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C C 0 0 c V1 0 0 '5 V1 V1 >- >- .c - c ill c '5 * -"L .2 ([) ([) :r: - 32 32 c V1 \J :sz 0.. c 0 :0 0 Q) C >- 0 0 0 0 V1 Q 3: E .0 -' - c:- o 0 c .c := 0 0 .c .c 0 ~ ([) >- 0 6 0 u en en u u u 0 :r: 2 z a:: ~ Vi t- Future is Bright for Brothers with FAS June 1, 2008 marked a day of triumph and celebration for REACH client Keith C., age 19, as he graduated from twelfth grade at Osseo Senior High. Graduation was a particularly moving experience for Keith and his foster parents Stephanie and Calvin. You see, Keith is the first person in his biological family to ever finish high school. He and his younger brother, Casey, have successfully overcome an extraordinarily difficult start in life to get to this point with the love and commitment of .their foster family and supports offered by REACH. , . Stephanie knew it would be a challenge when social services asked her to take cus- tody of these two young boys with Fetal Alco- hol Syndrome (FAS) nearly two decades ago. The boys' mother had been unable to parent them due to substance abuse and addiction. As a result they faced many developmental and behavioral issues related to their FAS and difficult home life. StiD, Stephanie felt she had to try to keep the boys together and provide a stable home for them. Her extraordinary commitment was/'ewarded with Keith's graduation this year. But getting to this point has been anything but easy. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, which is the leading cause of preventable cognitive disabi6ties in the U.S; poses many challenges and manifests itself differently in different indI- viduals. Issues with memory, comprehension, behavior, and problem solving can be com- mon traits in people with the disorder. Both Keith and Casey have received special edu- cation services since an early age to deal with a variety of concerns related to FAS. . Stephanie credits her husband of eighteen years and REACH for helping give her the strength to provide stability and support for Keith (right) with brother Casey is the first person in his entire family to ever finish high school with fhe help of REACH Keith and Casey. "It has been such a blessing having this con- nection to REACH," says Stephanie. "The REACH staff have been so helpful to our family, helping us find the services we need, taking the boys to appointments, and connecting us to other re- sources. " Both of the boys became involved with REACH in 2003 through the Hennepin County ChUdren's Mental Health Collaborative. They receive ChUdren'sMental Health Case Manage- ment services from REACH practitioners who help coordinate the various services the boys need. Mental Health Case Management also provides support to Stephanie and her husband to help them deal with the emotional and finan- cial stress of caring for their children. Additionally, the family benefits from ChU- dren's Therapeutic Support Services provided by REACH. This program offers skills training to ado- lescents with both disabilities and mental health issues at school and home, as wen as parenting support to help create a more stable family envi- (Continued on page 10) ... Voting in 2008... page 2 More Ins ide ... Fall Programs...pages 3 to 7Ü... Bowl-A-Thon Results... page 9 Studies show that the pub6c p06cies set by federal and state legislatures affect people with disabirJties more than any other segment of the population. The upcoming election in November wiD be extraordinarily pivotal as voters will be selecting a new President, a new Congress and a new State legislature. It's more important than ever for all of us who care about disabDity issues and policies to be informed, ask questions and be advocates for people with disabirlfies. DO NOT TAKE YOUR SUPPORTS FOR GRANTEDI Before you vote, find out where your candidates stand. Here's just a sample of questions to ask: MEDICAID (Waivered services, County case management, medical care) - WDI you vote to preserve full funding for federal/state Medicaid to protect aR the services so vital to the independence and health of people