Application Planning Case No. 06 - I a CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard - P.O. Box 147 ( . Chanhassen, MN 55317 - (952) 227-1100 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED APR 0 3 2008 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT PLEASE PRINT -_.._----~ Applicant Name and Address: Nick's Storage & Parking 1900 Stoughton Avenue Chaska, MN 55318 Contact: Jacques Gibbs Phone: 612-386-3140 Fax: Email: gibbs@nmfn.com Owner Name and Address: Progress Valley Storage of Minnesota, LLC Attn: Jacques Gibbs 6921 Beach Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Contact: Jacques Gibbs Phone: 612-386-3140 Fax: Email: Gibbswealthcoach@aol.com NOTE: Consultation with City staff is required prior to submittal, including review of development plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Temporary Sales Permit x Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Amendment Vacation of Right-of-Way/Easements (VAC) x Interim Use Permit (IUP) Outdoor Storage x Variance (VAR) Signs and Hardcover Non-conforming Use Permit Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) Planned Unit Development* Zoning Appeal Rezoning Zoning Ordinance Amendment x Sign Permits Sign Plan Review X Notification Sign - $200 (City to install and remove) Site Plan Review (SPR)* X Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost** - $50 CUP/SPRNACNARNJAP/Metes & Bounds - $450 Minor SUB TOTAL FEE $ Subdivision* An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. *Sixteen (16) full-size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8%" X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a digital copy in TIFF-Group 4 (*.tif) format. **Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. Progress Valley Storage of Minnesota, LLC, d/b/a P.ROJECT NAME: Nick's Storage & Parking LOCATION: 1805 and 1900 Stoughton Avenue LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See Exhibits A and B attached TOTAL ACREAGE: 6.82 acres and .50 acres WETLANDS PRESENT: YES x NO PRESENT ZONING: BF REQUESTED ZONING: BF PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: REASON FOR REQUEST: Applicant requests that CUP No. 87-2 and IUP No. 92-1 be amended so as to allow 60 outdoor storage stalls (grassed only; not paved or graveled) to be rented to the general public for storage of motor vehicles, boats, trailers, and equipment; as shown on plan attached as Exhibit C. Applicant requests such variances as will allow it to continue to operate its existing including but not limited to signs, hardcover, and outside storage. This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Progress Valley Storage of Minnesota, LLC, / d a ick' s Sto~ge &....!.arking ~ (\ by. Signature of Applicant Its 4r-rb,z"V/ Signature of Fee Owner of/-oJ-og- Date Date G:\pLAN\forms\Development Review Application.DOC Rev. 12/05 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION NICK'S STORAGE, 1900 STOUGHTON AVE., CHASKA (CHANHASSEN), MN 1. 2004 Change in Ownership. In the summer of 2004, Applicant, Progress Valley Storage of Minnesota, LLC, purchased the Gary Brown parking and storage business (and the land and buildings) located at 1900 Stoughton A venue. 2. Status of Driveway Abutting on SW'lv side. City Staff has noted the presence of a driveway which appears to encroach on the southwesterly edge of Applicant's property. That driveway appears to serve the Dungey property with lies to the west of Applicant's property. Applicant has been unable to locate any recorded document which would authorize the Dungey property to maintain a driveway on Applicant's property. 3. Components Of Brown's Business Prior to the Sale. Brown called his business "Progress Valley Storage". The business consisted of three main components: 1) a U-Haul type rental business, 2) rental of self-storage lockers within the six buildings on the site, and 3) rental of outdoor storage pads for the parking of boats, trailers, and vehicles. Brown established the storage business sometime in 1987. 