3a. KleinBank Lunchtime Lyrics/Twilight Tunes concer series
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Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent
John W. Stutzman Recreation Supervisor JU
August 15, 2008
KleinBank Lunchtime Lyricsffwilight Tunes Concert Series
This was the fourth year for the City of Chanhassen's summer concert series.
This year the program featured eight different bands from a variety of genres,
including folk rock, concert band, Celtic, and children's music. Each concert
consisted of an hour-long performance from the contracted group and was free
of charge to the public. As we did last year, a majority of the program
implementation was a responsibility of the department's intern. This provided
a good hands-on learning experience that created a sense of program
ownership for him.
Overall the program was another success, with the attendance averaging
approximately 200 people per show. Each show featured a different type of
music and was well-liked by those in attendance. Two of the more popular
bands that I would highly recommend bringing back in the future are The
Splatter Sisters and Boyd Lee and Joe Cruz.
Two new significant additions that were introduced to the series this summer
were a title sponsor and a concession vendor. KleinBank partnered with the
City as the title sponsor of the concert series. This was an outstanding
partnership that brought new energy and enthusiasm to the series. They
contributed to the advertising of the event as well as had a table set up at each
concert handing out free "shwag" to the crowd. Additionally the City
contracted with a food vendor to sell snacks at each concert. The vendor sold
popcorn, beverages, candy, ice cream and cotton candy. It was a very nice
addition to the shows. I look forward to working with both of these parties
again next year.
Other recommendations I have for the Summer Concert Series are as follows:
. Create a more durable schedule, perhaps a magnet, to be mailed out to
residents of Chanhassen for more direct advertising. Work with the
sponsor to create this.
The City of Chanhassen . A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play.
Mr. Jerry Ruegemer
August 15,2008
Page 2
. Continue to work with both KleinBank and the concessions vendor to
keep partnerships for future years.
. Continue to make the implementation of the concerts one of the
primary responsibilities of the summer recreation intern.
. Consider booking a mixture of local concert/jazz bands and more high
profile bands. This should help increase the attendance for the shows.
. Continue to offer 2 children's music shows; however, move one to the
evening and keep one during the day.
. Contact local daycares inviting them to the free lunchtime shows.
. Continue to send the bands a map of the park. This allows them to see
the layout of the park as well as instruct them not to drive in the park.
Overall this is a valuable program that the City of Chanhassen offers and, as
you can see by the numbers, is a well-utilized program. It is my
recommendation that we continue this program in the future.
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Join us at the Chanhassen City ~nter park plaza
Jonathon Pemberton Quartet THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 7PM - 8PM
The Splatter Sisters THURSDAY, JUNE 19, NOON - IPM
khto &. Wright THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 7PM - 8PM
Sticks and Tones THURSDAY, JULY 10, NOON - IPM
Boyd Ne and Joe Cruz THURSDAY, JULY 17, 7PM - 8PM
Uinnesot..Vallq(ftmmunity Band THURSDAY, JULY 24, 7PM - 8PM
Ticket to Brasil THURSJ.)AY, JVLY31, 7PM - 8PM
The High 'iDs THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 7PM - $PM