with disabinties? Or do you believe Medicaid should or could be cut as part of federal deficit reduction? HOUSING -Adults with disabDities are among the poorest in the nation. Will you promise to defend federal/state low income housing funds such as section 8? TRANSPORTATION - Adults with disabDities rely heavily on public transportation to get to jobs, medical appoint- ments, and community activities. More state/ federal funding is urgently needed to modernize pubrlC transit and maintain the Metro MobiUty service. Will you vote to increase funds for public transportation? Before you go to the voting booth, be sure you know how your candidates answer these and other questions about supports fordisabDity. REACH will be offering a two-part voting skills class for self-advocates in October. See page 3 for details. IT'S YOUR LIFE-IT'S YOUR VOTE-MAKE IT COUNT! DON'T MISS THE 2008 GHOSTLY GALA! Get your costume ready for the best party of the year! Join your friends for games, dancing . and prizes at this fabulous REACH fundraiser! WHEN: WHERE: Saturday, October 25, 2008 Brooklyn Park Community Center 5600 85th Ave. N. 6:30-9:00 pm Individual $8 ($10 at the door) Family/Group of 4 or more $6 each ($8 at the door) (Food & drinks sold separately) TIME: COST: Register today on the enclosed program registration form! 2 Does Your Employer Conduct an Annual Giving Campaign? Designate REACH! The United Way, Wells Fargo, and other companies aHow employees to donate directly to REACH through their workplace campaigns. Help provide services to individuals with disabilities by designating REACH in your company's annual giving drive. Just write "REACH for Resources" in the appropriate pledge card section. What a great way to make a difference! Fall2008 c e u es EDUCATION, THERAPY, LEISURE ACTIVITIES REACH is an agency that serves individuals with developmental disabilities and theirfamifies in the West and Northwest metro area. Services include counseHng, therapy groups, commu- nity living training and support, therapeutic recreation and leisure, information;' referral. Inc. Helping Individuals with Disabilities Reach Their Full Potential 1001 Highway 7, #217 Hopkins, MN 55305 (952) 988-4177 Phone (952) 988-6728 fax - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - .- Counseling & Education Counseling Reach for Resources speciaHzes in working with people with developmen- tal disabDities such as mental retarda- tion, down syndrome, autism, and mDd to borderline cognitive difficulties, and theirfamifies. We believe in a friendly, supportive, person-centered approach, and in setling personalized goals for each client. Reach accepts: Medical Assistance, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN, Medica, America's PPO. To schedule an intake interview or for information on counseling options call Lisa Rivers, MA, LP at (952) 988-4177 Empowerment Group Men and women in this group learn to .upport each other, solve their own prob- ~ms, advocate for themselves, and form a strong social network. Participants must arrange their own transportation and be abl~ to wait independently for their ride. tHERE: Eisenhower Center, 1001 High- way 7, Hopkins tHEN: Tuesdays 6:30-8:00 pm Begins Sept. 16 EE: $10 An intake is required for new participants. ;all Mary Meyer at 952-988-4177 to register or schedule an intake. Voting Skills 2008 Come and join other self-advocates to sharpen your knowledge about the issues, leam ways to asSess your candi- dates, and review the "how to's" of voting. Sponsored by the Reach for Resources Empowerment Group. This is a 2 session course. When: Tuesday, Oct 14 and Tuesday, Oct 21st Time: 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Where: Reach for Resources office 1001 Hwy 7, '"' 217, Hopkins Fee: FREE! Donations welcome To register: Call Mary Meyer at 952-988- 4177 by Oct 7th Support Group Young Women in Transition (Ages 18-30) This group provides an opportunity for women with borderline to mild cogni- tive disabiDties to talk with other women about their concerns and experiences regarding relationships, sexuality , grief