RLS REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. R.L.S. FILE No. CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA R.T. DOC. No. I hereby certify that in accardance with the pravisians of Chapter 508, Minnesota Statues of 1949 as amended, I have surveyed the fallowing described property in the County of Carver, State of Minnesota, to wit: Tract D, Registered Land Survey Number 123, Carver Caunty, Minnesata. The baundaries af the premises are marked by Judicial Landmarks set pursuant to Torrens Case No. T -632 as shawn on the plot of of survey on file In the office of the Clerk of Court. Together with a perpetual, non-exclusive, easement filed February 15, 1990, as Document No. 1 12260, In the office of the Carver County Recorder, for utility and driveway purposes over, under and across the following described premises: a tract of land 25 feet wide, the east line thereof being described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; Section 2 Township 116 North, Range 23 West of the fifth principal meridian; thence on an assumed bearing of North, along the east line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 1320.00 feet; thence on a bearing of West a distance of 544.50 feet; thence South 42 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 100.32 feet; thence South 83 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 195.95 feet; thence North 3 degrees 15 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 32.09 feet; thence South 82 degrees 24 minutes 26 seconds West a distance of 157.86 feet, to a point hereinafter referred to as "Point A"; the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 0 degrees 06 minutes 41 seconds West 338.69 feet and there terminating; also, Commencing at said "Point A"; thence North 0 degrees 06 minutes 41 seconds West 262.26 feet to the point of beginning of the tract of land to be herein described; thence North 0 degrees 06 minutes 41 seconds West 76.43 feet; thence South 67 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 30 feet; thence South 23 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 70.30 feet to the actual point of beginning (said easements as determined in Carver County District Court Case No. T -631 and Case No. T -633). Sub ject to the proprietary and sovereign rights of the State of Minnesota in all that portion of the land lying below the natural ordinary high watermark thereof, not intending, however, to deprive the fee owners of the usual riparian rights that attach to the land riparian to a navigable public body of water incident to the ownership thereof. The boundaries of the premises are marked by Judicial Landmarks (except for the southerly boundary located in Pleasant View Road) set pursuant to Torrens Case No. T -630 as shown on the plat of survey on file in the office of the Clerk of Court. The above described property is subject to an easement for public right-of-way purposes in Pleasant View Road over the southerly 20 feet thereof. Also subject to a perpetual, non-exclusive easement as described in Document No. 112260, Office of the Carver County Recorder ~and as determined in Carver County District Court Case No. T -632), for driveway and utility purposes over a tract of land 25.00 wide, and east line thereof being described as follows: Beginning at "Point A" described above, thence North 0 degrees 06 minutes 41 seconds West 338.65 feet and there terminate. Also subject to an easement for sanitary sewer and water main as described in Document No. 22372. and That port of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and of Government Lot 1 in Section 2, Township 116 North, Range 23 West of the 5th Principal Meridian described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence on an assumed bearing of North, along the east line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, a distance of 1320.00 feet; thence on a bearing of West a distance of 544.50 feet; thence South 42 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 100.32 feet; thence South 83 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 195.95 feet; thence North 3 degrees 15 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 32.09 feet; thence South 82 degrees 24 minutes 26 seconds West a distance of 188.12 feet, to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 82 degrees 24 minutes 26 seconds West a distance