EC 2008 04 15
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
April 15, 2008
Members Present:
Ron Olsen, Dennis Hansen, J.R. Relick, Beverly Foster
Members Absent:
Jim Sommers, Bill Fouks, Rose Kircher
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
March minutes were approved.
Introduction of new commissioners:
The commissioners introduced themselves and welcomed
JR and Beverly.
Review By-laws
: The commissioners reviewed the by-laws. No changes were made. The by-
laws were approved.
Elect Chair/Vice-chair
: This item was postponed until next month to allow for the absent
members to consider nominations.
Arbor Day work plan
: Jill said that volunteer times would start at 9:30 am and go until noon.
Any time volunteered would be helpful. Jobs include the tree sale, kid’s crafts, helping Woodsy
and passing out seedlings, cooking lunch, assisting with set-up for Bruce the bug guy and taking
pictures. Ron, Dennis, Beverly and JR said they would be able to help that day. Dennis
suggested that name tags be made for that day. Additionally, identification would be good for
the July 4 event as well. Jill will look into hats or shirts for that event.
City Council joint meeting
: The commissioners want to focus on the City Council goals that
relate to the environment. Also should talk about energy initiatives, such as the solar water
heater, that can save money and energy.
General Discussion:
Denny wondered if anyone was volunteering to help at the Recycling Day. He will
contact the county to see if help is needed and how many volunteers they would like.
Remember to pledge at Change-A-Light (
Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:00 PM.
Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair
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