the Carver/McLeod County line. $1.000.000 $320.000
3 Lower Afton Trail Extension. Construction of a one-mile paved bicycle/pedestrian
trail in Saint Paul along north side of lower Afton Road from McKnight Road to
Ramsey County Parks Point Douglas Road. $720.000 $180.000 $900.00C
4 Samuel H. Morgan Regional Trail Improvements. Reconstruction. realignment,
and landscaping of 1.7 mile segment of trail between TH 5 and 135E and
City of 51. Paul installation of interpretive signage. wayfinding signage. guardrail addition. $762.080 $526.170 $1.288,25C
5 Bridge 4175 Truss Restoration and Deck Reconstruction. Rehabilitate bridge
located in City of Shakopee west of TH 169fTH 101 River Bridge for continued us
MnDOT as a pedestrianlbicyde facility over the Minnesota River. $1.000.000 $451.801 $1.451.801
Lake Minnewashta Regional Park and TH41 Trail and Grade-separated crossing.
6 Construct bicycle/pedestrian trail in Chanhassen induding underpass from west
Carver County Public parking lot in Lake Minnewashta Park to TH 41 and construct trail along TH 41
Work from Longacres Drive to Minnetonka West Middle School. $1.000.000 $250.000 $1.250.00C
North Urban Regional Trail Dodge Nature Segment. Construct 1.1 miles of
7 bituminous bicycle/pedestrian trail in West St Paul from TH 110 to Garlough
Dakota County Planning Elementary including a pedestrian underpass. $709.000 $177.250 $886,25C
13th Street Pedestrian Gateway. Reconstruct South 13th Street from Nicollet Mall
8 to Marquette Avenue by widening sidewalks, adding trees and street plantings.
pedestrian level lighting and other pedestrian amenities and narrowing street widt
City of Minneapolis to one travel lane. $714.400 $178.600 $893.00C
Mississippi River Regional Trail- Spring Lake Park Reserve East. Construct
9 bicyde/pedestrian trail from Scharrs Bluff to Mississippi River in Nininger Twp and
Dakota County Planning trailhead at Mississippi River. $921.600 $230.400 $1,152.00C
72nd Street Pedestrian Bridge. Construct pedestrian/bicycle bridge over France
10 Avenue near 72nd Street South and 600' of bituminous trail. lighting, landscaping,
City of Edina benches and signage. $1.000.000 $1,000.000 $2.OO0.00C
11 Mississippi River Regional Trail-117th St to Spring Lake Regional Park.
Dakota County Planning Construct 3.7 mile bicycle/pedestrian trail in Rosemount. $1.000.000 $461.250 $1,461.25C
12 Hardwood Creek regional Trail Multi-modal Bridge over CR 83. Construct a bridge
Washin9ton County War!< over 11th Avenue South in the City of Forest Lake. $680.000 $170.000 $850.00C
13 Construct pedestrianlbicyde trail in the City of Centerville connecting CSAH 14
City of Centerville trail. From Lamotte Drive to Westview SI. and Centerville Rd. $706.500 $235.500 $942.00C
14 Raymond Ave Streetscape Improvements Phase 1. Reconstruction of Raymond
Avenue from University Ave. to Hampden including curb and gutter. asphalt
roadway, bump-outs. medians. sidewalk improvements. pedestrian ramps, on
City of St. Paul street bike lanes. street lighting, landscaping and bike racks. $960.000 $240,000 $1.200.00C
15 Keller Lake Water Quality Improvement. Construct a stormwater treatment system
in the City of Maplewood to address water pollution in Keller Lake through a serie
Ramsey-Washington Wa of 3 wetland treatment ponds removing pollutants from TH 36 and TH 61. $227.760 $56.940 $284.70C
16 Midtown Corridor Bridge Preservation Program. Bridge preservation/rehabilitation
City of Minneapolis of between 4 to 8 of the bridges crossing the Midtown Greenway. $1.000.000 $250.000 $1.250.000
17 Construct a 1.3 mile bicycle/pedestrian trail along the Cherokee Regional Trail in
City of 51. Paul Cherokee Regional Park in St Paul. $1.000.000 $725.000 $1.725.000
Map ID Applicant Description Federal $ Match $ Total $
18 City of Minneapolis Reconstruct bridge on 8t Anthony Pkwy over the BNSF Northtown Marshalling
yard in the City of Minneapolis including 14' bike trail and 10' pedestrian trail. $8.000.000 $2.900.000 $10.900.00C
Reconstruct bridge on Kellogg Blvd 300 ft east and west of Market 8t in the City 0
19 City of 51. Paul 8t Paul including space for bicycles, approach reconstruction and associated
worle $1.250.000 $935.000 $2.185.00C
Map ID Applicant Description Federal $ Match $ Total $
20 Southwest Transit Purchase 15 buses for express service. $6.600.000 $1.650.000 $8.250.00C
