EC 2008 05 13
Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC)
Regular Meeting
May 13, 2008
Members Present:
Ron Olsen, Bill Fouks, Rose Kircher, J.R. Relick, Beverly Foster
Members Absent:
Jim Sommers, Dennis Hansen
Staff Present:
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
April minutes were approved.
Arbor Day review:
Suggestions for next year included: advertising at the Environmental
Center for the park clean-up, maybe have the county commissioner endorse it and get it in the
County newspaper, advertise the park clean-up on the portable sign before advertising for the
event, advertise on Klein bank and the Legion sign and the fire station sign, have compost and
rain barrel order forms and information available at the event.
Joint meeting review
: the meeting went well and the commission had about a half-hour with
the Council. There was a lot of discussion about the WaterWise program; the council wanted the
Commission to spread the word about it as much as possible. The council suggested the
commission have a booth at the Trade Fair to promote the program. Also discussed was how the
EC could help incorporate the council goals into the EC goals. JR informed the council that
there was a possibility that a grant may be available for installing solar panels on a city building.
The Mayor thanked the commission for their work.
Water Conservation program
: Jill updated the commission on each of the program
components: contest, rebates, education, audits. The city will continue to try to reach residents
with the water conservation message in as many ways as possible.
Elect Chair/Vice-chair
: A motion was made to appoint Bill as Chair and Dennis as Vice-Chair.
The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
July 4 planning
: Most of the commissioners will be in town for the 4 of July. This year’s float
will have a water theme. Signs with the Water Wise logo and website address will be made.
Ideas for the float: a rain barrel on a trailer with recirculating water, “Be WaterWise”, need to
contact Dry Cleaning Station and Lakewinds for partnership invitations, Rose will research
costumes, Beverly will try and come up with some more float ideas.
General Discussion:
Jill reminded the commission to sign up for the Water Conservation Contest.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 8:10 PM.
Minutes Prepared by Jill Sinclair
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