PC SUM 2008 04 15 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES APRIL 15, 2008 Chairman Papke called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Kurt Papke, Kevin Dillon, Kathleen Thomas, Debbie Larson, Mark Undestad and Denny Laufenburger MEMBERS ABSENT: Dan Keefe STAFF PRESENT: Bob Generous, Senior Planner; Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior Planner; and Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer WALGREEN’S/RETAIL BUILDING: REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL AND A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT WITH VARIANCES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TWO RETAIL BUILDINGS ON PROPERTY ZONED NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICT (BN), LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF HIGHWAY 41 AND HIGHWAY 7 (2499 HIGHWAY 7). APPLICANT: ANXON, INC., PLANNING CASE 08-05. Sharmeen Al-Jaff presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner Undestad asked about the location of the trash enclosure and semi-trailer delivery traffic. Commissioner Dillon asked about the possibility of making the building more architecturally compatible with the existing Super America building. Commissioner Thomas asked for additional clarification of the trash enclosures. Commissioner Laufenburger asked about traffic circulation for the drive thru window and storm water management on the site. Commissioner Larson asked for clarification regarding tree requirements. Chairman Papke asked for clarification of traffic patterns, signage, and asked that the colors of the new building match the existing strip mall. The applicant, Max Heitzmann with Anxon addressed the questions regarding tenants and timing of construction for the other retail building. Chairman Papke opened the public hearing. No one spoke and the public hearing was closed. After comments from the commission, the following motion was made. Undestad moved, Larson seconded that the Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve the two site plans consisting of a 14,490 square-foot retail building containing a pharmacy with a drive-thru and a 4,500 square-foot retail building and upgrade the façade of an existing strip mall, Planning Case 08-05, for Seven and Forty One Crossing as shown in plans dated received March 17, 2008, and including the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation, subject to the following conditions: Conditions common to both site plans: 1.All site improvements, including the building pad for the future retail building and remodeling of the existing strip mall, must be constructed concurrently. Planning Commission Summary - April 15, 2008 2. If importing or exporting of material for development of the site is necessary, the applicant will be required to supply the City with detailed haul routes. 3.Work with staff to develop additional treatment of stormwater for this site. 4.Revise the drainage calculations. The drainage calculations state an assumption of off-site runoff without information as to how the assumption was made. E4 is shown in the rational method calculations but is not shown on the drainage maps. Darken drainage boundaries so that the map is easier to follow. Also, the pond south of this site has an additional inlet and outlet that are not shown on the plan. Hydrologic calculations are needed to determine pre- and post-development runoff rates to the pond south of this site. The pre-development runoff rates must be maintained post-development for a 2-, 10-, and 100-year storm event. 5.All of the utilities within the boundary should be privately owned and maintained. These utilities must be covered by a cross-access agreement. 6.Utility plans shall show both plan view and profiles of all proposed utilities (sanitary sewer, water, and storm sewer lines). 7.Determine actual elevations of existing utilities. A minimum vertical separation of 18 inches is required at all storm, sanitary, and watermain crossings. Provide details of each crossing to ensure minimum separation. The ductile iron watermain must be poly wrapped. 8.Each new building is subject to sanitary sewer and water hookup charges. Lot 1, Block 1, Seven Forty One Crossing will get credit for three trunk sewer and water charges. The 2008 trunk hookup charge is $1,769 per unit for sanitary sewer and $4,799 per unit for watermain. Sanitary sewer and watermain hookup fees may be specially assessed against the parcel at the time of building permit issuance. All of these charges are based on the number of SAC units assigned by the Met Council and are due at the time of building permit issuance. 9.All of the utility improvements are required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. The applicant must also notify the City after installation of the erosion control and 48 hours prior to the commencement of grading. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies will be required, including the MPCA and the Dept. of Health. 10.The current 10-foot drainage and utility easement between Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 must be vacated. A 10-foot drainage and utility easement was proposed along the new lot line, which is not needed. Submit revised drawing without the proposed drainage and utility easement. 11.Revisions to the site plan are needed to accommodate the appropriate size delivery truck for Walgreens. Show turning movements for vehicles entering the drive-thru. 12.The construction details shown on the plan must be updated to the 2008 City of Chanhassen Specifications. Show the location of the light-duty vs. heavy-duty pavement sections. 13.Upon completion of the public street, the applicant shall submit a set of “as-built” plans signed by a professional engineer. 