4. Ten years of Out Door Storage. After the City's Compliance Review in 2007 (see Item No.9 below) Applicant reviewed the City's files on Brown's 1900 Stoughton Avenue business. City files state that Brown's business included rental of out door storage pads since at least 1997. 5. Components of Applicant's Business. Applicant has continued to operate the business, just as Brown had operated it. However Applicant has terminated the U-Haul component. 6. Signage. At the time of Applicant's purchase of the business, the property was served primarily by one sign located at the entrance to the yard on Stoughton A venue, and one internally illuminated double faced pylon sign visible to Highway 212 near the northeasterly corner of the property. 7. No History of Complaints. Applicant operated the in-door and out-door storage business from the summer of 2004 through the summer of 2007, without complaint from the City or anyone else for that matter. 8. 2007 Damage to Pylon Sign. In the summer of2007 the one of the faces on the Progress Valley pylon sign was storm damaged. Applicant engaged a sign company to perform repairs on the sign, including the installation of replacement sign faces - but using Applicant's trade name of "Nick's Storage & Parking". 9. 2007 Compliance Review. The new Nick's Storage signage triggered a City Compliance Review which was conducted in August of2007. The applicant learned for the first time that city staff had compliance issues with the signage, the outside storage, and hard cover. Applicant was surprised. The pylon sign appeared to be at least 10 years old. Applicant had believed that it was merely continuing Brown's business which had been in place at that location since 1987. 10. Applicant's Goal. Applicant wishes to continue to operate the in-door and outdoor storage business as Brown operated the business it. 11. Loss of the Benefit of the pylon Sign. At the direction of City Staff, Applicant did not install the face panels on the pylon. The pylon and the emptyframe remain in place. 12. Loss of Business. Since removal of the face panels on the pylon, Applicant has experienced a significant drop off in business. Since 2004 Applicant has surveyed its new customers as to how they learned of Applicant's storage business. The majority of new customers have indicated that were drawn in by the illuminated pylon sign on Highway 212. 13. Costs Up, Revenue Down. Applicant's real estate taxes have increased approximately $20,000 over 2004 levels. Vacancies are up, and that is largely due to the loss of the pylon sign. 14. Findings to Support Variances and CUP Requests. Applicant requests the grant of hard cover and sign variances, and CUP/IUP Amendments. The storage business has been in operation at the present location since 1987. With the exception of the termination of the U-Haul business, Applicant has tried to continue to operate the storage business in the same manner as was done under Mr. Brown's ownership. The buildings and internal drives configured the same as under the Brown ownership. [Applicant has a) upgraded exterior building maintenance levels, b) upgraded site security (primarily by video monitoring system), and c) corrected a small wash-out near the NE'ly corner of the property. Dave's Excavating did the repairs. A call to that contractor indicates that the work consisted of repairing the wash out, constructing a swale, constructing a catch basin and an underground pipe, and constructing a rip-rapped daylight outlet. All of which has the effect of guiding drainage in a NW'ly direction along the southerly right-of-way of Highway 212.] Applicant has not created any detriment to the public welfare or the public health, or to the safety/comfort/convenience of the neighborhood, and has not impaired light or the air of adjacent properties. Applicant has not congested the public streets, nor increased