MARCH 17, 1999
Chairman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7;00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Craig Peterson, Ladd Conrad, Matt Burton, LuAnn Sidney, Kevin
Joyce, and Alison Blackowiak.
STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Bob Generous, Senior
Planner; Sharmin A1-Jafl] Senior Planner, Cynthia Kirchofl] Planner I, Philip Elkin, Water
Resource Coordinator, and David Hempel, Assistant City Engineer
Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item.
Steve Sletner, project engineer, presented the applicant's proposal. He stated that they were in
general agreement with the staff report. He did request clarification regarding condition number 7
since the developer was not certain if they wanted to dedicate land or preserve it as conservation
area. He also discussed the setbacks being established as part of the PUD and asked that the city
consider permitting an eight foot side setback. He discussed the potential of reducing the storm
water management fees since the development would be treating storm water from outside the
development. He expressed concern about condition 18 recommending that the cul-de-sac
grading be revised (lowered) and requiring that the front of Lot 6, the existing home, be regraded
to direct storm water flows away from the house. He stated that there are currently no water
problems for the existing house and the subdivision will actually reduce the amount of water
flowing toward the house. He further stated that the proposed revisions may impact grading on
Lots 1 and 2. He pointed out that sanitary sewer improvements benefit the property to the north
and stated that it was discussed with staff the idea of having the city perform the utility extension
as a city project which would then be assessed back against the benefiting properties.
Roger Schmidt, abutting property owner to the north, said that the rerouting of the sanitary sewer
probably addressed concerns he had regarding the impact of the utility extensions on the trees in
front of his houses. He also stated that he thought that bigger setbacks from the north property
line would be better. He questioned whether Outlot B had been looked at to determine if it was
buildable in the future. He had questions about whether the grading in the north part of the
development would impact the storm water drainage on his property and whether the existing
trees would be saved along the property line. He was very concerned that the proposed
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March 17, 1999
development not impact the existing trees along his properly line or to the front of the
development. His final concern was the impact of the proposed development on the existing
utilities that serve his properly which he believes mn along the properly line.
Dave Hempel, Assistance City Engineer, responded to some of Mr. Schmidt's concerns.
Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director, addressed the issue of the enhanced
environmental protection provided by the PUD. She stated that the city had been working with the
developer to preserve a significant portion of the site. Given this preservation through the use of
clustering, it is not then appropriate for the city to further constrain the site by requiring larger
setbacks then would normally be necessary between compatible uses.
Kip Hanson, a properly owner along the south boundary of the project, questioned whether the
trees along the south side of the development would be saved. He further questioned whether the
setback as set out in the preliminary plat would be sufficient. He also stated that there is currently
a significant drainage problem in the area and asked if the development was addressing this.
Bob Generous said that the setback as shown on the plan for Lot 4 was incorrect and that a 30 foot
setback would be required around the perimeter of the site.
Dave Hempel stated that the relocation of the building site away from the properly line would pull
the grading limits away from the tree line.
Alison Blackowiak said that she wanted to make sure that these trees are preserved and asked if
there were any way to assure the trees would be preserved.
Bob Generous replied that the tree preservation ordinance was in effect and the developer had
shown these trees as being preserved. If they are later destroyed, then the developer would have
to replace them at a 2 to 1 ratio.
Dave Hempel said that a tree conservation easement could be placed over the perimeter of the site
to let the future properly owners know that these trees were protected from removal.
Kate Aanenson stated that it is usually the builders that impact the trees and that prior to the city
permitting the developer to begin grading the site, tree protection fencing would be required to be
Ladd Conrad requested that staff review the tree inventory to determine the best way to preserve
the trees on site.
Gene Hermus, a resident of Trotters Ridge, asked about the impact of the sanitary sewer
installation on the west side of Galpin Boulevard.
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Alison Blackowiak wanted to make sure that any development construction activity would not
take out the existing trails along Galpin and that if they do the developer would be required to
replace them.