and loss, or other topics of interest. This therapeutic group wiD meet one evening per week at the Eisenhower Community Center in Hopkins. I you wouid like to be 0 port of the group, on intake is required. Call Lisa at 952.988.4177 for more information. REACH OUT Independent Living Support for Adults with Disabilities Reach Out is an in-home support service for adults with disabDities who want to live independently, but have been denied eHgibflfy for other public assistance programs. Clients are assigned a case manager who provides on-going support with: . Finding Housing . Finding Employment . Managing Finances . Cooking & Cleaning . Health & Safety Training . Socialization . Transportation . Government Benefits Application . Regular phone Checklns . Crisis Support Reach Out is tailored fo your individual needs and offered at on affordable per session fee. Sliding scale or no-cost outreach scholar- ships may be available based on family income. Call Mary Perkins at 952-98-4177 foro Free Preliminary Assessment :-.................-...........-.-..................-..........-.............-........................................~ . . 1 Did You Know? Reach is also a SILS 1 I and Waiver provider. If you are look-l 1 ing for a worker who can meet your l 1..~.::~.:~..=.~:.:..~.:..:...~:~I~.....................................................1 3 Youth Programs (Ages 5 -12)'.. NEW! Nature Discovery Get to know the world around you! Each week we wDl talk about 0 differ- ent nature theme and spend time exploring out- doors. WHERE: Westwood HiUs Nature Center St. Louis Pork WHEN: Mondays Sept. 8-0ct. 13 TIME: . 4:30,...;.5:30 pm FEE: $25 Resident $30 Non-Resident Bowling Join us for fun, non-competitive open bowing. You will bowl two games each week. . Northwest WHERE: Doyle's 5000 W Broadway Crystal WHEN: Saturdays Sept. 20,...;.Nov. 8 "- TIME: 12:00,...;.2:00 pm FEE: $35.00 Resident $43.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Saturday West WHERE: Pork Tavern 3401 Louisiana Ave S St Louis Pork WHEN: Saturdays Sept. 20,...;.Nov. 8 TIME: 9:30,...;.11 :30 om FEE: $35.00 Resident $40.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Saturday 4 NEW! Family Yoga Open to ages 5-21 This closs is designed for children/teens - with disabilities and their parents to leam yoga together. Increase attention span, focus, muscle tone and fleXIbility! Siblings welcome too. All children must be ac- companied by at least one adult. WHERE: St. Louis Pork Rec Center 3700 Monterey Dr. WHEN: Tuesdays Sept. 23-0ct. 28 TIME: 5:30,...;.6:30 pm FEE: $50 for parent/child pair $55 for non-residents $20 for each additional person Kid Fu Fun martial arts programs for kids. Come learn the moves of Jackie Chon! Now 8 weeks! Session 1: Thursdays Sept. 25-;-Nov. 13 Plymouth Creek Center 14800 - 34th Ave N 6:00,...;.6:45 pm $56.00 Resident $64.00 Non-resident WHERE: TIME: FEE: Session 2: Wednesdays Sept. 24-Nov. 12 Chanhassen Rec. Ctr. 2310 Coulter Blvd. 6:00 - 6:45 pm $56.00 Resident $61.00 Non-resident WHERE: TIME: FEE: Program Minimum 5, Maximum 10 Registration Notes and Information . Residents of our consortium cities are aiven orioritv in reaistration. Non-resident reaistrations will be held until one week before the start of the oroaram. . If you ore 0 new participant in On the Town, call Becca at (952) 988- . 4178 for information and to sched- ule on intake interview. . . Please Note: Participants may only register for one social program per quarter. . Please do not sign up unless you will be able to attend! . If you ore concerned about your program filling up quickly, please feel free to stop by the Reach for Resources office to complete 0 registration form in person. You wll receive 0 letter confirming your registration along with sched- ules for 011 programs you hove been registered for at least one week prior to the start of the pro- gram. Fall registration begins August 15 . Teen Programs (Ages 13 - 21) ! N~~\ ~ Active Adventures Bowling Join us for fun, non- competitive bowling. YouwDI bowl two games each week. Northwest WHERE: WHEN: Doyle's 5000 W Broadway Crystal Saturdays Sept. 2D-Nov. 8 12:00-2:00 pm $35.00 Resident $43.