Subgrade Exploration 3-24-08 r- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SUBGRADE EXPLORATION FOR DOH ENTERPRISES SITE Chanhassen, Minnesota CITV OF CHArJHASSEt-J RECEIVED Allied Project No. 08008 APR 1 [) 2008 March 24, 2008 CHl\NHASSF.N PLANNING Dr=P INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of subgrade exploration performed by our firm for the DOH Enterprises site. This work was requested by Mr. Dave Hansen on March 13, 2008 and authorized by the same also on March 13, 2008. Our work was performed as described in our proposal for subgrade exploration dated March 13,2008. - Four Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings were put down on the site in order to obtain information regarding the in-place sub grade materials. PROJECT INFORMATION As shown on the site plan which was provided by James R. Hill, Inc, the project site is located on 82nd Street and Peavey Road on the north side of 82nd Street, Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota. The site is just south of a water tower and just east of a Holiday Service Station located 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I at the intersection of 82nd Street and State Highway 41. It is approximately 3 acres in size and is currently vacant land. A commercial dog kennel facility is proposed for the site. BORING LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS The borings were located and staked in the field by James R. Hill, Inc and they also provided elevations of the ground surface for each boring location. We were unable to drill boring 1 at the staked location because the slope was too steep to set up the drill rig. An alternate location 75 feet to the east and 35 feet south of the staked location was selected. The site plan in the Appendix shows the boring locations. The ground elevation for boring 1 was determined by shooting the original location and the new location and adjusting the elevation written on the stake. FIELD EXPLORATION A total of 4 Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings were each put down to a depth of 20 feet. The borings were put down in accordance with ASTM 1586-84: "Standard Method for penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils". Using this procedure, a 2" O.D. split barrel sampler is driven into the soil by a 140-lb weight falling a distance of 30 inches. After an initial set of6", the number of blows required to drive the sampler an additional 12 inches is known as the standard penetration resistance or N-value. The N-value provides an indication of the relative density of cohesionless (coarse grained) soils or of the consistency of cohesive (fine-grained) soils. As the samples were obtained in the field, they were visually and manually classified. Representative portions of the samples were then sealed in clean glass soil jars and returned to the laboratory for further examination and verification of the field classification. The recovered soil samples were classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System, ASTM D: 2488-84. A chart illustrating this classification method is included in the appendix to this report. Logs of the test borings indicating the depth and identification of the various strata, measured penetration resistances, soil classifications and the results of water level checks are included in the appendix to this report 2 I I I I I I I I I I , , , - ~ - . SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Boring 1 Boring 1 consisted of 16 inches of clayey topsoil, underlaid by sandy clay to a depth of 21.5 feet. Two 6-inch sand lenses were present between 20 and 21.5 feet of depth. Boring 2 Boring 2 consisted of 6 inches of clayey topsoil, underlaid by sandy clay to a depth of 21.5 feet. Boring 3 Boring 3 consisted of 12 inches of clayey topsoil, underlaid by sandy clay to 21.5 feet of depth. A soft wet clay was present at approximately 17.5 feet of depth and was most likely due to a sand seam. Since no sample is taken between 16.5 feet and 20 feet, a grab sample of this material was taken from the auger flight. Boring 4 Boring 4 consisted of 12 inches of clayey topsoil, underlaid by slightly organic sandy clay to at least 4 feet of depth, and sandy clay to a depth of21.5 feet. No sample was obtained at 15 feet because a rock was present below the sampler. N-values ranged from 10 to 38, which indicates that the soil ranged from firm to hard. The N-value of 56 in boring 4 is considered inaccurate because it was obtained while the sampler was on a