JANUARY 20, 1999
Chairman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7;00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Craig Peterson, Allyson Brooks, Matt Burton, LuAnn Sidney, Kevin
Joyce, and Alison Blackowiak. Ladd Conrad arrived during discussion on item 2.
STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Planning Director; Bob Oenerous, Senior Planner; and
Anita Benson, City Engineer
Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item and asked for any questions.
Peterson: Questions of Bob.
Sidney: A couple I guess. In the report you stated, well I understand the city is proposing to
install traffic control signals on the comer of TH 41 and 82na, and I guess in the subsequent report
it talks about the status of Chaska. Do you have any update on that? Your opinion about the.
Benson: We are proceeding with executing the joint signal agreement with Chaska. That will be
on the February 8th council meeting and we'll also request authorization to prepare signal
justification report which needs to be submitted to MnDOT for their approval of the signal at that
location and once we receive that we can proceed with the project.
Sidney: Okay, so it's going forward then?
Benson: Yes. For 1999 construction.
Sidney: Okay.
Brooks: And your question was about TH 41 and 82nd Street?
Sidney: 82nd Street.
Generous: In the southwest comer of the project. TH 41 and 82nd Street. And basically the
development of this portion of the site triggered that.
Planning Commission Meeting - January 20, 1999
Sidney: And then I was wondering about the timing for grading. I guess I didn't quite
understand. You stated something to the effect we had to wait until something tonight.
Generous: Well yeah, the question, it's on the Wrase property on the north. We're trying to find
a way to remove those two houses that are currently there and we're in the process of doing that.
Sidney: ... final grading plan after that.
Generous: Right. It's the north, just the very north end. Part of the issue is that the developer has
to put in retaining walls there. Or actually the site plan will have to do it. The subdivision could
actually go forward with the grading plan that it has but we want it to conform with the site plan
Sidney: Okay. Understood.
Peterson: Other questions of staff'? Would the applicant or their designee like to make a
presentation? Come forward.
Fred Richter: Just to introduce myself. Fred Richter with Steiner Development.
Peterson: Any questions? ... for a public hearing. May I have a motion and a second please.
Joyce moved, Sidney seconded to open the public hearing. The public hearing was opened.
Peterson: This item is open for public hearing. Anyone wishing to address the commission,
please come forward and state your name and address please. Seeing none, may I have a motion
to close the public hearing?
Burton moved, Blackowiak seconded to close the public hearing. The public hearing was
Peterson: Commissioners. Any further comments or questions on this? LuAnn?
Sidney: It's pretty straight forward. Very complete report as usual.
Peterson: Okay. Matt.
Burton: I agree with LuAnn.
Peterson: Kevin.
Joyce: No problem.
Peterson: Alison.
Planning Commission Meeting - January 20, 1999
Blackowiak: No comment.
Brooks: No comment.
Peterson: I have no comments either so with that, may I have a motion and a second please.
Tonight would be good.
Burton: I'll make the motion then. I move that the Planning Commission recommend that the
City Council approve PUD 92-6 granting preliminary plat approval for Arboretum Business Park
3rd Addition, creating two lots and right-of-way for Trunk Highway 41 ( plans prepared by
Schoell and Madsen, Inc.) subject to the following conditions and it's 1 through 29.
Joyce: I'll second that.
Peterson: It's been moved and seconded. Any discussion?
Burton moved, Joyce seconded that the Planning Commission reconunend approval of
PUD #92-6 granting preliminary plat approval for Arboretmn Business Park 3'`4 Addition
creating two lots and right-of-way for TH 41 (plans prepared by Schoell & Madsen, Inc.),
subject to the following conditions:
Arboretum Business Park 3rd Addition will be responsible for a water quality fee of $22,146
and a water quantity fee of $20,841. Additional credit will be given if the applicant installs
the trunk storm sewer needed for this project. This will be determined once a plan is
submitted. The applicant may decide to use the remaining water quality credit towards this
development, but once this credit is gone, future phases will be assessed the remaining
SWMP fee owed ($473,620.).
