Application ~=- _ -3 Planning Case No. 0 '6 -I'" CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard - P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 - (952) 227-1100 CITY OF CHANHAS$~N RECEIVED JUL 3 1 2008 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION CHANHASSl;N PlANNING OiPT PLEASE PRINT Applicant Name and Address: co1i!3~1~l? Phone: q5~-<1() ~- <t!Ot. Fax: q t:.i;)-CJ(J~- '11'/~ Email: j" V\I\ 0. @ ~ ~ - Sd'l-1" (' p , C-0"IYl Owner Name and Address: Ncrrit. c'oa ~ t fwrTvt e43 I UP ~a w~;t. 7~~;.~f- Contact---..RoN C.IOvv-k Pho~e:tiS~-9~7-3'dOO Fax~~~-~~~fO Emall: R<h-.J 'l~t< ~ e It, NOTE: Consultation with City staff is reauired prior to submittal, including review of aevelopment plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Temporary Sales Permit Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Vacation of Right-of-Way/Easements (V AC) Interim Use Permit (IUP) Variance (VAR) Non-conforming Use Permit Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) X Planned Unit Development* I 00 Zoning Appeal Rezoning Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sign Permits X Notification Sign €. ) (City to install and removl'r) Sign Plan Review Site Plan Review (SPR)* X Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost** - $50 CUP/SPRlVACNARIWAP/Metes & Bounds - $450 Minor SUB TOTAL FEE $ 300 ~ + Subdivision* An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. *Sixteen (16) full-size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8%" X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a di~lital COpy in TIFF-Group 4 (*.tif) format. **Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. ,''\ ' ~.,\~. r:Xl( c'k ( vy\ t',,,;()P'L) PROJECT NAME~ ~~~p~~:~ I~' I I c.. ~<y ('., ~ .. J "'-'".\ j' \ LOCATION: .;;).:; I,.",..,f" fI' L.V(,L..A '> '"'. LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND PID: Lo 1" '1:;). "~B \ O",t. \ d',S "", 00(;:7 C)O;:;;;,C ,{ 1,3 ., ';\\ I f i .' ~...: i\ . l\rv\t Y\c4lM.Avr4- 8 b ,,~It. /1 L~ ,'( 6ff) "It.,{ V'y\ ~::J q Ppl }'\"1 lC)'Il\ "Kr J TOTAL ACREAGE: WETLANDS PRESENT: YES X NO PRESENT ZONING: -J Mo.. {( poA"'t'" .Jklt~ L- G- D {,(.5-\L REQUESTED ZONING: Yl4~ -S~ L-E-j) ~ PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: C-o-IV\ W\e.-v-c...~( /1 ~S ~ ~ I ( REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: REASON FOR REQUEST: ('-AAS~ Wn-tA,{rf 1;1; ~ 'tn.~ a... --kP. f). j)~ ~_ '" -hr -f(... .e.x~~ :J~ +:..~ ~b~t: - FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW: Include number of existing employees: and new employees: This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Ignature of Applicant riG ignature of Fee Owner 7- 3/-og Date 7 - 51 -00 Date G:\plan\forms\Development Review Application.DOC Rev. 1/08 JUL-30-2008 08:50 RON CLRRK CONSTRUCTION P.Ol t RonClarK Date: 7-.5 d ~tJ7 CONSTRUCTION 7500 West 78th Street Edina, Mirmesota 55439 FROM: ~ ~ tf&lL TELECOPY TRANSMITTAL SHEET (952) 947-3000 fax (952) 947~3030 TO: 9sr:. ~ J-Ol' ~/Vp (952) 947-3000 (OFFICE) (952) 947-3030 (FAX) NUMBER OF PAGES TRANSMITTED (NOT INCLUDING'THIS COVER SHEET) tt ~ ~ 1'81&)- If you should experience any di fficulty with this transmission, please contact Ron Clark Construction at (952) 947-3000. Constmction and Design MN Builder License # 0001220 http://www.RonClark.com JUL-30-2008 08:51 RON CLARK CONSTRUCTION P.02 I ~NS. Sign Source I Attracta 7660 Quattro Olive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Ph: (952) 975-4940 FAX: (952) 975-9209 Email: randyh@sign--SQurce.com Web: www.sign-soun::e.com Page1of2 Estimate #: 12549 Prepared For: Ron Clark Construction Prvuf Due Oatv: Cont:lct: Bryan Mcmahan ,PM of Commercial Divi~ omce Phone: (952) 947-3051 Offia Fu:: (952) 947.3052 Emall: bryar1rn(Irondartc.c:om Add,...; 7500 W. 78th Street Edina MN 55439 C...a.d Dat8: July 24. 2008 L...c: Modtft8d: July 24,2008 &.1espMwon: Jim Abrahamson EmlIU: jlma@sigl>>ource.com ~ PhaM: (952) 9Q8.. 9106 0IIIce Fag: (952) 908- 9146 Enwed Iw: Teny Heydt Description: R8qLlata LED and _19ft changes Dear Bryan, Thank you for al\o'Mng UG to provide you with an estimate for this project. If you heve any questions about this estimate, please feel rree to call me at 952-908-9106. or you (;Qn readl me on my <:ell phone at 612-964-5165 R8gards, Jim Abrahamson Quantity Unit Price Subbal 1 I Deecrlptlon:Permit $725.00 $725.00 . 