1. Chapter 20 City Code Amendments
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Planning Commission
Bob Generous, Senior Planner
July 15,2008
City Code Amendment
Chapter 20, Zoning
"The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council adopt
the attached ordinance amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code."
Staff has reviewed the City Code and discovered issues, shortfalls, and general
updates that need to be addressed. These amendments were discussed at the June
3, 2008 Planning Commission meeting. However, these items were inadvertently
left off the amendments presented at the public hearing on June 17, 2008, to allow
for additional study of the issue and draft code language.
The proposed amendments deal with temporary signs, public/community message
signs and standards for drive-thru facilities.
Staff recommends approval of the proposed ordinance amendments.
Temporary Signs: There are several issues associated with temporary signs.
Issue #1: It is staff's intent to allow a 30-day banner or pOltable sign display
period to coincide with a grand opening in addition to the three lO-day display
periods per calendar year. The CUITent ordinance states that a business may have
a banner or portable sign for 30 days to coincide with a grand opening or three
occasions per year with a maximum lO-day display period. This does not benefit
a new business opening in the community as they must choose to have either a
grand opening sign or to advertise their business/sale on three separate occasions
throughout the year. Staff proposes clarification of the regulations to provide
these oppOltunities for businesses to both adveltise their openings and promote
sales or events throughout the year.
The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a Charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play.
Planning Commission
June 15, 2008
Page 2
Issue #2: The intent of the
temporary sign ordinance is to allow
tenants equal opportunity to
advertise their name and service.
However, in a multi-tenant building,
when all of the tenants apply for
temporary signs at the same time, it
can cause visual clutter on the site
and be a distraction to motorists.
Staff is proposing to limit the
number of portable and detached
banner signs for a multi-tenant
building to one per entrance into the site.
Issue #3: The height of detached banners must also be addressed as some detached banners
exceed the height of the building. Staff is proposing to limit the display area and height of
detached banners similar to the requirements for portable signs.
Discussion: The intent of the sign ordinance is to allow businesses an equal opportunity to
advertise without creating a cluttered environment. Based on the discussion at the Planning
Commission work session on June 3, 2008, it was concluded that feather signs as shown in the
above photo would not be permitted.
PROPOSED CHANGE: Amend Section 20-1256 as shown below.
Sec. 20-1256. Permit for temporary signs, searchlights, banners, etc.
Temporary signs are permitted as follows:
1. Banners attached to the principal structure shall not exceed 140 square feet.
2. Detached banners shall not exceed 32 square feet and 6 feet in height.
3. tmd Portable signs shall not exceed 32 square feet and 6 feet in height.
4. tmd All temporary signage shall meet the following standards:
a. A 30-day display period to coincide with the grand opening of a business or a new
development (business park or shopping center), or a business may display a banner or
portable sign on three occasions per calendar year with a maximum ten day display
period for each occasion. which shall be in addition to Sec 20-1256 (4) (b) .
b. A business may display an attached or detached banner or portable sign on up to
three occasions per calendar year with a maximum ten-day display period for each
c.&'-Messages must relate to on-premises products or services, or any noncommercial
message; and
Planning Commission
June IS, 2008
Page 3
d.&.-Banners must be located on the property affixed to a prinoipal structure which is owned
or leased by the business which the sign is advertising. Nonprofit and governmental
event banners are excluded from this provision.
e.thPortable signs and detached banners shall not be located in the public right-of-way.
f. e-: Portable signs and detached banners are limited to the driveway entrance area; and
g. No more than one portable sign or detached banner shall be permitted per entrance
at any given time.
Community Signs
Issue: The City desires to permit public entities the ability to provide public signs with motion
signs in order to promote community events and messages. The current regulations restrict the
ability to provide signage that would accomplish this.
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Minnetonka: Total sign area: 7' x 10'6" = 73.5 sq ft, LED area: 3' x 7'6" = 22.5 sq ft or 30.5%.
Chaska: Total sign area: 7' x 16' = 112 sq ft, LED area: 1 '6" x 10" = 15 sq ft or 13%.