2. The grading plan shall be revised to incorporate the following items:
a) Lot 1, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 3rd Addition shall be revised to incorporate
proposed grades from the Kwik Trip site plan.
b) The location of septic sites or wells on the property.
c) Proposed and existing storm sewer.
d) Erosion control blankets on all slopes 3:1 or steeper.
e) A rock construction entrance.
MNDOT's review comments shall be incorporated into the final grading and development
Planning Commission Meeting - January 20, 1999
The developer shall be responsible for extending sanitary sewer service to the city's parcel
which lies directly north of Lot 1, Block 1 as a part of the overall site improvements. The
city will determine a connection charge based on the construction cost of extending the
sewer service to refund to the developer upon connection of this parcel to the system.
Sanitary sewer discharge from Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 3rd Addition
will be limited to 1,500 gallons per acre and water usage will be no more than 2,000 gallons
per acre per parcel.
All public utilities to be constructed shall be designed and constructed in accordance with
the City's Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed construction plans and
specifications for the developer-installed public utilities constructed by the developer will be
required in conjunction with final platting for Chanhassen and Chaska staff review and City
Council approval.
The developer shall be required to enter into a PUD Agreement/Development Contract with
the city and provide a financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to
guarantee site improvements.
The storm water ponds and/or temporary detention ponds shall be constructed in the initial
grading phase to minimize erosion off-site. Erosion control blankets will be required on all
slopes greater than 3:1. Revegetation of the exposed slopes shall occur immediately after
grading is completed.
All areas disturbed as a result of construction activities shall be immediately restored with
seed and disc-mulched or wood fiber blanket or sod after completion of each activity in
accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook.
The applicant shall provide detailed storm sewer calculations for 10-year and 100-year
storm events in accordance with the City's Surface Water Management Plan for the City
Engineer to review and approve. Individual storm sewer calculations belween each catch
basin segment will also be required to determine if sufficient catch basins are being utilized.
The applicant shall apply for an obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies, i.e.
Carver County, Watershed District, Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, Health
Department, Minnesota Pollution control agency, Minnesota Department of Natural
Resources, Army Corps of Engineers and Minnesota Department of Transportation and
comply with their conditions of approval.
Fire hydrants shall be incorporated per the Fire Marshal's recommendations.
The appropriate drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated on the final plat for all
utilities and ponding areas lying outside the right-of-way. The easement width shall be a
minimum of 20 feet wide depending on the depth of the utility.
Planning Commission Meeting - January 20, 1999
No berming or landscaping will be allowed within the right-of-way except landscaping
along the frontage road in accordance with the Trunk Highway 5 corridor study.
The lowest floor or opening elevation of all buildings shall be a minimum of 2 feet above the
100 year high water level.
The applicant shall report to the City Engineer the location of any drain files found during
construction and shall relocate or abandon the drain tile as directed by the City Engineer.
Final grades adjacent to Trunk Highway 41 will be subject to review and approval of
MnDOT for compatibility with the future widening of Trunk Highway 41.
Landscaping along Highway 41 shall comply with Buff'er Yard Standard C (as per city
code). Century Boulevard shall comply with Buff'er Yard Standard B. The master
landscape plan for the Arboretum Business Park PUD shall be the design guide for all of the
specific site landscape developments. Each lot must present a landscape plan for approval
with the site plan review process.
A 10' clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e. street lamps, trees, shrubs,
bushes, NSP, US West, Cable TV and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire
hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen
City Ordinance 9-1.
Submit street names to Chanhassen Fire Marshal and Chanhassen Building Official for
review and approval.
Existing structures on the property which may be demolished require a demolition permit.
Proof of septic and well systems that are abandoned are required. All septic sites shall be
abandoned in accordance with city code. Demolition permits must be obtained through the
Building Department.
The project and individual site users must comply with the development design standards
incorporated here in as Exhibit C of the development contract.
Full trail fees shall be collected per city ordinance for all lots in the Arboretum Business
Park 3rd Addition.
The developer agrees to waive any and all procedural or substantive objections to the special
assessments resulting from Project No. 97-1D improvements including, but not limited to
hearing requirements and that the assessments as outlined in the feasibility study for Phase
III improvements of Project 97-1 (Coulter Boulevard Phase III) exceeds the benefit to the
property platted as Arboretum Business Park. The assessment interest rate will be bond sale
rate plus 1 1/2%, then rounded up to the nearest 1/2%. The assessment pay back is not known
yet but will be a minimum of 5 years.
