2. Discussion Regarding the number of Athletic Fields within the Community CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us c2 - MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: 11/ Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director DA TE: May 20, 2008 SUBJ: Discussion Regarding the Number of Athletic Fields within the Community The topic of athletic fields, specifically the number available in the community, is a common focus of conversation in the community once again. Historically, starting in the 1940's, this issue has played itself out on a number of occasions in our community. The first "official" ball field was scraped and blasted out of a cow pasture in downtown Chanhassen making way for the Redbirds. Again in the late 1960's, the community rallied behind a need to create the city's first community park. A successful referendum was held and the land for the first phase of Lake Ann Park was purchased and developed. Soon the Chanhassen Elementary School Campus and Minnetonka Middle School West Campus were added. Lake Susan Park, featuring a full-sized baseball filed followed. Later, in 1995, the Chanhassen Recreation Center/Bluff Creek Elementary School Campus was opened. Most recently, in 1999, Bandimere Community Park was developed after the land for the park was purchased with proceeds from a successful 1989 referendum. Together these facilities contain twenty-eight ball fields utilized for baseball, softball, football, soccer and lacrosse. Add an additionatfour fields found at Meadow Green Park, Sunset Ridge Park and North Lotus Lake Park, and our total number of "programmed" athletic fields reaches thirty-two. This level of service delivery in athletic fields far surpasses national guidelines of providing baseball fields at a rate of 1 per 5,000 residents and soccer fields at 1 per 10,000 residents. Attached you will find two spreadsheets describing field allocation in Chanhassen through July 18th of this year. Not shown is the allocation of space at the Minnetonka Intermediate School, which is programmed by Independent School District 276. In addition, staff is providing copies of this year's youth athletic association surveys addressing, among other things, field availability in the community. ACTION REQUIRED Staff is seeking input from the commission on how to proceed on this item. g:\park\th\athletic fields.doc The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. -. go Q r.!. .... I l"l ... Q ..( '-' go Q Q N ~ .... b = .., I .... N I ~ :; ." 'iJ c gj = '" ~ 0:: ,;: ~ ~ f-< 0. ~ ~ ~ ~ ." l .. ~ ~j ~ ~ ~ ~ "'~ ~'" ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ <t:o:: <t:~ U U~ UU UU UU UU UU UU U Uf-< ~ ." 'C '"' ~~ ~ ~ ~~ rJJ rJJ ~~<t: ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ >->- ~~ ~~ ~[ii >->-rJJ <t:<t: <t:<t:0 UU UU UW:J W:JU UU UU UU UU Uf-< uu::E >- W:J ~ ..J ~ ..J <t: 0 ." ::> rJJ '" .. Z ] = .c ~~ ';3 !- ~ ~~ ::::J ~ ~~ ~ rJJ rJJrJJ ~~ <t: <t: >-0:: <t:<t: <t:<t: <t:<t: <t:>- ~~ ~,;: '3~ Vl <t: <t:~ <t:<t: <t:<t: <t:<t: <t:<t: <t:<t: .g ."." O<t: <t: 0 O. 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'i. '3~ Cell Phone: ~ 1;;2 - '3 xi? - s- 53 I Emai1: co~cl.-\-ne~\s~~o-t~:\.co.^..... 1. How long has your youth association been reserving outdoor facilities with the City of Chanhassen? 1-3 years 4-6 years 7 -10 years X 10+ years 2. Overall, have you been satisfied with the reservation/scheduling procedure for outdoor facilities? Not Satisfied X Somewhat Satisfied Very S.atisfied Explain: \ - f' , Lv. "",,,l'H-\o."'-~ A~ J.....(~~ "'7 ( # ~ ~""" II O-~..., \ ~l,: ht1 ' 0,,0. $'1 ':l c,.k"", -\-0 {,..""" I f 0...