Planning Commission
June 15, 2008
Page 4
Purgatory Creek: Total sign area: 8'6" x 13' = 110.5 sq ft, LED area: 2'6" x 10' = 25 sq ft or
District 112: Total sign area: 9' x 20' = 180 sq ft, LED area: 2'6" x 11 '6" = 28.75 sq ft or 16%
Planning Commission
June 15, 2008
Page 5
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Preliminary Chanhassen High School sign: Total area 8'8" x 10'0" = 86.6 sq ft, LED area 2'7" x
10' = 25,8 sq ft.
Planning Commission
June 15,2008
Page 6
Discussion: The intent of the proposed sign ordinance amendment is to permit local
governmental units the ability to provide messages regarding public events, notices or services.
Stafflooked at the various district regulations to verify that, except for the size of the electronic
message area, the sign would not be disproportionate to what is permitted for other property
owners. The use of message centers is becoming more common as technology improves. In
order to encourage communication between governmental agencies and residents and businesses,
it benefits the City to permit governmental units to install such signage. Staffhas visited existing
public signage to determine appropriate standards for such signage.
PROPOSED CHANGE: Add Section 20-1302 (4)
Public/Community Signs on property owned or leased by a governmental unit and operated by a
governmental unit.
(a) One monument sign shall be permitted per site for each street frontage. Such sign shall not
exceed 64 square feet in display area nor be greater than eight feet in height.
(b) Electronic message center signs may be permitted as part of the sign display area. Such sign
does not require a conditional use permit.
(c) Electronic message center signs shall comply with the following standards:
1) Electronic message center space used on a sign shall not exceed a total of 40 square feet.
2) No electronic message center sign maybe erected that, by reason of position, shape,
movement or color interferes with the proper functioning of a traffic sign, signal or which
otherwise constitutes a traffic hazard.
3) Electronic message center displays shall not exceed 5,000 Nits between the hours of civil
sunrise and civil sunset and shall not exceed 500 Nits between the hours of civil sunset
and civil sunrise.
4) Electronic message center signs shall not cause direct glare nor become a distraction due
to excessive brightness.
5) The lamp wattage and luminance level in candelas per square meter (Nits) shall be
provided at the time of permit application.
6) There shall be no electronic message center signs within 50 feet of a street intersection
(as measured from intersecting right-of-way lines) or within 125 feet of a residential
district, except where lighting for such sign is indirect or diffused and in no way
constitutes a traffic hazard.
7) The message displayed on electronic message center signs shall be depicted in one
statement and not a continuing sentence or flow of information. Flashing, scrolling,
special effects or animated scenes on electronic reader boards shall be prohibited. A
change in the message shall not occur less than every four seconds.
8) Electronic message center sign LED display use for signs within 500 feet of single-family
residential homes shall be limited to the hours between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.
Issue: The use of drive-thru facilities is extending beyond fast food restaurants and banks.
Current standards only address bank drive-thru windows.
Planning Commission
June 15,2008
Page 7
Discussion: Staff is proposing creating standards that would regulate drive-thru facilities. These
standards would apply to all drive-thru windows throughout the City. The drive-thru facility will
be evaluated through the Site Plan Permit process. If an existing building is converted to a bank
or other use requiring a drive-thru, then the conversion will be processed administratively subject
to compliance with the standards. The proposed changes establish the performance standards.
Staffwill be recommending some future zoning changes within commercial districts to allow
limited use of drive-thru facilities.
PROPOSED CHANGE: Delete Section 20-292. Add Section 20-965 (Performance Standards)
Sec. 20-292. Dri':e through bank faeilities.
Drive through bank faoilities and stacking areas shall be subject to the following requirements:
(1) They shall not be located adjaoent to any residential lot lines.
(2) They shall be provided v/ith a suitable visual screen from adjacent properties.
(3) Staoking for six cars per aisle shall be pro'{ided within applicable parking lot setbacks
Section 20-965. Drive-thru facilities
Drive-thru facilities for any use shall comply with the following standards:
(1) They shall not be located adjacent to any residential lot lines.
(2) They shall be provided with a suitable visual screen from adjacent properties.
(3) Stacking shall be provided within applicable parking lot setbacks
(4) Stacking shall meet the following standards:
(a) Fast Food Restaurant: six cars per aisle.
(b) Banks: three cars per aisle.
(c) Pharmacy: two cars per aisle.
(d) All other uses: two cars per aisle.
(5) The City may require a vehicle stacking study to determine whether more or less stacking
shall be required for a particular use.
