CC Minutes 5-12-08 City Council Meeting - May 12, 2008 Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilman McDonald seconded that the City Council approves Conditional Use Permit 08-05, to allow two buildings on a single lot, and including the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation, with the following condition: 1. Approval of the conditional use permit is contingent upon approval of the vacation, site plan and administrative subdivision.” All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. CARVER COUNTY SERVICE CENTER, LOCATED AT 7808 KERBER BOULEVARD, APPLICANT, CARVER COUNTY: REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN APPROVAL FOR A 13,260 SQUARE FOOT, TWO STORY OFFICE BUILDING. Kate Aanenson: Thank you. The Carver County service center is located 7808 Kerber Boulevard. It’s kind of kitty corner to where we are now. Just south of the bank and north of, actually east of Target and then north of office industrial park. Access will be off of Kerber Boulevard and then also there’s a drive that’s currently being used by Target that’s for their unloading, so this is an active street on Pica. The Planning Commission did hear this project and th hold a public hearing on April 15 and they did recommend approval of it. The site is well situated in the fact that it’s in the core of downtown. Easy access for people that want to connect to other services so we’re excited about the location and the way the architecture lays out and the views between City Hall and this building itself, and the views that they’ve created match up I think really well. The building itself as it’s laid out, the site plan has access from Kerber circulating around through. They will have a drive thru window and then coming back out onto Pica, and again the circulation works well on that. We don’t believe there will be conflict. This is people mostly exiting the bank on that site. The layout of the site again. A plaza out front which is just north of the building. In this area right here. Landscaping is really a nice feature for those people that are waiting to do business or just want to enjoy kind of the, what we have out here in front of city hall. It’s very, very nice. It meets all the conditions of the city ordinance itself. The orientation. It does provide for two complete stories of offices and then all the HVAC will actually be in the downstairs of this building, so it’s a little bit different. Then some of the other buildings that we see that put it on the roof. The material itself, let’s switch to that. You saw it a second ago, the colors. The brick, and I’m not sure if I’ve got that on. Here. There we go. So we’ve got the brick and then the yellow and the green stucco with the metal clad windows and the metal framing around that and then the retaining wall’s a little bit different color, and I’ll switch to that in this building elevation. So again we think the architecture itself is very, very nice. Highly articulated. A lot of windows kind of reflecting the office look with the two stories. The massing in the three colors. Again as I mentioned, it has two complete stories. The first story will comprise of the Carver County services and then right now there’s a potential for the lease space. And then on the lower level would be all the HVAC equipment on the lower level. Providing for an elevation so again, it’s a very nice building. Especially the way it’s laid out and the orientation we thought made a lot of sense for the view perspective too. And the overall site circulation works very well too. So with that we are recommending approval of the site plan with the conditions in the, I think Bob did an excellent job in working with the architect and the Carver County to work through the issues there. The Planning Commission didn’t have a lot of concerns on the project either. So with that we are recommending approval of the 52 City Council Meeting - May 12, 2008 project with the conditions in the staff report and I’d be happy to answer any questions that you have. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any questions for staff? Councilwoman Tjornhom: One of my questions, and I can’t tell on the map so excuse me if they’re already there but are there trails or are there paths to get to the service center? Kate Aanenson: There is sidewalk. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Okay. Kate Aanenson: Let’s see if it shows up on the, there’s sidewalk right here. Todd Gerhardt: Sidewalk on the library side. Mayor Furlong: But how about southwest of the site, to your question? Councilwoman Tjornhom: Right. Councilman Litsey: At the bank? Is that on the bank side? No? Kate Aanenson: Isn’t there a sidewalk here? Yes. This is a sidewalk here. Right between the park strip and the boulevard. Mayor Furlong: Is there a sidewalk up along the bank too along Kerber as well? Kate Aanenson: Yes. Yes. It goes all the way up, yeah. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Okay. So there’s a clear path then. Kate Aanenson: Yes. Yes. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Thank you. Any other questions for staff at this point? Kate Aanenson: And then I don’t know if I, the trash enclosures. We talked about that before. I just wanted to mention that that, there is that same discussion of how you make that fit in with the building. There’s always a balance when you get a highly articulated building and then you’ve got a different use to the back, you know. For the Walgreen’s they were able to push it to the side and kind of make it an appendix but this one has visibility all the way around so it was a little bit of a challenge but we worked hard and they challenged and struggled with it but I think we’ve got it in a great spot where it provides some potential to do some additional parking to work around that so we think it’s in the right spot. Again you can back up the trucks to get into that spot right there to make that work. 53 City Council Meeting - May 12, 2008 Councilwoman Tjornhom: And Kate, can you show me again where the drive thru is? Kate Aanenson: Yep. You would come through here and then you would pull over. There’s an additional kind of cut away lane right here so you would, so then it provides for circulation past the drive thru. So this is your drive thru window right here. Councilwoman Tjornhom: So is it set up for, like how many stacking for cars? Kate Aanenson: Probably 3-4. Yeah, yeah. Councilwoman Tjornhom: And what’s the estimated, is there an estimated