fire danger, nor endangered public safety, nor impaired neighborhood property values. Applicant has not impaired service levels required for streets, police protection, fire protection, drainage, refuse disposal, public water and sewer systems, or schools. Applicant's business is not a detriment to community economic welfare, and does not involve uses which produce excessive traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. Applicant's business does not result in loss of solar access, or loss of naturallsceniclhistoric features, or loss of aesthetic compatibility with the area. 15. Applicant's Business Offers Zoning Enforcement Benefit. Applicant believes that its storage business serves a public purpose. In residentially zoned areas of the City, certain out-side storage activities are not allowed. Applicant is a resource to which Chanhassen residents can be directed for the storage of their vehicles, boats, trailers, and equipment. 16. Conclusion. In summary, Applicant wishes to continue to operate the same business which it purchased in 2004, and operate it in the same manner as it was operated by its prior owner for at least ten years. S:\Netback\7636\OI\SUPPLEMENT AL INFORMA TION.doc BUSINESS ORGANIZA nONS INQUIRY - VIEW ENTITY Page 1 of 1 Online Acc~s DA!:fgmE!UCC I3U$inE!$s$E!rvice$ Accgunt SE!$$igl1l3riE!fca$E! HE!lplFAQ$ BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS INQUIRY - VIEW ENTITY Filing Number: 1042144-2 Entity Type: About Lggin Original Date of Filing: Entity Date to Expire: Good Standing: (date of last annual filing) 9/15/2004 Entity Status: Chapter: Limited Liability Company Active 322B 2007 Name: Registered Office Address: Home State: Progress Valley Storage of Minnesota LLC 6921 Beach Rd Eden Prairie, MN, 55344 MN Agent Name: No Agent Filed [ Additional Entity Detail ] [. Return to Search List ] [ New Search ] pA HQJ::n~ lOSS Home I Contacts I Privacy Policy I Term~ & CQ!}ditions Use of this site and services indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use. @Q_QPy.rlgbt_~_QQJ , Minnesota Office of the Secretary of State. All Rights Reserved. http://da.sos.state.mn.us/minnesota/corp jnquiry-entity .asp?:nfiling_ number= 1 042144-2&... 12/7/2007 BUSINESS ORGANIZA nONS INQUIRY - VIEW ENTITY Page 1 of 1 Online Access PAI:IQm~ uee 1311$in~s$$~rvlC::~$ Ac::cQlIJlt $~$$ipnl3ri~fc::a$~ HelpIFAQ$ About Lpgin BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS INQUIRY - VIEW ENTITY Filing Number: 2565601-2 Entity Type: Original Date of Filing: 10/29/2007 Entity Status: Entity Date to Expire: 10/29/2017 Assumed Name Active Name: Address: Nick's Storage & Parking 6921 Beach Rd Eden Prairie, MN, 55344 [ . Additional Entity Detail ] [. Return to Search List ] [ New Search ] DA Home lOSS Home I Contacts I Privacy Policy I Terms & Conditions Use of this site and services indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use. @C_QPyrigbt~QQ1, Minnesota Office of the Secretary of State. All Rights Reserved. http://da.sos.state.rnn.us/minnesota/corp _inquiry-entity .asp?:nfiling_ number=256560 1-2&... 12/7/2007 ,.. ~ WARRANTY DEED cQS -OJYOIJ-O Corporation, Partnership or Limited Liability Company to Corporation, Partnership or Limited Liability Company No dell~q~:!1t taxes and transfer entered; Certificate of Real Estate Value (>(ftiled Certificate of Real Estate Value No. Document No. OFFICE OF THE A399507 COUNlYRECORDER II~I~II~~~ ~:E~9':N:':N~,:~: Certified Recorded on 10-21-2004 at 10;30 ~M 0 PM 1111~IIMII.n ~"iJ;~> Date -11 (;Uf\ /L..~I......d~~ County A~ditor By: ~(1AH~ ~l.-Id-II r+@ Deputy DEED TAX DUE: $ s;ttJDtD . Date: /0 - /2 - 0"1 (1~9t'n-ed rOt rccllldme data) FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, GIU'Y W. Dungey and Gary L. Brown. LLP. a Minnesota Limited Liability Partnership. Grantor. hereby conveys and wmants to Progress Valley Storage of Minnesota, LLC. a Minnesota Limited Liability Company. Grantee. real property In Carver County, Minnesota. described as follows: See Exhiblt"A" attached hereto. together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, subject to the following exceptions: restrictions, easements and reservations of record. If any and excepting the rights created by a Cross Driveway License Agreement dated October 6. 2004. by and between Gary W. Dungey and GIll'Y L. Brown. LLP. a Minnesota Limited Liability Partnership and Gary W. Dungey and Barbara Dungey, husband and wife. Check box If applicable: o The Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described real properlY. o A well disclosure certificate accompanies this document. I:8J I IU'R familiar with the property described in this Instrument and I certify that tbe status and number of wells on the described real properlY have not changed since the last previously filed well disclosure certificate. No..3dJ0 Oe'dTax ~onofi~CO pardt1l1~ Ca"'er cou:tycpI20~ Conservation F reasurer ee Paid Am" 1le'\XJ To" Stdl\llllll..'hS STATE OF MINNESOTA ~a. (' \,rt-V N(.lI'''RI~' !S\W~ ' . , &e.~'~~ SANOnA L. GUt'D ,[;,~~:/~ NOTAHY PllflllC. MINNI,sorA ."f).... 0#, :.':t. !..:.t. My emllmll=$1011 r Jlplfns Jan. 31. ?OOB ~v,\~14~~.QIl~..v~~~'"' RANK Check here if part or all of the land Is Registered (Torrens) 0 liltS INS'! RUMRNf WAS DRAFrHlJ BY (NAMIl AND AD!lltliSSI: Tax Statements of the real property described In this instrument should be sent to (name and address of Or ante e): Boylll& Voss, P.A. (DWV) 145 ParlU'RountPlaza lIT 7831 Glenroy Road Minneapolis, MN 55439 (952) 837.1000 Progress Valley Storage of Minnesota, LLC 6921 Beach Road Eden Prairie. MN 55344 ~ ~ i g iii EXHIBIT A + ,. EXHmIT "A" That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, lying southwesterly of the southwesterly right- of way-line of U.S. Trunk Highway No. 212; northwesterly of the northwesterly right-of- way of County State Aid Highway No. 10 (Stoughton Avenue formerly the Chaska and Shakopee Road); and easterly and southeasterly ofthe following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence on an assumed bearing of North 89 degrees 11 minutes 32 seconds East along the south line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter a distance of 525.00 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 26 degrees 57 minutes 49 seconds West a distance of 399.00 feet; thence North 62 degrees 19 minutes 46 seconds East a distance of 485.18 feet more or less to said southwesterly right-of-way line ofU.S. Trunk Hig~way 212 and there terminating. EXCEPTING THEREFROM TIlE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL: Commencing at the southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence North 4.06 chains to center of Chaska and Shakopee Road, the point of beginning of tract to be conveyed herewith; thence South 64 degrees 30 minutes West 170 feet to point of center of said road; thence North parallel to East line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter to south line of Trunk Highway No. 51; thence southeasterly along south line Trunk Highway No. 51 to point where sqrne intersects East line of said SW Y4 ofSE 1/4; thence south along said east line to place of beginning. TAXPAVERCOPV SAlIS FOFtI'l1'l1Jl'lSIlEfEnENCE STATEMENT OF PROPERTY TAXES PAYABLE IN 2001 IrAXP~~,i:-NT ....--- 952-361-1910' \\WN.a1.taNei'.mn.us (Parcel 10: R 25.0340120 ) STATE COpy .' .... Carver C()Ullty,~ (lETACHAf ,..nfOAAT1Qff ~o .liCW$$'tl1I$OI)PYWllll roIlM I.ItPR ~ 1'lUNG. '. l'O..Ft~It.E.f1JI'i. ...0.. 'fl1PM TliE. "'1.N.!iEW'rI'Il.I'. "'. ..lllMSNT. ...... Ol'J1l111S. .'. . N\lE.ll'....OJ mt sox I$C~a:KEO, YOU l)Wl; llE!.lNQl.lM rAXAW MeHOTW<liIBlE P 2007 1,213,500 1,525,000 Markel VaMl: MtPR l.Jle t Amount: ,A1PR l.Jle2 AtntllJnl: LIne!i Miounl: ~d'i' C\aSs.: 1,213,500 1,525,000 40,404.00 COMMERCIAL 49,918.00 COMMERCIAL 10#: 42498 PROGRESS VALLEY STORAGE OF MN 6921 BEACH RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344-5227 DesC: Sect.34 Twp.116 Range.023 6.82 AC PIO SW1/4 SE1/4 LYING SWL Y OF SWL Y R.O.W LINE OF US HWY 212, NWLYOF NWLY R.O.WOFCO RD (STOUGHTON AVE) & ELY & SELY Property ~8dr: l1>u tMybil ~Iorcne tIr_ Mf.1it.'und:t 1r>/PtM>> lW'~' AU RtN'JIIlMbid flft/JIs slltft1tl:NMl /Ii 1iIr<((1/If lI<lW ",.,qp}r . ,", ,-.'