Letter from Carver County Public Works 8-14-2008 Carver County. Pu!J{ic Wor~ 11360!J8gftwag 212 'West Suite 1 Cofogne, :M9( 55322-8016 PlUme (952) 466-521XJ ~(952) 466-5223 .!Jldministration Par~ 'Engineering !J-(ig/iway 9.1aintenana 'l4uipment 9.1aintenana Surveying & Mapping Robert Generous Chanhassen Senior Planner 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RECEIVED AUG 1 8 2008 CITY OF CH 'ANHASSEN August 14,2008 RE: Fairview Chanhassen Medical Center Planning Case - 08-16 PID 25-1550020 Carver County Road 17 (Powers Blvd) Dear Mr. Generous: Carver County Public Works has reviewed the information regarding the above listed proposal transmitted to our office by your memo dated July 7,2008 and the included CD. At this time Carver County has the following comments on this proposal. These comments are not meant to be all-inclusive. Additional comments may be needed as this project develops and approaches approval. . This portion of County Road 17 (Powers Boulevard) between County 14 (Pioneer Trail) and County Road 18 (Lyman Blvd) was designed as part of the interchange design for the TH 212 Design/Build project. When CR 17 was being designed in this location, there was concern about having an access to CR 17 located at what is now the constructed access location. When reviewing the access location and existence at that time, Carver County believes the proposed development that would be using this access was of a much lower density and would generate a lot less traffic than is being proposed in this most recent development proposal. The County needs additional information and time to review the impacts this new proposal will have on County Road 17. The city working with MnDOT in providing information about the previously proposed development, the roadway system layout, and resulting traffic numbers that were incorporated into the design of New 212 would be appreciated. . A review of the transportation study included with this proposal indicates a traffic signal will eventually be needed on County Road 17 at this intersection to accommodate the traffic generated by this development. It is understood the traffic signal evaluation submitted was based on the AUAR traffic forecast numbers generated in 2005. It is requested that the developer also relate the traffic signal evaluation to the traffic modeling completed as part of the 2030 County Roadway System Plan. . Carver County does not have a traffic signal installation at this intersection included in our capital improvement program or budget. The city is asked to consider requiring the developer to be financially responsible for the installation of a traffic signal and the modification of the intersection as needed. Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunfty Employer Printed on Recycled Paper Contains Minimum 10% Post Consumer Waste Robert Generous August 14, 2008 Fairview Chanhassen Medical Center . From our review, it appears Phase 2 of this development will require encroachment onto existing Mn/DOT right of way located along County Road 17. With this proposed higher density development, the County may require a greater than indicated final right-of-way width on County Road 17 to accommodate the increased impacts to this intersection area. Also! greater than dedicated final right-of-way width may be required to accommodate sight lines, placement of highway signage, installation of traffic control units, installation of street lighting, and other highway related appurtenances. Thank you for the opportunity to review this proposal. We look forward to working with the City in advancing this development in a manner that sustains the safety, mobility and corridor characteristics of CR 17. If there are further questions regarding this letter, please call me at 952-466-5200. d2 R09:1tt!a# ~ County Engineer s/R&B/General Road Maintenance/CSAH/17/Chan Letter-Fairview Proposal 08-14-08 Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer Printed on Recycled Paper Contains Minimum 10% Post Consumer Waste