Planning Commission Meeting - January 20, 1999
The existing cross access easement over Lot 1, Block 1, Arboretum Business Park 3rd
Addition, for access to the City's parcel shall be amended to reflect the new alignment
proposed on the Kwik Trip site plan. The easement width shall be 40 feet.
All driveway access points shall be constructed in accordance with the city's industrial
driveway detail plate No. 5207.
The existing driveway located through the northerly portion of Lot 1, Block 1 shall remain
until the existing homes on the city property have been removed from the site or demolished
and the permanent access constructed to the water tower site on Outlot A, Arboretum
Business Park 2nd Addition.
A storm sewer system shall be designed and constructed to accommodate stormwater runoff
from Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 and the future development of the city's parcel lying north of
Lot 1, Block 1. Detailed drainage calculations for pre and post development conditions will
be required for review and approval by the city engineer. Verification that the existing storm
sewer system, if utilized, can accommodate the additional runoff generated from the
development to these sites shall be provided to the city engineer for review and approval.
Revise plans to show proposed 8 foot wide bituminous trail sidewalk along the north side of
82nd Street West. The applicant shall be responsible for construction of the trail after utility
improvements are installed.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item and asked for any questions.
Peterson: Questions of staff'?
Burton: I have one question. In your report you had a couple recommendations. One was
recessing the equipment room and the second was projecting the entrance. Was there any further
discussion about that or changing the entrance?
Generous: Well I'd like the applicant to address that. He had, he brought something forward to
me tonight. There is a small projection and really it's just something to, there's already the
windows and you have the recesses of that. This was a little added item. The roof outline already
projects out so you have that and we're looking to see if there's anything else we can do on that
Planning Commission Meeting - January 20, 1999
Peterson: How far does the roof come out?
Generous: I believe it's 7 feet. So you have the canopy over the entrance way. That was one of
the ideas to enclose that and make a vestibule but that could be a little inconvenient for customers
coming into the site to have to go around on either side and how do you handle the handicap
access and that because it's a confined area.
Peterson: Other questions?
Blackowiak: Mr. Chairman, I have a question. The last couple meetings we've been discussing
lighting and lighting standards and I'm wondering how their lighting that is proposed for this site
would compare to the standards that we've talked about the last couple meetings .... the half foot
candle is fairly standard but would it be in concurrence with what we've been talking about for
revising the standards?
Generous: I believe so but I'm not sure of all those, what had been drafted. The height of that
lighting, the canopy top is only 18 feet and this is recessed under that and then they have lighting
around the edge of the building. They are incorporating two area lights in the northern driveway
for safety purposes and I believe those are 20 feet tall.
Blackowiak: Okay, thank you.
Peterson: Other questions? A couple Bob. You know as I look at the blueprint, it looks better as
portrayed in color but the front elevation, it seems like there's a lot of flat roof to the right and I
don't know whether that, again I couldn't get a good sense of the scope of it in the black and
white pictures. Nor could I get the length of that roof line on the blueprint. How long is the front
approximately? Maybe I can ask the applicant this too but.
Scott Teigen: Eighty...
Peterson: Okay. How much does the foyer that's already created there take up as far as what,
probably 15, 20 feet wide as far as that copula? I mean that's still a lot of roof line that's just
there. Boring. So I'm not really comfortable with that. I don't want to over architecturalize it
however. The other item is on the entrance. As you look at the entrance.., and I just look at
proportionately. You've got it 30 feet, I think a 30 foot wide entrance. As you come down into
the development, it drops down to 26 for a two way. It just seems small proportionately. And
again I may be totally off but what I'm worried about is another situation like we have on Market
Square in front of Subway. Every time I go in there I feel scared that I'm going to meet another
car in there. I don't know if the 26 feet is...
Benson: The 30 foot wide entrance is required so that the transport trucks can get in and make the
turn. 26 foot wide for two lanes of traffic is sufficient. It meets our requirements. It might seem
a bit disproportionate but the trucks coming in needed the 30 foot wide.