Paul Palmer, the resident of the existing house on the site, stated that he had purchased the
property around the house. He stated that his need was to permit sufficient property at the north
of the existing house to be able to use the driveway to the rear and that based on the plans
submitted, he had more land then he needed. He also said that part of his agreement with the
owner/developer was to permit him to have access to the park land to the east. To do that, the
developer would need to straighten out the south property line of Lot 6. He was also concerned
that the proposed 25 foot front setback would not permit him to install a porch in the front of his
house. He wanted to be able to install a 10 foot porch on the front of the house to make it fit in
with the new homes in the neighborhood.
Steve Sletner stated that they could solve two of Mr. Palmer's issues by revising the property lines
around the house without any problem. He stated that he thought that there was sufficient area to
the front of the house to permit the porch.
Craig Peterson asked if there were any more comments and then brought the discussion back to
the commission. He asked if there were any discussion.
Ladd Conrad moved approval of the project subject to the conditions of the staff report and the
addition of conditions 34, 35, and 36. The motion was seconded by Matt Burton.
"The Planning Commission recommends approval of General Concept and Preliminary PUD
Development Plan, approval for Rezoning of 6.39 acres from A-2, Agricultural Estate District to
PUD-R, Planned Unit Development-Residential and Preliminary Plat approval to subdivide 6.39
acres into 8 single family lots and 2 outlots, as shown in plans dated 2/99, subject to the following
1. The applicant shall guarantee any transplanted trees for a minimum of one year. Transplanted
trees shall be counted as replacement plantings.
Buff'er yard plantings shall be installed along Galpin Boulevard. Minimum planting
requirements are 5 over story trees, 7 under story trees, and 11 shrubs. The landscape plan
shall be submitted to the city for approval.
3. One tree shall be planted in each front yard per city ordinance.
4. Install tree protection fencing at grading limits prior to construction.
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The applicant shall revegetate the area around the proposed storm water pond with a native
seed mixture approved by the city. The applicant may refer to MNDOT seeding manual
mixture 50 for an acceptable seed mix.
6. The accessory structure located on proposed Lot 6 shall be removed prior to recording of the
Outlot A shall be reserved through park dedication. Fee title to Outlot A shall be granted to
the city in exchange for full park fee credit. If ownership is not transferred to the city, then the
developer shall place a conservation easement over Outlot A.
The development shall comply with the following setbacks:: Front (F) - 25 feet, Rear (R)- 30
feet, Side (S) - 10 feet, Primary Zone (PZ) - 40 feet, Perimeter PUD setback (P) - 30 feet,
Galpin Blvd. (G) - 50 feet.
9. The Primary Zone boundary shall be shown on the building permit plans for Lots 4, 5, and 6,
Block 1, Lynmore Addition.
10. Lot 8 shall be reconfigured to meet the 90 foot minimum frontage requirement as well as the
11,000 square foot minimum lot area requirement.
11. Revise the preliminary grading & utility plan to show the proposed dwelling pads with
standard designations and indicate the lowest level floor, entry level floor and garage floor
elevations. This should be done prior to final plat approval.
12. Obtain demolition, moving and/or road use permits for existing buildings to be relocated. This
should be done prior to any grading on the property.
13. The proposed single family residential development of 4.25 net developable acres is
responsible for a water quality connection charge of $3,400 and a water quantity fee of
$8,415. These fees are payable to the City prior to the City filing the final plat.
14. Install a fire hydrant at the intersection of Bridle Creek Court and Galpin Blvd.
15. A ten foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e. street lamps, trees, shrubs,
bushes, NSP, US West, cable TV, and transformer boxes. This is to insure that fire hydrants
can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City
Ordinance 9-1.
16. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with
approved provisions for the turning around of fire apparatus. The cul-de-sac as currently
designed will not allow proper turning around of fire apparatus. Submit redesigned
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dimensions to Fire Marshal and City Engineer for review and approval. Fire Marshal will not
approve building permits until redesign of cul-de-sac is submitted.
17. If trees are to be felled on site, they must either be chipped or hauled off site. No burning
permits will be issued.
18. (The final construction plans shall include the following)
The grading plans shall include the first floor, lowest floor and garage floor elevations of the
existing home on Lot 6.
Show existing well and septic site on Lot 6 with provisions for protection.
Install drain tile behind the curb in accordance with City detail plates 5232 and 5234 to
address household sump pump discharge.