rock. Groundwater was found in boring 2 at 20 feet of depth and in boring 3 at 17.5 feet of depth. It was at 18'9" at the time of backfill. It should be noted that sufficient time may not have elapsed for equilibrium conditions to have been achieved in the hollow-stem auger cased bore holes. Groundwater conditions may vary both seasonally and annually, based on precipitation amounts, patterns and both surface and subsurface drainage in the local area. Included in the appendix to this report are logs of the test borings, which describe the conditions, encountered at each drilling location. The depth of the individual strata of soil may vary at and between the drilling locations due to unsampled intervals, the occurrence of transitions between soil layers and the natural variability of the subsurface conditions. 3 I I I I I I I I l \ I ! I I I , , ~ ~ ~ i - CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Organic topsoil, peat, organic soils, and any soft soil layers, which may be encountered, should not be relied upon for support of the proposed commercial footings, slabs or controlled fills that will support these elements. The soft wet clay layer found at 17.5 feet of depth in boring 3 is sufficiently deep and limited in thickness that the load from commercial spread footings would be spread out enough so as not to exceed the bearing capacity, in our opinion. It should be possible to provide support for the planned structure with conventional spread footing foundation systems by using excavation and controlled refilling procedures together with an observational approach. This should require excavation at the boring locations in order to prepare for the placement of controlled fill to make grade for concrete for footings or slabs. The non-root infested and inorganic on-site soils would generally be suitable for reuse as controlled and compacted fill material. The topsoil or other materials, which would not be suitable for use as controlled fill, may be able to be used as surface fill in the lawn and landscaping areas. Additional recommendations are presented in the following sections: 1. EXCAVATION In general, grubbing and stripping operations should remove all significantly organic or root infested soils from the areas to be worked. Frozen material, soft consistency clays or otherwise unsuitable soil and debris should be removed. Where undocumented fill or otherwise unsuitable soils are exposed in the base of excavations which will support slabs, pavements or footings, these materials should also be removed. Frozen soils resulting from frost penetration may turn soft upon thawing and would need to be removed For the support of fill sequences, slabs or footings it will be important to remove unsuitable soils prior to the placement of the controlled and compacted fill to make grade for concrete for foundations. Once the organic topsoil layers and otherwise unsuitable materials have been removed, the 4 completed excavations should be observed by an experienced soil engineer or technician and the conditions judged suitable prior to the placement of controlled and compacted fill to make grade for concrete for footings or slabs. 2. FOUNDATIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I It should be possible to provide support for commercial spread footing foundations systems using excavation and controlled filling procedures. As mentioned previously, the topsoil and any uncontrolled fill deposits encountered during the excavation work should not be relied upon for support of footings, slabs or controlled fills which will support these elements. It will be important to monitor the conditions exposed in the excavations during the grading work prior to the placement of fill to make grade for concrete for footings or slabs. Hand auger borings should be put down in the completed excavations and the exposed conditions judged suitable by an experienced soil engineer or technician prior to the placement of footings or fill. ITCO Allied Engineering Co. is capable and available to do this work. Once the recommendations presented in this report have been implemented, a net allowable bearing pressure of 2500 pounds per square foot may be utilized for the proportioning of individual footings. In designing the footings, it is recommended that they be designed to exert approximately equal pressures to the bearing strata. This should limit total and differential settlements to 111 and WI respectively. For frost protection, we recommend that footings in unheated areas be