PRC SUM 2008 06 24 1 i I i I CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREA TIONicOMMISSION i REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES. i June 24, 2008 : ! i i Chair Daniel called the meeting to order at 7 :30 p.m. I , MEMBERS PRESENT: Jeff Daniel, Glenn Stolar, Scott Wendt, Thor Smith and Dan Campion. Steve Scharfenberg arrived late. 1 , , MEMBERS ABSENT: None. i i STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park andRec Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent; John Stutzman, Recreation Supervisor; Dale Gregory, Park Superintendent; Sue I Bill, Senior Center Coordinator; Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Manager; Mitch Johnson, Park and Rec Intern ! i I APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Campion moved, Stolar seconded to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried. ! I PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. I. I VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. , , i APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Wendt moved, Campion seconded to approve the summary minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated May 28, 2008 as presented. All voted in favoi- and the motion carried. i REVIEW 2009-2013 PARK & TRAIL ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM: Todd Hoffman presented the staff report regarding the CIP. The report provided history of revenue and future projects. The commission reviewed all of the park master plans lin order to identify future capital projects. i I 2008 FOURTH <l>F JULY CELEBRATION: John Stutzman updated the commission on the 25th Anniversary of the 4th of July celebration. I I 2008 KLEINBANKLUNCHTIME LYRICS & TWILIGHT TUNES CONCERT SERIES: John Stutzman. presented the concert series being offered over the summer and informed the I. . commission about the valuable sponsorship of Klein Bank . I !i REPORTS: I I I RECREATION CENTER REPORT: Jodi Sarles presented the Recreation Center report to the commission. Park and Rec Commission Summary - June 24,2008 ! SENIOR CENTER REPORT: Sue Bill presented the Senior Center report to the commission. , i PARK & TRAIL MAINTENANCE REPORT: Dale Gregory presented the Park & Trail maintenance rep~rt. ' , CHANHASSEN HIGH SCHOOL FIELD CONTRIBUTION: Todd Hoffman provided the commission with' an update on the agreement between the City of Chanhassen and School District 112 regatding the athletic fields at the new high school. I COMMISSIONiMEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. COMMISSION!MEMBER PRESENTATIONS: None. ADMINISTRATIVE PACKET. Todd Hoffman reviewed the administrative packet with the commission. There were no questions. i I i Scharfenberg m~ved, Stolar seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried.IThe Park and Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned. I Submitted by Jerty Ruegemer Recreation Superintendent I , Prepared by Min~ Weber 2