( <"",^",,~~.4 '\ o \A A- v--O~ \ j ~~, -\c" .tf 1 ..\ J <:.. +- -\.-le. ~ l\ l> c. CA + ;,,"" -f("oc.ess jVA. e Lo, \~/,-r- +t>l". S.r" ~lI'-rPCl,4>. 3. If you could change the outdoor field policies, what would you change? ~ J k e r~ ~ , -\ :" -\-l ~ :;er v: '1 .,t os- ~'" \ "N~ ,.>".$ _~ fA ~ e. ~ 0 "'- -\ ~( % ~ ct.t.\.'^- k~~-e '" :4-~ """ : Le~ ~~, v e J 4. How would you change the priority scheduling portion of the rese ation policy? .I.f c t\ (\ ~"'-~ "80% e..:> c.-V\ -e ~'^\M. \e 04 o..l\ at. -+ ~~ C,,^-~"'-~e..s.~ ev- .('t...Vv- ~ \:. e$ \,^,",v\ v< ~ .. "'- ,e. \ S ~C>~~ f & ,eCA..sc>,,-~\, \ f o--\AAC>~........-\ c:.A -\- \~.{> ~ V' \ ~ \ tA.-\ ~Ci'^ -\ 0 \ \ <:... t \ \ ("' D,. A /'. j c,;(J .1 0. /)D C' 0 o....c. l , ~ ~~ t/'-"^ '^^ \0 <- \ ~....... td "",e:.... ""'- ........ ,\ 5. If two or more associations are requesting the same facilities at the same time, what do you think is the fairest way to decide who is granted permission to use the facility? b ~~e: \. o~ c- t -~)C ~S.\ ',v-- <;.e~ .t e-f ~ ~e("\o-. h, ( e><- "''^''f \ (, c..l", '^- 10 .... ~ Z "', ~ Q V'; ~ "'- -\ ; (j '^f> -\"\ r s+ J -\- ""-,, II'- 0>.(, cA- d,,-,,-,^ -Q. VV' '- \ ~ Q ~ '< '" -+- \,. '( 0' r- Se G~"'.1, eA-c. 6. Is your association willing to contribute financially to field improvement projects coordinated by the City of Chanhassen? . (' \ \ t , V-J ~ '^ I J _ V-,../e. 01.. (' ~ lI'uf' f'~~ \"""" I 10 "'^-t -X- Yes NOL ~ k~ -\0 s""~fC)r-+- ~'""--\ vo-- \ 0 ~{'o'-+-Lv'-H'IE'.5 VJl<'^- ....f(c-6fc{000....\.e 7. How would you rate the quality of the outdoor facilities you reserve? Poor Fair 1 Good )( Excellent 8. How would you rate the level of maintenance observed at the outdoor facilities you reserve? Poor Fair Good L Excellent 9 . Availability of field space is often limited. Knowing how little open land remains in Chanhassen and the high cost of acquisition and development, how do you rank the need to continue pursuing the construction of new fields? I . \/. (U>lM.b'.."'~ ~ v-' I ..c\cl : "'1 V'^o~ e Low Medium --A..-High l;:J~A~ .h") "",^ote: -f: ~ (J.~ . Y:>t>s",,~:'........~,~ d B\~ c..,Q'ek 10. Is there any additional information or input you can provide to assist us in serving you b~? I r-'\ '" " (. co A- So : J " r C b "'- '~"" .... "'- ~ '" 1 :I..:> \" ~ ~ S ~ '<- \ '-"'^- ..\ ~G't"'~"~-\ia'" {<>-JJ'\ \:jL-\c~ r..Jl~ \""1"~ LA~ , -\" C. ",--+', "''''<? . -\ ': IN''' e.-\ .. +l( J ("~ ~ '" '1 I 'j ""'':'i t....~.. ~ I ~~"'^ \ v- -\ ,~ CJv-.. +\r- tJ,.. ~ v-> '- \ \ c () "^-..\ ,,^ '-" \: -\ c:;, \ '^ '-J~ s-\- ; Ii'.. ,eo, ~ J,e",c 1 ~ '" c\r. ...'" l...~~ I\. , ,-." QO o I ~ N I N ~ o fI'.l S QO o o N ... QO 1"""'i ~ = ~ I 1"""'i N - ..... .. ~ -< ~ fI'.l fI'.l o .. Cj = ~ ~ Cj Cj o 00 I ~ - = ~ ~ -= Cj 00 ~ - ~ ..... ~ .. ~ e e = 00 -.. OJ:) == ..... .. ~ 00 QO o o N ~ go ('f') "0 "0 "0 "0 "0 13 "0 N "Cl II) II) II) II) II) II) +'" +'" +'" +'" +'" +'" +'" I == '2 '2 '2 ..... '2 ..... '2 s:: s:: .- = ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j 7JJ. U U U U U U U ~ U U U U U U U ~ E-< ~ 13 13 "0 "0 "0 "0 "0 ~ "Cl II) II) II) II) II) cl:s "- +'" +'" +'" +'" +'" +'" +'" = '2 '2 '2 '2 ..... '2 '2 0"1 s:: ..... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ 7JJ. U U U U U U U U U U U U U u :::E ~ 13 "0 13 "0 "0 13 "0 II) II) II) II) "Cl +'" +'" +'" +'" +'" +'" +'" ..... 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U U U U ~ "€ ] "0 "0 ;>.. .c .c .c II) ra ra +'" ~ +'" rn 0 o:l o:l o:l U U U U s:: ,.....J Z ...... s:: o .~ ..... U o ~ ~ .g< .- II) l-< U ~ 8 ~ ~ g U ~ tZl g,.....J tZl ~ II) 13 "'C ~ r.f}.~ II) s:: ~ s:: 'S S t> ~ ~~j~ ~~u~ g '1:! 