2008 02 15
Friday, February 15, 2008
10:00 A.M. TO 11:30 P.M.
1. Approvat of agenda.
2. Joint Meeting topics
a. Congregate Dining Update, Jody New Site Manger
b. Senior wellness day-Open house.
c. Ice cream social prior to concert in the park.
d. 3rd of July booth?
e. Transportation
f. Senior Center Name Change.
g. Community involvement of Baby Boomers
3. Will Carver County be ready for the Boomers?
. 4. Rotary Club Nomination.
5. Planning for 2008.
6. Senior Parking Update.
7. Senior Center Activities.
8. Senior Commission Comments.
Next meeting Match 21, 2008
Mayor Tom Furlong
The City Commission
City of Chanhassen
7700 Market Boulevard
Chanhassen, Mn 55317
January 17, 200&
A number of us Seniors have been involved in driving Chanhassen residents with handicaps to the Senior Center and
other place in Chanbassen over a period of several years. We don't know what the Senior population of Chanhassen
is or the number of Handicap people who are not able to drive, cut certainly this number will only increase. We can
no longer afford the liability of transporting these people around. They have tried using Metro Mobility and Cart
only to have a lot of frustrations. There are two people within six blocks of each other who want to go and come from
the Senior Center at about the same time and Metro Mobility cannot work this out for them. Some have to wait
several hours after the activity is over and the Center is closed until their ride picks them up. There are many
residents who no longer are allowed to drive. I understand the Eden Prairie Senior Center has two handicap vans
available for these types of situations. We can no longer provide this service and hope the City of Chanhassen will
step up to the plate and prepare for our handicap residents in Chanhassen. We have enough senior housing
(Surnmerwood, Centennial Hills, Power Ridge) and probably other buildings that could benefit from this very much
needed service.
Concerned Drivers:
KatWeen Gyorfi, 7951 Autumn Ridge Lane, Chanhassen, Mn 55317 952-3&0-0769<~/titJf)l~ Jt~
. Fran Sheffel, 1601 Lyman 80ul"""'<l, Chwilias_ MN 55317 952-361-3004 ' /;;" ~:J~1~ ,'fJ1J, . A
Harvey & Ruby Thielke, 820 Santa Vera Drive #210, Chanhassen, Mn 553! 7 952-470-864j rJ:f~ '+ \~ - _ h~ v ~
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".,_--__Jeanne Mastain 8034 Autumn Ridge Way, Chanhassen, Mn 55317,952-380-0243 ~ ~'::t;m~
'bc-1f~!f A'lcAlhs+ilt'157t EfirL- .4Ve..tllf;11J1Iis~zn ,IIJN.3JJ/1 1J!J~-4'i1- !)&J1'
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Maureen Pasko, 7991 Autumn Ridge Way, Chanhassen, Mn 55317 952-401:4519
Pockets of signatories regarding handicapped transportation needs
Prom oting Comm unities for a Lifetime
You are cordially invited to attend the "'Kick-Off" event for the
Carver County Office of Aging
""Will Carver County be ready for the Boomers?"
Friday, February 29, 2008
8:30 A.M. Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00 to 12:00 noon
University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum
Transform 2010: Preparing Minnesotafor the Age Wave
Loren Colman, Assistant Commissioner,
Continuing Care Administration,
Minnesota Department of Human Services
Carver County Demographics
Tom Gillaspy, State Demographer
Carver County Office of Aging
Katy Boone, Public Health Planner
There is no charge hut reservations are required.
Limit of 100 attendees.
Please call 952/361-1329 to reserve your space.
JAN 0 8 2007
Dear Participating Organization:
The Chanhassen Rotary Club annually awards its Distinguished Service A ward to
one Chanhassen resident who exemplifies Rotary's goal of "Service Above Self."
It is through the selfless and dedicated works of citizens who demonstrate their.
passion to serve others that all of our lives are enriched. Past recipients include Al
Klingelhutz, Bob Meuwissen and Ladd Conrad.
This year we are asking your organization to again be a part of the identification
and selection process for the Chanhassen Rotary Club's 2008 Distinguished
Service Award. Currently, we are requesting nominations of qualified candidates
for this honor from your organization and others throughout our community.
Enclosed are information about the Chanhassen Rotary Club's Distinguished
Service Award, the award criteria and a 2008 nominations form. F or each
nominee, please fill out the enclosed biographical nomination form and return it to
Chanhassen Rotary in the enclosed self-addressed envelope or by fax (952) 442-
6543 by 5:00 p.m. on February 15, 2008. Nominations received after that date
will not be considered for this year's award.
The Chanhassen Rotary Club Award Committee will select the finalists from all
timely nominations received. Your organization and others serving the City of
Chanhassen will then be asked to cast a vote for their choice from the list of
finalists. The recipient of the 2008 Award will be announced at the Chanhassen
Rotary Club's Spring Gala to be held on April 26, 2008.
Thank you for assisting the Chanhassen Rotary Club in recognizing those in our
city that truly represent our motto of "Service Above Self." If you have any
questions, please contact Pat Michaelson at (952) 442-2191xS026. We look
forward to receiving your nominations by February 15,2006.
Chanhassen Rotary Club
Distinguished Service Award Committee
The Chanhassen Rotary Club annually presents its Distinguished Service Award to
one Chanhassen resident who exemplifies Rotary's goal of "Service Above Self." It
is through the selfless and dedicated works of citizens who demonstrate their passion
to serve others that all of our lives are enriched.
Rotary International members is a worldwide organization of business and
professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical
standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Our
club seeks to recognize those Chanhassen residents who serve others, primarily in
our city, in a manner that is above and beyond the level usually expected of all good
citizens. This will allow us to honor them, encourage others to follow their
leadership, promote civic pride, and advance the ideals of our local Rotary club and
Rotary International.
Our friends and neighbors serve others in ways of which our club members may not
even be aware. Therefore, we seek individual nominations from the various non-
profit, religious and civic organizations located and operating within Chanhassen.
The Award Committee will evaluate each nominee's service history, and select two
to three finalists for that year's award. Ballots will be distributed to each identified
Chanhassen organization, and the finalist who receives the most votes will be
awarded that year's Distinguished Service Award at the Chanhassen Rotary's armual
S pring Gala.
All nominees will be individually recognized for their service. All finalists will be
publicly recognized at the Spring Gala and will receive a framed certificate. Each
Distinguished Service Award winner will receive an individual award plaque and
have his or her named added to a publicly displayed commemorative award plate.
Our objective is to build a tradition within the City of Chanhassen. A tradition that
honors those who exemplify "Service Above Self'. A tradition that honors those
that live up to the award's name - the Chanhassen Rotary's Distinguished Service
1. Candidates must reflect Rotary International's motto of the "Service Above Self'.
2. Candidates must be residents of the City of Chanhassen.
3. The candidate's qualifying service may be performed locally, domestically and/or
Nominees may come from any occupation, including retired individuals and
s. The service activity or activities prompting nomination are beyond the normal scope
of one's employment.
6. "Service Above Self' has been defined as: "any and all service above and beyond
the usual level required of all good citizens, which is performed in a meritorious
manner over a period of years, or would be considered extraordinary service or a
heroic act performed in anyone year or over a number of years."
7 . The nominee's service includes their contributions to one or more organizations.
8. Re-nominations of previous award nominees and finalists are welcome.
Nominator's .Name / Organization
Nominator's Phone Number
Nominee Name:
Home Address:
Work Phone #:
Home Phone #:
On a separate page, please provide the following information for the nominee as succinctly as possible.
Attach additional pages as necessary.
1. List nominee's major volunteer service activities with dates, offices and awards.
2. Statement of how the nominee has exhibited "Service Above Self."
3. In a few sentences, please state why all ofChanhassen would be proud to recognize your
nominee's distinguished service to others.
To ensure the best representation of your candidate please submit a full and complete nomination form.
This form will be reviewed with the nominee for accuracy. Nominee may, in his or her sole discretion,
decline nomination.
Please return to Chanhassen Rotary's Distinguished Service Award Committee in the enclosed self-
address envelope or fax to (952) 442-6543 by 5:00 p.m. February 15,2008. Thank You!
Nominations must be received on or before February 15,2008, in order to be considered.