1lC) ConditionaluGe permit Qudty Unit Price Su~ 2 I o..crlption:Permil 1 $250.00 5250.00 .'x) Sign permit Quantity Unit Price S~ 3 1 $14.808.00 $14,808.00 DeecrtptiOn:4line Amber display - 0venII1 size Is 69'" x 32" x 8" deep. Teld size CIln range fTllm 6" 10 25" and up 10 16 dlal'llclers per line. . 1x) 69 In. W l( 32 In. H 4 line Amber display. Double sided au.ntIty Sulltotal Unit prtca 4 11,987.01 1 DeIIcrtptmn:Refurt)l$h existing cabinet - Add lED display to thalDP of both aides. Lamp$ and electrical ntp8ir ;,tddldonallf needed. · 1 x) Refurbleh eldsting cabinet $1,987.01 Quentity Unit PIIce SuIlCof8I 5 1 Del'eriptjon:Remove cabinet sign and bring it baGk lo Sign SoUI'C8 to refIJl1:llSh and add !he LED display units- " Work At Address: Century Blvd 8I1d Hwy 5 ChanhlllS5en " PrIce _u...... prilllllry wlrtng to sign Is 120 volt, If appllcablo · FlnaI.a.ctrlc.1 COIIIIIitdIon and pennlta are additional unleM 8I*lifMld as Included. Quantity Unit Price SubkDI $855.50 $655.60 6 1 Deacrtptlon:Reinetall refurbished cabinet sign on eJdating oolumns. Phone line for the L.eO display communleatlo... by Othe~. · Wotk At Address~ Cenlury B1'ud and Hwy 5 ChanhltSSefl . Price ..u_ prtmary wiling to elgn .. 120 volt, If apptIable · Final electrical Connection and pennlte are $jdltlonal un'" epecIfted as IncludMi. $830.50 $830.~ Print Date: 7I29l2OO8 4;24:06PM JUL-30-2008 08:51 RON CLARK CONSTRUCTION P',03 1it~ Sign Source I Attracta 7660 Quattro Drive Chanhasseo, MN 55317 Ph: (952) 975-4940 FJU(; (952)97~9209 Emall~ randyh@slgn-~rce.oom Web: www.sign-source.com Estimate #: 12549 Page2of2 Shipping & handlulg, if apfllieahle, is .additional. All ~stjmated shippil)g & h~ndling amOI)nts Me fol' mf~)((lrl(;e Ilnly. Actual shipping & h~ndling will be dtltetl'l'lined at time of stlipll1011t. Subtotal: Total: $19,2~.01 $19,256.01 Deposit RequlnM:I: RelJllllnder m. Net 30 dew_ ...... completion. PIeaa8 pay from Invalal.: $9,628.01 $9,628.0fI Client Reply Request QUOTES AND 9T1MATE ARe GOOD FOR 30 DAYS UNLESS NOTeD OTltERWlSE Acceptance of Term8: All new customers will be required to pay by cash, check, money order or credit card, prioc to Ih~ order being deliwer\ld. CU5tomers who W(JUld like to establish a-edit with our company should request a aeclit appllcatlQn from the;r salesperson. Once credit has been eatabli$hed, 1he cuGtomer will be billed on a Net 30 Day baSill. On larger projects, we may request a down payment Or III P!'9Qressive payment SChedule. ~ eMilMte AccoplQd ..A$I.... Please proceed with Order. o Changes nJq~ll'Qd. pl8_ contact me. 0-. ~~~ SIGN: --& 1 L o.t.: 7 /3"'0'8 .....~ Print Date; 712912008 4:24:06PM TOTAL P.03 Page 1 of 5 , Jim Abrahamson From: Ron Clark [ron@ronclark.com] Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 7:44 AM To: Jim Abrahamson; Dan Herbst; Bryan Monahan Cc: Marge Miller; Mark Bollig Subject: RE: Century Plaza Jim, Bryan is out this week so I am responding to your email to keep this sign matter rolling. I have signed and faxed to you your proposal to fabricate and install the new LED sign. Also if it matters for your application, Century Plaza is not owned by Ron Clark Construction but is owned by another of my entities, North Coast Partners LLP, 7500 West 78th Street, Edina, Mn. 55439 Thanks and let me know if you need anything further. Ron Clark RonClark@RonClark.com -----Original Message----- From: Jim Abrahamson [mailto:JimA@sign-source.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 29/ 2008 4:19 PM To: Dan Herbst; Bryan Monahan Cc: Marge Miller; Ron Clark; Mark Bollig Subject: RE: Century Plaza Minnesota ~o-;~~1 ~ ~ 1oiJ1 0"101- ~l "flc;d- vi! ~j\I' q t)'Y 1~1' (ffC/ V qr1d' oJ" rI'@ r/' 'oM Ron Clark Construction & Design is the proud recipient of the 2008 Business Ethics Award! Ron thanks for the call, I have attached the latest drawing and will send the estimate separately. I will have Korey add the red or amber LED note prior to going to the city. Jim Abrahamson Sales / Project Management 7660 Quattro Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Direct: 952-908-9106 Cell: 612-964-5165 efax: 952-908-9146 fax:952-975-9209 www.sign-source.com Assistant: Justina Sleeper 952-908-9125 justinas@sign-source.com 7/30/2008 Page 2 of ~ -----Original Message----- From: Dan Herbst [mailto:danherbst@pemtom.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 3:50 PM To: Jim Abrahamson; 'Bryan Monahan' Cc: 'Marge Miller'; 'Ron Clark'; 'Mark Bollig' Subject: RE: Century Plaza Those shots have to be called by the Clark crew. dan -----Original Message----- From: Jim Abrahamson [mailto:JimA@sign-source.