Provide pond maintenance access route between Lots 4 and 5. The grade of the access route
shall not exceed a 4 to 1 slope.
Provide erosion control measures and tree preservation fencing on the grading plan.
The lot grade on Lots 6, 7 and 8 and/or street grades shall be revised to provide front yard
drainage from the homes out to Bridle Creek Court. Provide traffic control signage and street
light locations.
The centerline street grade through the cul-de-sac shall be a minimum of 1% and the first 75
feet of Bridle Creek Court shall not exceed 3.0%.
Provide drainage swale on the south side of Lots 3 and 4 to prevent runoff from leaving the
19. The existing home on Lot 6 shall connect to City sewer within 30 days after the utilities are
accepted by the City. When the existing well on Lot 6 fails, the home shall connect to City
20. The developer shall dedicate to the City 50 feet of right-of-way for Galpin Boulevard and a
10-foot wide trail and utility easement along the west line of Lots 1 and 2 and Outlot B.
21. During design and construction of a home for Lot 4 the surface water runoff must be managed
to avoid flooding of the home. The lowest opening of the home shall be a minimum of one
foot above the existing/proposed grade at the south property line adjacent the home.
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22. At time of building permit issuance each lot except Lot 6 shall be charged a sewer and water
hook-up charge. Should Outlot B be platted in the future, this parcel will also be subject to
sewer and water hook-up charges in accordance with City Ordinance.
23. The existing home on Lot 6 shall change their street access and address once Bridle Creek
Court is paved with a bituminous surface. In addition, the existing driveway access through
Lots 7 and 8 and Outlot B shall be removed and restored with topsoil, seed and mulch.
24. If the exporting or importing of earthwork material is required, the developer shall supply staff
with a haul route and traffic control plan for review and approval.
25. The appropriate drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated to the City on the final plat
for all utilities, existing drainageways and ponding areas lying outside the right-of-way. The
minimum easement width shall be 20 feet wide.
26. The developer shall be responsible for the extension of sanitary sewer service to the site and
acquisition of the necessary temporary and/or permanent utility easements. If the developer is
unable to acquire the necessary utility easements, the plat shall be considered premature for
27. The applicant will need to develop a sediment and erosion control plan in accordance with the
City's Best Management Practice Handbook and the Surface Water Management Plan
requirements for new developments. The plan shall be submitted to the City for review and
formal approval in conjunction with final plat submittal.
28. All areas disturbed as a result of construction activities shall be immediately restored with
seed and disc-mulched or wood fiber blanket or sod within two weeks of completion of each
activity in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook.
29. All utility and street improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the latest edition of
the City's Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. Detailed street and utility plans and
specifications shall be submitted three weeks prior to final plat consideration for staff review
and City Council approval.
30. The applicant shall provide detailed storm sewer calculations for 10-year and 100-year storm
events and provide ponding calculations for stormwater quality/quantity ponds in accordance
with the City's Surface Water Management Plan for the City Engineer to review and approve.
The applicant shall provide detailed pre-developed and post-developed stormwater
calculations for 100-year storm events and normal water level and high water level
calculations in existing basins, created basin, and/or creeks. Individual storm sewer
calculations between each catch basin segment will also be required to determine if sufficient
catch basins are being utilized. In addition, water quality ponding design calculations shall be
based on Walker's Pondnet model.
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March 17, 1999
31. The applicant shall enter into a PUD agreement/development contract with the City and
provide the necessary financial security to guarantee compliance with the terms of the
development contract.
32. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies, i.e.
Carver County, Watershed District, Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, Health
Department and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
33. A 30-foot wide access easement shall be deeded to the Schmidt's over Outlot B for future
driveway access to the property to the north. Staff and the developer shall work together in
determining the alignment.
34. Staff will review condition 18 regarding grading on Lot 6 as it pertains to drainage. Staff will
also talk with the developer regarding conditions 7 and 8.
35. Staff will review the tree inventory to recommend to City Council the best way to preserve the
trees along the project boundaries.
36. Staff will address the issue about reimbursement for the sanitary sewer extension to the parcel
to the north."
Matt Burton had proposed a friendly amendment to the motion to permit a 15 foot front setback
for Lot 6 to permit the installation of a porch.
Ladd Conrad stated that he was uncomfortable granting a blanket variance, but that the applicant
could present a plan to the Planning Commission for review. The amendment failed.
The motion for approval passed 6 for and none against.
Alison Blackowiak moved and Kevin Joyce seconded a motion to approve the conditional use for
the development.
"The Planning Commission recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit to permit
development within the Bluff Creek Overlay district subject to the following conditions:
1. Outlot A, Lynmore Addition, is permanently preserved as passive open space."
Craig Peterson stated that this item would be before the City Council on April 12, 1999.
Craig Peterson introduced the next public hearing item for the Family of Christ site plan.
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March 17, 1999
Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item.
Craig Peterson stated that he was disappointed in the presentation material provided to the
commission. He felt that it was difficult for him and other members ofthe commission to geta
true sense out of the development.
Steve Edwins, SMSQ Architects, presented the applicant's proposal. He stated they were in
general agreement with the staff report but had concerns about conditions 5 and 7. He agreed that
the use of the shoe box fixtures was appropriate in the parking lot area, but he wanted the
flexibility to use different fixtures in the pedestrian area or to use metal halide lights where
appropriate. He felt that condition 7 was too detailed. While agreeing that the proposed color of
the EIFS was a mistake and would probably be replaced, he felt that the staff review was too
specific in its architectural recommendations. He felt that they had complied with the design
standards approved as part of the PUD.
Jim Sulerud, representative from Family of Christ Lutheran Church, stated that they were
concerned with condition number 21 and believed that this was a requirement of the subdivision
and that the subdivision plan showed the sidewalk on the east side of Stone Creek Drive.
The Planning Commission discussion concurred with the chairman's original statement that it was
difficult to get a true sense of the proposed site plan given the material presented. They felt that it
was the city's responsibility to assure that a high quality project was proposed for the
development. They wanted to permit staff and the applicant additional time to see if they could
work out their differences regarding architectural details.
Kevin Joyce moved and Ladd Conrad seconded a motion to table the item to permit additional
refinement of the plan. The motion passed 6 for with none against. The item will be brought back
after the applicant and staff work out their differences.
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March 17, 1999
Sharmin A1-Jaff and Philip Elkin presented the staff report. Mr. Mark Undestad, the applicant
stated that he will continue to work with staff to address the issues raised in the staff report.
Kevin Joyce moved and Ladd Conrad seconded a motion to open the public hearing. A resident
on Ibis Court stated that he was concerned the drainage water would increase on his cul-de-sac
due to the new development. David Hempel explained that this development will reduce the
amount of water that drains through the backyards of Ibis Court.
Alison Blackowiak moved and Kevin Joyce seconded to close the public hearing.
Ladd Conrad asked if the proposed development met the buffer ordinance requirements. Staff
explained that it did. The ordinance required a 30 foot buffer strip and the applicant is providing
that. Staff also explained that the applicant will be required to provide boulevard planting as
required by ordinance. Conrad also directed staff to ensure a sidewalk is extended along A street.
Alison Blackowiak stated that the applicant should design the buildings in a fashion that would
minimize views of the loading docks from the residential neighborhood. Staff explained that the
concept plan submitted by the applicant locates the loading docks in the least visible areas of the
Alison Blackowiak moved and Kevin Joyce seconded a motion that the Planning Commission
recommends approval of Subdivision 99-1 to replat Outlot D into 10 lots, Chanhassen Lakes
Business Park 7th Addition, and wetland alteration permit to fill 1.23 acres, provide 1.62 acres of
in kind mitigation and 1.89 public value credits, as shown on the plans dated received January 26,
1999, subject to the following conditions:
1. The applicant shall submit landscape plan for city approval.
Applicant will be required to provide 200 trees as reforestation plantings. Trees are to be
from the city's Approved Tree List.
Full park and trail dedication fees shall be paid for Chanhassen Lakes Business Park 7th
Addition in accordance with ordinance requirements.