Planning Commission Meeting - January 20, 1999
Peterson: Those were my questions. Anybody else?
Sidney: I was wondering if the Arboretum had any comments about the design or the lighting or,
no comments? Okay.
Generous: They haven't contacted me.
Peterson: Would the applicant like to make a presentation?
Scott Teigen: Well I'm a man of few words. My name is Scott Teigen. I'm the Director of Real
Estate for the Kwik Trip stores. I'll give you a little brief history of Kwik Trip. We're a
company that comes into the convenience store business through the grocery end of it. We're a
little more ofa superette, grocery oriented company than a lot of the convenience store
competitors. We're headquartered in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. We're kind of sisters originally with
the Rainbow Food stores. We're kind of an ofl~hoot of Gateway Foods who kind of brought the
Rainbow stores to town. And we came to the Twin Cities market here about five years ago. Our
closest store is probably Savage. We're down in Rosemount, Apple Valley, Lakeville and that
southern tier. We're real excited to be in this market. A little more history about our operation.
We're owned by two families. We don't carry anything in the store that we wouldn't have in our
house so you'll never see the Playboy or Playgirl magazines. At this point we don't even sell
condoms. I mean it's just the way we are. And I'm here to answer any questions. Bob's got a
very complete report. I've been making some notes as you've been making the questions. We'll
see what we can do with our roof line. Our architecture is kind of evolved over the years to fit in
with neighborhoods. Now that may not be in the case here but we've kind of come to this type of
look to fit in with neighbors because quite often we're right, directly adjacent to residential
neighborhoods. So this seems to be the less obtrusive, harsh commercial look. But it is our, kind
of our trademark to look like we do. We do use a dimensional shingle so we'll try to fit in with
the nicer neighborhoods so it's not just a stark, solid roof like it may look in the picture. It will
have a little dimension to it. I guess if you wanted to see, look at one of our similar type stores.
In Lakeville at the new exit they put in, I think it's County Road 46 and 35 there across from
Buck Hill. We've got a convenience store and a car wash that will be very similar to this.
Although this I think is upgraded a little bit from that one but that's the closest one you could see
without having to drive to Milwaukee. So I'm here to answer any questions that you may have.
Address any concerns.
Peterson: Questions of the applicant?
Brooks: I was going to ask to look at the board. I'd like to see it a little better. Great, thank you.
Joyce: Does this board have that new entrance that we're talking about or is that going to be
Generous: It shows, you can see the recess on the west elevation. I don't know if they have
anything for the main entrance.
Planning Commission Meeting - January 20, 1999
Scott Teigen: All of the tan bricks on the picture is set out from the red brick. From the back side
about I think an inch or no more than 2 inches.
Joyce: Do you know about how much... ?
Scott Teigen: The question came up on the area lighting. The only place that we really are
providing area lighting is back here, on here and at this intersection. Typically we don't put area
lighting. We've got lighting under the canopy and.., so we will meet the half foot candle on that
properly line. That's not a problem. We keep our light on our lot.
Peterson: Other questions of the applicant?
Joyce: I guess I'm still confused. Now we're saying that we took, there's going to be no
vestibule, right?
Generous: Correct.
Joyce: So this is what we've got as far as the entrance right here. No brick columns. No
Generous: None that they've, well the canopy over the top extends. There's just nothing
vertically that will tie that in.
Scott Teigen: And that roof way over the entryway does protrude out from the building.
Peterson: ... sidewalk I assume that's close to the.
Scott Teigen: Yes.
Peterson: Other questions?
Brooks: I have some of that idiotic engineering question that... We were talking about the
Arboretum. How is the salt runoff working when.., when they go through the car wash and the
stuff comes off2 Where does it drain to?
Benson: The drainage for the storm sewer system drains to the west and it connects into a storm
water pond that was previously constructed with the previous Arboretum Business Park project.
Or to the east, I'm sorry.
Brooks: Okay, so the Arboretum's to the west and we're draining to the east.
Benson: Correct.
Brooks: All right. And we're all, I mean you're absolutely comfortable that the Arboretum...
Planning Commission Meeting - January 20, 1999
Peterson: Other questions, comments? Thanks. This item is open for a public hearing. May I
have a motion to open it and seconded the same please.