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 3:37 PM To: Dan Herbst; Bryan Monahan Cc: Marge Miller; Ron Clark; Mark Bollig Subject: RE: Century Plaza Just need someone to say they will pay for the fees if we start this permit and conditional use permit thru the city. Jim Abrahamson Sales / Project Management 7660 Quattro Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Direct: 952-908-9106 Cell: 612-964-5165 efax: 952-908-9146 fax:952-975-9209 www.sign-source.com Assistant: Justina Sleeper 952-908-9125 justinas@sign-source.com -----Original Message----- From: Dan Herbst [mailto:danherbst@pemtom.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 3:30 PM To: Jim Abrahamson; 'Bryan Monahan' Cc: 'Marge Miller'; 'Ron Clark'; 'Mark Bollig' Subject: RE: Century Plaza I am in the deal. What can I do? -----Original Message----- From: Jim Abrahamson [mailto:JimA@sign-source.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 2:53 PM 7/3012008 To: Bryan Monahan; Dan Herbst Subject: FW: Century Plaza FYI see below. I will need a answer or we will not make the deadline. Jim Abrahamson Sales / Project Management 7660 Quattro Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Direct: 952-908-9106 Cell: 612-964-5165 efax: 952-908-9146 fax:952-975-9209 www.sign-source.com Assistant: Justina Sleeper 952-908-9125 justinas@sign-source.com -----Original Message----- From: Auseth, Angie [mailto:aauseth@ci.chanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 2:26 PM To: Jim Abrahamson Subject: RE: Century Plaza Thanks Jim, I have you down for the August 19th Planning Commission meeting and the September 8th City Council meeting agendas, pending Friday's submittal. Please let me know if this changes. Best regards, Angie Angie Auseth Planner I City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 __ Direct dial: 952-227-1132 Fax: 952-227-1110 email: aauseth@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Website: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us -----Original Message----- From: Jim Abrahamson [mailto:JimA@sign-source.com] 7/30/2008 Page 3 of ~ P~e4~~ . Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 1:43 PM To: Auseth, Angie Cc: Bryan Monahani Dan Herbst Subject: RE: Century Plaza Hi Angie, Thanks for the reply and I will send it over asap if the customer is ready. Bryan do you want to move forward with this? If so I will need a signed drawing and should get a down payment to get this to the city for approval. Thanks, Jim Jim Abrahamson Sales / Project Management 7660 Quattro Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Direct: 952-908-9106 Cell: 612-964-5165 efax: 952-908-9146 fax:952-975-9209 www.sign-source.com Assistant: Justina Sleeper 952-908-9125 justinas@sign-source.com -----Original Message----- From: Auseth, Angie [mailto:aauseth@ci.chanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 1:38 PM To: Jim Abrahamson Subject: RE: Century Plaza Jim, The sign looks good. The height will not change, correct? Other than that, you will need to get a conditional use permit for the LED portion of the sign. Please let me know what I can help you withi the next submittal deadline is this Friday, August 1, 2008. Best regards, Angie Angie Auseth Planner I 7/30/2008 City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 Direct dial: 952-227-1132 Fax: 952-227-1110 email: aauseth@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Website: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us -----Original Message----- From: Jim Abrahamson [mailto:JimA@sign-source.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 1:13 PM To: Auseth, Angie Cc: Bryan Monahan; Dan Herbst Subject: FW: Century Plaza Hi Angie, Please review the attached drawing for the revamp of the existing sign at Century Plaza and let me know if the city staff will support this request. Thanks, Jim Jim Abrahamson Sales / Project Management 7660 Quattro Drive Chanhassen, MN 55317 Direct: 952-908-9106 Cell: 612-964-5165 efax: 952-908-9146 fax:952-975-9209 www.sign-source.com Assistant: Justina Sleeper 952-908-9125 justinas@sign-source.com -----Original Message----- From: Korey McDermott Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 1:05 PM To: Jim Abrahamson Subject: Century Plaza Jim, Here is the proof for Century. K 7/3012008 Page 5 9f ~ . . - . ~ .,. .