2007 11 16 .' . AGENDA CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION Friday, November 16,2007 10:00 A.M. TO 11:30 P.M. CHANHASSEN SENIOR CENTER 1. Approval of agenda. 2. Approval of minutes dated August 17, 2007. 3. Planning for 2008. 4. Transportation Update. 5. Senior Parking Update. 6. Senior Center Name Change. 7. Senior Center Activities. 8. Senior Commission Comments. .dioumment Next meeting December 21,2007 . . . . SENIOR COMMISSION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING August 17, 2007 Chairman Robinson called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Curt Robinson, Pat McGough, Charlie Robbins, Carol Buesgens, Barbara Nevin, Virginia Prior. MEMBERS ABSENT: Jean Mancini. STAFF PRESENT: Sharmeen AI-Jaff. VISITORS: Katy Boone, Public Health Planner, Mary Jane Klingelhutz. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Buesgens moved, Commissioner Nevin seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Robbins moved, Commissioner McGough seconded to approve the minutes. All voted in favor and the motion carried. VISITOR PRESENTATION: Mary Jane Klingelhutz gave an update on the Chanhassen Historic Preservation Group. There are 28 individuals that attended the March and May meetings. They are currently forming an "Article of Incorporation". They are a branch of the county. They are modeling Chaska's Historic Society. They had a meeting with Father Mike regarding St Hubert's. They do not know what is planned and are awaiting word. The next meeting will be on September 17, 2007. They are anticipating 45 to 50 people. They are conducting a membership drive. They are requesting assistance and support from the Senior Commission. The commission explained that their role is to identify needs of seniors in the City of Chanhassen. Historic preservation does not fall within that category. SENIOR COMMISSION OPEN HOUSE-FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21,2007: Senior Commission discussed the duties of each commissioner. CHANHASSEN SENIOR COMMISSION HOST OPEN HOUSE FOR COUNTY SENIOR COMMISSIONS: The Senior Commission confirmed with Katy Boone that the open house will be held in Chanhassen on October 19,2007. Transportation Update: Staff explained that Southwest Transit has not found a survey yet. Adjournment: Commissioner Robbins moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Buesgens seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Prepared and submitted by Sharmeen AI-Jaff, Senior Planner .0 ED Senior Survey . . , . Southwest Metro Transit would like to find out about your transportation needs. We realize that the best way to design a transit service is to talk to the people who need the service __ people like you! The information you provide will be used to improve our service for you. Let us know if we are doing a good or poor job; its the only way we will know if we are meeting your needs. When you have completed the form, please return it to Al Holte by Friday, July 31. Southwest Metro Transit will collect and analyze the data and meet with you again at a later date to talk about the results. Thank you for taking the time to participate. t. Have you ever ridden a Southwest Metro Transit bus? Yes No If you answered "yes", what bus did you ride (please check all that apply)? . 548 Telebus (Dial-A-Ride) Circulator 53M Express to Minneapolis 2. If you have ridden a Southwest Metro Transit Bus before, do you still ride? Yes No If you answered "no", why not? 3. If you need transportation, please list your top three destinations? Place City . Place City Place City , .If. If you ride the bus, why do you -use this service? (Please rank in order of priority: 1 = most important, 2 = 2nd most important, etc.) Cost savings Time savings Convenience Comfort Don't drive Don't like to drive in traffic Don't own a car Other s. If you don't ride, what prevents you from taking the bus (check all that apply)? Not aware of service Do not live close enough to routes Do not have route information Walking distance to bus stop Physical limitations Getting stuck without a ride home Route times not convenient Friend said the service doesn't work Don't want to wait in ram or snow ___Already haye . transportatIon Cost Safety Doesn't go where I want to go Other 6. Is there an automobile available for you to make your trips? Yes No 7. When do you need transportation (please check all that apply)? Weekday: Morning Afternoon Evening Weekend: Morning Afternoon Evening 8. How could we improve our communication with you? . ~. What do you like about Southwest Metro Transit services? (If you have never ridden the system, please write "not applicable") 10. What do you dislike about Southwest Metro Transit services? (If you have never ridden the system, please write "not applicable") . . 