PC 1999 05 05CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MAY $, 1999 Chairman Peterson called the meeting to order at 7;05 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Alison Blackowiak, Matt Burton, Craig Peterson, Deb Kind, LuAnn Sidney, and Ladd Conrad MEMBERS ABSENT: Kevin Joyce STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Bob Oenerous, Senior Planner; and Dave Hempel, Assistant City Engineer PUBLIC HEARING: REQUESTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVAL TO ALLOW A RECREATIONAL BEACH LOT PURSUANT TO CITY CODE, SECTION 20-263 AND A 27 FOOT VARIANCE TO PERMIT A 52 FOOT WIDE DOCK ANDA VARIANCE OF ONE OVERNIGHT DOCK SLIP TO PERMIT 4 OVERNIGHT BOAT MOORINGS ON OUTLOT F, NORTH BAY ON APPROXIMATELY 0.7 ACRES ON PROPERTY ZONED PUD-R, NORTH BAY COMMUNITY. Public Present: Name Address Richard Vogel Ronald Ylzen Josh Reding Dennis Mills 105 Pioneer Trail 9227 Lake Riley 8791 North Bay Drive 9510 Foxford Road Bob Generous presented the staff report on this item. Peterson: Questions of staff'? Bob the only one I have is regarding the gazebo. If we push that back, are we going to be taking out more trees? There's a balance there. I couldn't really picture. If we leave it where it is and grant the variance, will there be less trees taken out than if we push them back to the full 75 feet? Generous: Based on the location, they've shown where the trees are in this middle area, and there's individuals.., they can locate it... Gazebos and decks don't really take a lot of grading to be put in. It's just sinking the pylons for the supports so we believe they can meet the setbacks... reasonably. One other thing I forgot, these future areas on the north side will take some grading and they'll have to comply with their permits. But they should be able to preserve the natural vegetation that's in place. Peterson: You feel that the draft, design as it is now is an accurate portrayal of where the trees are? Planning Commission Meeting - May 5, 1999 Generous: Yes. Peterson: Other questions? Blackowiak: Mr. Chairman, I guess I do have one. Is there currently a crosswalk at the intersection of Lyman and Lakeview Road East? Hempel: No there's not Mr. Chairman. That's one of the items that we put in the staff report to investigate and from our investigations we feel that it would be an appropriate location to install a crosswalk. The trail does end at that location and I believe there's a pedestrian ramp already in place. Just necessary signing and striping of the road is required. Peterson: Hearing no further questions, would the applicant or their designee wish to address the commission? If so, please come forward and state your name and address please. Josh Reding: My name's Josh Reding and my address is 8791 North Bay Drive. I'm part of the North Bay community and representing our board of our association on this issue. And thank you for looking over our proposal. First off in reference to the gazebo, I apologize. I was under the assumption that our developer of the plans was aware of the setbacks and obviously that wasn't the case so. It's our intention to make sure that it's within the guidelines and we don't have any issues with the setbacks. And our main objective of this project is to maintaining any existing vegetation that is on the site as long as it's not dead or overgrowth of something else that needs to mature so just with that point, I think the gazebo can be placed in the right position so it doesn't interfere. The issues around the dock, we're content with not accepting the variance of 52 feet wide. However, what we would ask is that the commission reconsider a variance for an additional 4 feet and the reason being, if we can reference the plan, on the plan you'll see that the dock right here, that width is 24 feet and then we would ask for an additional 3 feet variance so it would bring it to 28 feet wide instead of the 25 feet wide. If that would be a possibility. What that would do, that would allow us to add this additional 4 foot section on the end to put a bench there. So we would like that to be reconsidered and I'm not sure what the process is for that. I can go over that with Bob. And then there was also some additional language around the beach area. And our intention was to have that beach area be 50 feet wide and 20 feet in depth. Not 100 feet wide, and we do not have intentions, another misunderstanding belween myself and the developer, of putting any type of boulder wall there. What our intention is is to grade that down to water level within the guidelines to provide access to the water. So it'd be a maximum of 50 feet in width and 20 feet in depth with appropriate grading. And I need to review with Bob what the DNR requirements are as proposed in the plan because I didn't quite understand them fully so. That would be the only additional things. What else I need to review with Bob that's not on the plan and I'm not sure if we'll.., we will be proposing to put a sign up. Just a 3 x 3 foot sign recognizing that it's the North Bay Community and private property. So that's about all I have to share with you. Peterson: Bob, can you respond to a couple of those. As contentious as lake property are, and granting any kind of variance on dockage is... trouble? 