Blackowiak moved, Joyce seconded to open the public hearing. The public hearing was
Peterson: This is a public hearing. Anyone wishing to address the commission please come
forward and state your name and address please. Seeing none, may I have a motion to close the
public hearing?
Sidney moved, Blackowiak seconded to close the public hearing. The public hearing was
Peterson: Commissioners. Allyson, do you want to take your shot at this one?
Brooks: Well, architecturally it just looks like a Kwik Trip to me so I mean, it's nice that we
have an architectural design on it but a Kwik Trip is a Kwik Trip. I guess my concern was more
the, you know the Arboretum and Anita answered my question so other than that, I guess I'm
okay with it.
Peterson: Okay. Ladd.
Conrad: Nothing.
Peterson: Alison.
Blackowiak: No comments.
Peterson: Kevin.
Joyce: I think that staff should stick to what they said initially with design standards and instead
of having.., projected out from the building and put some variation in that. Columns or something
like that. As far as I'm concerned, it looks like a Kwik Trip to me. Putting on this, we have
design standards for the area. When I look at the project.., there's a lot of roof. There's not a lot
of architectural interest. I don't think it would take much. As a matter of fact if they said they
would put some small.., donners or something. Donners type of thing, and I'm not saying that's
the right idea but something more to this and I would be a little more comfortable with it .... I
only see them doing one thing... We need more architectural design to it. Even though it is only a
Kwik Trip, I think because it's in that area that they bought or signed on to have these
architectural standards, I think we should...
Peterson: Matt.
Burton: Well when I first looked at it, the only thing that struck me was I didn't think it was
architecturally interesting and I thought the staff recommendations were good. Seeing it in color
Planning Commission Meeting - January 20, 1999
here helps but I agree with Kevin. I think that they should be held to a little bit higher standards.
I'm not exactly sure where the line is drawn but I don't think that this is it. So columns or
donners or both but I think that they came to this spot knowing what was expected and I don't
think they've met the standard that has been set.
Peterson: LuAnn.
Sidney: I agree with the staff report that more features, architectural features should be on the
west and south side of the building. Although when I think about it now, I can see where you
approach the building from the south side. You'll see the canopy over the, for the gasoline and I
guess I'm thinking that it's going to obscure most of the roof line and you're not really going to
see the features as you drive in. So I guess I'm not terribly concerned about it. It would be nice
to have more details on both sides of the building. I guess my greatest concern, as I expressed,
was any impact on the Arboretum and good point Allyson about the ground water. And I guess I
was actually thinking more about the lights. And I'm not sure what, how the various elevations
compare but from the interior of the Arboretum can you see those lights and would it be offensive
and also along TH 41 restoration area. How is that going to affect any enjoyment of that area. So
if you could keep track of that, I think whatever the shielding of the lights, how that might be
designed and also keep that in mind that people in the Arboretum might see these lights at some
point and I guess those were my only.
Peterson: Thank you. I feel somewhat the same as a couple of my fellow commissions. As they
mentioned earlier I think it is okay. This commission has taken a great deal of it's time and effort
on different areas of this city that we call entrances to the city, and nobody's talked about that and
this situation I think that this is the entrance to Chanhassen from that area, which is a high traffic
area and I think it's important that at least, give it justice that we want something that is potentially
a little more creative. A little bit more unique and more pleasing to that. It's not just a Kwik
Trip. Not that Kwik Trip is a negative but I think it's, you know as mentioned earlier, designed to
fit in a neighborhood but maybe not necessarily to be the first thing you see when you come into a
city. And that may be something that you go back and prior to presenting it to council, that you
may want to consider that. That it may be part of the connotation for Chanhassen as you come
into it. That it is more unique.
Scott Teigen: I will work with Bob and we'll address all of your concerns about the roof line and
the entry and your point about the entry to Chanhassen. We want people to be proud to come by
there and I think we can make it better.
Brooks: You'll work to meet the design standards?
Scott Teigen: Yeah.
Brooks: Okay.
Peterson: With that, I'll conclude my comments. May I have a motion please.