2 Planning Commission Summary - April 15, 2008 14.Fire Marshal Conditions: a)A PIV (Post Indicator Valve) is not required. b)As building plans are submitted I will review and comment on them as necessary. “No Parking FireLane” c)Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for location of signs and Per MSFC Sec. 503.3 curbing to be painted yellow. d)A 3-foot clear space shall be maintained around the circumference of fire hydrants except Per MSFC Sec. 508.5.5 as otherwise required or approved. . e)Posts, fences, vehicles, growth, trash, storage, and other materials shall not be placed or kept near fire hydrants, fire department inlet connections or fire protection control valves in a manner that would prevent such equipment or fire hydrants from being immediately discernible. The fire department shall not be deterred or hindered from gaining Per MSFC Sec. 508.5.4 immediate access to fire protection equipment or fire hydrants. 15.Building Official Conditions: a)The buildings are required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. b)Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. c)Retaining walls over four high must be designed by a professional engineer and a permit must be obtained prior to construction. d)Of the 234 parking spaces proposed a minimum of seven must be handicap accessible with two of the seven “van-accessible”. e)Detailed occupancy related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. f)The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. 16.The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement with the city and provide the necessary financial securities as required for landscaping. 17.The minimum depth of all recessed walls is four inches. 18.Rooftop equipment and mechanical equipment are not shown on the plans. All equipment must be screened from views. 19.Approval of the site plan is contingent upon approval of the vacation, conditional use permit and administrative subdivision. 20.All monument signs may not exceed 24 square feet in area and 5 feet in height. The logo may not occupy more than 15% of the sign area. 21. Wall-mounted signs shall meet ordinance requirements 22.Sufficient lighting shall be provided to illuminate all areas of the parking lot to provide adequate levels of safety. The ordinance requires no more than 0.5 foot candle at the property line. Light fixtures and site lighting plans shall meet ordinance requirements. 3 Planning Commission Summary - April 15, 2008 23.Environmental Resource Specialist Conditions: a.Applicant shall increase landscape plantings to meet minimum requirements. A revised landscape plan shall be submitted to the City prior to final approval. b.All landscape islands shall have a minimum inside width of 10 feet. c.Approval of clearing limits along the west property line must be given by the city before any trees are removed. d.Existing trees on the west property line shall be removed only within the proposed grading limits. No proposed landscape material will be allowed to be planted within the existing wooded area unless approved by the City. Planting locations must be field located. e.A line of shrubs must be planted along the parking lot on the north property line. The shrubs must have a minimum height of three feet at maturity. City approval of the shrubs species and planting spacing is required before installation. 24.Water Resource Coordinator Conditions: a.A rainwater garden shall be designed and constructed in the northwest corner of the property. This feature shall be designed to drain within 48 hours and to not exceed 18 inches of inundation. The Erosion Control/SWPPP Plan and Landscape Plan shall be modified per this requirement. b.The swale proposed along the western property line shall be eliminated and the existing vegetation shall be left intact. Protection fencing shall be installed around those trees to be saved. c.The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies and comply with their conditions of approval. 25.The applicant shall add a sidewalk along the easterly property line of Lot 2. 26.Upgrade of the building façade of the existing strip mall shall occur prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy of either of the new buildings. Conditions specific to individual sites: Retail Building with an area of 14,490square feet located on Lot 1, Block 1: 1.Remove the multiple tenant building to be demolished prior to commencement of grading. 2.The grading plan needs to be revised. Slopes west of the proposed Walgreens are 2:1 and need to be revised to 3:1. Show more spot elevations in the parking areas to ensure proper drainage. Normal water level of the existing pond should be shown on the plan. Existing contour information should be shown 100’ north of the site. Show emergency overflows on the plan. A benchmark shall be added to the grading plan. Keep a minimum 2% slope in the grass areas, 1% in the pavement areas, and .5% along the curb lines. 4 Planning Commission Summary - April 15, 2008 3.The applicant shall provide the City the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow in the amount of $12,000.00 to guarantee the installation of the stormwater treatment, erosion control, and seeding. 4.The applicant shall revise the southern elevation of the pharmacy building (drive-thru area) to incorporate windows similar to those shown on the north and east elevations. The building shall maintain a minimum of 50%transperency along the south elevation. 5.Revise the plans to reflect a maximum hard surface coverage of 65%. 6.The exterior material on the storage building shall be revised to reflect the same treatment used on the retail building, (block on the bottom 2 feet while the upper portion utilizes brick. This area shall be redesigned to appear as an extension of the main building rather than a storage area. Retail Building with an area of 4,500 square feet located on Lot 2, Block 1: 1.The grading plan needs to be revised. Show more spot elevations in the parking areas to ensure proper drainage. Normal water level of the existing pond should be shown on the plan. Show emergency overflows on the plan. A benchmark shall be added to the grading plan. Keep a minimum 2% slope in the grass areas, 1% in the pavement areas, and .5% along the curb lines. 