2 Planning Commission Meeting - May 5, 1999 Aanenson: Well yes, it is a sensitive issue. For anybody that has not been given the same request... Generous: Procedurally you could grant something that's less than that as notice... Peterson: Say that again. Generous: Procedurally you could approve a 28 foot, or a 4 foot variance or 3 foot variance rather than a 27 foot variance. You can always go less. Peterson: What about the beach? Right now it's 30 feet per code. They're asking for 50. Generous: Well they could based on our discussions with the DNR, they could make the blanket all the way down so that would comply with the ordinance. Peterson: 50 feet? Generous: Yes. Peterson: So really the issue before us is a 4 foot variance? 3 foot? Any questions of the applicant? Kind: I have a question I think it's probably of stafl~ Is the dock at it's maximum distance away from the shore? Could the bench be at the end of the dock? Instead of sideways. Generous: Sure. It could always be configured. Kind: How far into the lake can you go? Generous: 50 feet or to a depth of 4 feet in the lake. Kind: And are we at that maximum right now? Generous: We're not sure yet. That's one of the conditions that we'd have to find out what that depth is at the end of the dock. Josh Reding: We'll take water depths but it's our assumption right now that it's pretty shallow in that bay and people that live on the lake can probably account for that. It takes quite a distance, I think more than 50 feet to get the 4 feet in that area. And that's one of the reasons that we've proposed the dock development the way we have is because in order to dock boats there, to pull them in sideways along the dock, it just might be too shallow and it wouldn't allow us to have any overnight storage for 74 homes. Peterson: Other questions? Thank you. Josh Reding: Thank you. Planning Commission Meeting - May 5, 1999 Peterson: This item is open for a public hearing. May I have a motion to open and a second please? Burton moved, Sidney seconded to open the public hearing. The public hearing was opened. Peterson: This is a public hearing. Anyone wishing to address the Planning Commission, please come forward and state your name and address please. Dennis Mills: Thanking you all for inviting me to speak. My name is Dennis Mills and I live at 9510 Foxford Road. I'm a resident on Lake Riley of 10 years. It's, as you all probably well know, a wonderful recreation area and I have one major concern for additional beachlot access and that's safety. There have been numerous, numerous occurrences of close collisions on that lake and the Carver County Sheriff can bear witness to this. On any given pleasant day in the summertime, safety on that lake is a major, major issue. If the public access were to restrict, could restrict people to the number of parking places, which I believe is about 25, the problems would be less. But the fact is that people park all up and down Pioneer Trail and as many as 100 boats can be put in there in any one day. If this continues, this beachlot continues, there will soon be no water to enjoy. I mean on a nice day and safety once again will be an issue. I know the Bearpath organization is looking hard for a piece of land so they can also have an access for their numerous homes. I know we cannot restrict our beautiful waters and that's not my intention. But my intention is for this committee to consider safety. It is a real issue. A real problem on this wonderful lake and I just want you to all take that into consideration before granting this permit. Thank you. Peterson: Thank you. Anyone else? Ron Ylzen: Ron Ylzen. I live at 9227 Lake Riley Boulevard. I've been there for 30 years and I've seen the population around the lake grow to where it's constant all the way around the lake and it's nice to see an area like the North Bay over there with nothing but trees and everything. And I guess I don't look forward to seeing a great big dock there that's going to have overnight parking for boats. I have a feeling that it's going to be abused by a lot of jet skis that are going to be left over there overnight and for weeks on end. Concerning the swimming area, they were talking about putting a sand beach in there but I know just inside of the water it's nothing but mud and I'm not sure how far you would sink in there. So even to have a sand beach in there isn't going to allow people to walk into the water and go swimming because you just can't. They would have to put in a gravel base and sand and everything else I suppose on top of that. So it doesn't seem that they really need a sand beach in there. It could just very well be grass. That's one of the things that you might consider is to check what it's like in the water area. Thank you. Peterson: Anyone else? Seeing none, is there a motion to close and a second please. Burton moved, Conrad seconded to close the public hearing. The public hearing was closed. Peterson: Fellow commissioners. Comments? 