- -,.,,','.:". PAYAi3U: 20Q72nllttALF PAYMENT STUB PENAl.TY MY OM OR SEFORE:OCTOBER 15 R 25.0340120 Bill # 36385 MAY 15 25,009.00 OCTOBER 15 25,009.00 Topayon.linego tOW'NW.co.carver.mn.us Pl.1l~ ItfOlCATE Y(lU1l JlOORESS CORRECTION ON.REVEASE $tDE OF THlsP,4yMtiHT STUB. COMMERCIAL 25,009.00 t ~~ ~~ jij- '"~ ~~ ei(j U ~.~ ~g \1!'" ..;~ tll PENAlTY: TOTAL: Make ~ payabteto at1d ramll1o: Carver County . P.O. Box 69 Chaska, MN5531,.o0G9 1.1.1..11 IfI.lIlllllll..I.II.uIIUl.U 1.I.l"lllllltlllllll.1 10#: 42498 PROGRESS VALLEY STORAGE OF MN 6921 BEACH RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344.5227 . T.......m..>>..._....."'i-;<l...M.. .....i>IY~-- ,........~.~,IIM_""'dotol.. . '('"'~~!opuol"'~~..-..;o....~....~~ No.~_~o.Jlyol\'j:j..u.s._-~.....- No~....,._~JII<l..""''''"'_lJ- .' ActiveReports Evaluation. Copyright 2002-2005 (c) Data Dynamics. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. ., . , I .... P-169 Individual Personal Representative( s) to Corporation to Partnership, or LLC ., ~ .0 00 No delinquent taxes and ~fer entered; Certificate of Real Estate Value (..., filed ( ) not;\eillJ~ 5 3 Certificate of Real Estate Value No. V,' U 0 ._._. ___ _ _ ~_._. ..n...... I Document No. OFFICE OF THE 3 34 COUNlY RECORDER A 45 9 CARVER COUNlY. MINNESOTA 1lIf1~ t-..I:ur f"1-M l .l.JJt)c, (Date) ~ ~k..... ~r County Auditor bY~ Fee: $ 46.00 Check#: 15~3/: Certified Recorded on 11-17-2006 at 11:30E'AMDpM Deputy IIII ~ri~illl~ . -) DEED TAX DUE: $..,.~5; 00 Date: Od.I...,. 30,"'<'0017 (reserved for recording data) FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION Mary Lynn Roles, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Albert F. Tholen, Decedent, single [X] married [ ] at the time of death (if "married" is checked, attach a Consent of Spouse [Form No. P-I64]), "Grantor", conveys to Progress Valley Storage of Minnesota LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, "Grantee", real property in Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: See attached Exhibit A together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, subject to the exceptions set forth on Exhibit B. [ JThe Seller certifies that the seller does not know of any wells on the described property. [ ]A well disclosure certificate accompanies this document. [X] I am familiar with the property described in this instrument and I certify that the status and number of wells on the descnoed real property have not changed since the last previously filed well disclosure certificate. Dee<lTlIlCelsLfll.S"'OO paid on 1 H "t 1) C, (0at8l eonservallon Fee PaId MARK LUNDOREN CaMlr C<lunly Auditor LAND TITLE, INC. SUITE 200 1900 SILVER LAKE ROAD NEWBRIGHT~ FILE NO. 7 Affix Deed Tax Stamp Here STATE OF MINNESOTA COUN1YOF &,(ef: } ss ~ Mary L 0 This instrument was acknowledged before me on ()(\ ~ ~ D Roles as Personal Representative of the Estate of Albert F. Tholen, Decedent. , 2006 by Mary Lynn BRENDAJO THOLEN Notary Public Minnesota My CommissilJl Expires JIIlUSY 31, 201Q ~,' bed ..."worn 10 b,r"" m'~() Or ::- ~2006 ~ ) Notary Public day NOTARIAL STAMP OF SEAL (OR ornER TIRE OR RANK) Cha:k h<:re if part or all of the land is Registered (TOITCOS) [ ) THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY (NAME ANP ADDRESS): Tax stateinents for the real property descnoed in this instrument should be sent to (include name and address of Grantee): Oppenheimer Wolff & Donnelly LLP (CAE) 3300 Plaza VII 45 South Seventh Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 Progress Valley Storage of Minnesota LLC b't:2.1 BLMI. Ro....J .";, E,tt" fr...i...;~) ,M;"....sor... S-':)3tf't EXHIBIT ':25 .C?3'-\ o3CO ,g r ~ '" B i ., :- EXHIBIT A Le2al Description Commencing at the Southeast comer of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter (SW~ of SE~); running thence North 4.06 chains to center of Chaska and Shakopee Road, the point of beginning of tract to be conveyed herewith; thence South 64 degrees 30 minutes West 170 feet to point in center of said road; thence North and parallel to East line of said Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter to South line of Trunk Highway No. 51; thence Southeasterly along South line Trunk Highway No. 5 I to point where same intersects East line of said Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter; thence South along said East line to place of beginning, situated in Southwest quarter of Southeast quarter (SW~ of SE~) Section 34, Township 116, Range 23, and containing one-half (71,) acre, more or less, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County and State, including any part or portion of any street or alley adjacent to said premises heretofore vacated or to be vacated. i' . EXHIBIT B Excentions I. Covenants, conditions, restrictions, (without effective forfeiture provisions) and declarations ofrecord, if any. 2. Reservations of minerals or mineral rights by the State of Minnesota, if any. 3. Utility and drainage easements which do not interfere with present improvements. 4. Applicable laws, ordinances and regulations. 5. Real estate taxes and installments of special assessments due and payable for the second half of 2006 and thereafter. 6. The following liens or encumbrances: All matters of record. OPPENHEIMER: 2456519 vOJ fY3t27f2006 TAXPAYERCOPV SAVllFOllFU'l'IJAUEIl!ltmce STATEMENT. OF PROPERTY TAXES PAYABLE1N2007 C-~:~~i:-NT ....--- D52.361.1910' mw.t(),~.mn.us (Parcel 10: R 25.0340300 ) STATECOPY . .' '.' .' .. '. . CMVet County.MN OtilTAOHATPeJ;FOMTlONAND ENClO$l!'rn!$OOl'YW1Tll FOIJ!.! L1IAA~ fl\.lt!GFOll" 1lS'1.II'1l) fi!OI>\ nll! "'INNE~ llEI'AA1!JIliNr OI'IlMNOI;, II' Eil nlI1 !IOx'$C~f(:ll;lD. rQlI Q'Nl1)I!!JNQI}M T!\XAND.Am! HOT UlCllllUl,. Mk 2llOO ~ ble 2007 148,900 157,800 imated AWl ~; ~ ~$1\l$Of EJcpfre;l ExcluSionS': TilXDIble MllI'lrel VaItIe; UfPR lJrle f .Atnolm!: IdlPll~2Aw.mt: Une5Mwunt Plq)erty. Cltl$; 148,900 1,609.00 1,609.00 RES. HSTD 157,800 1,985.00 RES. NON-HSTD 10#: 45232 PROGRESS VALLEY STORAGE OF MN 6921 BEACH RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344-5227 Desc: Sect.34 Twp-116 Range.023 IN SW1/4 SE1/4 DESC AS: SE1/4 TH N 4.06 CHAINS TO Property Addr: .50AC COMM AT SE CORN SW1/4 CENTER OF RD BEING PT OF BEG tw11MYlJiJ~IorCM(JI>_/lm~It1/~jWr~- R<Ntd IMAad tJI tfIi1s siIIffNtI;Mf III 1m qq( MwA>~" . MAY 15 OCTOBER 15 1 ,005.00 1 ,005.00 PAYABLE200121ld HALF PAYMENT STUB To pay on.line go to WWW.CO.C3rver.mn.us TO AVOID PENALTY PAY ON OR BEFORE:OCTOBER 15 (Pare.IID: R 25.0340300 ~ Bill # 5779 f'lEASe ltlOlCATE YOUR AOORESS CCflllECTIOf{ em REVm$E SjDEOF THIS PAyr.lEm STUB. t 1,005.00 EC :::;;!j ::~ i~ ~.~. ~~ !;)l::1 U i;tc ~.~ ~g ~.~ '"'? III RES. NON.HSTD PENALTY: TOTAL: MaJc6 checkspayabte to and remIt to: C_lVerCotInty P.O. Box 69 Chub, MN 55318.0009 l.l,I..I,llllflu 1I111..1.1I.ulllll.ltul.I'IIU j j!tllllll'.l 10#: 45232 PROGRESS VALLEY STORAGE OF MN 6921 BEACH RD EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344-5227 T_,d$l!.Oll.........."'~..~ 1f,..!>l'1 ~_.., )W......~.~,--*"- 'I'..'_~~lof"\lOlflp.~"'-~,..,,,.~.""yn~ 1<<>...-._~CJr,tf~t1S- __~....- '"'''''''l'l_~~.M..''''''--l(-. AetiveReports Evaluation. Copyright 2002-2005 (e) Data Dynamics, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. ,'s.:..r~_ l- e;:; :c ~ u ~ROPE~Ty ADJACENT TO TI-/E NORrf.l AND iVfSTOWN.:DS'(I.A~ GA.c;>YOUNGEY EXISTING 7.S" 10 CORRUG. PLASTIC PIPE SURROUNDED BY RIPRAP AT OUTLfT EXISTING POLE-MOUNTEO FLUORESCENT LIT SIGN SOIS.ON6JaqwnI8 PROP~RTY ADJACENT TO EAST OWNED BV PRQGRfSS VALLEv STORAGE " PROPOSED ADDITIONAl PARKING SPACES PROPOSED ADVERTISING SIGH EXISTING EDGE OF ASPHAl. T PROPERTY BOUNDARY PQOGRESS VALLEYSroR..