One ground low profile business sign is permitted per lot. The area of the sign may not
exceed 80 square feet and a height of 8 feet. Also, one wall mounted sign per business
shall be permitted per street frontage. The total display area shall not exceed 15% of the
total area of the building wall upon which the signs are mounted. No sign may exceed 90
square feet. All signage must meet the following criteria:
All businesses shall share one monument sign per lot. Monument signage shall be
subject to the monument standards in the sign ordinance.
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March 17, 1999
b. Wall signs are permitted on no more that 2 street frontages.-
c. All signs require a separate permit.
d. The signage will have consistency throughout the development and add an
architectural accent to the building.
e. Consistency in signage shall relate to color, size, materials, and heights.
f. No illuminated signs within the development may be viewed from the residential
section south of the site.
g. Back-lit individual letter signs are permitted.
h. Only the name and logo of the business occupying the unit will be permitted on the
i. The applicant must obtain a sign permit prior to erecting the signs on site. A
detailed sign plan incorporating the method of lighting, acceptable to staff should
be provided prior to requesting a building permit.
The applicant shall meet with the Building Department to discuss commercial building
permit requirements.
Fire Marshal conditions:
a) The proposed hydrant locations as shown on the utility plan for the Chanhassen Lakes
Business Park 7th Addition have been reviewed. The proposed number and locations
indicated appear acceptable at this time. However, as specific site plans are submitted
showing the exact building footprint and parking, hydrant locations may need
modification. Be advised at this time I am not approving number and locations of fire
b) "No Parking" fire lane signs and yellow curbing will be addressed at the site plan
review process.
c) (Post Indicator Valve) locations will be determined at site plan review process.
d) Submit name for "Street A" to Fire Marshal for review and approval.
The applicant will be assessed a SWMP water quality charge of $4,633/acre for office
industrial developments. The fee will be waived if the applicant provides water quality
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March 17, 1999
treatment according to the city's SWMP standards. The stormwater quality pond shall be
designed to retain 60% to 75% phosphorus according to the Walker Pondnet model. In
addition, the project will be assessed a water quantity charge of $4,360 per developable
acre. The total gross area of the property is 51.6 acres. Therefore, the proposed
development would then be responsible for a water quantity connection charge of
$224,976. The actual fee will be determined upon submittal of the final plat. This fee
will be due payable to the city at time of final plat recording.
The wetlands shall be protected by a buff'er strip. The width of the buff'er strip shall be 0'-
20' with an average of 10 feet. All buildings shall maintain a 40 foot setback from the
outside edge of the buff'er strip. Wetland buff'er areas shall be surveyed and staked in
accordance with the city ordinance.
The developer shall supply the city with a detailed haul route for review and approval by
staff for materials imported to or exported from the site. If the material is proposed to be
hauled off-site to another location in Chanhassen, that property owner will be required to
obtain an earthwork permit from the city.
The applicant will need to develop a temporary sediment and erosion control plan in
accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook. The plan shall be
submitted to the city for review and formal approval in conjunction with final plat
All areas disturbed as a result of construction activities shall be immediately restored with
seed and disc-mulched or wood fiber blanket or sod within two weeks of completion of
each activity in accordance with the City's Best Management Practice Handbook.
All utility and street improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the latest
edition of the city's Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. "A" street shall be
constructed in accordance with the city's urban industrial street section. Detailed street
and utility plans and specifications shall be submitted for staff review and City Council
approval. All private streets/driveways shall be constructed to support a minimum of 7-
ton per axle design weight in accordance with the City Code 20-1118 "design of parking
stalls and drive aisles.
All driveway access points shall incorporate the City's Industrial Driveway Apron Detail
Plate No. 5207.
The applicant shall provide detailed storm sewer calculations for 10-year and 100-year
storm events and provide ponding calculations for stormwater quality/quantity ponds in
accordance with the City's Surface Water Management Plan for the City Engineer to
review and approve. The applicant shall provide detailed pre-developed and post-
developed stormwater calculations for 100-year storm events and normal water level and
Planning Commission Minutes
March 17, 1999
high water level calculations in existing basins, created basin, and/or creeks. Individual
storm sewer calculations between each catch basin segment will also be required to
determine if sufficient catch basins are being utilized. In addition, water quality ponding
design calculations shall be based on Walker's Pondnet model.
