Vacation Sketch 02008 Westwood Professionol Services. Inc. I '" w.stwood ,~ O~ ",If,\l~.;tJ-' ,or'('-,.I~I ,If' ~v'o~ " .~1J I.~./' ,.__-:,..v ~y.1 \,,,,,, /~ A\'\ G ' C,. I ~, ',1 l~ J t -'--. o LpOINT NO. 810 per WHOOT RIGHT Of WA Y PLAT NO. 10-18 N890lO'45"W .' ,If,~:[.j\" ~,r:J- If' ",t:;... .<") ~Jf"'..S/' \ ...{J' CJ~~I' I ~, ',1 ~:~~ 771.79 ~,<<f,{}~ (.~lJ~:r ~-Q~V;......,I I'.... .,v ~'!J' .... 33 I 33 .-I~ :: I~::l ~i ;;~ ... ~-I';::-;::: I go ;~ ~i I ~~ ::: 1101.... I ~"" ~glj!:~I~~ .~ ..... ~cJ I g; ,I\.'" ~; ",lXlo~ o~ :5 ~\5 I :~,... ~~~*"\o f:IVI~I~~~ ..':~..,. 579056' I I!I:-I ~"';,:, _0\. . ~2"(_ I ~3 ( I J// ~&,Y "'V.52 ~,"l C) },' I ,.. , ,,' , POINT NO. 89 per WNDOT -... ~ ...... " 'I"" /~' RIGHT Of' WAY PLAT NO......... , " " lO-HI '" ' " , ",'" \' '" \ I I :1 >- i: ~ ~ i I~ I: q I. ,., L~ II~ ~ <; Z ZN e ~~ ~ o Z \5.0 % j!: .= I l!5 ~~ I ~;I 5~ ~~I ~, ~- I .. ,?lJ33 ';, N!90lO 45 W ---..l ...... I: _ \ 33.00 _c"'" "'" ,.!.,";:' \___ ___-;:i" '\ " '\ \ ....~.... ~ NDDT _/~ I 'I \" 6'... ......0 Point N;-~1~~9YAA~:_~~ ~~I!::~ ;~ ."".,....j,.,.. _ .."" 10-17. '8 0'0 ""00 ~_ Z O.l.oL-..:..o'.,.-q;; q 1/', ~ v-~ i '. "....1 '3' ~, ,.:,;;' ()' A:~'\ ,,;J' - -SC:THUNEorTH-;N~1~ - - - - - - - - - -- CY SEC. 23, TVIP. 116. RCE. ~J :.:.S.~.I1. ,.,'C. : B (U'A,:~N aCv':.E~',!,RD) wr.twoolI ~,.....,.. --..... w..........SDM ~ m-tJ7-5'. .... ~ TOU..... '~1" -- SOUTHEAST CORNER Of' NE 1/4 CY SEe. 23. TM'. 116, RCE. 23 ---- ~:;;..# q('o. . "ot$~('\o ..:;;.... "n -c: 'l: . .:;:~ '.~, l!5 ~'. ~~ ~ Z ::; '~., '" ~ ~ N890JO'27"W 471.64 -S~TH LINE OF TH; N; 1/4 (T./ - SEC. 24, T,.p. 116, RCE. 23 ~ """"'" ""'"" ..... tbwbI& "'J.... Preplredfor: Coil 48 Hours before digging: GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Twin City Area 651-454-0002 loin. loll rr.. 1-600-252-1166 LEGAL DESCRIPI'ION That port of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 23 and that port of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, 011 in Township 116 North, Range 23 West. Carver County, Minnesota, described os follows: , , . , . Commencing at the southeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of soid Section 23; thence North 00 degrees 01 minutes 33 seconds West, assumed bearing along the East line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, 0 distance of 88.01 feet to o point designated os 81729 on MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT or TRANSPORTATION RIGHT or WAY PLAT NO. 10-17 and on MINNESOTA DEPARHAENT or TRANSPORTATION RIGHT or WAY PLAT NO. 10-18, according to the recorded plots thereof. Carver County, Minnesota and the actual point of beginning of the land to be described; thence North 89 degrees 10 minutes 45 seconds West along 0 line connecting said point 61729 and 0 point designated as 810, said MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT or TRANSPORTATION RIGHT or WAY PLAT NO. 10-18, 0 distance of 33.00 feet to the intersection of the westerly right of way line of existing Trunk Highway No. 101; thence North 00 degrees 01 minutes 33 seconds West. along said westerly line, 0 distance of 609.84 to 0 point designated os 89 said MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT or WAY PLAT NO. 10-18; thence South 79 degrees 56 minutes 22 seconds East 0 distance of 33.52 feet to 0 point designated os 81734 said MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT or TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 10-17 and MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT or WAY PLAT NO. 10-18; t~ence continuing South 79 degrees 56 minutes 22 seconds East. 0 distance of 33.52 feet to 0 point designated os 833 said MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT or TRANSPORTATION RIGHT OF WAY PLAT NO. 10-11 and the intersection of the easterly right of way line of existing Trunk Highway No. 101; thence South 00 degrees 01 minutes 33 seconds East. olong said easterly line, 0 distance of ~99.08 feet to 0 point on 0 line connecting said point 81729 with 0 point designated os 830, said MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT or TRANSPORTATION RIGHT or WAY PLAT NO. 10-17; thence North 89 degrees 30 minutes 27 West. along said line drawn from point 81729 to point 830, 0 distance of 33.00 feet to the point of beginning and there terminating. VI 0 ~ 9 ~~ '" 11 ~i '" .... :c .... !" ,~ iD ~ :5 ,<: >. CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED MAY 1 2 2008 ) ...... POINT NO. 8JO per UNDOT RlQiT .......Of WAY PLAT NO. 10-17 CHANHASSEN PLANNlNG DEPT )( ~ I I I o' 60' 160' 240' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Dole 3/23/08 _lOFl Kraus Anderson Crossroads at Chanhassen 006121451(.01 d. Vacation Sketch 42lO Wat Old ShIkopee Rood Bloomlngton. MN 5SC7 Clanhuoen, Mlnn_