Planning Commission Meeting - January 20, 1999
Conrad: I'll make that motion Mr. Chairman that the Planning Commission recommends to the
City Council approval of Site Plan #99-1 for a 5,737 square foot Kwik Trip convenience store
and gas station with a drive through car wash on a 1.88 acre site located on Lot 1, Block 1,
Arboretum Business Park 3rd Addition, plans prepared by Insites, dated 12/18/98, subject to the
conditions of the staff report with a condition 29. No, with a note that the applicant and the staff
work together to enhance or present to the City Council an architectural plan as requested by
condition number 5 in the staff report.
Peterson: Is there a second please?
Brooks: I'll second that.
Peterson: It's been moved and seconded. Is there any discussion please?
Scott Teigen: Mr. Chairman... I should point out. This is a minor thing but point number 11
where they're talking about the sprinkler system. Our people have had discussion today with the
engineering department, or your fire chief and we're only asking a question about how necessary
it really is to sprinkler the car wash so with fire walls, and we still have to meet the code. We
understand that but with fire walls we may not be sprinkling the building but fire walls. Whatever
the code will allow us to do to not sprinkle the building, that may be what happens. Just so I
clarify that point.
Peterson: So noted. Again we have a motion and a second.
Conrad moved, Brooks seconded that the Planning Commission recommends to the City
Council approval of Site Plan #99-1 for a 5,737 square foot Kwik Trip convenience store
and gas station with a drive through car wash on a 1.88 acre site located on Lot 1, Block 1,
Arboretum Business Park 3'.4 Addition, plans prepared by Insites, dated 12/18/98, subject
to the following conditions:
The applicant shall enter hito a site plan agreement wifli file city and provide the necessary
security to guarantee erosion control, site restoration and landscaping.
The development must comply with the Development Design Standards for Arboretum
Business Park.
Add one deciduous, overstory tree to landscape plan and plant schedule. Submit revised plan
to city prior to issuance of the building permit.
Plant materials used along Highway 41 must be salt tolerant. Replace red and sugar maples
and crabapples with other salt tolerant cultivars or species. Submit revised plan to city prior to
issuance of the building permit.
Planning Commission Meeting - January 20, 1999
The developer shall incorporate the following architectural revisions: 1) the entrance be
projected out from the building to create additional variation or, alternately, that a vestibule be
created at the entrance or brick columns be incorporated at the south end of the roof canopy
over the entrance, 2) the car wash equipment room be recessed 12 inches or more from the
elevations of the car wash and station store to provide variation on the western elevation.
6. Meet with the Inspections Division plan reviewer as soon as possible after approval to begin
the building code plan review process.
The applicant needs to reduce the southern gas canopy light'mg to meet the lA foot candle
light'mg standard at the south property line. A decorative, shoe box fixture (high pressure
sodium vapor lamps) with a square ornamental pole shall be used for area lighting. All light
fixtures shall be shielded. Lighting shall be shielded from direct off-site view and glare. The
wattage in the canopy light'mg be reduced to reduce the foot-candle of light'mg
proposed under the canopy.
All freestanding signs be limited to one monument sign per street frontage. Signs must be a
minimum of 10 feet from the properly line and must be located outside drainage and utility
easements. The sign shall not exceed eighly (80) square feet in sign display area nor be
greater than eight (8) feet in height. The sign treatment is an element of the architecture and
thus should reflect the quality of the development. The signs should be consistent in color,
size, and material throughout the development.
9. Wall sign shall be permitted per city ordinance for industrial office park site. All signs shall
require a separate sign permit. Wall signage is permitted on the south and west building
elevations only. Signage is not permitted on the gas canopy.
10. A fire hydrant must be added at the entrance on the northeast comer off of Highway 41.
Minnesota Uniform Fire Code Section 903.4.2.
11. The water line running into the building must be increased to a minimum size of 4" due to a
sprinkler system which must be installed within the building. Chanhassen Fire
Department/Fire Prevention Policy # 34-1993 and Policy # 36-1994. Note: Also Building and
Sprinkler in accordance with Minnesota State Building Code Special Fire Protection System
12. All grading and utility work within Trunk Highway 41 right-of-way will require a permit from
13. Construction of the drive aisles north of the properly and the retaining wall will require a
temporary easement from the city.