placed at a depth of 48 inches below finished grade. For decks and porches it is recommended that this be increased to 60 inches if the soil is frost susceptible. In heated portions of the buildings where frost susceptible materials are absent, a depth of 42 inches would be adequate. Where full or partial basements are utilized, frost depths for garage areas and porch structures should be maintained as outlined above 3. FILL PLACEMENT Fill material should be mineral soil, preferably granular, and free of debris, boulders and organic material. The on-site soils would be suitable for reuse as controlled fill material, with the 5 I I I I I i I l I I . I \ , ~ exception of unsuitable soils identified previously. Fill should be placed and compacted in a manner that will allow complete compaction of the entire fill layer to a minimum of 95% of the Standard Proctor Density according to ASTM D: 698 in the building pad area. Required compaction should be increased to 98% for fill areas 4 feet and deeper below [mal grade and below all footings. A minimum of one representative field density test should be performed for each two feet of fill placed at a time in a given work area. Density tests in mass fill areas should be performed at a rate judged sufficient to represent the fill sequence as a whole. Where sand fills are to be compacted, smooth "drum" type vibratory equipment would be preferred, however, a sheepsfoot roller with short wide pads may provide adequate compaction. Fill areas should be properly oversized to provide for adequate distribution of the imposed loads. The fill supporting structural elements should extend at least one foot horizontally beyond the structure, slab or edge of the footing. Fill surfaces should extend downward and outward on a 1:1 slope to competent soil. If the fill slope is unconfined by other soils, the downward and outward slope should be flattened and stabilized. Also, no unremedied excavations should be carried out within the fill oversize areas. 4. FOUNDATION DRAINAGE Although groundwater was only found in two of the borings at fairly deep levels, backfill zone drainage should be considered because groundwater levels can fluctuate. Additionally, many cities require drain tiles regardless of the presence of groundwater. Local building codes should be checked. Backfill zone drainage, if provided, should be planned and the installation monitored at the time of construction by an experienced individual who fully understands the intent of these drainage recommendations. In planning backfill zone drain tile installation, the invert elevation should be below the level of the lowest floor slab and the line should be adequately protected from blockage prior to backfilling by a suitable encapsulation of gravel, (such as MnlDot spec 3149.2 H; "coarse filter aggregate"), and geotextile separation fabric. In the backfill zones above the drain tile the use of 6 granular material is recommended. Sand for this purpose should contain less than 12% passing the number 200 sieve, (Mn/Dot "select granular borrow"; spec 3149.2 B). Care should be taken during the backfilling operations to ensure that the drainage materials are not crushed or deformed. Fill installation in these areas should be initiated with a two-foot lift of the granular backfill. A two to three foot thick compacted clay cap, with a positive slope away from the structure, may be placed at the top of the backfill zone to aid in reducing the infiltration of moisture into this area which would need to be carried by the drain tile system. It should be noted that the construction of the backfill zone drainage system should be performed with the same level of care as the foundation wall itself. 5. PAVEMENTS The results of our work indicate that conditions are suitable for the construction of flexible bituminous pavements if the design of the pavement section and preparation of the sub grade take into account the nature of the subsurface soils present. Once the topsoil layers are removed, the material type most influencing the pavement design would be the sandy clay found in the borings below the topsoil. A gradation test and P.r. test were done on samples of this soil from borings 1 and 2. Test results indicate it is an AASHTO A-6 soil. A copy of the results is in the appendix. An R-value of 12 would be suitable for a sub grade constructed of an AASHTO A-6 soil. The MnDOT Road Design Manual indicates that the minimum granular equivalent for a 7 -ton design is a minimum of 11.5 inches of G.E. One