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Saturday TIME: FEE: West WHERE: Park Tavern 3401 Louisiana Ave S St Louis Park Saturday Sept. 2D-Nov. 8 9:30-11 :30 am $35.00 Resident $40.00 Non-resident WHEN: TIME: FEE: . Plus $3.00 Per Saturday Program Minimum 5, Maximum 30 Weekend Ventures FALL: Join us for a wonderful week- end getaway at beautiful Camp Kings- wood in Mound, MN. Activities include hiking, campfires, Frisbee golf, a chal- lenge course and more! For ages 14- 23 WHEN: Sept 5th-7th FEE: $350 for entire weekend NEW! WINTER: Enjoy holiday fun in down- town Minneapolis. Stay in a hotel, visit the Macy's holiday display and see the Holidazzle parade! WHEN: Dec. 5th-7th FEE: $350 for entire weekend Call Becca at 952-988-4178 for an application Make friends while trying new activities. Fishing, games, art projects, community events and more! WHERE: Various northwest metro locations WHEN: Thursdays Sept. 18-0ct. 23 TIME: Evenings FEE: $40.00 Resident $48.00 Non-resident West Teen Explorers A weekly social group that wUl explore your community by enjoying activities like concerts, plays, shopping, swim- ming, movies, and eating out. WHERE: Various West Metro locations WHEN: Tuesdays Sept. 23-Nov. 4 TIME: FEES: 6:30 - 8:30 pm $40.00 Resident $45.00 Non-resident Plus additional activity fee Program Minimum 5, Maximum 20 Social Fun-Joyment Social Fun-Joyment Is designed to meet the needs of those with High- Functioning Autism or Asperger's Syndrome. These fun, age appropriate groups are designed to help teens and young adults gain confidence In their social Interaction skills and make new friends in a safe environment. WHERE: WHEN: TIMES: Teen Groups The Depot Coffee House in Hopkins Mondays, Sept. 22-Dec. 8 Group 1 4:00 - 5:30 pm (Jr. Hi) Group 2 5:45 -7:15 pm (H.S) $200.00 for 11 sessions FEE: WHERE: WHEN: TIME: FEE: Young Adult Group For Ages 19+ The Depot Coffee House i1 Hopkins Wednesdays, Sept.24-Dec. 10 6:30 - 8:00 pm $200.00 for 11 Sessions Returning participants should contact Tara to register. An intake is reauired for new participants. Please call Tara at (952) 988-4176. NEW! for Depot Group Teens! DEPOT PERSONAL PURSUITS We are adding a secondary group for those who want to explore interests and community activities together. Activities wID be organized by Depot group members with the help of staff. These weekly activities wHl be held on Thursdays or Saturdays, starting in October. There will be no additional registration fee, but certain activity costs may apply. CaD Tara for more information. Girls Club This club is designed for girls ages 13-17 who are independent in their personal care and want to meet new friends and have fun! WHEN: One Saturday per month, 9/20, 10/18, 11/15, & 12/6 Various locations $40.00 Resident $45.00 Non-resident WHERE: FEE: 5 Ad u It Fitness Adult i;3owling Join us for fun, non- competitive bow6ng. You wAI bowl two games each week. Northwest Doyle's 5000 W Broadway Crystal Saturdays Sept. 20-Nov. 8 12:00-2:00 pm $35.00 Resident $43.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Saturday Program Minimum 5, Ma><imum 30 WHERE: WHEN: TIME: FEE: Earle Brown Bowl 6440 James Cir N Brooklyn Center Sundays Sept. 20-Nov. 8 3:00-5:00 pm $35.00 Resident $43.00 Non-resident Plus $4.00 Per Sunday Program Minimum 5, Ma><imum 30 WHERE: WHEN: TIME: FEE: West Park Tavern 3401 Louisiana Ave S St Louis Park Saturday Sept. 20-No. v 8 9:30-11 :30 am $35.00 Resident $40.00 Non-resident Plus $3.00 Per Saturday Program Minimum 5, Ma><imum 30 WHERE: WHEN: TIME: FEE: Yoga forAd~lts (ages 18+) Relax, gain f1e><ibility, and get in shape at this great program. WHERE: St. Louis Park Recreation Center 3700 Monterey Dr. . St. Louis Pork Tuesdays Sept. 23-0ct. 28 6:45 - 7:45 pm $40.00 Resident $45.00 Non-resident Program Minimum 5, Ma><imum 20 Call Becca of (952) 988-4178 for details WHEN: TIME: FEE: Walking Club Keep that body moving and enjoy the community! We wiD walk at various in- door and outdoor locations. WHERE: Various Locations WHEN: Mondays Sept. 8-Oct. 13 TIME: 6:30 - 8:00 pm FEE: $25.00 Resident $30.00 Non-Resident Program Minimum 5, Ma><imum 15 The Adaptive Recreation program is a cooperative effort between REACH tor Resources nd the Northwest Consortium and West Consortium of cities. The Northwest Consortium consists of: Brooklyn Park. Brooklyn Center, Crystal, Golden Valley, Maple Grove, New Hope, Piymouth and Rob- binsdale. The West Consortium consists of: Chanhassen, Chaska, Hopkins, Minnetonka, and Sf. Louis Park. For information and registration pro- cedures, can Tara or Becca at 952-988-4177. NOTE: For persons not living in one of the above communities, you are considered a "non-resident" and need to add a $8 to the registration fee for Northwest city programs and $5 to the registration fee for West city programs. 6 Adult Social Pro On the Town I A social group for young aduls, ages 18 - 25, who are ildepenctEmt and would like to e>lplore ttlei' community. Meets twice per month. WHERE: Various locations in the Norttmest & West SubUJbs WHEN: Every other Friday evenilg Beginnilg Sept. 19 TIME: Varies with activiy FEE: $20.00 Reliident $25.00 Non-mliident Plus additional activity fees Program Mi1inum 5, Ma>inum 15 On the Town II A social group for adults, ages 26 - 50, who can access the community independently with mininaI supervision. Two SatuJdays per month. Various locations in the Norttmest & West SubUlbs Every otherSatuJday evening Beginning Sept. 20 Varies with activiy $20.00 Reliident $25.00 Non-mliident Plus additional activity fees Program Mininum 5, Ma>inum 15 WHERE: WHEN: TIME: FEE: rams Club West (west metro) and Wednesday Night Social (northwest metro)are social programs for adulsage 18 and older. Meet new friends and visit with old friends while enjoying games, dances, movies, bingo, etc. Staff to participant rolio is 1:10 Program Milimum 5, MaJ6num 30 (for each program) Club West WHERE: Variouswe:l metro lOcations WHEN: Wednesdays Sept.17-Nov.5 TIME: 6:30 -8:30 pm FEE: $40.00 Re9dent $45.00 Nol1-leliident Plus adcilional acfiviIy fee Friday Night Dances Join your friends and groove to all the latest hits! Sponsored in collaboration with Project Soar. TIME: FEE: WHEN: 7 - 9 pm (all dances) $5.00 at the door Sept. 12 Plymouth Creek Center 14800 34th Ave. N. Nov. 21 St. Louis Park High School 6425 W. 33rd St. FALL FORMAL Join your friends from an over the metro for an evening of fun and excitement. Bring a date or come as a group for a very special .fan dance. PRIZES! REFRESHMENTS! PICTURES! Don't Miss This Great Event! WHEN: Friday, Sept. 26 TIME: 7-9 pm .WHE.RE: Edinborough Park Great Hall 7700 York Ave. S., Edina . COST: $7 at the door. Pictures $2 ATTIRE: Semi-formal or formal. Don't forget a corsage or .. boutonniere for your date! Hosted by REACH, Ridgedale YMCA Project Access, Project Soar, ARLE & Windows of Opportunity Wednesday Night Social WHERE: Crystal Community Center (and other nealby locations) WHEN: Wednesdays Sept. 17-Nov.5 TIME: 6:30 -8:30 pm FEE: $40.00 Resident $48.00 Nol1-leliident Plus additional activiIy fee r..W~;i-;;;~d..V;~t~~;~_.j ~ FALL: Join us for weekend getaway 1 1 at beautiful Camp Kingswood in 1 ~ Mound, MN. Activities include hiking, 1 ~ campfires, Frisbee golf, a challenge 1 ~ course and more! For ages 23 and 1 1 older. 1 l WHEN: September 5-7 1 i FEE: $350 for entire weekend i i NEW! i ~ WINTER: Enjoy holiday fun in down- ~ 1 town Minneap06s. Stay at a hotel, visit 1 1 the Macy's holiday display and see the 1 I H06dazzle parade! I l WHEN: December 5-7 j $350 for entire weekend For an application, please call Becca at (952) 988-4178 7 Registration Form-Fall 2008 Advance payment is required for 011 programs. NO REGISTRATION AT PROGRAMS OR BY PHONE. To ensure 0 spot in the program(s) of your choice, moil in payment and registration form os soon os possible. Residents of the West & Northwest consortium of cities receive preference in registration. See bottom of page 6 for list of cities. Registration is then open to non-residents one week prior to the start of the programs (unless program is full). Registration Begins