14. The existing driveway located through the northerly portion of the site must remain until the
existing homes on the city's properly have been removed from the site or demolished and the
Planning Commission Meeting - January 20, 1999
permanent access constructed to the water tower on Outlot A, Arboretum Business Park 2nd
15. All septic sites, if located on the site, will need to be abandoned in accordance with city codes.
Permits must be obtained through the Building Department.
16. Relocate fire hydrant on 82nd Street West to east curb, Minnesota Uniform Fire Code Section
903.4.2, of the proposed driveway entrance. In addition, add a gate valve and coordinate
temporary water shut-off through the City of Chaska.
17. The proposed storm sewer system will need to be designed and constructed to accommodate
runoff from Lots 1 and 2 and the future development of the city's parcel lying north of the
Kwik Trip site. Detailed drainage calculations for pre and post development conditions will
be required for review and approval by the City Engineer. Verification that the existing storm
sewer system, if utilized, can accommodate the additional runoff generated from the
development of these three sites will also need to be supplied to the City Engineer for review
and approval.
18. Relocate storm sewer outside of Trunk Highway 41 right-of-way. Add a catch basin manhole
in the drive aisle north of the site along the east curb line.
19. The applicant shall install a fence a minimum of 4 feet high along the north property line
wherever the retaining wall exceeds 3 feet in height.
20. Install industrial driveway apron per city of Chanhassen Detail Plate 5207 at the driveway
access along 82nd Street West.
21. Increase right-in/right-out drive aisle lane widths to 18 feet face to face. Increase intersection
radii to 30 feet at all intersection radii and driveway curves to accommodate truck turning
22. The applicant shall work with the city in revising the joint cross-access easement through the
site. The minimum easement width shall be 40 feet wide and the drive aisles 26 feet wide
face to face of curb.
23. Add painted medians to separate/delineate car wash from drive through around the east and
north side of the building.
24. Revise plans to show proposed 8-foot wide bituminous trail/sidewalk along north side of 82nd
Street West. Add pedestrian ramps to all curb returns. Relocate proposed 5-foot wide
sidewalk to adjacent back of curb in the southeast comer of the site up to future access to Lot
25. All public utility improvements will require dedicated drainage and utility easements on the
final plat. The minimum width shall be 20 feet wide depending on depth of the utility.
Planning Commission Meeting - January 20, 1999
26. The applicant shall prepare a cross-access easement to allow Lot 2, Block 1, Arboretum
Business Park 3rd Addition to utilize access through the site.
27. The deceleration and acceleration lane proposed along Trunk Highway 41 shall be installed in
conjunction with the right-in/right-out by the applicant.
28. Traffic control signage shall be included on the site plan for staff review and approval prior to
issuance of a building permit."
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Peterson: Motion carries. Goes in front of Council on the 8th of February. Thank you.
Generous: Subject to us coming up with the architectural features.
Aanenson: I'd leave that up to you to take care of that business. You need to select a Chair and a
Vice Chair obviously. My understanding Craig that you would be willing to relinquish your
duties if somebody else is interested.
Peterson: I didn't get a plethora of phone calls wanting to volunteer.
Conrad: Well I would nominate Mr. Peterson because he's not burned out yet and I think he still
has another year to give so.
Peterson: Let's do Vice Chair at the same time. Kevin has been the Vice Chair. May I hear a
recommendation to...
Brooks: He's done a nice job. Stability is good.
Peterson: Is that a recommendation?
Brooks: Yes, I move we keep the status quo.
Peterson: Can somebody combine that into a single motion please for Chair and Vice Chair.
Brooks: I move that we elect Craig Peterson as Chair of the Planning Commission and Kevin, oh
my god, I forgot your last name.
Joyce: Joyce.
Brooks: Joyce as Vice Chair.
Planning Commission Meeting - January 20, 1999
Peterson: Is there a second?
Conrad: I would sure second that.
Brooks moved, Conrad seconded to appoint Craig Peterson as Chairman and Kevin Joyce
as Vice Chairman to the Planning Commission. All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Peterson: They're attached in the packet...
Conrad: They're fine.
Peterson: May we have a motion and a second for that please.
Burton: Move approval of the Planning Commission By-laws.