4 Planning Commission Meeting - May 5, 1999 Burton: Mr. Chairman, I guess I'll venture a comment. I agree with the stafl's report pretty much entirely and it would seem to me that whether the dock, whether it's going to be 52 feet or if they're just an extra 4 feet, I think that the variance analysis is applied the same way and the staff did that in the report and this project did not qualify for a variance and I agree with the staff2 So while I think it would be nice to give them the extra 4 feet, I don't think that we can based on the standards that we have to apply. Peterson: Other comments? My only thought is, in a variance situation I'm more comfortable ifI think it's adding value, in this case I think it is adding value having a bench out there. Without granting a variance, realistically the bench won't be able to go there. Kate I look to you and Bob as to have we granted variances within that kind of range before? Aanenson: The thing with docks, and Ladd can testify to this. Depending on the water level, some years you may have to extent out further to get to a depth so the issue I think is a bench out there... Maybe they can work out a way to put a bench on there.., required setback. But the length of the dock is going to fluctuate depending on water level. We can look at that between now and... Conrad: Mr. Chairman, I think the staff report is real good. Blackowiak: I would echo that Mr. Chairman. I would like to say though that I think we need to certainly address the issue of a crosswalk on Lake Riley Boulevard so maybe even before it goes to Council, the applicant and staff could work together to get an agreement. You know where the crosswalk's going to be and how the trail or drive or whatever is going to hook up to the crosswalk because certainly don't want, lake safety is one issue. Safety crossing the road is another so I think we need to make sure that we look at that as well. Otherwise I do agree with the staff report. Burton: Mr. Chairman, a question for staff relating to the crosswalk issue. I see that condition 10 of the proposed resolution here says that the city will prepare an engineering study for installation of a crosswalk and I'm just wondering what that means. What if the study reveals that a crosswalk is needed? Does that mean that it would automatically be placed in there? Hempel: Mr. Chairman, yes. We've done a preliminary analysis already and it looks very favorable to have one installed. The trail from the south side of Lyman I believe dead ends there and actually comes out onto Lyman Boulevard and directly across the street at the intersection there they have a sidewalk that comes down also to Lyman Boulevard so it actually just makes sense to put it in at this point. Peterson: If there's no further comments or discussion, may I have a motion and a second please. Burton: Mr. Chair, I'll make a motion. I'll move that the Planning Commission recommend denial of the variance to permit a 52 foot wide dock to allow four overnight boat mooring slips and to permit a gazebo approximately 45 feet from the OHW based on the findings established in the report. 5 Planning Commission Meeting - May 5, 1999 Blackowiak: I'll second that. Peterson: It's been moved and seconded. Any discussion? Burton moved, Blackowiak seconded that the Planning Commission recommend denial of the variance to permit a 52 foot wide dock to allow four overnight boat mooring slips and to permit a gazebo approximately 45 feet from the OHW based on the f'mdings established in the report. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Peterson: Conditional use. Burton: Mr. Chairman, I'll move that the Planning Commission recommend approval of Conditional Use Permit #99-1 for a recreational beachlot located at 8901 Lyman Boulevard, Outlot F, North Bay, also known as Lot 1, Block 1, North Bay 4th Addition for the North Bay Community subject to conditions 1 through 18. Peterson: Is there a second? Conrad: Second. Peterson: Discussion? The only thing I'd like to reconsider adding something in there that staff work with the applicant.., seating area. Burton: Fixing the what area? Peterson: The seating, the bench. Burton: Yeah. Can I just adopt that as a friendly amendment? I would. I will. Peterson: It's been moved and seconded. Burton moved, Conrad seconded that the Planning Commission reconnnend approval of Conditional Use Permit #99-1 for a recreational beachlot located at 8901 Lyman th Boulevard, Outlot F, North Bay, also known as Lot 1, Block 1, North Bay 4 Addition for the North Bay Community subject to the following conditions: 1. Must comply with Section 20-263 of the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 2. Must comply with the site and landscaping plan, and grading and drainage plan prepared by Pioneer Engineering dated 3/30/99. 