time? Kate Aanenson: No, I think you might want to ask someone from the county what they anticipate for you know, there’s going to be services that I’m assuming that you’re going to post those that would be more convenient to go through a window to get and some that you may have to come in. I don’t know. Someone, Steve if you want to address that. What you’re anticipating. Steve Taylor: Good evening Mr. Mayor, members of the council. Steve Taylor with Carver County. Really it’s Mark Lundgren is the expert, and Laura Engelen but what we’re looking at here are tabs. Really tabs only. They only take a couple of minutes to get so the intent of the drive thru is for quick transactions taking place. Otherwise you’re going to start wrapping around the building here so the goal is to have essentially just tabs, and there’ll be some signage to that effect. Councilwoman Tjornhom: I was just going to ask that question. Steve Taylor: We’ll get the PR campaign going here as well to help educate people. Mayor Furlong: Good. As long as you’re there, why don’t you go ahead, unless there are any other questions at this point for staff. Do we have a presentation from the applicant? Steve Taylor: Yeah, that’d be great. Could I ask Commissioner Degler maybe to speak. Mayor Furlong: Sure. Absolutely. Gayle Degler: Yeah, council members, mayor and staff. I am Gayle Degler and I am the county commissioner. The reason I’m here, I represent this district for one thing and, but besides that I’m really excited that this project is taking place. Not only because I’m the county commissioners, but because I live in the city of Chanhassen. We’ve needed this service for a long time. The county has worked hard to find a project that we wanted to move forward with to provide the service for the people of Chanhassen, and that’s why I’d like to thank you as a council for working hard and supporting this project, and especially thanking Todd and Kate working hard with Steve Taylor and Mark Lundgren on this project. This is a project, like I said, that we’ve needed for quite a while. When it gets down to the nuts and bolts I’m not even going 54 City Council Meeting - May 12, 2008 to try to comment on that but what I would like to do is invite you to the ground breaking next th Tuesday. 2:00. That’ll be May 20, 2:00. Next Tuesday. I can’t guarantee you what the weather is going to be like on Tuesday, but if you know anything about me, I’ve been itching to get my hands in the dirt for quite a while and I guarantee one way or another I’m going to be working in dirt next Tuesday so with that I’ll turn it back to Steve. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Councilman Litsey: Thanks. Steve Taylor: This has been a project that since I started working for the county in June of 2005 that has been somewhat of a struggle in part because we’ve looked at so many different sites. We’ve looked at so many building configurations, which is all good. Which is all part of a process here because we wanted to make sure that we had the right size building. Providing the right services at the right location so we were fortunate to find this piece of ground. The staff has been great to work with. That’s for sure. I mean there’s been a lot of give and take here in the process and I think the drawings indicate to you that we really have a great facility for the residents of Chanhassen and Carver County. There are quite a few unique customer service elements to this building. We mentioned the drive thru. We also have a children’s area for those people waiting to transact business. We have a software application called Cuematic and that software will allow more efficient customer service to take place. And we’re also going to have in place here, and you kind of showed it a little bit with the floor plan, but we’re going to have a greeter actually greet people when they first come in and ask them what is, what is the business that they’re looking at transacting here and pointing them in the right direction. Giving them the right forms to fill out. So all of this ties into customer service that we’re expecting to achieve here so. We are looking at leasing the second level to the school district. We don’t have a formal agreement. We have a verbal agreement at this point but I don’t see there being any issues there so. Mayor Furlong: Good. Very good. Thank you. Any questions for the applicant at this point? Comments? Okay, very good. Bring it back to council for thoughts and comments. Mr. McDonald? Councilman McDonald: Well you know I think this is something that’s long overdue for this area and I really welcome it and thank the county for putting things together to bring it to our community. It will be well used and I think greatly appreciated so thank you very much. Councilwoman Tjornhom: I guess I should have asked one of the questions. Is the county guaranteeing friendly service workers? Mayor Furlong: Are there any other kind? Councilwoman Tjornhom: I don’t know. Todd Gerhardt: They have a greeter. 55 City Council Meeting - May 12, 2008 Councilwoman Tjornhom: They have a greeter. That’s a good thing. Happy one hopefully. No, you know we as a council, the time we’re addressing is how to always feed our downtown and give our merchants you know, people to come in and feed their businesses and keep our downtown strong and I think this is just one more tool we will have. We have a library. We have a post office, and now a service center which obviously is something that we’ve all needed and has been lacking for a while so it’s exciting for our town and I look forward to doing my transactions there with friendly workers. Mayor Furlong: Councilwoman Ernst. Councilwoman Ernst: I like the looks of the building and I agree, it’s a service that I’m certainly looking forward to having in this city as an added benefit and good job. Councilman Litsey: Well pretty much everything’s been said other than I appreciate the opportunity to vote on this but a lot of work went into this prior to my getting on the council and I think that’s where the recognition really deserving of but I appreciate it coming forward now and staff’s work and the county’s work on this. This looks wonderful and this is just going to be a great asset for our community. Ties in like we said with the other services that we provide in the community. It kind of tops it off so thanks for coming forward with a quality project. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. I think that was a lot of good comments and there has been a lot of work. At the county level. At the city level over the years and Steve, you’ll be able to check this one off your list. There’s a few more items on that list, as I’ve been told but we’ll get this one off and I think to Mark and Laurie and others at the county, I know that they’ve spent a lot of time and they’ve been looking at finding a way to expand the county’s customer service out to residents and there’s been a desire for a while to have this here. Commissioner Degler mentioned that. There’s been a need. This is going to be a great addition to Chanhassen. It’s going to be a great addition to our downtown area. Bring more trips downtown from within the city and without and it’s at a great location. I mean this is going to be a great project. It’s been a long time coming but the wait will be worth it because I think this will be something everybody will be proud of so thank you for everybody that put in all their time and effort. That goes here at the city as well as the county level. A lot of people will benefit from your efforts so for them, thank you very much. We might get this motion passed. Did you want to? Todd Gerhardt: Mayor, I just wanted to make one point. You know I’ll give you a little behind the scenes action here. Mark, Laurie, Steve, Kate and I all jumped in a van and I don’t know how many sites we looked at and then on the phone, I don’t know how many times we had conversations, how about this site or how about that site. There definitely, they know every site that’s available in Chanhassen and probably could open up their own real estate office and explain each so they definitely did their due diligence and I think this is just a great project that you got a partnership with the county and the school district potentially leasing the space and the school district I know is very excited about the location. They wanted to be downtown. It really helps them with their needs so it’s great to see another joint partnership between the school district and the county so good job. Mayor Furlong: Very good, thank you. Anything else? If not, is there a motion? 56 City Council Meeting - May 12, 2008 Councilwoman Tjornhom: Last one. I’ll make a motion. Councilman Litsey: Are you? Okay, I was going to. Councilwoman Tjornhom: That the City Council approve Planning Case 08-09 for site plan approval for a 13,260 square-foot, two-story office building, dated March 14, 2008 subject to the following conditions 1 through 14. Councilman McDonald: I’ll second. Roger Knutson: And adoption of the findings. Councilwoman Tjornhom: And adoption of the findings. Todd Gerhardt: I thought we’d get through the whole year without saying that. Mayor Furlong: Councilman Litsey would have remembered that part. Councilwoman Tjornhom: I know… Mayor Furlong: Alright. Motion’s been made and seconded. Any discussion on the motion? Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilman McDonald seconded that the City Council approve Planning Case #08-09 for Site Plan Approval for a 13,260 square-foot, two-story office building, plans prepared by Bentz/Thompson/Rietow, Inc., dated March 14, 2008 (stamped received March 31, 2008), subject to the following conditions: 1.Wood chip mulch area will be extended in the northwest corner of the site. The proposed turf area under the tree in the corner peninsula will be removed. If desired, a single strip of sod may be placed along the curb line of the peninsula. 2.The building is required to have automatic fire extinguishing systems. 3.Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 4.Retaining walls over four feet high must be designed by a professional engineer and a permit must be obtained prior to construction. 5.One (1) “van-accessible” parking space is required. 6.Additional window area shall be installed in the break room in the southeast corner of the building. 7.Signage shall be permitted on two building elevations only. 57 City Council Meeting - May 12, 2008 8.Staff recommends that the curb line north of the drive-thru be shifted to the east to provide for additional vehicle stacking. 9.Staff recommends that manhole 4A be shifted into the curb line and replaced with a catch basin to capture additional runoff from the parking lot. 10.The developer’s contractor must contact the Engineering Department a minimum of two business days prior to connecting to the public storm sewer. 11.An encroachment agreement is required for the retaining walls. 12.The developer must ensure that the “no build easements” noted on the Certificate of Survey will allow for the construction of parking lots and retaining walls. 13.City trunk sanitary sewer and water hook-up fees and the MCES SAC fee are due with the building permit. The 2008 rates are $4,799/unit for City water, $1,769/unit for City sanitary sewer and $1,900/unit for the MCES SAC. These fees are based on the number of SAC units as determined by Met Council. 14.The Certificate of Survey must be signed. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Furlong: Councilman Litsey you had a council presentation. Councilman Litsey: I did. I mean I had communicated this last week I know with City Manager Gerhardt about my concern over what’s going on in the legislature in terms of their negotiations right now over the budget and time is of the essence so I guess I assumed this was going to be on the agenda but I guess I shouldn’t make assumptions. I should have verified it. Todd Gerhardt: I’m sorry. Councilman Litsey: I just wanted to have some dialogue on this I guess to see if it was appropriate at least or how people on the council felt about going on the record against the proposal right now by the Governor and some of the members of the legislature that would put a state imposed cap on local property taxes. I guess my basis for saying that, and this is what went out in my email to some of our representatives. City councils are elected to make decisions about local budgets and meeting community needs. It is inappropriate for the State to undermine local decision making and accountability through the imposition of, or by imposing levy limits or proposals such as the Taxpayers Bill of Rights. The State should not obstruct the principle of representative democracy that allows city councils to formulate local budgets. I think as a matter of principle it’s not a political issue. It’s just a matter of principle we should strongly oppose state restrictions on local budgets. That was my prepared email that I sent out. Just a couple 58