21 Metro Trans Services Purchase 16 buses for expansion of the regional transit fleet for express service. $6.720.000 $1.680.000 $8.400.00C
22 Purchase Blow-floor BRT.specific buses. and provide startup operating funding in
MVTA support of 1-35 SRT project. $4.601.144 $1.242.086 $5.843.23C
23 Acquire property and construct 4SQ-structured stall park-and-ride facility in the
Southwest Transit City of Chaska at the northwest quadrant of lH 212 and C5AH 10. $6.989.984 $1.747.496 $8.737.48C
24 Construct 1000-space structured park.and-ride at the northeast comer of TH610 $13.000.0OC
Metro Transit and Noble Parkway interchange in the City of Brooklyn Park. $7.000.000 $6.000.000
25 Acquire property and construct surface park-and-ride facility and
Maple Grove transit station in the City of Maple Grove. $6.189.934 $1.547.483 $7.737.417
CMAQ TRANSIT EXPANSION SUBTOTALS $38,101,062 $13,867,065 $51,968,127
Map 10 Applicant Description Federal $ Match $ Total $
26 Development and implementation of traffic signal timing plans and strategies for
City of Minneapolis approximately 500 intersections in Minneapolis. $800.000 $200.000 $1.000.00C
Traffic Management Center and Intelligent Transportation System upgrades-
27 Phase 3. Replace electromechanical controllers at intersections, installation of
City of Minneapolis CClV camears and video sharing software. $4.800.000 $1.200.000 $6.000.00C
28 Operation and maintenance of Traffic Management Center - additional personnel
Minneapolis in staffing the operations and maintenance of ITS within the City of Minneapolis. $500.000 $125.227 $625.22
29 Integrated Corridor Signal Coordination in 1-394 corridor including TH 55, TH 7,
the intersections with 1-394, deployment of Transit Signal Priority and deployment
MnDOl of CClV cameras and variable message signs along arterials. $1.924.681 $481.171 $2.405.85
Arterial roadway traffic flow improvements. Installation of fiber optic cable and
timing optimization of 62 traffic signal systems on 7th St from Davern to White
30 Bear, St Paul Ave. from 7th to Cleveland, Cleveland Ave from St Paul to Ford
Pkwy, Ford Pkwy from Cretin to Snelling, and Snelling Ave from Montreal to
City of 51. Paul Hewitt. $1.340.000 $335.000 $1.675.00C
Integrated Corridor Signal Coordination for TH 65 in Anoka County between 1-694
31 and 237th Ave NE, deployment of CCTV cameras and variable message signs
MnDOl along TH 65. $1.034.872 $258.718 $1.293.59C
32 Integrated Corridor Signal Coordination for TH 13 from 1-494 to TH 101,
MnDOl deployment of CCTV cameras and variable message signs along TH 13. $1.077 .200 $269.300 $1.346.5OC
CMAQ MANAGEMENT SUBTOTALS $11,476,753 $2,869,416 $14,346,169
Map ID Applicant Description Federal $ Match $ Total $
Ramsey County US Hwy 10 and CSAH 96 Grade Separation. Eliminate the at-grad signalized
33 intersection with a grade-separated US Hwy 10 over CSH 96.
$7,000,000 $4,400,000 $11,400,000
Anoka County CSAH 116 Expansion and Access Management. Reconstruction of CSAH 116
from CSAH 7 through 38th Ave N in the cities of Anoka and Andover to a four-Ian
34 divided roadway, construction of separate pedestrianJbicycle trail along north side
and reconstruction of existing traffic signal at CSAH 7.
$4,204,000 $1,051,000 $5,255,000
Washington County CSAH 2 Reconstruction. Reconstruct CSAH 2 from 12th 51 SW to TH 61 in the
35 City of Forest lake to a four-lane divided roadway and construction of a
multimodal trail and sidewalk. $3,280,000 $820,000 $4,100,000
City of Rogers TH 101 Grade Separated Ramp Improvement. Construct off-ramp from
36 westbound 1-94 to northbound TH 101 in the City of Rogers, intersection
improvements at TH 101/1-94 and connection of two trails along TH 101. $7,000,000 $3,900,000 $10,900,000
Scott County Construct 1.5 mile segment of CSAH 21 four-lane divided roadway plus 12'
37 shoulders from CSAH 42 to CSAH 16 in the Cities of Shakopee and Prior Lake
and include a Transit Advantage Access Point to TH 169, and trait on east side of
roadway. $6,000,000 $1,500,000 $7,500,000
City of Maple Grove Reconstruct CSAH 10 from Vicksburg Lane to CSAH 101 in the City of Maple
38 Grove to a four-lane divided roadway, bicycle/pedestrian traits on both sides of the
roadway, signalized intersections and intersection realignment at CSAH 101..
