PC Minutes 9-2-08 Planning Commission Meeting - September 2, 2008 Lynne Etling: Thank you. PUBLIC HEARING: CHANHASSEN PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY: REQUEST FOR AN INTERIM USE PERMIT TO EXPORT/IMPORT APPROXIMATELY 15,000 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL FOR GRADING ON PROPERTY ZONED INDUSTRIAL OFFICE PARK (IOP) TH LOCATED ON LOTS 5 & 6, BLOCK 1, CHANHASSEN LAKES BUSINESS PARK 5 ADDITION-CHANHASSEN PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY. APPLICANT: CITY OF CHANHASSEN, PLANNING CASE 08-18. Alyson Fauske presented the staff report on this item. Papke: Kevin, start with you. Dillon: I don’t have any questions right now. Thomas: Yeah, I don’t think I do either. Laufenburger: This is city owned property, is that correct? Fauske: That’s correct. Laufenburger: And the piles that have been placed there. Are these piles that are just storage for public utility or for public works? Fauske: Yes. Public works. Street sweeping. Some clay and my understanding is another pile of some granite. So just miscellaneous stockpiles that our current site could not accommodate. Laufenburger: So the intent is to remove all the, mix of some of the debris. Mix it in the soil. And then get rid of the other piles, like the granite. There’s also a pile of wood chips there too. Fauske: Yes. Laufenburger: All those things, is that right? Fauske: Yes, it’s become a little bit of a storage area so there are some materials that would stay on site. We know that there are some poorer soils out there that, organic material that would not support a structure, so those would be moved off the site. Laufenburger: Okay. And then the last question I had is, how, you want to take it, or the City would like to take advantage of this yet in this season. How long would this work take? Would they complete this before the first snowfall? Fauske: That’s our anticipation. But the Interim Use Permit is valid for one year but the expectation is to get the work done this year. 13 Planning Commission Meeting - September 2, 2008 Laufenburger: Thank you. Keefe: The wetlands, what do they do to protect the wetlands again? Fauske: At this point they would be putting up a silt fence. Erosion control measures to stay away from the wetlands. And then in the future with any site plan application, if there would be a wetland alteration permit, which we anticipate there would likely be due to the layout of the site and the location of the wetland, but at this point there would not be any impacts to the wetland. Keefe: Okay. Undestad: No questions. Papke: I have no questions myself. And since the city is the applicant, I guess we don’t need to call up an applicant so with that. Generous: Different staff member though. Fauske: I asked him if he wanted to come tonight and. Papke: And seeing no members of the public present for this item, I will call the public hearing closed and bring it back to the Planning Commission for discussion. Pretty straight forward to me. Take out 15,000. Put in 15,000. Mix it up a little bit. Clean up. Good to go. Laufenburger: Put a bow on it. Thomas: Sounds good. Generous: No, that’s the next application. The bow. Papke: Alright. Would someone like to make a motion. Laufenburger: I’ll try. Mr. Chairman, the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve an Interim Use Permit to permit up to 15,000 cubic yards of fill, plans prepared by City of Chanhassen Engineering Department dated August 14, 2008, subject to the following conditions 1 through 18. Papke: Is there a second? Thomas: Second. Laufenburger moved, Thomas seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve an Interim Use Permit to permit up to 15,000 cubic 14 Planning Commission Meeting - September 2, 2008 yards of fill, plans prepared by City of Chanhassen Engineering Department dated August 14, 2008, subject to the following conditions: 1.A demolition permit is required for the removal of any structure(s). 2.If future construction in this area is anticipated, these soils must be engineered for the intended structural loads and their placement must be properly compacted and tested as required by such soil engineering. A report, verifying placement, compaction and soil suitability, from the testing agency will be required before building permits will be issued. 3.Install tree protection fencing at grading limits on north, where applicable, and west sides prior to grading. 4.Clearing limits shall be inspected by the Environmental Resources Specialist prior to any tree removal. 5.Wetland boundary, as field identified, needs to be shown on the drawing. 6.Grading limits need to be modified to avoid impacts to the revised wetland boundary. 7.Category 2 erosion control blanket needs to be shown on the slope in the northeast corner of the property. 8.All exposed soil areas must be stabilized within seven (7) days after the construction activity in that portion has temporarily or permanently ceased. 9.All disturbed areas shall be seeded with Mn/DOT Mixture 150 at 40 lbs/acre and mulched with Type 2 mulch disc-anchored at 2 tons/acre upon completion of grading for the interim use permit. 10.The grading plan should be adjusted so that the drainage areas will not be altered, otherwise drainage calculations are required. 11.The existing sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer and drainage and utility easements must be shown on the plan. 12.The grading limits in the northeast corner of Lot 6 must be shifted in order to maintain minimum 7.5 feet of cover over the watermain. 13.Provide additional information to the Metropolitan Council in order to determine the maximum extent of grading allowed over the sanitary sewer. 14.Abide by the Metropolitan Council’s conditions of approval, if any. 15.Permitted hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday with no work permitted on Sunday or legal holidays. 15 Planning Commission Meeting - September 2, 2008 16.The interim use permit will expire one year from the date of City Council approval. The permit may be renewed on an annual basis subject to City Council approval. Request for an extension must be submitted 45 days prior to the expiration date. 17.All permits must be acquired prior to grading, including but not limited to a watershed district permit, and a Minnesota Pollution Control NPDES stormwater permit. A stormwater pollution prevention plan must be submitted to the City for review by Carver Soil and Water Conservation District. 18.The grading plan must be signed by an engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Keefe noted the verbatim and summary minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated August 5, 2008 as presented. COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS: Papke: I had one question on the item that was in our packet. The firearm amendment. We had a. Generous: You got that? Papke: I got that. Did everyone get a copy of the ordinance amending the Chanhassen city code concerning firearms? Thomas: Yeah. Generous: You may have to update your code books. Papke: Yeah, okay. Just a question on that. Does this mean if little Johnny goes out in the back yard with his BB gun and does a little target shooting, he’s violating city code? Generous: Could be. Papke: I mean what constitutes a firearm? Generous: I believe a BB gun constitutes a firearm. Papke: Wow. Okay. Well we’re not voting on that one. Generous: You don’t need to see that one. Papke: Alright. Any other issues for discussion? 16 Planning Commission Meeting - September 2, 2008 Dillon: I have one. Papke: Yes Kevin. Dillon: And maybe we can on a future thing. You know we’ve had, I don’t know what the guidelines are for these friendly amendments and stuff like that that have come up, and I, the last time we did this I got a little confused with you know the way that it was added on and then we all voted on it. So at some point if we have a working session or something some time I’d like to discuss you know how we go about doing that. What is and is not appropriate for these friendly amendments. Papke: Okay. Dillon: And you know what bearing they have on anything. Papke: Good point. Maybe it would be a good time for you know a 15-20 minute tutorial on Robert’s Rules of Order and how to conduct that sort of thing at our next working session. Shouldn’t be, I would think there’d be some power point presentations available somewhere on the web that we could you know run through and there’s enough planning commissions in the country that that kind of stuff must be available somewhere. So that’s a very good suggestion. I’ve been thinking along the same lines myself. I know it’s, it is. Generous: Speaking of which. Papke: Excellent. Good idea. Anything else? Alright, we’re adjourned. Chairman Papke adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at 7:55 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 17