CC Minutes 7-28-08 City Council Meeting - July 28, 2008 CW-III: REQUEST FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR A 30,480 SQUARE FOOT OFFICE/WAREHOUSE BUILDING; AND PUD AMENDMENT TO INCREASE THE OVERALL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF BUILDINGS WITHIN CHANHASSEN WEST BUSINESS PARK ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2451 GALPIN COURT (LOT 3, BLOCK 2, CHANHASSEN WEST BUSINESS PARK). APPLICANT: EDEN TRACE CORP. Public Present: Name Address JoEllen Radermacher 2479 Bridle Creek Trail Kate Aanenson: Thank you. As you noted, there’s two application requests. The PUD amendment and site plan approval. The Chan West Business Park is located at the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Galpin. Kind of kitty corner to the new high school. The proposal for the PUD amendment involves the fact that when the Waytek building went in, the mezzanine was put in place so that added 15,000 square feet. So the threshold for this PUD amendment, which we’re still under, increases the maximum square footage to 15,000 square feet. So if you look at the breakdown of the 15,000 square feet from office, we went up slightly and then the warehouse space. If you look at the requirement as stated in the staff report, or PUD amendment or excuse me, an amendment to the environmental assessment, it doesn’t trip that threshold. So I’m looking at that, the potential space. We’ll show that in another quantified, quantitative table because there’s still one vacant lot which we estimate about 30,000, and I’ll show you where that lot is in a minute. So the lot that we’re talking about tonight is approximately 2, almost 3 acres. We’re looking at a 30,000 square foot building, so staff did support the PUD amendment again with the minor change. There was a question when this appeared at the Planning Commission for the public hearing regarding traffic. The Planning Commission did recommend approval of st the project on their July 1 meeting. The PUD amendment and the project itself. We did attach in there the concern regarding traffic and speed. On page 2 of the staff report we did put the speed trailer out there and looked at that. Again that was a determination of the sheriff’s office that it didn’t seem to exceed that amount. It’s a little bit difficult to measure some of that now with the Lyman construction. We have a little bit of an anomaly out there right now so we did address that issue. This is the project itself. Chan West Business Park. The site that is being proposed is, where there was an existing building, Lot 3. The lot, let’s see you can see it. Lot 1, Block 2, just in front of the Waytek is that little narrow piece. That’s the one that’s not built on yet. You can see what lot that is. That little triangle piece. Todd Gerhardt: That’s what I’m here for Kate. Kate Aanenson: Thank you. There you go. I appreciate your assistance. So that little piece there, we’re estimating the 30,000 so it may come under. If you look at what’s out there right now for office industrial, it’s a little bit unique. Probably more an office or kind of a unique situated building because of the space, so again we estimated that so the actual total threshold when we looked at that might come slightly under that but we wanted to make sure we’re treating it in a reasonable format. So with that the project itself is a very nice articulated 43 City Council Meeting - July 28, 2008 building. This would be not condominiunized but actually each would be leased or rented, so the individual lots, which we’d have the office in the back, and then bays forward, if you wanted the warehouse storage in the back. Landscaping plan. Two entrance points. The building itself, the staff looked at potentially putting architectural element on the top of the building on the bottom one, but felt that was kind of a duplication of the future, and we did decide to leave that off. Again it’s a 30,500 square foot building. It has a lot of articulation and rhythm. I do have, Laurie just stepped out, the building itself here. Material samples but it consists of the rock face and the burnish concrete block with a variety of colors, including the eggshell hickory and Mohave. So we think again that the look’s highly articulated. It’s in the center. You know we talked about industrial so it’s not the most visible building out there, but it matches really well with the other buildings that are out there. Just a note too, the Snap Fitness building is under construction right now too on the corner, so then with this building, then there’ll just be that one pad that I showed you that the city manager kind of pointed to so with that. There is an extraction with the park fees that comes with this lot. Will get paid at the time of the development itself. Again I do have the material sample board if anybody’s interested in looking at that. Again the Planning Commission did recommend approval of the project, as did staff and there are conditions in the staff report recommending approval of the two motions. The PUD amendment for the square footage and then the site plan for the building itself. So with that I’d recommend approval with the conditions in the staff report. Mayor Furlong: Okay, thank you. Any questions for staff? Public hearing at the Planning Commission. Any issues other than traffic? Kate Aanenson: No. I think that was just the main thing was the traffic issue, and then just talking about the architecture. The architect is here if there’s any questions. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Alright, thank you. Any other questions for staff on any of these issues? The applicant or their representatives here this evening. I assume anything that you’d like to provide to the council. Applicant: No I’m, if you’re ready to go, I am. Mayor Furlong: Very good. Thank you. Any questions for the applicant? No? Anyone else that is wishing to comment to the council on this matter this evening? Good evening. JoEllen Radermacher: Good evening Mayor, Council members. My name is JoEllen Radermacher. I live at 2479 Bridle Creek Trail. Very simple comment but I think it’s really important. There is, where this lot is located, behind it there’s a very, very nice row of stately oak trees. I hope the intent is for those to be preserved during this construction. Yeah, see it’s between Lot 4 and then where the Lot 3 is. They’ve got it shown. Kate Aanenson: Those are intended to be saved, yes. JoEllen Radermacher: Those are. Kate Aanenson: Yep. And… 44 City Council Meeting - July 28, 2008 Mayor Furlong: Can you, or Mr. Gerhardt, can you make sure that we’re all looking at the same thing. You’re talking about that area right there? JoEllen Radermacher: Right, all the way down. Mayor Furlong: Okay, and that triangle piece to the north of Lot 3? JoEllen Radermacher: Yeah. We’ve lost quite a few oak trees in this development so it’s, they are very nice and if at all possible it would be really nice if they could be preserved. Kate Aanenson: And just for point of clarification. Before construction begins, the applicant or the developer’s required to put the silt fence, erosion, and then put up all the tree preservation areas. Fence all that off. And then they’re authorized to proceed, but we have to check that first before they begin. JoEllen Radermacher: Okay. Mayor Furlong: And someone from city staff will be on site to verify the location of those markings? Kate Aanenson: Yes. Yes. Yes, before they begin, correct. JoEllen Radermacher: Thank you. Mayor Furlong: And you raise a good point. The entire area, Outlot C up there obviously on the north part of this parcel is one of the things that has a tremendous oak tree stand and other trees and that was all preserved as part of the site. Original PUD so it’s nice to see that we’re preserving other trees as well in there, so thank you. JoEllen Radermacher: Okay, thank you. Mayor Furlong: Appreciate you raising the comments and staff will be sure to take note of that during the process. Thank you. Any other questions or comments? Thank you. Bring it back to council. Any thoughts or comments? On either the requested PUD amendment or the site plan. Councilwoman Tjornhom: Seems pretty cut and dry. I think it’s been a good development so far and it looks like it’s staying on track with quality architecture and just overall hopefully being neighborhood friendly for all those neighbors that are living around the construction and everything else. Mayor Furlong: Okay, thank you. Any other comments? If not, is there a motion to adopt the two proposed requests? Councilwoman Ernst: I’ll do it. I make a motion that City Council approves the amendment to the Planned Unit Development design standards for Chanhassen West Business Park to permit a 45 City Council Meeting - July 28, 2008 total development building square footage of 365,000. And the Chanhassen, that City Council approve the Site Plan for Planning Case #08-14 for a 30,500 square foot, one-story office/ warehouse building, plans prepared by Houwman Architects and McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Incorporated dated 5/23/08, subject to conditions 1 through 22 on page 11 through 13 of the staff report dated July 1, 2008. And that City Council also adopt the attached Findings of Fact. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Is there a second? Councilman McDonald: I’ll second. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any further discussion on the motion? We’ve just taken away one of Roger’s jobs. Todd has a new one and Roger needs one. Alright, we’ll find something else for you to keep you busy. Very good. Is there, a motion’s been made and seconded. Is there any further discussion on the motion? Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman McDonald seconded that the Chanhassen City Council approves the amendment to the Planned Unit Development design standards for Chanhassen West Business Park to permit a total development building square footage of 365,000. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. Councilwoman Ernst moved, Councilman McDonald seconded that the Chanhassen City Council approve the Site Plan for Planning Case #08-14 for a 30,500 square foot, one-story office/ warehouse building, plans prepared by Houwman Architects and McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Incorporated dated 5/23/08, and adopt the attached Findings of Fact, subject to the following conditions: 1.The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement with the City and provide the necessary security to guarantee erosion control, site restoration and landscaping. 