2.The retaining wall located east of the future retail building shall be constructed at the time of the construction of the building. This will help minimize the size of the retaining wall if a smaller building than proposed is constructed. Building permits are required for all retaining walls four feet tall or higher and must be designed by a Structural Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. 3.The applicant shall provide the City the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow in the amount of $4,000.00 to guarantee the installation of the stormwater treatment, erosion control, and seeding. 4.The applicant shall revise the easterly elevation retail building proposed to be located on Lot 2 by introducing windows. The building shall maintain a minimum of 50% transparency along the east elevation, facing Highway 41. 5.Approval of the site plan is contingent upon approval of Conditional Use Permit 05-05. 6.The turning movements for the future retail building site shall be revised to accommodate a WB-40.” 7.The drawings for the south elevation of the building shall be corrected. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. 5 Planning Commission Summary - April 15, 2008 Undestad moved, Larson seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval for Conditional Use Permit 08-05, to allow two buildings on a single lot, and including the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation, with the following condition: 1.Approval of the conditional use permit is contingent upon approval of the vacation, site plan and administrative subdivision.” All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. CARVER COUNTY SERVICE CENTER: REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL FOR A 13,260 SQUARE FOOT TWO STORY OFFICE BUILDING ON PROPERTY ZONED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) AND LOCATED AT 7808 KERBER BOULEVARD. APPLICANT: CARVER COUNTY, PLANNING CASE 08-09. Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner Larson asked for clarification on the purpose of the drive thru. Commissioner Laufenburger asked about drainage, and because of the grades at the entrance, what will be done to address ice build-up and accessibility. Commissioner Thomas asked about the possibility of future expansion of the building and visibility. Chairman Papke asked about architectural compatibility and visibility. Gayle Degler, a member of the Carver County Board, agreed with the need for directional signage and thanked the city for their cooperation with the project. Steve Taylor, the Administrative Services Division Director for Carver County, provided historical background on locating the site and the process involved with designing the building and site plan. Ann Voda with Bentz-Thompson-Rietow Architects discussed the issue of visibility and architectural details. Mark Lundgren, Division Director for Carver County addressed the function of the drive thru window, the Cue-Matic system and capacity issues. Laurie Englund, Taxpayer’s Services Director, explained the different service departments that will be available. Chairman Papke opened the public hearing. No one spoke and the public hearing was closed. After comments from the commission, the following motion was made. Larson moved, Thomas seconded that the Planning Commission recommends the City Council approve Planning Case #08-09 for Site Plan Approval for a 13,260 square-foot, two-story office building, plans prepared by Bentz/Thompson/Rietow, Inc., dated March 14, 2008 (stamped received March 31, 2008), subject to the following conditions: 1.Wood chip mulch area will be extended in the northwest corner of the site. The proposed turf area under the tree in the corner peninsula will be removed. If desired, a single strip of sod may be placed along the curb line of the peninsula. 2.The building is required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. 3.Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 4.Retaining walls over four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a permit must be obtained prior to construction. 6 Planning Commission Summary - April 15, 2008 5.One (1) “van-accessible” parking space is required. 6.Additional window area shall be installed in the break room in the southeast corner of the building. 7.Signage shall be permitted on two building elevations only. 8.Staff recommends that the curb line north of the drive-thru be shifted to the east to provide for additional vehicle stacking. 9.Staff recommends that manhole 4A be shifted into the curb line and replaced with a catch basin to capture additional runoff from the parking lot. 10.The developer’s contractor must contact the Engineering Department a minimum of two business days prior to connecting to the public storm sewer. 11.An encroachment agreement is required for the retaining walls. 12.The developer must ensure that the “no build easements” noted on the Certificate of Survey will allow for the construction of parking lots and retaining walls. 13.City trunk sanitary sewer and water hook-up fees and the MCES SAC fee are due with the building permit. The 2008 rates are $4,799/unit for City water, $1,769/unit for City sanitary sewer and $1,900/unit for the MCES SAC. These fees are based on the number of SAC units as determined by Met Council. 14.The Certificate of Survey must be signed. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Thomas noted the verbatim and summary minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated March 18, 2008 as presented; and the summary minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated April 1, 2008 as presented. COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS: None. Chairman Papke adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at 8:05 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 7