00 ~ '" e j l; <) g ell <1) '3 ] <) '" "" Q) % ~ ~ o >- ~ Q) lZ <) .~ ~ ~ e. (:; 'E +'" '2 .. ~ ~<,.....J.. u,.....J('f')~ u:::EUE-< City of Chanhassen Park & Recreation Department 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-227-1121 Youth Athletic Association Survey Organization Name: eltqstu Ari~ iO'(~ &5t~(( P,k.,/t /1$11','(,+ 1/2 ~(A,#, #i1ts~k I( Contact Name: III r /5 Hz, 11e."'l . fltd<t- t"to. f..-fs()y/ Address: ~y~s '1~('2.if (J~nJ OI','..I..e.. v;t-fvr,'k fflll/ SS3~c.. t! ~ - ,.....t . -,p. ~(,(s''1()'I DaytimePhone .' '5 If'{v -- l.~~ J ~CellPhone: ~(2- s-crO- Z-'Y'7~- Email: c.hr..C)ho(le...(J€.-1.\~(.I.1lit(f.tv... C. hotle",(.J J(/~;~ btt,.,k .(" 0,..., 1. How long has your youth association been reserving outdoor facilities with the City of Chanhassen? . ~ 7-10 years 1-3 years 4-6 years 10+ years 2. Overall, have you been satisfied with the reservation/scheduling procedure for outdoor facilities? Not Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied X' .....Very Satisfied EXPlai2: _I Lit rtJ~j {()J1tIi1()I1" CeL(/'P" ~;4tc7n., ~ e. .. $: f Jaw" t '" I(~ {ir" he; ~ J;~e", ~-e 1/tl"lfJS. hClI1 1. (~j v-e rv , IA/L{(. 3, If you could change the outdoor field policies, what would you change? 4, How would you change the priority scheduling portion of the reservation policy? 5. If two or more associations are requesting the same facilities at the same time, what do you think is the fairest way to decide who is granted permission to use the facility? L ~u is -I-c ~e. J.!?t look tA-t /J~s+ (;1+ pelf t ; (. ; fJ~'" -l-s . W\)/k.t J h"SNI'{ o-u.f- ~'i€~~ , l1e..eJs UII J. r1 ({,./"I-' b..t-r 6. Is your association willing to contribute financially to field improvement projects coordinated by the City of Chanhassen? ~s No 7. How would you rate the quality of the outdoor facilities you reserve? Poor Fair ~GOOd Excellent 8. How would you rate the level of maintenance observed at the outdoor facilities you reserve? Poor Fair ~OOd Excellent 9 . Availability of field space is often limited. Knowing how little open land remains in Chanhassen and the high cost of acquisition and development, how do you rank the need to continue pursuing the construction of new fields? Low Medium X High 10, Is there any additional information or input you can provide to assist us in serving you better? 1 klWL- VItt-'1 {!O~.lklV(l;c"h' rn. a lId v1\d t-e. c.d ( 10' {.i P S Vi t'1 I f 1.e4' S.fj ~.l w;lLlfll.r;S ~~f'I'/ . W'''.f.4 ~~- err J erl',,! +0 !~'" City of Chanhassen Park & Recreation Department 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-227-1121 Youth Athletic Association Survey Organization Name:' orJK-rr B ItI7 e..- ~V r tf Contact Name: VV1 tt tt-K W l \...\...( ~ 5> Address: I Co C?S- l-~fc-E- L if L- r (2-0 tdJ Daytime Phone: . ct 5l- -'170 - z.,:z-~ L Cell Phone: ~ J 1-- -1 rb -"7 ~ 7 7 Email: C-6 t2-w (\.-L- ~ It""O L.., (oWl 1. How long has your youth association been reserving outdoor facilities with the City of Chanhassen? 1-3 years 4-6 years ~ 7-10 years 10+ years 2. Overall, have you been satisfied with the reservation/scheduling procedure for outdoor facilities? Not Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied --b- Very Satisfied Explain: N~ fOMZ. Nf:<.J~'f-- /fn{J /JVVY r5?UF;5 3. If you could change the outdoor field policies, what would you change? (ttc::- C<f~ f C7l-f C ("E-:F 7T( .p- f/ /fYV I (J...{i IN fJe...-.;rz. L !fJ1-Vf-, WOtvU~ G-tr- ov'(/ t Loa f ~. ~. .. 4, How would you change the priority scheduling portion of the reservation policy? <- (JflNL--O Alo] G~ ,<ttvyTmrvc.. 