2.The developer shall provide exterior benches and/or tables. 3.One additional parking stall shall be provided. 4.At least six of the parking stalls located east of the building shall be relocated to the side of the building. 5.The developer shall provide a pedestrian connection from the site to the sidewalk on Galpin Court. Pedestrian ramps shall be installed at all curbs along this pathway. 6.The plan specifications shall be revised to incorporate high pressure sodium vapor lamps instead of the metal halide lamps 7. A three-foot clear space around fire hydrants shall be provided. Fire Code sec. 508.5 46 City Council Meeting - July 28, 2008 8.Nothing shall be placed near fire hydrants or fire department inlet connections that would deter or hinder from gaining immediate access. Fire Code sec. 508.5.4. 9.No PIV (post indicator valve) will be required. ” 10.Contact Fire Marshal for location of “No Parking Fire Lane signs, and curbing to be painted yellow. 11.Park fees in the amount of $31,387.67 shall be paid at the time of building permit issuance. 12.The buildings are required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. 13.The plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. 14.Retaining walls four feet high or higher require a building permit and must be designed by a structural engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. 15.The applicant shall increase the inside width of all islands and/or peninsulas to 10 feet or greater. 16.Tree preservation fencing is required to be installed prior to any construction along the north and west property lines. 17.On the Grading plan: a.Show the existing contours on the east side of the site. Provide spot elevations of the driveway connections. b.Show NWL and HWL on the pond. c.Add benchmark. d.Reduce slope on the southern drive. 18.Encroachment agreements will be needed prior to building permit issuance for any driveway or retaining wall in the drainage and utility easement. 19.On the Utility plan: a.Provide details of each utility crossing. b.Add cleanout to the sanitary sewer service. c.Add note to notify City of Chanhassen Utility Department 48 hours prior to connecting to the watermain (952-227-1300). d.Watermain must be looped around the building. This watermain shall be privately owned and maintained. 20.Show location of heavy duty versus light duty pavement sections. 47 City Council Meeting - July 28, 2008 21.Add Detail Plates 3107 and 5215. 22.The northern driveway must be either shifted to the south to remain on the site being developed or secure a private drive easement from the property to the north.” All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS: Councilwoman Tjornhom: Mr. Mayor I actually did something for the first time this summer that I’ve been wanting to do for a long time and Sophie and I biked from our home on Saturday morning to the farmers market. I’ve been meaning to check it out and what a fun thing it was so for those people who haven’t been there yet, take advantage of it as the summer goes on. I’m sure more and more produce is going to be available and it’s another one of those community events that should be happening every Saturday, so another good thing to do in Chanhassen on a Saturday morning. Mayor Furlong: Very good. Todd Gerhardt: What kind of bread sample did you have? Councilwoman Tjornhom: They just, what did they have? Cinnamon chips. Mayor Furlong: Very good. Thank you. Any other comments? Thoughts? I will just share that I had an opportunity with our busy schedule, our first opportunity to attend the evening concert in the park. Part of the Lunchtime Lyrics/Twilight Tunes a couple weeks ago. About a week or so ago, and very enjoyable. Great turnout. The city staff was there. Did a good job as well as the Klein Bank who’s sponsoring it this year, was very active and if again, if people haven’t had an opportunity to take in those concerts, I think there’s one this week and perhaps next week are the final two. So try to make one and next year when the opportunity comes up, try to make those. It’s a great way to spend the evening with family and friends so. Thank you Mr. Hoffman and please extend our thanks to your staff for all the work they do in organizing those. I heard a lot of good comments while I was there from just people stopping me and saying how much they enjoy it and so, please extend that gratitude back to your staff as well. Todd Hoffman: I will. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Anything else. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: Todd Gerhardt: Just a couple of things. Laredo project is moving along nicely. We did allow them to extend a few extra hours each day to get the school area up and running. We’re down to basically 4 to 5 weeks before school starts here so we want to make sure we get that area wrapped up. And second thing, I want to thank the Mayor and city staff for helping with the Chamber picnic. The Chamber event last Tuesday. The City grilled hamburgers and we had 48