3. The dock shall not be constructed as shown on the site plan, but must be a maximum of 25 feet wide. 6 Planning Commission Meeting - May 5, 1999 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. The gazebo shall not be located as shown on the site plan but must maintain a 75 foot setback from the ordinary high water elevation (865.3) and a 30 foot setback from Lyman Boulevard. Structures must maintain a minimum 10 foot setback from the side properly lines. The dock may only be extended out to a point where the lake reaches four feet in depth or fifty feet, whichever is greater. The applicant shall submit the lake depths in the vicinity of the beachlot to the city prior to the installation of the dock. Timbers or retaining walls shall not be permitted to the lake side of the sand beach area. The fire pit must be a minimum of 10 feet from the ordinary high water elevation. The applicant shall provide the city with a financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow in the amount of $2,000 to guarantee erosion control measures, site restoration and repair of city streets/boulevards as a result of construction activities. The proposed section of Class V gravel trail between Lyman Boulevard and the city trail shall be deleted. The city will prepare an engineering study for installation of a crosswalk at the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Lakeview Road East. A rock construction entrance shall be installed and maintained at a construction access point from Lyman Boulevard. Staff shall review and approve all construction access locations prior to construction commencing. After construction of the site improvements, driving on the city's trail along Lyman Boulevard shall be prohibited. Tree protection fencing shall be installed at the edge of all (volleyball, horseshoe pit, shoreslip areas, beach, etc.) grading limits. All pruning to existing trees must be done by a certified arborist. Any existing trees removed in excess of approved plan will be replaced on site at a rate of 2:1 diameter inches. Landscape plan shall be revised to clarify existing lawn areas. The term "sod limits" in the shoreline areas shall be replaced by the term "existing lawn". Grading equipment access to shoreslip and beach areas shall be limited to proposed pathway. No equipment shall be stored within or allowed access through existing treed areas. 7 Planning Commission Meeting - May 5, 1999 18. The proposed beach area shall be pulled back 5 feet from the shore edge and a 10 foot wide access point be created into the lake for swimming access or provide a sand blanket slope as specified by the no permit standards of the DNR. 19. Staff and the applicant will work together regarding the placement of the bench on the dock. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Peterson: This goes to Council on the 24th of May. Thank you for your additional comments for those people attending too. I think those will be noted and presented to City Council also so thanks. NEW BUSINESS: Aanenson: Just to let you know on our next planning commission meeting that we do have four industrial buildings. If the swimming pool gets.., that may be back on. Also the apartments, the 162 unit apartment building so we will have a lengthy meeting. We'll plan on a break and we'll see what we can get through. Also I passed out a letter from Bluff Creek Elementary School. That Phil had an opportunity to out and just a really exciting because one of the components of the Bluff Creek was an educational component and it's exciting that the elementary kids have been able to use that and Phil's been involved. It was also featured in the Villager on an article so it's great that the kids are using that as a laboratory which is one of the things we envisioned as one of the goals. So I just wanted to let you know what's going on out there. That's all I had for kind of ongoing. Oh yes, excuse me. The Comp Plan. Good news. We are officially on for May 13th. The meeting starts at 4:00 at the Met Council and we've been recommended to have our comp plan approved. So we've tentatively penciled that in for the City Council meeting on the 24th for final reading and adoption and then we'll be printing those and getting copies. So yeah, it's exciting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Matt Burton noted the Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated April 21, 1999 as presented. Aanenson: We've got a lot of stuff coming in. We're going to be busy in the next, you'll have lengthy meetings the next month. Stuff coming in. We saved it for the summer. Chairman Peterson adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at 7:30 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 8