CC Minutes 5-12-08City Council Meeting - May 12, 2008 is discussing the budget, I’d like to see this council take a position opposing the State putting such restrictions on local government. So I don’t know if we could put it under 4B, or I can discuss it under council presentations. Mayor Furlong: Let’s do that. Councilman Litsey: Okay. Mayor Furlong: Let’s do that. Okay. Councilman Litsey: Nothing further. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Then, without any additional comments there we’ll move forward with our agenda. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Furlong: Staff did ask that we add one item to the agenda here regarding a name change, is that correct Mr. Gerhardt? Todd Gerhardt: That’s correct. Mayor Furlong: Can you explain this? Todd Gerhardt: It’s the Crossroads development contract. Kraus Anderson retail office development down off of Lyman and 101. In the development contract I think it was Kraus Anderson, LLC and they’re changing it to Kraus Anderson Incorporated, so just a minor change. City Attorney requested that change so. Just a minor change. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Without objection we’ll add that as item 1(h). Okay. Is there any desired members of the council or others present in the audience or council chambers here to separately discuss any of the items 1 (a) through (h)? No? Seeing none then, is there a motion to adopt items 1(a) through (h). Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman Litsey seconded that the City Council approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: a. Approval of Minutes: -City Council Work Session Minutes dated April 28, 2008 -City Council Verbatim & Summary Minutes dated April 28, 2008 Receive Commission Minutes: -Planning Commission Verbatim & Summary Minutes dated April 15, 2008 b. Lyman Boulevard Improvement Project 06-03: Approve Plans & Specifications, Phase I. 2 City Council Meeting - May 12, 2008 Resolution #2008- : c. TH 312 Project 03-09: Adopt Resolution in Support of Improvements to US Highway 212 from County Road 147 to Norwood-Young America. d. Chanhassen West Business Park, Project 05-15: Accept Streets and Utilities. e. Downtown Decorative Lights & Signals: Approve Quote for Painting. f. Award of Bid, Storage Area Network. g. Approve Summary Ordinance for Publication Purposes, Chanhassen Gateway. h. Approve a Name Change in the Chanhassen Crossroads Addition Development Contract from Kraus Anderson, LLC to Kraus Anderson, Incorporated. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. None. PUBLIC HEARING: 2008 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 08-01: A. ASSESSMENT HEARING. B. ACCEPT BIDS AND AWARD CONTRACT. Paul Oehme: Thank you Mayor, City Council members. Tonight I’d like to just briefly review with you the scope of the project. Laredo Drive area improvement projects. There’s been a couple changes since the last time we visited on this project at the public hearing earlier this year and so I’d like to talk about that a little bit and just kind of review again some of the additions actually and some of the changes that were, that are proposed for this project. We are, we would like to hold an assessment hearing tonight to, on the project so any public testimony should be received from the project, for the project tonight, and property owners should be reminded that if they wish to object to the assessment that is proposed, they must file a written objection with the City, either prior to or during the actual public hearing. Objections after the public hearing are invalid so. With that agenda, just briefly I’d like to run through is just a project overview. Construction, scope of the project. Financing summary. Assessment methodology which has significantly changed since the last, since the public hearing that we are proposing and the project schedule and then I’d like to hold the assessment hearing after that. If there’s any questions in the meantime, obviously please feel free to offer those to me so. The project th overview, again it’s the Laredo Drive improvements. Laredo Drive is just north of 78 Street in downtown here, and there are several side streets associated that are proposed to be included in this project as well. The construction limits are shown here, on this drawing. The streets again are all of Laredo Drive. Laredo Lane, which is a cul-de-sac shown here. Longview Circle. Cimarron Circle. We’ve got Highland Drive that’s shown here just to the west of Laredo Drive, th and then all of Laredo Drive from 78 Street up to the north cul-de-sac. Included in the project are utilities and obviously the street is going to be replaced. No sidewalk addition is included in the project, or trail improvements are included in the project. And no street lighting improvements are also included in the project at this time so. Some of the feedback that we did 3