Survey Certificate of Survey '" LOT 4 -- L.e end . Found Iron "* llH- ---> ~-- e.-.-..- 4 ConIIonIuo_ fA Con'""...... II !IeCtrIc Peel III T..... Peel ~ S90 (I ~t"'" (-)Plat/llooonI 60 I o 30 60 , , , 1 Inch-50 feet 180 I 1tw.b,.cwtfl'ythcrtttl..~pIcn. 01' rwport .. pnpclI"tId by 1M ClI" Iftdw ::,~~ thGt~.,.~ ~-~- ~t~ ... Date Pl.S_ Gustafson GeomqticsJ "p,.A........~ 1nUgrtty. ACaXOCy. "'1.1 ..)1-=1.,. "'-/I'ax __245-e034 ~ Lot to IIodt 10 1HE HESSE FARM 2M) ADCI1KlN. 0DDCInIn9 to ..._...._.C<nr"""""'_ 'IOOE1HEll V1l1 lhcrt part of Lot 2. IEIoc6: 10 1HE t€SSE FARM 2ICt AIXI11CH. 0CClIIr*'t to the cUy ~ pot tMrwof. ~ _ - ~ ot the.....t ~ca'IW'oItlGldLot2: ~ ~U~~1x,~:: ~~ ttt:,-'~ ~ ..... 0It mn.n. OJ ~ w.t ttMnoI Harth 45 ..,.. ,. ~ 3l!S.-candI w.t tor. ......r ~45 fMt; ~ Nor1tl 3ClO.0Cl fMt rnclA 01' ... to the molt ftClt1fwty ....... of 8Gid Lot 2; tMnoIi run ~ aIc:Ino the~1fN ofDd Lot Z to h pWIt oI~ .... 1torM- Cclt'IWvctIc:rI SUrwy .nh -~ zar.ec IIF'CRYAl1ON PER OTYrJTCJtAN.U..~ -~ RESIDDf11AL ~"""201 ~ yMtJ SE1BAQ(-50' -SID[- YMD SETBACK-1f/ -NO ADOrT'ICNAl. DETACHD S1RUCTURE ~. -M') AD..IAC[NT S'TRl.JC1\ME$ wneiI 3tKf (S SUB..ECT PROPERTY. -<lOI'HER lH: 10 !.DCA 1E U1I11ES P!lICIR 10 CCHS1RUC11ON.