August 15, 2008 Name: . . , . Birth date: Address: Home Phone: City: Zip Code: Work Phone: Emergency Contact: Emergency Phone: DYes 0 No I have waivered services and an authorization for Reach For Resources to biD for these programs. DYes 0 No Do you require wheelchair access? Photo Waiver: My photo may be token at Reach programs and used' for promotional materials, unless I check below: o No, I DO NOT wish to hove my photo used. Disability (please include specific information such as seizures, allergies, special diet etc.): Social Worker: Parent(s)/G uardian(s): Home Address: Parent(s) E-MaD: Parent(s)Employer: Employer Address: Annual House- 0 $0 - $24,999 hold Income: 0 $100,000 - $124,999 Social Worker's Phone: Parent/Guardian's Phone: City: Parent(s) CeO Phone: Employer Phone: Zip: 0$25,000-$49,999 o $125,000 - $149,999 City: o $50,000 - $74,999 o $150,000 . $174,999 Zip: o $75,000 - 99,999 0$175,000 - $199,999 o $200,000+ I, the undersigned, certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that participation In this actlvHy is completely voluntary and the actlvHy is being offered for the benefit of the participant. Reach for Resources shaD not be &able for any claims, Injuries, or damages of whatever nature, incurred by the participant arising out of, or connected with, the activity. On behal of myself and the participant I expressly forever release and discharge Reach for Resources, Its agents or employees, from any such claims, Injuries or damages. I have received a copy of Notice of Privacy as required by HIPAA. I have read, understood and agree to these privacy practices. Legal Guardian: Date: 0 Program Resident/N on-Res 0 Adult BowIng Doyle's $35.00 / $43.00 0 Adult BowIng Earle Brown $35.00 / $43.00 0 Adult Bowing Pork Tavern $35.00 / $40.00 0 Youth/Teen Bowling Doyle's $35.00/ $43.00 0 Youth/Teen Bowling ParkTav. $35.00 / $40.00 0 Nature Discovery $25.00/ $30.00 0 Family Yoga (# attending-> $50.00/ $55 (+$20) 0 Kid Fu - Session 1 Plymouth $56.00 / $64.00 0 Kid Fu - Session 2 Chanhassen $56.00/$61.00 0 West Teen Explorers $40.00 / $45.00 Fall 2008 0 Program Resident/N on-Res 0 Active Adventures $40.00 / $48.00 0 Girls Club $40.00 / $45.00 0 Adult Yoga $40.00/ $45.00 0 On the Town I $20.00 / $25.00 0 On the Town II . $20.00/ $25.00 0 Club West $40.00 / $45.00 0 Wednesday Night Social $40.00' / $48.00 0 Walking Club $25.00 / $30.00 0 Ghostly Gala-lndividual $8.00 each 0 Ghostly Gala-Group $6.00 each # attending _ Total Enclosed $_ 0 Weekend Ventures Send me Info Please mail completed form with payment to Reach at: 1001 Highway 7 #217Hopkins, MN 55305 Office (952) 988-4177 www.reachforresources.org . . Our fabulous Bowl-A-Thon on April 25, 2008 raised a record $15,292! Thanks to all of our bowlers, sponsors, volunteers and New Hope Bowl for making this the best year ever! Top Fundralser: Joe Parker with $18531n pledges. Top Men's 80wing Score: Dave Plocek Top Team Score: Dean Voss, Kirsten Hokanson, Kelly Thompson. & Tim Thompson Top Women's Bow6!]g Score: Nancy KeDy Top Youth Bowing Score: Sam Johnsen THANK YOU TO OUR WONDERFUL 2008 BOWL-A-THON SPONSORS! TITLE SPONSOR 'M"''.' Ga.... h' .. ',' '." ,', , '. ..' : -. '- .. '>_ - ...:;',., ' ;, i.,' ....'C....U...S.'.... < ~,.-::: ~.,. .,....... ..', .'" EVENT SPONSOR LARS 0;:".] . KING A St. Paul-based national litigation firm serving businesses and individuals in dispute resolution and various business advisory roles. Larson King provides outstanding trial lawyers serving both defendants and plaintiffs and offers compre- hensive, quality legal services throughout the country. 2800 Wells Fargo Place, 30 E. 7th St.. Sf. Paul. MN 651.312.6500 McGough Companies offers a comprehensive range of real estate services including development, constr uction, and facilities man- agement. McGough prides itself on quality craftsmanship and high-integrity partnerships with all of its clients. 