-GE ~Q<()PERTY AREA -/5 81 ACRES NOTE: PROPOSED ....PROVEMENTS SHO'NN IN 'OLD o DECIDUOUS TREE . CONIFEROUS TREE lNTER~EOIA.TE TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR SCAlE IN FEET j M C. """-" c a In :::,';::::'''''' JnclAssociaIel.Int.Olla!2-)4I..3801 ~ SECUR:ITY C...-..c(FWS) rm ooTOool'I STOR..AGE PARKING SPACES o Pl'loPERTY CORNEI'I ~ONlJtIlENT on 760 - INOE x ToPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR o 40 80 1""1,,,,1 I GENERAL PLAN EXISTING CONDITIONS AND PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS NICK'S STORAGE AND PARKING 6' CHAIN LINK FENCE NICK'S STORAGE N-lO PARKING CHAHHASSEN. ),IN SHT 1 of 1 $ionS f'or Offie< Us< Only CITY OF CHANHASSEN SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 7700 Market Boulevard p, 0, Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227-1100 Permit No, Permit Fee: $ o Cash 0 Charge o Check # Date Issued: Site Address: 1900 and 1805 Stoughton Avenue Zoning: Suite No. (if any): BF Planning Case #: PLEASE PRINT Applicant Name and Address: Nick's Storage & Parking 1900 Stoughton Avenue Chaska, MN 55318 Contact: Jacques Gibbs Phone: 612-386-3140 Fax: Email: gibbs@mnfn.com Permanent Sign ($100): Temporary Sign ($35): Owner Name and Address: Progress Valley Storage of Minnesota, LLC Attn: Jacques Gibbs 6921 Beach Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Contact: Jacques Gibbs Phone: 612-386-3140 Fax: Email: gibbs@mnfn.com x From: __/~__To: __/~__ NOTE: Sign fee is due at time of permit application. New Alteration Re air Relocate Size of Sign: Length: Height: Letter Depth: Total Area: Logo Area: Required Inspections _ Footing Foundation Final TYPE OF SIGN (Please Circle all that a I) Wall Mounted Monument Pion SEE EXHIBIT D Illuminated Non-Illuminated Banner (tern or Portable (tern or If a Wall Sign, Wall Area: Percentage of wall coverage by sign: ft f1. in. (min, l!z" required) sq. f1. sq. f1. sq. f1. If a Monument or Pvlon Sign, Total Height (above grade) f1. Illuminated Signs An electrical permit must be obtained and final electrical inspection approval is required. Other Requirements The approved plans and permit must be on site for the final inspection. fR REOU ED INFORMATION Wording on Sign: Nick's Storage & Parking 952-448-5626 Materials Used for Construction: Wall Anchorage Details: Specifications of fasteners (e.g., size, type, number per letter, and spacing): Approximate weight of sign: Value of Sign: $ Estimated Date of Completion: Will the sign be located in a public drainage or utility easement?: Yes X No NOTE: Please attach an elevation drawing to scale of the entire wall of the building to which the sign is to be affixed, accurately locating the sign. If the sign is free standing, attach a site plan showing the exact location of the sign in relation to the property lines and plans indicating the manner the sign and/or its support will be constructed. . See Exhibit C attached. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREES TO DO ALL WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHANHASSEN CITY CODE AND THE RULINGS OF THE BUIWING INSPECTIONS DIVISION. Progress Valley Storage of Minnesota, LLC ABy I. , S. ~.~ pp lcant S Ignature~ Its Ifffo1t- ,V f-7 Property Managemefu's Signature: Not Applicable (REQUIRED) Date: 12!L1 O} I &-- Date: _I-!_ APPRO V ALS Building: Planning: Engineering: Date: Date: Date: Rev. 10/07 EXHIBIT D "Nick's Storage & Parking" Applicant is requesting the following signs: 1. Existing double-faced 24 s.f. sign at entrance 2. Four double-faced l' x 4' directional signs 3. Existing double-faced 60 s.f. (6' x 10') pylon (in service for period of approximately 15 years prior to this application) replacing "Progress Valley" panels with "Nick's Storage" panels 15 year old sign removed from pylon summer 2007 15 year old pylon :IT.:'T25W'FAm .W. proposed replacement panels for pylon Entrance Sign otJj