The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the city and provide the
necessary financial security to guarantee compliance with the terms of the development
The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies,
i.e. Carver County, Watershed District, Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, Health
Department, Minnesota Pollution control Agency, Minnesota Department of Natural
Resources, Army Corps of Engineers and Minnesota Department of Transportation and
comply with their conditions of approval.
The stormwater pond proposed "by others" on the city's parkland located south of Lake
Drive West shall be eliminated and the stormwater rerouted into the proposed stormwater
pond north of Lot 3. The storm pond proposed east of lot 10 shall be redesigned off the
city's parkland and sanitary sewer line. If the developer desires to leave the pond as
proposed they shall be responsible for the cost of relocating the sanitary sewer line and pay
the city for use of the parkland.
The developer shall be responsible for acquiring temporary construction easements for
construction activities outside the plat.
No berming shall be permitted within the city's right of way. Landscaping maybe
permitted subject to staff review and approval.
Street and utility improvements located within "A" Street upon completion will become
city maintained and owned. Individual sewer and water services through each lot shall be
privately owned and maintained. Building permits will be required from the city's
Building Department for the private utility portion of the project. Drainage and utility
easements shall be dedicated over the public utility lines located outside of the right-of-
way on the final plat. Depending on the depth of the utilities, the minimum drainage and
utility easement width shall be 20 feet wide. Consideration for access routes shall also be
incorporated in the easement width.
The developer shall escrow with the city a financial guarantee for a share of the local cost
participation based on traffic generated from the site for a future traffic signal at the
intersection of Lake Drive West and Powers Boulevard. The cost of the traffic signal is
not known at this time. Preliminary estimates between the city and county should be used
for an security escrow.
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March 17, 1999
The developer shall dedicate a 60 foot wide right of way for street A, 80 foot wide right of
way for Lake Drive West and a 50 foot wide right of way for Audubon Road on the final
Driveway access points to lots 7 & 8, block 1 shall be limited to the interior street system
(A street) and not Lake Drive West. Access to lots 1,2,3 and lots 9 and 10 shall be review
by the city on an individual basis as site plans are submitted.
A cross access agreement over lots 2 and 3, block 1 for ingress and egress purposes to the
parcel of land north of lots 1 and 2, block 1 shall be prepared and recorded by the
developer at time of final plat recording.
Preliminary and final plat approval should be contingent upon the City Council ordering
and awarding Public Improvement Project No. 98-16 (Lake Drive West) to service this
development. Without the extension of Lake Drive West and the associated utilities, this
development should be considered premature.
Type III erosion control fence will be required adjacent to the wetland areas. Stormwater
ponds and/or temporary detention ponds shall be constructed with the initial grading
phases to minimum erosion potential to the wetlands or downstream water bodies.
Erosion control blanket will be required on slopes greater than 3:1. Revegetation of
exposed slopes should occur immediately after grading is completed in accordance with
the City's Best Management Practice Handbook.
The lowest floor or opening elevation of all buildings should be a minimum of two feet
above the 100-year high water level.
Stormwater ponds must have side slopes of 10:1 for the first ten feet at the normal water
level and no more than 3:1 thereafter or 4:1 throughout for safety purposes.
The applicant shall report to the City Engineer the location of any drain files found during
construction and shall relocate or abandon the drain tile as directed by the City Engineer.
30. A sidewalk shall be extended along A Street."
All voted in favor and the motion carried.
Cynthia Kirchoff presented the report on this item.
Conrad asked what was the impetus for this issue paper.
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March 17, 1999
Kirchoff responded that a property owner was concerned that a neighboring home addition would
impede a view to Lotus Lake.
Peterson indicated that the Planning Commission does not wish to direct staffto draft an
Kate Aanenson presented this item. There will be two new buildings on site, a concession stand
and a picnic shelter, which will be located near the beach area. Both buildings are consistent with
the park master plan.
Blackowiak moved, Joyce seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at
10:30 p.m.
Submitted by Kate Aanenson
Community Development Director
Prepared by Bob Generous, Sharmin A1-Jaff and Cynthia Kirchoff