Conrad: Second.
Burton moved, Conrad seconded to adopt the Planning Commission By-laws as presented.
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Peterson: Next is more of a discussion item. Liaison attendance at City Council meetings. We
have the option to select from one or two or continue the rotation as we've done for the last 30
Aanenson: If anybody does have a problem with a meeting date, ... try to find someone to switch
with and if you can't do that, then if you could let myself know. It is helpful to have a
representative there.
Peterson: Does the commission want to continue rotating? So noted.
Peterson: Any old business Kate?
manenson: ...
Brooks: I'm leaving. I'm moving to Washington state. I got appointed by the Governor of
Washington State to be the State Historic Preservation Officer. So going to another state and try
to act like an adult.
Aanenson: So you will be with us on the 3rd?
Planning Commission Meeting - January 20, 1999
Brooks: I hope to be, yes. I think my term ends shortly so I'm just going to try to run it out and.
It was fun. I love Planning Commission...but I really enjoy it.
Peterson: So they have them out there too.
Brooks: That's right. I'll have to ask for a reference.
Peterson: All right, any other old business?
Aanenson: There were two positions coming up. Craig's and Allyson's. I did speak to the City
Council at their work session yesterday and their policy is to advertise that. They will be
advertising it. Obviously Allyson won't be here to be replaced so there will be a short gap during
that replacement time. Maybe just one meeting. One or two more meetings and then we have to
advertise. They don't get appointed until April. That's generally when they do that. And we can
bring up the comp plan issue. We did meet with the Met Council, Bob and I did on Friday.
We've got two issues to resolve. One we believe has been resolved. Density issues... There's
only how many cities that met the deadline? 187
Generous: Yeah, there was like 30 out of 200.
Aanenson: That met the end of the deadline so we were pretty happy. They have a 60 day
requirement. They keep finding little reasons to hold us on the 60 days and we're trying to get
through the process so we don't get caught with the other 200 and some communities so the other
one's going to take another few weeks to get resolved but we're in pretty good shape. We're
pretty pleased with the review that we've gotten. We want to get that done. Get that back to you.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: LuAnn Sidney noted the Minutes of the Planning Commission
meeting dated January 6, 1999 as presented.
Aanenson: I just wanted to mention the February 3 work session. I would like to start that...
Conrad: I had an hour and 30 minute ride tonight.
Brooks: It took me two hours from St. Paul.
Aanenson: ... LuAnn had a good suggestion.., tried to ad lib with it but if we want a few
chuckles, we'll watch some of it too but it's really good and I want to practice doing motions so
you're all comfortable. We'll probably go through the order of the agenda. Some real basic stuff
but then we'll practice doing some.., help raise everybody's comfort level. And I'd like to also go
through the projects we'll be doing this year. The 1999 projects. Not only in Planning but
what.., and I also think it's a good time to get together so... I was hoping that we could start at
6:00 and you know but I know it's hard for some of you to get here at that time so whatever
Planning Commission Meeting - January 20, 1999
works for you. I'd like to try to keep it, you know 6:00 to 9:00. 3 hours is about it. Take a
break in there. If we start at 7:00, we go 7:00 to 10:00. Whatever works.
Peterson: How about splitting the difference? Going 6:30.
Joyce: Yeah, 6:30.
Aanenson: Okay. Would you want 7:00 Ladd?
Conrad: Just get going without me. I'll be here and I'll just make a good effort.
Peterson: Anything else from anybody?
Conrad: Just a note. I'd like staff to just call Kathy at the Villager and see if they could do a
story on Allyson. Because maybe we get a little bit of publicity for the Planning Commission but
it's also sort of a neat story that she's leaving and taking a position out there. I think that's sort of.
Brooks: ... one of our planning commissioners can.
Conrad: See what we do...
Brooks: You're getting back at me for two years.
Conrad: I want to see your picture in the paper.
Peterson: The last thing I'd like to note that Sharmin's been promote to Senior Planner and
applaud that move so congratulations to her. With that, may I have a motion to adjourn.
Conrad moved, Brooks seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at
7:40 p.m.
Submitted by Kate Aanenson
Planning Director
Prepared by Nann Opheim