5. If two or more associations are requesting the same facilities at the same time, what do you think is the fairest way to decide who is granted permission to use the facility? ~ TtJrIZ. IV ~ c.-v~dC-)' /" /}r-tlli-. ri?'r~ (jO ~.I11ftt Fp <;,~~ tJ(C urLlL. tie:; I\~ ~~. 6y ftYVp 6. Is your association willing to contribute financially to field improvement projects coordinated by the City of Chanhassen? f.tJ {;lfflV' 0<./'- '-1 VI1 v~ X Yes No f11~ 7. How would you rate the quality of the outdoor facilities you reserve? Poor Fair ---r:-. Good Excellent 8. How would you rate the level of maintenance observed at the outdoor facilities you reserve? Poor Fair ~ Good Excellent 9 . Availability of field space is often limited. Knowing how little open land remains in Chanhassen and the high cost of acquisition and development, how do you rank the need to continue pursuing the construction of new fields? Low '7<." Medium High 10. Is there any additional information or input you can provide to assist us in serving you better? City of Chanhassen Park & Recreation Department 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-227-1121 Youth Athletic Association Survey Organization Name: 11', f\.'f'le:+on~ (') (-e.l S So.~_LL~~d~ contact~am~"'rQ~ ~~~S , Address:2fj \JOJ'I\&Cl/h < ~~ < SS3y\ Daytime Phone:9~d-. '-fl'3- ~ J t LJ Cell ~hone:laJ ~ 3Cj &> ~ L 0 Y7 Email:-=hdou~:}~ ~. \.)S-G.rn.I~ · nej- 1, How long has your youth association been reserving outdoor facilities with the City of Chanhassen? 1-3 years X 4-6 years 7 -10 years 10+ years 2. Overall, have you been satisfied with the reservation/scheduling procedure for outdoor facilities? Not Satisfied A Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied Explain: 3. If you could change the outdoor field policies, what would you change? 4. How would you change the priority scheduling portion of the reservation policy? 5. If two or more associations are requesting the same facilities at the same time, what do you think is the fairest way to decide who is granted permission to use the facility? 6. Is your association willing to contribute financially to field improvement projects coordinated by the City of Chanhassen? Yes No 7. How would you rate the quality of the outdoor facilities you reserve? Poor A-Fair Good Excellent 8. How would you rate the level of maintenance observed at the outdoor facilities you reserve? Poor LFair ,/,/ Good Excellent 9 . Availability of field space is often limited, Knowing how little open land remains in Chanhassen and the high cost of acquisition and development, how do you rank the need to continue pursuing the construction of new fields? Low ~ Medium High 10, Is there any additional information or input you can provide to assist us in serving you better? re b. 6. 200H 3:24PM Nova Communications No. 4947 P. 2 i" !.-.l !V !"" W >- ~ ~ g: I:;: ~ ;-0 I~ 9~ .. \1'8 .., < ~ ~a ~ :S ~ !i. ~:- ::r'~ 0 --\- ~ ::! ~ g .~ ~ g, c; ,.., :;r 13: :s- a: '" ..., g~ ~ g '" 0 r" <i '<: ..., !}) :r ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g. ..~ ~ '" l:i = ~ () [ ~ g- Po- ~ ~ I g. ~ ~ ~ 0 .. l= '" 1-1 \'> 8- 6;, ~ ~ (")....:l~ '0 01 '" :::r....:l~ ::I. Q g, 8. - a. f/) ~ ~ ~g~g ;:II' 0 ~ '" ::t. '< n :3 0'. ~;fQ~ c:: ~ 9' '<i 0 t':l ~ :::l 'a '" [ ::r' !;- ;;! >- ~l!r~9 ~ 11!. n 0: tI.l ~ c:n ...." .... . 5' l'l ~. ~ ! ~~=gt ... ~ oq E1 o. ....Z~l;l "g ~ 8.. .. N Eo 'I'T ~. '""'lIllTl.gl'l.l ~ 11!. ~ 5' = *ii~ o' ~ 13 oq = ::l .. ';'" ~ 0 B- ~ 0 '" ...... -. s: ~ 0 a. t=S ~ '<: 1 ~ 00 . ~ g .... ~ ~ ~ ;" = t ~ ~ ~ Vol 1', a '" ~ '" 8- :~ ~ <:t. 1::', g ..., '" ~, 01 '" -a g, ,~ ;g: ~ ..... S" B' ? 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