11. How could Southwest Metro Transit improve its services for you? The following information is optional: however it provides us with a better understandinr of our customers Are you? Male Female What is your age? 60 - 64 80 - 84 65 - 69 70 - 74 75 - 79 . 85 + tfDDITIONAL COMMENTS: . . Thank You For Your Time Today! CITY OF CHANBASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation . Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us . MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Sharmeen AI-Jaff, Senior Planner DA TE: May 29, 2007 SUBJ: Discussion Topics for Joint City Council/Senior Commission Meeting The following are the Commission's Accomplishments, Goals and Objectives for 2007: 1. Identify Issues Facing Senior Citizens and Pres Solutions and Recommendations, to the City C The Sepior Commission will hold its third an 2007. open ouse will be la of Emer Marsha ouse in September ogram, "In Case eputy Fire 2. commissi They conta sponsor transp is in the process of com The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a channing downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. . Chanhassen Senior Commission Goals and Objectives 2007 May 29, 2007 Page 2 3. Senior Center: The number of attendees at the Senior Center continues to increase. 4. Veterans Monument: The Senior Commission is still committed to building a monument to honor the veterans of our community. The American Legion has been made aware that the members of the commission are available to assist as private citizens. 5. Participate in Carver County Health Partnership (CCHP): The objective of CCHP is to create a county-wide master plan on aging. Chanhassen is represented by Senior Commissioners who serve as liaisons between the County and the City. 6. Communication: . a. Computer Training: The commission presented this item to the City Council at the May 2005 joint meeting. One of the most effective means of obtaining information is through the web. Some seniors are intimidated by computers. The Senior Commission worked through the Senior Center to begin a computer training program. Volunteers have been recruited to provide one-on-one training to seniors. We believe this problem will correct itself as the ".com" generation ages. This program has been very successful. b. Educate Future Generations of Seniors: Increase awareness of the opportunities and challenges that face seniors in Chanhassen. c. Life Time Learning: The Senior Center Coordinator has introduced lifelong learning presentations offered through Augsburg College, the College of the Third Age. KleinBank is sponsoring this series of presentations. d. Communication With Neighboring Senior Centers and Community Education: . Coordination of events. . Transportation coordination with other senior centers and community education. . Work with communities within Carver County to assist in creating senior-friendly communities. . e. Volunteer Opportunities for Seniors: The Senior Commission is working to coordinate and develop partnerships for volunteer G:\planlsjlsc\SENIOR GOALS May 29, 2007.doc . Chanhassen Senior Commission Goals and Objectives 2007 May 29, 2007 Page 3 opportunities for seniors at the library, schools, city events such as Arbor Day, computer training, senior center duties, etc. 7. Senior Parking at Public Buildings: Ongoing. The Senior Commission contacts local businesses and requests the installation of "Senior Parking" signs at their parking lots. 8. Support: a. Senior Expo: This goal gives staff and seniors an opportunity to learn about issues facing seniors, what other communities are doing to address these issues, and form partnerships with other agencies. The Expo is held once a year and the cost for this valuable service is only $16.00 per person. b. Chanhassen Heritage Preservation: Continue to promote and preserve Chanhassen's history. . c. Food Shelf: The senior center is a drop-off location for non-perishable food items. d. Inter-Generational Activities: Work with the schools on joint activities between seniors and students of all ages, i.e. storytelling, sharing experiences, etc. 9. Have an Annual Joint Work Session Between the Senior Commission and the City Council to Present the Goals and Objectives for the Year and Ensure that the Council's Vision and their Expectations of the Senior Commission Will be Met: The Senior Commission members are actively involved in the community. They listen and educate seniors on programs available to them and hear the concerns and issues facing them. Through this format, they are able to poll a representative sample and report the key issues to the City Council. . G:\plan\sj\sc\SENIOR GOALS May 29, 2007.doc