$7,000,000 $6.400,000 $13.400,000
Hennepin County Reconstruct CSAH 81 from north of CSAH 10 to north of 63rd Ave N to a 6-lane
39 divided roadway, intersection improvements at 63rd Ave N in the Cities of
Brooklyn Park and Crystal. $7,000,000 $2,000,000 $9,000,000
City of St Louis Park Construct grade-separated interchange at TH 7 and Louisiana Ave. in the City of
40 SI Louis Park including pedestrianlbicycle path on the bridge crossing over TH 7,
$7,000,000 $2,200,000 $9,200,000
Dakota County Reconstruction of CSAH 23 from CSAH 42 to CSAH 38 in the City of Apple Valley
41 including widening to accommodate BRT and intersection upgrades.
$7,000,000 $1,750,000 $8,750,OO(
Scott County Reconstruct 0.85 miles of TH 13/101 from linran Ave S to Louisiana Ave S in the
42 City of Savage including overpass for TH 101 eastbound traffic, 2-lane westbound
bypass, relocation of traffic signal. $7,000,000 $2,000,000 $9,OOO,OO(
MnDDT Construct interchange at TH 36 and Hilton Trail in the City of Pine Springs, plus
43 construct frontage road segment and access removal, and shoulder improvement.
$7,000,000 $1,750,000 $8,750,00
City of St Paul Midtown Greenway - St Paul Extension Phase 2. Construct an off-road
44 bicycle/pedestrian trail from Prior Ave 10 Ayd Mill Trail in the City of St Paul
including right of way acquisition. $5,500,000 $1,375,000 $6,875,00
STP URBAN GUARANTEE SUBTOTALS $74,984,000 $29,146,000 $104,130,000
Project No Applicant Description Federal $ Match $ Total $
70-00121 City of Jordan Syndicate St, MSAS 105, Jordan, Scott County $225,000 $25,000 $250,OO(
19-00137 Dakota County CNlY 96, 320th SI. W, Northfield (1/2 Mi N), Dakota County $225,000 $25,000 $250,OO(
27-00290 City of Plymouth N Nathan Ln, MSAS 160, Plymouth, Hennepin County $225,000 $25,000 $250,OO(
70-00122 Scott County Valley View Dr, Twp 87, Jordan (.25 Mi N), Sand Creek Township, Scott County $225,000 $25,000 $250,OO(
27-00291 City of Bloomington Xerxes Ave $, MSA$ 409, Bloomington $247,500 $27,500 $275,OO(
27-00292 Hennepin County CSAH 10, Bass Lake Rd, Hennepin County $292,500 $32,500 $325,OO(
27-00293 City of Minneapolis 14th Ave NE, MUN 283, Minneapolis $270,000 $30,000 $300,OO(
27-00294 City of Robbinsdale 39th & Xi Ave., Robbinsdale, Hennepin County $225,000 $25,000 $250,OO(
27-00295 City of Bloomington West 92nd St, MUN 527, Bloomington $225,000 $25,000 $250,OO(
27-00296 City of St. Louis Park Lake St, MSAS 281, St. Louis Park, Hennepin County $247,500 $27,500 $275,OO(
27-00297 City of Minneapolis 26th Ave N, MSAS 301, Mpls, Hennepin County $225,000 $25,000 $250,OO(
27-00298 City of Minneapolis 17th Ave N, MSAS 310, Mpls $225,000 $25,000 $250,OO(
27-00299 City of St. Louis Park Alabama Ave, MSAS 305, St. Louis Park, Hennepin County $225,000 $25,000 $250,OO(
27-00300 City of Minneapolis 22"" Ave N, MSAS 311, Mpls $225,000 $25,000 $250,OO(
$158,966,0551 $56,846,4921 $215,812,5471
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Hoffman, Todd
From: Cynthia Tonn [cynthia.tonn@mchsLcom]
Sent: Wednesday, February 13,20089:18 PM
To: Hoffman, Todd
Subject: Trash in our Parks/Streets
Attachments: don't trash Chan.jpg
Todd, do you remember a year or so ago, we talked about the way people litter in Chan and wished we could do something
about it...but there wasn't a budget for it? I said that I had an idea for signs/campaign and you said to send it to you. Well, I
didn't have a expertise from a s/w perspective to create it...I'm still lacking, but am getting better (currently taking a class).
Anyway, the attached jpeg is as far as I can go as I don't have the knowlege to complete what I want to do. Across the whole
image, I would like to put that circle with the diagonal line thru it that means "don't do this!"; i.e., no smoking, no parking, no
u-turn, etc. Maybe you have someone who can finish it. I do have the .psd file also from Adobe Photoshop Elements if you
want it.
So here is my what you want with it. If nothing, you won't offend me as I was practicing my classroom knowledge
from last week's class. :-)
Cynthia Tonn
(952) 934-3238 (home)
(952) 484-0583 (mobile)
Don't Trash Chan!