2007 05 18
Friday, May 18,2007
10:00 A.M. TO 11:30 P.M.
Approval of agenda.
Approval of Minutes dated April 20, 2007.
Senior Commission - City Council joint meeting May 29,2007 Goals and Objectives.
Senior Commission Comments.
April 20, 2007
Chairman Robinson called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Curt Robinson, , Jean Mancini, Barbara Nevin, Virginia Prior,
Pat McGough~, Carol Buesgens, Charlie Robbins.
STAFF PRESENT: Sharmeen AI-Jaff, Sue Bill.
VISITORS: Council Woman Bethany Tjornhom and Council Woman Vicki Ernst.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Nevin, Commissioner Buesgens seconded
the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Senior Transportation: Councilwomen Tjornhom and Ernst explained to the Senior
Commission that they are in a position to assist them if they needed help with transportation.
They have contacted some of the local businesses such as Cub and Target who are willing to
sponsor a bus that would provide transportation. Staff explained that getting the senior
population to use the bus in Chanhassen has been a challenge. Staff was directed to prepare
surveys to evaluate senior needs in the City. Staff was also directed to find out why Chaska
and Eden Prairie seniors used the bus more frequently.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Robbins moved, Commissioner Nevin
seconded the motion to approve the minutes dated March 16,2007. All voted in favor
and the motion carried.
ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Curt Robinson was nominated for the position of Chair of
the Senior Commission. Commission Robbins moved, Commissioner Nevin seconded the
motion. All voted in favor and the motion canied. Jean Mancini was nominated for the
position of vise chair. Commissioner Prior moved seconded by commission Nevin. All
voted in favor and the motion canied.
Approval of By- Laws. Commissioner Robbins moved Commissioner Mancini seconded
the motion to approve the By-Laws. All voted in favor and the motion canied.
Senior Commission chose to support Ladd Conrad.
IN CASE OF EMERGENCY (ICE): Sharmeen AI-Jaff and Commissioner Mancini gave
a background briefing of the program. Sharmeen explained that she will contact Sheriff Bud
Olson to seek his opinion.
11,2007: Staffrequested each commissioner fill out a form for Senior of the Year and
return it at their earliest convenience.
ARBOR DAY VOLUNTEERS - MAY 5, 2007: Jill Sinclair requested members of the
Senior Commission volunteer to assist with Arbor Day.
COUNCIL: The City Council typically requests a joint meeting with the Senior
Commission around April or May of each year. Staff explained that the meeting has not
been scheduled yet. A copy of a list of goals from 2006 was given to the Senior
Adjournment: Commissioner Mancini moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner
Nevin seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Prepared and submitted by Sharmeen AI-Jaff, Senior Planner
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
Sharmeen AI-Jaff, Senior Planner
September 14, 2006
Discussion Topics for joint City Council/Senior Commission Meeting
The following are the Commission's Accomplishments, Goals and Objectives for 2006:
1. Identify Issues Facing Senior Citizens And Present Them, With Possible Solutions And
Recommendations, To The City Council:
The Senior Commission will hold its second annual open house on October 20, 2006. The
focus of the open house will be transportation. Representatives from SouthWest Transit and
Carver Area Rural Transit will be the guest speakers at the event.
The first open house was held on October 21,2005. Approximately 60 seniors from the
community attended the meeting. The open house focused on services available in the City
. of Chanhassen. The attendees expressed a need for more public transportation.
2. Transportation: In response to the request for additional public transportation, staff
contacted SouthWest Metro Transit and provided them with a city map reflecting all high
density residential areas and major points of interest in the city such as shopping areas,
clinics, library, etc. SouthWest Metro began running a circulator bus at the beginning of the
summer. The fair was $0.50. The ridership was low. SW Transit decided to run the buses
free of charge for marketing purposes. The ridership increased but not enough to justify
continuing the service.
3. Senior Center: The number of attendees at the Senior Center continues to increase. The
senior commission is currently working with Sue Bill, Senior Center Coordinator, on a
"Tuesday coffee at senior center". The Commission has been working with Cub Foods to
donate rolls to the Center. The donation would be made through the Lions Club.
4. Veterans Monument: The Senior Commission is still committed to building a monument to
honor the veterans of our community. The American Legion expressed willingness to partner
with the City on this project. Weare also pursuing funding from utility companies.
5. Participate in Carver County Health Partnership(CCHP): The objective of CCHP is to
create a countywide master plan on aging. Chanhassen is represented by Senior
Commissioners who serve as liaisons between the County and the City.
Chanhassen Senior Commission
Goals and Objectives 2006
September 14, 2006
. Page 2
6. Communication:
a. Computer Training: The commission presented this item to the City Council at the
May 2005 joint meeting. One of the most effective means of obtaining information is
through the web. Some seniors are intimidated by computers. The Senior Commission
worked through the Senior Center to begin a computer training program. Volunteers
have been recruited to provide one-on-one training to seniors. We believe this problem
will correct itself as the ".com" generation ages. This program has been very
b. Educate Future Generations of Seniors: Increase awareness of the opportunities and
challenges that face seniors in Chanhassen.
c. Communication With Neighboring Senior Centers and Community Education:
· Coordination of events.
· Transportation coordination with other senior centers and community education.
· Work with communities within Carver County to assist in creating Senior Friendly
d. Volunteer Opportunities for Seniors: The Senior Commission is working to coordinate
and develop partnerships for volunteer opportunities for seniors at the library, schools,
City events such as Arbor Day, computer training, senior center duties, etc.
7. Senior Parking at Public Buildings: Ongoing. The Senior Commission contacts local
businesses and requests the installation of "Senior Parking" signs at their parking lots.
8. Support:
a. Senior Expo: This goal gives staff and seniors an opportunity to learn about issues
facing seniors, what other communities are doing to address these issues, and form
partnerships with other agencies. The Expo is held once a year and the cost for this
valuable service is only $16.00 per person.
b. Chanhassen Heritage Preservation: Continue to promote and preserve Chanhassen's
c. Food shelf: The senior center is a drop-off location for non-perishable food items.
d. Inter-generational activities: Work with the schools on joint activities between seniors
and students of all ages, i.e. storytelling, sharing experiences, etc.
Chanhassen Senior Commission
Goals and Objectives 2006
September 14, 2006
. Page 3
9. Have an Annual Joint Work Session Between the Senior Commission and the City
Council to Present the Goals and Objectives for the Year and Ensure that the Council's
Vision and their Expectations of the Senior Commission Will be Met: The Senior
Commission members are actively involved in the community. They listen and educate
seniors on programs available to them and hear the concerns and issues facing them.
Through this format, they are able to poll a representative sample and report the key issues to
the City Council.