CC Minutes 7-28-08City Council Meeting - July 28, 2008 c. Approve Amendment to Chapter 19 to Clarify Chanhassen City Code Concerning Lawn Sprinkling. Resolution #2008-42: f. Approval of Quotes for Annual Sanitary Lift Station Rehabilitation Program. g. Approve Extension of Development Contract and Final Plat for Boulder Cove. h. Approve Utility Easement on Lyman Boulevard for Minnesota Valley Electric Co. Resolution #2008-43: i. Accept Street and Utility Improvements for Liberty at Bluff nd Creek 2 Addition. k. Crossroads of Chanhassen: Approve Amendment to Development Contract. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Furlong: If you’re interested, please come forward to the council, or to the podium. State your name and address. Todd Gerhardt: Mayor if I could. Mayor Furlong: Yes. Todd Gerhardt: Just item 1(b) is the firearms and that’s getting moved to the Unfinished Business. And then also 1(d), the Master Agreement between the City of Chanhassen and School District 112 on facility usage has been placed after visitor presentations. Mayor Furlong: Thank you very much. I would also, if you haven’t picked it up, there are agendas on the table over there to try to follow. Sometimes I get going too fast so thank you. So other than those two items, if there’s anyone else here that wishes to address the council on any matter, I invite them forward at this time. Okay. Seeing nobody then, let’s go ahead and take up item 1(d). 1(D). APPROVE MASTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN AND INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 112 REGARDING USE OF ATHLETIC FIELDS AT CHANHASSEN HIGH SCHOOL. Public Present: Name Address Janet Lash 7001 Tecumseh Lane Todd Neils 990 Saddlebrook Curve 3