possible pavement section for a 7 ton design would be 1.5 inches of bituminous plant mixed wear course, (Mn/DOT 2360), 1.5 inches of plant mixed base course, (Mn/DOT 2360), and 5.5 inches of class 5 aggregate base, (Mn/DOT 3138). This section would meet a G.E. of 11.5 inches. In using the R-value method for pavement design, it is essential that the sub grade be constructed of uniform soil across the pavement section and compacted at a moisture content and to a density in accordance with MN/DOT spec. 2105 and be capable of passing test rolling, in accordance with MN/DOT Spec. 2111. The completed sub grade should be observed and judged suitable by an experienced individual prior to the placement ofthe aggregate base or paving. Compaction of the upper 3 feet of the sub grade to a minimum of 100% of the standard proctor density within 7 I I I I , I I I I I I I I I t I I i ~ appropriate moisture limits, (65 to 102% of optimum), should provide the necessary stability required for proof rolling. 6. FINAL SITE TOPOGRAPHY The final soil surfaces should be graded to provide adequate drainage away from structures and pavements in order to minimize deleterious effects associated with water infiltration. The areas adjacent to footing walls should be adequately compacted, (not loosely placed), and provided with drainage outlets to avoid this zone acting as a "sump" and creating nuisance water conditions. Compliance with the building code provision for positive surface drainage away from the structure should also aid in reducing the quantity of infiltration into the backfill zones adjacent to foundation walls. STANDARD OF CARE The recommendations contained in this report are professional opinions. These opinions were arrived at in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices currently in use at this time, location and for projects of this type. Other than this, no warranty is implied or intended. Soil samples recovered from the test borings will be retained in our offices for a period of thirty days from the date of this report. After that time they will be discarded unless prior written instructions to the contrary are received. I hereby certify that this report and/or specification has been prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. If you have any further questions or we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to phone or write. ITCO ALLIED ENGINEERING COMPANY .~~ Robert Sullentrop, P.E. Project Engineer 8 I AlliED TEST DRilliNG COMPANY PROJECT: DOH Enterprises Site NUMBER: 08008 82nd Street & Peavey Road PAGE 1 OF 1 SURFACE ELEVATION LOG OF BORING ~ 0:: w w <9 88#1 ill lD a. >- 0 993.5 w u.. ::2: ~ 0:: -' TEST STANDARD ::> ill ~ RESULTS z z ill > PENETRATION ::=.- ill -' 0 J: J: -' a. U a. DESCRIPTION AND AND CI> TEST DATA I- a. ::2: ill ~ CLASSIFICATION OTHER ~ (blows/foot) a. ::2: ~ 0:: Iii w ~ en <9 OF MATERIALS REMARKS > 0 en z 5 10 20 40 70 ~ MOIST DARK BROWN CLAYEY TOPSOIL I I 1 ~RA I,. . I I I I .', .33 992.1 I I ~ BROWN MOTTLED SANDY CLAY, CL I I I I 2.0- I I I r//J I 2 SS 14 4.:: I 988. I I II%:l BROWN SANDY CLAY, CL I I 3 55 20 I II 6.0- I I I I I I 8.0 4 S5 ~ 21 ~ I I I 10.:: I r?a I 5 SS 20 I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I 12.0 ~2.5 I I I 981 I I I ~ BROWN MOTTLED SANDY CLAY, CL I I I I I 6 55 20 I . I I 14.:: I I I 5 978. I I I I BROWN SANDY CLAY, CL I I 7 SS I I 16.0- 22 I . I I I I I I I I I I I II I I II 18.0- I I II I I II I I II I I II I I II I I I III 973.5 I I III 20.:: 0 I I I II ~1 BROWN SANDY CLAY, CL I I I II 5S I I I III 8 w/two 6" moist sand lenses 24 I I l I I I II I I I I I III 1.5 97 I I I I I III ______l_L________________________________ I I I I I I III 22.0 ------------ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .1 _ _ _1_ _ _ L _ L J ..J J 1.1 WATER-LEVEL CHECKS METHOD DATE TIME SAMPLED TO CASING CAVE-IN WATER SPT 03/20/2008 1:15 21.5' 20' 17' 7" None 03120/2008 ~~,... ~~. ~~ 03/20/2008 "'\RII n::o- KIG Craig CME-55 BY -~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I ALLIED TEST DRILLING COMPANY PROJECT: DOH Enterprises Site NUMBER: 08008 82nd Street & Peavey Road PAGE 1 OF 1 SURFACE ELEVATION LOG OF BORING ~ 0:: w w " 990.7 8B#2 w rn a.. >- 0 w ~ ~ 0:: TEST u. ...J STANDARD ::l w 2 RESULTS ~ z w > PENETRATION w ...J o:c AND J: ...J a.. ua.. DESCRIPTION AND Q) TEST DATA f- a.. ~ w~ CLASSIFICATION OTHER ::I (blows/foot) a. ~ c:( 0::" iij w c:( en OF MATERIALS REMARKS > Cl en z 5 10 20 40 70 L MOIST DARK BROWN CLAYEY TOPSOIL 990.~ J I I I I III . ..5 1 RA MOIST BROWN MOTTLED SANDY CLAY, I , , I I 1'1 I J I J J I I CL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.D- ~ I I I I I I I I I J I J J I I I I I , I I 1:/'/-1 , I , I I I I I I I I I I I 2 SS 19 I I , I I I I I I I I I J 4.: J I I I J , I I I I I I , , 1 I I I I 985. I I I , I I I I I I " I I BROWN SANDY CLAY, CL I I I I III 3 SS 24 I I :~ I III 6.0- I I I III I I I I III I I I I I I I I I III I I I III , I I III I I I J I 8.0- I I , , 4 SS 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I 0 980. , I I 10.v I I , I BROWN SANDY CLAY, CL I I ] I I I 5 SS I I .' I I I wlrust stain 19 I I I , I I , I I I I ~25 I I I I I I I I I I I I 12.0 J I I I I I 978. I I I I I I BROWN/GREY SANDY CLAY, CL I I I I I I I I I I I II 6 SS 28 I I I , " I I I ] I II 14.0 I , , , II I I I I II I I ~ I I II I I I I , I I J I I I I , I I I I I I 7 5S I , I I I I I 16.0- 37 I I I I ~ ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I J ] I I I I , 1 I I I 18.0- I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I II 0 I I I " 20.v 970. I I I II MOIST GREY SANDY CLAY, CL I :~ I I II 8 55 I I I II 23 I I I II I I I I II 1.5 969. ] I I I II 22.0- ______l_L________________________________ ] , I I I II ------------ - - _______~__~___L_L .J ~I WATER-LEVEL CHECKS METHOD DATE TIME SAMPLED TO CASING CAVE-IN WATER SPT 03120/2008 11:40 21.5' 20' 17' 4" 20' ~ ~~.... ~_ cU 03120/2008 03/2012008 n R II <=0- KIG ~. ,,~~...., Craig CME-55 ,~ ._~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AlliED TEST DRilliNG COMPANY PROJECT: DOH Enterprises Site NUMBER: 08008 82nd Street & Peavey Road PAGE 1 OF 1 SURFACE ELEVATION LOG OF BORING 6' 0:: W W >-" 991.5 88#3 lD a. w :a: ~ 0::9 TEST u. ::::> Wo STANDARD e. z w >- RESUL TS PENETRATION W ...J O:::C :::c ...J a. oa. DESCRIPTION AND AND (l) TEST DATA f- a. :a: ~~ CLASSIFICATION OTHER ::I (blows/foot) a. :a: <( Iii W <( en " OF MATERIALS REMARKS > Q en z 5 10 20 40 70 1 RA .L. DARK BROWN CLAYEY TOPSOIL I I I I 1/. I I I I 990.5 , I I I BROWN/GREY MOTTLED SANDY CLAY. , I I I I I I I 2.0- CL I I I , , I I I , I I I I I , I 2 SS 12 :p I I I I 4.: J r I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 5S 11 I I I I 6.D- I I I J I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8.D- I I I 4 SS 10 I . I I , I I I , I I ~o I I I I , , , I I , I r 10.: 981. I I I I tm MOIST BROWN/GREY MOTTLED SANDY , I "I 5 S5 CLAY, CL I I II 19 I I t I r I I I r I II 12.o-J 1 II , II 2.5 97 I r MOIST GREY SANDY CLAY. CL ' I I I r 6 S5 17 .' I II I I 11 I I II 14.~ I I I I r I I I J I S5 I I 16.0- 7 22 I I I I 1 I I I I I 7.5 97 I I 3RA SOFT WET GREY SANDY CLAY. CL I I I 18.: 8 973.~ I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I r I I I 20.~ I I I II MOIST GREY SANDY CLAY. CL I I I II I I I II 8 S5 21 l I I II 21.5 97C I I I II I I I II I I I I II 22.0 ------ - -------------------------------- ------------ - - ------- ___'___L_L..l 1.1 WATER-LEVEL CHECKS METHOD DATE TIME SAMPLED TO CASING CAVE-IN WATER SPT 03/20/2008 9:15 21.5' 20' 19' 0" 17.5' 10:10 18' 9" -- II::U 03/20/2008 0312012008 Craig KIl;; CME-55 BY I I I I I I I I I I I I J AlliED TEST DRilliNG COMPANY 'PROJECT: DOH Enterprises Site NUMBER: 08008 82nd Street & Peavey Road PAGE 1 OF 1 SURFACE ELEVATION LOG OF BORING ~ 0:: W W (!) 987.9 SB#4 III a.. >- 0 w :2 ~ 0:: ...J TEST u. STANDARD :J we..> RESUL TS ~ z w >- PENETRATION w ...J 0 J: J: ..J a.. e..> a.. DESCRIPTION AND AND CD TEST DATA f- a.. :2 w ~ CLASSIFICATION OTHER ::J (blows/foot) a.. :2 <( 0:: ~ W <( en (!) OF MATERIALS REMARKS 0 en z 5 10 20 40 70 1 :iRA .L. DARK BROWN CLAYEY TOPSOIL , I , I I '/. I I I , I 986. , I I I I , I I I I I I I I , 2.0 , I 1 I , , DARK BROWN SANDY CLAY, CL , I I I I , 2 SS slightly organic 15 , ,i I I I 4.: 983. , I I I , I I I BROWN MOTTLED SANDY CLAY, CL , , , r 3 SS 20 I I . 6.0- , I I , I I , I , I , , , 8.0- , I I 4 SS 13 , ~ I I I I , , I I , I I I 10.u- , I 5 55 13 4 I I I I I I I , I 12.0 I I , , I II I I 6 S5 ~ 15 I , I I 14.0 I I , ~5 , 1 I , , , , I I 972. , I I NO RETRIEVAL, ON A ROCK Inaccurate , , I 7 SS N-value, on a , I ," 16.0- rock 56 I , I I 6.5 971. , 1 I I , I I I , I I I , I 18.0- I I I I , , I I I I I , I I , , I 20.0- I I m. BROWN/GREY SANDY CLAY, CL , , SS , 4, I 8 38 , I , , 1.5 966.~ I I I 22.0- - - -- -- L L I , , -------------------------------- ------------ - - ------- ___1__- - JJ l.1 WATER-LEVEL CHECKS METHOD DATE TIME SAMPLED TO CASING CAVE-IN WATER SPT 03/20/2008 3:10 21.5' 20' 17' 8" None ~ 03/2012008 "'.... ..............~ 03/2012008 Craig RIG CME-55 - BY ......~