(6) Stacking areas shall not interfere with vehicular circulation in the parking lot nor encroach
into any required drive aisles.
(7) Speaker or intercom system shall not be audible at the property line.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following motion:
"The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that the City Council adopt the attached
ordinance amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code."
Ordinance Amending Chapter 20, Zoning.
g:\plan\city code\2008 code update\pc memo 7-15-08.doc
Section 1. Section 20-1256 of the City Code, City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Temporary signs are permitted as follows:
1. Banners attached to the principal structure shall not exceed 140 square feet.
2. Detached banners shall not exceed 32 square feet and 6 feet in height.
3. Portable signs shall not exceed 32 square feet and 6 feet in height.
4. All temporary signage shall meet the following standards:
a. A 30-day display period to coincide with the grand opening of a business or a new
development (business park or shopping center which shall be in addition to Sec 20-1256
(4) (b)).
b. A business may display an attached or detached banner or portable sign on up to three
occasions per calendar year with a maximum ten-day display period for each occasion.
c. Messages must relate to on-premises products or services, or any noncommercial
d. Banners must be located on the property which is owned or leased by the business which
the sign is advertising. Nonprofit and governmental event banners are excluded from this
e. Portable signs and detached banners shall not be located in the public right-of-way.
f. Portable signs and detached banners are limited to the driveway entrance area.
g. No more than one portable sign or detached banner shall be permitted per entrance at any
given time.
Section 2. The City Code, City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, is hereby amended by adding a
section to be numbered 20-1302 (4), which shall read as follows:
Public/Community Signs on property owned or leased by a governmental unit and operated by a
governmental unit.
(a) One monument sign shall be permitted per site for each street frontage. Such sign shall not
exceed 64 square feet in display area nor be greater than eight feet in height.
(b) Electronic message center signs may be permitted as part of the sign display area. Such sign
does not require a conditional use permit.
(c) Electronic message center signs shall comply with the following standards:
1) Electronic message center space used on a sign shall not exceed a total of 40 square feet.
2) No electronic message center sign may be erected that, by reason of position, shape,
movement or color interferes with the proper functioning of a traffic sign, signal or which
otherwise constitutes a traffic hazard.
3) Electronic message center displays shall not exceed 5,000 Nits between the hours of civil
sunrise and civil sunset and shall not exceed 500 Nits between the hours of civil sunset
and civil sunrise.
4) Electronic message center signs shall not cause direct glare nor become a distraction due
to excessive brightness.
5) The lamp wattage and luminance level in candelas per square meter (Nits) shall be
provided at the time of permit application.
6) There shall be no electronic message center signs within 50 feet of a street intersection
(as measured from intersecting right-of-way lines) or within 125 feet of a residential
district, except where lighting for such sign is indirect or diffused and in no way
constitutes a traffic hazard.
7) The message displayed on electronic message center signs shall be depicted in one
statement and not a continuing sentence or flow of information. Flashing, scrolling,
special effects or animated scenes on electronic reader boards shall be prohibited. A
change in the message shall not occur less than every four seconds.
8) Electronic message center sign LED display use for signs within 500 feet of single-family
residential homes shall be limited to the hours between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.
Section 3. Section 20-292 of the City Code, City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, is hereby repealed.
Section 4. The City Code, City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, is hereby amended by adding a
section to be numbered 20-965, which shall read as follows:
Drive-thru facilities
Drive-thru facilities for any use shall comply with the following standards:
(1) They shall not be located adjacent to any residential lot lines.
(2) They shall be provided with a suitable visual screen from adjacent properties.
(3) Stacking shall be provided within applicable parking lot setbacks.
(4) Stacking shall meet the following standards:
(a) Fast Food Restaurant: six cars per aisle.
(b) Banks: three cars per aisle.
(c) Pharmacy: two cars per aisle.
(d) All other uses: two cars per aisle.
(5) The City may require a vehicle stacking study to determine whether more or less stacking
shall be required for a particular use.
(6) Stacking areas shall not interfere with vehicular circulation in the parking lot nor encroach
into any required drive aisles.
(7) Speaker or intercom system shall not be audible at the property line.
Section 5. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ day of _, 2008, by the City Council of the City
of Chanhassen, Minnesota
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor
(Published in the Chanhassen Villager on )
g:\plan\city code\2008 code update\amendment ordinance temp sign comm signs drive through.doc