of 101.48 feet; thence South 88 degrees 35 minutes 41 seconds West a distance of 133.64 feet; thence North 7 degrees 40 minutes 03 seconds East a distance of 299.07 feet; thence North 31 degrees 39 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 89.59 feet; thence North 88 degrees 07 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 156.13 feet, to the intersection with a line bearing North 0 degrees 06 minutes 41 seconds West from the point of beginning; thence South 0 degrees 06 minutes 41 seconds East a distance of 291.73 feet to the point of beginning. The boundaries of the premises are marked by Judicial Landmarks (except for the southerly boundary located in Pleasant View Road) set pursuant to Torrens Case No. T -630 as shown on the plat of survey on file in the office of the Clerk of Court. The above described property IS subject to an easement for public right-of-way purposes In Pleasant View Road over the southerly 20 feet thereof. That the survey shown hereon is a correct delineation of said survey. Dated this day of ,20_. Gregory R. Prasch Minnesota License No. 24992 LOT SURVEYS COMPANY, INC. LAND SURVEYORS SHEET 1 OF 3 SHEETS REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. R.L.S. FILE No. CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA R.T. DOC. No. CHANHASSAN, MINNESOTA The Registered land Survey was appraved and accepted by the City Cauncil af the City af Chanhassan, Minnesata, at a regular meeting held this day af , 20_. CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSAN, MINNESOTA By Mayar By Clerk COUNTY SURVEYOR, Carver Caunty, Minnesata Pursuant ta Chapter 395, Minnesolo lows of 1971, this Registered land Survey has been approved this of ,20_. day John E. Freemyer Carver Caunty Surveyor COUNTY AUDITORl Carver County, Minnesota I hereby certify hot there ore na delinquant taxes far 011 years prior to 20_ far land described an this Registered land Survey and transfer entered. Dated this day af ,20_. Mark Lundgren Carver Caunty Auditor COUNTY TREASURER, Carver Caunty, Minnesato I hereby certify that the taxes payable far the year 20_ for land described on this Registered land Survey hove been paid on this day af 20_. T om Kerber Carver County Treasurer REGISTRAR OF TITLES, Carver Caunty, Minnesota I hereby certify that this Registered land Survey was filed on this at a' clack _' M. as Document Na. day af ,20_, Carl W. Hanson JR. Registrar of Titles LOT SURVEYS COMPANY, INC. LAND SURVEYORS SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. JLM l<i ,::? or€' ~ ..... 9)" ~'b CARVER COUNTY, MINNESOTA (:~~. () "- C\J o cry N9QoQQ'QQ"E 94.1 Q t-... o cri ~ ~ (Y) p o ;;<t t-... o 2 TRACT B , .". .'. .'.: ~.-- l{) --~/----- .". cri OJ ~ ~ Right-ai-way / j Easement ---I f /0 r N 121.03 133.64 888035'41 "W c -t! ~ !:U if) . OJ ,'Q . ;:<, 'I- & :::; o "- - < L H R / 5 T M A 5 or cHR I STMAS LAK[ SHORU I H[ J + If) '" JLM "0 g'j~ / \\0.0:1'>"t:. I 00 !J,S ?:. ..' / ~1 \y,e l_ ",,,,,,ei to o .~)..: ..- (J) N ~ foo- ..- o '<t o N o Z <...., <...J JLM 0 TRACT A :,,?'j _.,..... r:~ ,..' " i-' [.f :.:.' ,.., .l :-:;':" "). :. :. ;.~ .:. \' .~ ',-.,' '.. '-, ., Utility Easement per doc. no. 112260 and amended per doc. no. 65B13 '. . .".:~.'.'.; :...... .,:,... JLM J!~o Utility and <125 :fer) Driveway Easement. .." 1 !.~ per doc. no. 112260 ". '.~. ;6 JLM II (I ;t; ----4>11,.1 jOe, N88007'OO'[ 756 13 r1' I c{? III /1/0 ~ II I ~{ II! I ~M --! 20 1-- ~ ~f;j III I (0 ~ ~ 0 ::: II I CO (0 "O~ ~III a:i;:' ~~ ~II 11~8 ~"O z ~ ~ :w I I (j) p-. - 0 m '1' ~ - ~~ ~e,\ ,I :::: 0 ~ I ~ . ro ~ ln~ II .~. '.' 1!) Ingress and Egr~S~ Jill/II q Easement per doc / III I (J; no 6581.3_- --I I / I ~ ~~-----I-- V I ~---- ~"'\-/--~-T NORTH LlN[ OF TH[<'/~:' !/.///'/{~Y/I!i i S[ 1/4, N[ 7/4, SEC. 2 (fJ / / I I / / ;:.; :;> II I I I __~_=i II I --T' -T- ........! I o iOiAB' 12.61 OJ ~3~.7\"W I I 582024'2 1~12.-:1 ( j j;,..: -.:. Sanitary sewer and watermain easement per doc. no. 22372 LOT SURVEYS COMPANY, INC. LAND SURVEYORS R.L.S. FILE No. R.T. DOC. No. A f< f @) SCALE IN FEET 1 1111111111111111111111111111111 1 11111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 o 60 120 Denotes Judicial Landmork found o Denotes 1/2 inch x 18 inch Iron Monument set and marked RLS 24992 THE EAST LINE OF THE SE 1/4, NE 1/4, SEC. 2, TWP. 116, R. 23 IS ASSUMED TO BEAR NORTH SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS