Zoning Letter 7-25-08 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us O~-.')..l July 25, 2008 Norton Herrick c/o Kathleen Raven Gurrola, Esquire Butzel Long Stoneridge West - 41000 Woodward Avenue Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 Re: CVS Pharmacy Zoning Verification Lot 2, Block 1, Galpin Business Park (The "Property") Dear Sir/Madam: This office has been requested by Butzel Long to confirm certain facts and circumstances concerning the current zoning and land use status of the above- referenced property. In furtherance of that request, we hereby confirm and advise you as follows, to wit: 1. The above-referenced Property is located within the corporate limits of the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota. Accordingly, the building and other improvements comprising the Property are under the jurisdiction and are required to comply with the building codes, ordinances and regulations of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. 2. The Property currently is located in a district with azoning classification of Planned Unit Development, PUD, and a comprehensiYtplandysignation of commercial. The zoning classification is consistent with the comprehensive plan designation. (The Galpin Business Park Design Standards are attached.) 3. The improvements to Property for CVS Pharmacy were approved on July 12, 2004, by the Chanhassen City Council (Site Plan Planning Case # 04-21), plans prepared by Anderson Engineering of Minnesota,LLC,dated May 5, 2004, revised 5-13-04, 5-20-04 and 6-24-04, with a 38-footvariancefrom the parking setback requirement and a variance to permit two rowsgfparking between the building,:and theroad. 4. All appropriateandteql1ired building permit approvals have been provided in order to constructthe improvements to the Property. Our review of the records of this office with respectto the Property reveals thatthere are no current active violations of any Building Codes or regulations applicable to the development, and no past violations of the same which remain uncured at this time. 5. The use of the Property for a commercial retail use (CVS Pharmacy) is a permitted use under the aforesaid zoning classification and is consistent with the aforesaid comprehensive plan designation. Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Norton Herrick July 25, 2008 Page 2 6. The Property use, as described above, complies with the above-stated current zoning classification and all current zoning requirements and regulations applicable thereto, including parking requirements, and also complies with the above-stated comprehensive plan designation and all requirements applicable thereto. The required number of parking stalls for the Property is 65. 7. On February 25,2002, the Chanhassen City Council approved the final plat for Galpin Business Park. The Property complies with the subdivision ordinances affecting it and can be conveyed without the filing of a plat or replat of the Property. 8. The Property is located in Flood Zones C, Community Panel Number 270051 0005 B, effective July 2, 1979. This information was researched by the undersigned as a public service. The undersign~d certifies that the above information is believed to be accurate based on or relating to the information supplied; however, neither the undersigned nor the City assumes liability for errors or omissions. All information was obtained from public records, which may be inspected during regular business hours. Should additional information be required of this office concerning the properties, you may contact the undersigned at (952) 227-1131 or by email at bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us . Sincerely, .~.t..) J--. A^ ~tJ~ Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner Enclosure g:\plan\2004 planning cases\04-2l - cvs pharmacy spr & var\zoning letter cvs.doc ) .. .,/ GALPIN BUSINESS PARK CHANHASSEN, LLC DEVELOPMENT DESIGN STANDARDS (POO) A. Intent Galpin Business Park is a PUD created to accommodate neighborhood services and conveniences. The use of PUD zoning is to allow for a greater variety of uses, the internal transfer of density and construction phasing. In return, the development provides higher quality architectural standards and a more environmentally sensitive project. The goal is to preserve open space, protect wetlands and retain existing vegetation through the efficient/shared use of land, transitional and buffer landscapes. All future lots that are developed are to be reviewed based upon the development use and standards listed below. All submittals are to consist of: r- \. ,) - Architectural site plan Rendered building elevations Material board - - 1. - Grading and utility plans to conform to current city standards in effect when the proposed new development is submitted for review. - Landscape plan' to conform to the city landscape ordinance and these standards. - Color rendering/photo-composite images of the new work proposed as seen from Highway 5 midpoint along the wetland in Outlot A, the intersection of Highway 5 and Galpin and the intersection of Galpin and West 78th Street. Three total. Mutual access, cross easements and maintenance agreements are required of all property owners. If discrepancies arise between the PUD and other sections of the city ordinances, the stated PUD shall govern for a period of up to two years after the final plat approval for Galpin Business Park. B. Permitted Uses The permitted uses for this PUD shall consist of and be limited to those listed and described below or as approved by the city council. The city council shall interpret whether or not a future use meets the following definitions. - Convenience store with gas pumps, freestanding canopy and car wash. - Dry cleaning and laundry pick-up stations. Retail shops. Self service laundry. Day care. Offices - professional and business. Health services/medical facilities. Financial institutions. Small appliance and shoe repair shops. Personal service establishments. Standard restaurants without a drive through. Fast Food restaurants without a drive through and integral (less than 40 percent of the building area) with a multi-tenant building. Veterinary clinics. - = - - - - - - - EEl> EEl> Ancillary approved uses (in conjunction with and integral to a primary use). 1. ) Prohibited uses: c. Setbacks - Telecommunications antennas/dishes if concealed from view at the public right of way. Parking. Trash/equipment enclosures. Up to a four lane covered drive through for a bank A single covered drive through for a pharmacy. Outdoor storage dispensing display, e.g., pop machine, ice machine, secure propane tank storage. A TM machines EEl> - EEl> - - - _ Outdoor storage and/or sales areas. _ Automotive sales, service and repair. """ Fast food with a drive through. .. The development is to be regulated by the Highway 5 corridor HC-2 District and the PUD standards. There are no minimum requirements for building, parking or drive aisle setbacks on the interior lot lines within the PUD. Frontage Minimum Setback Maximum Setback ..,. ... _... IW"- ... ,.......,.. Building >>ullomg! rarKlng! unve Aisle Highway 5 70'/70'/50' 150' Galpin Boulevard 30'/20'/10' 100' West 78th Street 50'120'/1 0' 100' Bluff Creek Overlay 40'/40'/40' N/A Wetland (Shown Outlot A) 50'/50'/50' N/A D. Lot Coverage The hard surface lot coverage will be limited to a maximum of 41 % over the entire site. Any single lot may exceed the 41 % requirement. The hard surface area of each lot is as follows: . ) ,:.,....;; Lot Total Area HARDSURFACE AREA Building Paving (up to) % (up to) Footprint (up to) Lot 1 81,037 sf/1.86 ac 12,000 sJ. 61,359 s.f. 90% Lot 2 82,897 sf/1.9 ac 20,000 s.f. 46,317 s.f. 80% Outlot A 164,124 sf/3.86 ac o s.f. 16,754 s.f. 10% Outlot B 42,902 sf/.98 ac o s.f. 0 0% Total: 370,925 sf/8.52 ac 32,000 s.f. 124,430 s.f. 41% E. Development Standards 1. SIZE, PORTION PLACEMENT a. Entries: Main entrances shall be oriented toward Highway 5. Entrances shall be designed with additional architectural detailing. b. Articulation: Buildings of more than 40 feet in width shall be divided into smaller increments, between 20 and 40 feet, through articulation of fa9ade. c. Large unadorned CMU walls; solid unrelieved walls without architectural detailing, changes in material, color, accents, fenestrations, etc.; or walls without significant visual interest in keeping with the mass, size and scale of the wall as viewed from public ways shall be prohibited. Buildings shall have varied and interesting detailing. No two structures are to be identical. All walls to incorporate architectural interest through building design or appropriate landscaping. Acceptable design shall incorporate changes in materials and colors, materials with textured surfaces, aggregate, etc. and/or offsets in the building walls. d. Multi-story Structures: Ground level of multi-story structure shall be visually distinct from upper stories. 2. MATERIAL AND DETAIL a. In order to meet the requirements of a PUD, the development must demonstrate a higher quality of architectural standards and design. b. All materials shall be of high quality and durability. Masonry or higher quality materials shall be used. Color shall be integral to the material used, i.e. colored CMU, brick, or stucco. No painted masonry surfaces will be allowed. Colored mortar is encouraged but not required. c. Acceptable materials include: 1. Brick. 2. CMU/Block - shall be of a decorative nature with either a split/rock face, burnished, fluted or scored. Block shall be used as a base material or for building accents (not to exceed 15 percent). 3. Stucco or EIFS, as an accent material (not to exceed 15 percent). 4. Stone - natural or manmade. 5. Glass - clear, colored, textured, translucent or glass block. 6. Laminated shingles, standing seam metal roofs, concrete or quarry tile roofs, or other materials as approved by the city council are to be used on all pitched roofing. 7. Metal panels, siding or structures may only be used for canopies, soffits, trim, BV AC screens and building accents. 8. Paved areas shall consist of any of the following: bituminous, stamped/colored bituminous, concrete, stamped/colored concrete, brick or stone pavers. 9. All building facades visible from a public right of way must be treated comparable to the rest of the building. Design elements must be used nearly equally on all sides. 10. Overhead doors where required, are to be screened as best as possible without interfering with their use or creating a safety hazard. Screening may consist of landscaping, earthen berms, or walls built to match the building. Screening i / does not need to be complete. Overhead doors shall be the same color as the primary building material. 11. Drive throughs are allowed if used in conjunction with a financial institution, pharmacy, or other occupancy specifically approved by the city council. No drive through will be allowed for fast food restaurants. The drive through must be connected to the principal building. The drive through shall not be located on the street frontage of a building. Materials must be of complementary appearance to the primary building. 12. A convenience center fueling station canopy up to 20' above finished grade is allowed. 3. COLOR a. Colors shall be harmonious. Building colors shall be muted colors with low reflectivity. Bright or brilliant colors and sharply contrasting colors may be used for accent purposes occupying a maximum of 10 percent of building fa<;ade. b. All materials, color, size and texture, are to be approved to assure compatibility with the PUD. ) ./ 4. HEIGHT AND ROOF DESIGN a. Building heights shall be limited to 3 stories or 40', as measurement to the highest point from the top of the first floor elevation. The measurement shall include architectural details (parapets), transmission antennas, transmission equipment, satellite dishes, and non-structural building elements. Pitched roofs shall be measured to the midpoint of the roof. b. Each primary building shall incorporate one or more of the following: pitched roof, stepped parapet/roofs, or raised tower elements depending upon the scale and type of building. Other architectural elements such as arches, vaults, canopies, recessed entries and niches, colonnades, detailing, etc., may be used to add architectural interest, direction or articulation to the buildings. 5. FA<;ADE TRANSPARENCY a. At least 50 percent of a building elevation adjacent to a public right-of-way shall have windows and/or doors. Reflective glass is not permitted. 6. SITE FURNISIDNG a. Site furnishings shall be designed as part of the site architectural concept and landscape. Benches, tables and chairs and similar features shall be required with all new development. 7. FRANCmSE ARCHITECTURE a. Franchise architecture shall be revised if it does not comply with the design standards. 8. LOADING AREAS AND REFUSE AREAS, ETC. a. All accessory structures shall be complementary to the primary structure. b. All building and mechanical equipment, processing machinery, etc. mounted either on the ground, building or roof shall be screened from view from adjacent public right of ways. Screens shall consist of parapets and/or walls of compatible appearing materials. Wooden and chain link fences are prohibited. 2. c. Each building shall incorporate space within the building or adjacent enclosed or screened structure for recyclables. d. All utilities are required to be underground. e. Gate material shall not be chain link. 9. LANDSCAPING a. Natural.areas shall be preserved to the maximum extent. b. Landscaping shall enhance natural and architectural features, strengthen vistas, and provide shade. c. Landscaping shall emphasize massing of plant materials over isolated or scattered material. d. The master landscape plan for Galpin Business Park shall be the design guide for the site landscape developments. Each lot must present a landscape plan for approval with the site plan review. Total quantity of landscaping along Highway 5, West 78th Street and Galpin Boulevard shall comply with Buffer Yard Standard B, City Landscape Ordinance for Vehicular Areas, and Foundation and Aesthetic Plantings. e. A portion of the canopy and under story trees required by city ordinance for Lot 1 and Lot 2 may be relocated onto Outlot 'B' to further enhance Bluff Creek and buffer the residential area to the north subject to city approval. f. Outdoor storage of materials is prohibited unless it has been specifically approved during site plan review. All approved outdoor storage must be screened with either masonry walls/fences, landscaping and berms or a combination of the two. g. Landscape berming is encouraged for use in screening elements such as overhead doors, parking, equipment, and trash enclosures. Maximum slope 33%. The berm is to be sodded, seeded or covered with a wood or stone landscape mulch. The same type of mulch must be used throughout the entire development. Mulch areas must be bordered by sidewalk, curbing, brick pavers, masonry pavers, metal or plastic edging materials. h. Landscaping may be installed incrementally as the lots are developed. Lot 1, Outlot 'A' and Outlot 'B' are to be completed simultaneously. Grass areas with potential for erosion are to be sodded or seeded with erosion control fabric per inaster plan. The landscape areas within Lot 1 and Lot 2 are to be irrigated. Buffer yard plantings shall be installed with the first phase of development. ) 1. On Lot 1 and Lot 2, deceased trees and shrubs within the buffer yard are to be replaced in kind as originally approved, within one year unless approved by the city council. Trees and shrubs are to be maintained, pruned, and trimmed of dead branches, volunteer grasses and weeds. Lawn areas are to be mowed regularly. Wood mulches are to be replenished to a like new condition every five years or less. J. Prairie grasses and similar natural vegetation is to be left in a natural state. k. Loading docks shall be screened year round from view of public right of way by walls, berms, landscaping, a combination thereof, or as approved by the city council. Overhead doors shall be the same color as the primary building materials. 1. Retaining walls may be used to accommodate changes in grade elevations. Acceptable materials include natural stone, cut stone, and integral color concrete block retaining wall systems. Wood retaining walls are prohibited. m.Perimeter vehicular use areas adjacent and/or fronting the public right of ways is to be screened to the height of 3' above the parking surface. Landscaping, berms, fences or any combination thereof may accomplish this. to. LOT FRONTAGE AND PARKING LOCATION a. One row of parking shall be allowed within the required building setback adjacent to Highway 5 or West 78th Street. The majority of parking shall be located to the side or rear of the building. ) b. Each developed lot to provide bicycle parking. c. Parking quantities and stall sizes are to meet current city standards in effect when the proposed new development is submitted for review. Each change in use shall require a reevaluation ofthe parking. d. Shared parking shall be required throughout the project. Parking stalls may be located on the adjacent development as negotiated between the affected parties. e. Each developed lot to provide pedestrian access from the public sidewalk along Galpin Boulevard to the principal buildings. F. SIGNAGE 1. Galpin Business Park, Chanhassen, lLC, shall be permitted one shared pylon sign. The pylon sign shall be located along Highway 5 near Galpin Boulevard and setback a minimum of one-half (112) the required building setback from the property line. The pylon is to be no more than 15 feet above finished grade to the highest point. A maximum of 64 s.f. of sign face per side is allowed. The maximum width of the sign shall be 10 feet. Pylon signs shall be of monument style. 2. One monument sign each is allowed for Lot 1 and Lot 2. The maximum height of monument signs are to be 8' above grade. A maximum of 64 s.f. of sign face per side is allowed. The maximum width of the sign shall be 10 feet. 3. The pylon and monument sign bases and supports are to be of masonry materials (brick, decorative CMU, stone or stucco) to match the primary buildings, be consistent, and to compliment each other. Sign faces shall be colored translucent plastic. If illuminated, signs are to be internally lit. 4. Signage throughout the development shall be consistent in size, location, heights, materials and illumination. 5. Wall signs shall be as permitted below. 3. Maximum Percentage of Wall 15% 13% 11% Wall Area in Square Feet Maximum Square Footage of Signs 0-600 601-1,200 1,201-1,800 90 156 198 ., 9% 1,801-2,400 216 j 7% 2,401-3,200 224 / 5% 3,201-4,500 230 3% 4,500+ 240 4. 6. All signs shall require a separate sign permit. G. LIGHTING 1. Site lighting throughout the development shall be consistent. Access roadways to be lit comparable to the existing lighting on West 78th Street. A uniform average of up to 7 foot candles is to be provided throughout the developed areas. A maximum average illumination intensity of 50 foot candles may be used below canopies and drive throughs. Canopy and drive through lights must be recessed. 2. Site area lighting to be shoe box fixtures with metal halide lamps. 3. Light poles to be consistent throughout the development, square, prefinished, 30' maximum to the highest point. ') 4. All site lighting must be shielded to prevent any off site spillage and glare. A maximum of 1 to 2 foot candles are allowed along the property lines at Highway 5, Galpin Boulevard and West 78th Street. H. 1. Loud speakers are prohibited. (G:\Plan\BG\Development Review\Galpin Business Park design standards) BUTZEL LONG ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS Leonor I. Hendricksen Paralegal 248 258 1434 hendrick@butzel.com Stoneridge West 41000 Woodward Avenue BlOomfield Hills, Michigan 48304 T: 2482581616 F: 2482581439 butzel.com July 23, 2008 VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Robert Generous, Planning Division Community Development Department City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: Zoning Verification Request Letter Address: CVS Pharmacy: 7765 Galpin Boulevard Legal: Lot 2, Block 1, Galpin Business Park Dear Mr. Generous: Enclosed is this firm's check payable to City of Chanhassen in the amount of $25.00. Also enclosed is a copy of your previous letter of June 6, 2005. Please provide us with a letter confirming the following information regarding the Premises: 1. The Zoning District Classification Code affecting the Premises is _ that permits use as drug store/pharmacy. 2. The required number of parking spaces for the Premises is 3. Confirmation that the Premises and its use as drug store/pharmacy complies with such zoning code, city ordinances and building and use restrictions. 4. Confirmation that there are no variances, conditional use permits or special use permits required for the improvements as constructed on the Premises or their use or, if there are, specifying the same and their terms. 5. If the Premises is a non-conforming use, the letter must set forth the conditions under which the Premises may be restored if they are damaged or destroyed. Detroit Bloomfield Hills Ann Arbor lansing Holland Boca Raton Palm Beach Washington D.C. New York Al/Iance Offices Beijing Shanghai Member Lex Mundi www.butzel.com 000138441 \0004\938124-1 Robert Generous, Planning Division Community Development Department City of Chanhassen July 23, 2008 6. Confirmation that the Premises as described comply with applicable platting ordinances and can be conveyed without the filing of a plat or replat ofthe Premises. 7. If the Premises fall within any subdivision or platting rules or regulations, evidence of compliance with such subdivision regulations or waiver by the appropriate officials must be provided. Please address your response letter as follows: Norton Herrick clo Kathleen Raven Gurrola, Esquire Butzel Long Stoneridge West - 41 000 Woodward Avenue Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 Please facsimile the letter, to my attention, at 1-248-258-1439 or e-mail same at hendrick@butze1.com and mail the original in the pre-paid Federal Express envelope provided herein. Please call me at 1-248-258-1434 with any questions. ~ Sincerely, I ~ (1);Jvv~ i M~.wJw~ I .- , . Lebhor I. Hendricksen Is Enclosures cc: Kathleen Raven Gurrola, Esquire 000138441\0004\938124-1 CITY OF . CmASSEN 1700 Market Bouleviill PO Box 147 Chamassen, ~ 55311 Admlllslralloa Phone: 952.221.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspecllons Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: ~2227.1190 Enginll8lil! Phone: 952227.1160 Fax: 952227.1170 FllI3IICI POOre: 952227.1140 Fax: 952,227.1110 Park l RecreaUol Phore: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreallon{;enrer 2310 l'Alulter BoukMrd PhOIJll: 952.2Z7.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning &: Nalna I ReSGlll'C8s POOne: 952.227.1190 Fax: 952.227.1110 Pulllic Works 1591 PilIk Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 SenIor Ceoler Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952227.1110 Web Site WlWI.cichanhassen.mn.us /717 June 6, 2005 Staubach Capital Partners Attn: Scott Giese 8333 Douglas, Suite 1500 Dallas, TX 75225 Re: CVS Zoning Verification Lot 2, Block 1, Galpin Business Park (The "Property") Dear SirlMadam: This office has been requested by Staubach ~apita1 P facts and circumstances concerning the current zo above referenced property. In furtherance of that and advise you as follows, to wit: ers to confinn certain d land use status of the we hereby confinn 1. The ab City of and oth and are regulati 2. . 3. 4. The Property, an, contained in the Site PI terms and conditions , ,attached. The Clly 01 Ckanhassen · A !l(Owing community willi clean lakes, qualily schools, a channing doWlltown. Ihnvlng businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parlls. ^ greal place to live! work, and play. Stauba.ch Capital Partners June 6, 2005 Page 2 5. All appropriate and required building permit approvals have been provided in order to construct the improvements to the Property. Our review of the records of this office with respect to the Project reveals that there are no current active violations of any Building Codes or regulations applicable to the development, and no past violations of the same which remain uncured at this time. 6. The use of the Project for a commercial retail use (CVSlPharmacy) is a permitted use under the aforesaid zoning classification and is consistent with the aforesaid comprehensive plan designation. 7. The property use, as described above, complies with the above stated current zoning classification and aU current zoning requirements and regulations applicable thereto, including parking requirements, and also complies with the above stated comprehensive plan designation and all requirements applicable thereto. 8. The Property complies with the subdivision ordinances affecting it and can be conveyed without the filing of a plat or replat of the Property. 9. The Property is located in Flood Zones C, Community Panel Number 2700510005 B, effective July 2,1979. ~hould additional information he required of this office concerning the property, you may contact the undersigned. Sincerely, ~ Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner Enclosures g:\plan\bg\z.oning letter CVS.doc 0'1-;;)-1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN POBOX 147 CHANHASSEN MN 55317 07/25/2008 3:33 PM Receipt No. 0077605 CLERK: katie PAYEE: Butzel Long, Attny/Counselors Galpin Bus Park, Lot 2 Blk 1 Use & Variance 25.00 Total 25.00 Cash Check 40522 0.00 25.00 Change 0.00 ~