2004 03 19 e AGENDA CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION Friday, March 19,2004 10:00 A.M. TO 11:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Approval of agenda. 2. Approval of Minutes. 3. Senior Center Coordinator Update. 4. Senior Center Expansion Update. 5. Carver County Aging Summit. 6. Update on Senior Center Activities. 7. Senior Commission Comments. .diournment * The next Senior Commission meeting will take place on April 16, 2004. e CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone 952.227.1100 Fax 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax 952.227.1170 Finance Phone 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation aPhone 952.227.1120 _ Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952.227.1400 Fax 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone 952.227.1300 Fax 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone 952.227.1125 Fax 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us e MEMORANDUM TO: Chanhassen Senior Commission FROM: Justin Miller, Assistant to the City Manage:tG/" DATE: March 15, 2004 SUBJ: Senior Center Coordinator The City of Chanhassen is proud to announce that Susan Bill has been hired as our new Senior Center Coordinator. Susan currently works for Catholic Charities as a family consultant/program coordinator. In previous jobs, she has worked for Franciscan Skemp Healthcare Elder Services and the Family and Children's Center of LaCrosse, Wisconsin. She has a Bachelor of Science in Recreation Administration from the University of Wisconsin - LaCrosse. Susan's first day will be Monday, March 22nd, and her duties will include organizing and running the Chanhassen Senior Center, as well as coordinating senior activities and events. g:\plan\sa\sc\sr. center coordinator. doc The City 01 Chanhassen . A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. e e e . . . AI-Jaff. Sharmeen Subject: Susan Cardinal [Susan@tcaging.org] Monday, March 15,200412:04 PM Susan Cardinal; drobson@nwrdc.org; csampson@ardc.org; mtwcaaa@prtel.com; kate.selseth@mmrdc.org; michelle.bouta@umvrdc.org;. ecaaa@ncis.com; lori@cmcoa.org; swaaa@swrdc.org; Iindag@mdc.mankato.mn.us; connie@semaaarochestermn.org; mctapm@paulbunyan.net Vital Aging Network Conference From: Aent: Wo: . VAN 2004 Summit Press Release.... This is being sent to all on the MAAA Newsletter list. Vital Aging - Vital Communities: The 2004 Summit Join with civic leaders and Minnesota role models to help launch the vital force of vital agers! Vital communities are places where residents of all ages and abilities are actively engaged in civic life. A community that is good for children and families is a community that is good for its older residents. Come and create a shared vision of vital aging in vital communities! ehursday, May 13, 2004 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Continuing Education and Conference Center (formerly Earle Brown Center) St. Paul Campus, University of Minnesota For more information see the attached press release and visit www.van.umn.edu <<VAN 2004 Summit Press Release.pdf>> Caution: This e-mail and attached documents, if any, may contain information that is protected by state or federal law . E-mail containing private or protected information should not be sent over a public (nonsecure) Internet unless it is encrypted pursuant to Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging standards. This e-mail should be forwarded only on a strictly need-to-know basis. If you are not the intended recipient, please: (1) notify the sender immediately, (2) do not forward the message, (3) do not print the message and (4) erase the message from your system. e 1 e e e IMMEDIATE RELEASE Vital Aging Summit Will Focus on Community Most would agree that the ingredients of a vital community are many, but too few have considered the potential contribution of aging adults, according to Jim Scheibel, co-chair of the Vital Aging Summit planned for Thursday, May 13,2004. The day-long "Vital Aging ~ Vital Communities" Summit will be convened by the University of Minnesota College of Continuing Education and partners in the Vital Aging Network (VAN) at the Continuing Education and Conference Center (formerly Earle Brown Center) on the St. Paul campus. Space is available for 400 participants. Highlighting this year's event will be several prestigious leaders including Reatha Clark King, former director of the General Mills Foundation and president of Metropolitan State University; Bernard Brommer, former president of the Minnesota AFL-CIO; and Susan Hagstrum, University of Minnesota first lady. Scheibel is director of Ramsey Action Programs and former mayor of St. Paul. Special guest Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary fame, will provide entertainment. National leaders and Minnesota role models engaged in shaping a new societal vision of what it means to grow old will share practical tools and resources helpful in building vital communities that support vital aging. "We want participants to see what a community that believes in vital aging looks like, to discover new strategies, make new connections and gather new ideas," Scheibel said. "In the end our goal is to cultivate a vital force for communities across our state." Participants at the Summit will learn how to identify community assets, create gathering places, foster communication, support intergenerational relationships, facilitate inclusiveness and develop lifelong learning opportunities. The event is open to all including community leaders, elected officials, municipal administrators, community program coordinators and service providers. "Our hope is that the Summit will be just a beginning; we intend to send people away with a job to do," said Scheibel. Registration is now open, via www.van.umn.edu or 612-624-4000. # # # SENIOR COMMISSION MINUTES e REGULAR MEETING January 16,2004 Chairman Dale Geving called the meeting to order at 10:00a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mel Kurvers, Jean Mancini, Bobbie Headla, Dale Geving, and Pat McGough. MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Faust. STAFF PRESENT: Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator. VISITORS: Bill Miller / CPA. e FIELD TRIP TO PRESBYTERIAN HOMES: The Senior Commission decided that they would tour the Presbyterian Homes facility in Innver Grove Heights on either Monday, February 2nd or Tuesday, February 3rd. The Commission will meet in the Council Chambers at 10:ooa.m. Transportation will be way of carpooling. Kara Wickenhauser will contact Ken Ballard, Housing Counselor, for SummerWood of Chanhassen, to lead the tour in Innver Grove Heights. Contacts will be made by Kara Wickenhauser to confirm the date of the tour. CHAN-o-laires DONATION: Jean Mancini announced that the CHAN-o- laires will be donating $1000.00 towards the new Senior Center area. The group will decide a specific use for the money once the Senior Center renovation is complete. SENIOR PARKING FOR NEW SENIOR CENTER: The Senior Commission discussed the need to designate senior parking in the lower east parking lot of City Hall. This parking lot is already being used by several library patrons. Suggestions were made to discuss this issue with City Management. Currently, this parking lot is designated as public parking for everyone. e SENIOR COMMISSION OPENINGS: The Senior Commission discussed the two openings that will be available this upcoming April 3004. Senior Commissioners, Tom Faust and Albin Olson's positions will need to be filled. There are approximately 4 applications handed into staff at this time. Suggestions were made to set a special meeting day to review the new e applicants. There will be three commissioners who will not be available for the February 20th meeting. Kara Wickenhauser will contact Sharmin AI-Jaff to set an altematedate. WHEELCHAIR FOR SENIOR CENTER USE: Dale Geving volunteered to write a request letter in the Chanhassen Villager for the use of a wheelchair in the Senior Center. It was also suggested to write a letter to the American Legion. MISCELLANEOUS: Kara Wickenhauser, Chanhassen Senior Center Coordinator, announced her resignation. Kara is planning to stay home full- time with her three young children. A suggestion was made to have an Open House for the new Senior Center after the renovation is complete. Senior Commissioner, Jean Mancini, requested a list of the current commissioners along with their term limits and years served. Prepared and submitted by Kara Wickenhauser, Chanhassen Senior Center Coordinator. e e