2737 Fairvlew Ave. N., St. Paul, MN 651-633-5050 Luncheon Soonsors Arbonne International Commercial Furniture Services, Inc. Primus Law Office Welsh Construction Prize/General Soonsors Judith Anthony Mimi Bulman Steve & Marcia Crist Fab Babz DJ Service Ben & Christine Hirsch Paul & Jean Jaeger Jan Kaul Ruth Ann Kempf Sally Klemp Karl Schamber Beth Stenzel US Bancorp Foundation In-Kind Soonsors Applebees Burger King Champs Chilis Crossroads Dei EI Loro's Grizzly's Pizza Gold Lane Sponsors The Ben Johnson Family Merrill Lynch Welsh Companies Silver Lane Sponsors Stan & Amy Baratz Bremer Bank Fraser Hammer, Inc. Hoffman & Swintek Bronze Lane Sponsors AP A Medical Equipment Bell Mortgage Dean Superior Vending Mann Theatres Metro Sales Minneapolis Elks Lodge Paramount Real Estate Corp RSS Networking/MJS Security Ann Van Sickle Guthrie Theater Jet's Pizza Lifetouch Inc. Mann Theatres Medina Entertainment Minnesota Historical Society Minnesota Timberwolves Minnesota Twins Minnesota Vikings Old Country Buffet Panaderla La Loma Bakery Perkins Restaurant Rudolphs Saint Paul Saints Santorini Taverna & Grill Snuffy's Malt Shop Stages Theatre Company Sunsets Restaurant The Jungle Theater Three Rivers Park District Timberlodge Steakhouse Trader Joes Walker Art Center Mike & Mary Perkins Maxine Skold Volunteers Twin Cities Single Volunteers 9 . . '*~ * Address Service Requested 1001 Highway 7 #217 Hopkins, MN55305 (952) 988-4177 Future is Bright (Continued from page 1) ronment. REACH recreation programs have also helped the boys learn social skills and de- velop a network of support. Despite their history and disabilities, Keith and Casey have triumphed by overcoming many challenges. Keith loves learning and has a long-term goal to live on his own. He looks forward to continuing his education through the Vector transition program in the fall. Casey has made great strides as wel, improving his behavior at school and earning A's and B's in the past year. He is on track to graduate next May and hopes to one day go to college and study architecture. As the boys move into adulthood, they may continue to need support services. Adults with FAS can have difficulty living independently, placing them at high risk for homelessness, unemployment, and justice system involvement. Raising chDdren with FAS and experiencing their lives unfold has made Stephanie understand the crucial importance of prevention, early intervention and strong support systems. She has become a community advocate for fami6es dealing with the disorder and started a non-profit, Fetal Alcohol FamUy Connection, to develop an FAS awareness video. Because Keith and Casey received early intervention and have such a strong support system through REACH, their future is hopeful. Both of the boys are committed to their edu- cation, they are working part-time jobs this summer and have become involved in their church. Stephanie feels very proud that neither of them have ever had any problems with the law or substance abuse. REACH wUI continue to work with the boys and their family, pro- viding the wide range of support services they need to make a successful transition to self- sufficiency as adults. Finishing high school is a wonderful achievement and our congratula- tions go out to Keith and his entire family! , .. Dear Little League Sponsor, Thank you for your support of the 2008 MN Little League Softball State Tournament. Our Chanhassen Little League hosted 7 teams and nearly 400 fans at this year's event and we thank you for your gifts and time that made the event a great success. Little League Softball is an international organization currently hosting Wodd Series Championships for players ages 12-18. The MN State Tournament in late July crowned these State champions, who represented Minnesota in a roster of champions or Regional play: DIVISION 9/10 Little League Junior League CHAMPION Centennial Little League Itasca Little League Chanhassen Little League Again, our sincere thanks for your generous gifts to each family, your hospitality the weekend of the tournament, and for your business partnership as we hosted this important event. Sincerely, .~ ~ ~.~ t ,P Lrr(fl fl{r.l~~ I 1; rC\rP f.~'/~~'Vf\Y' ~~\ # . 0'0~ \ \J\.~V\( {Ad' \v. (AV~ ...(Anti . U ~n,v I -\~ \U/v rjJ V\r1' ,{{AtfJ. J(vJ1 .~~~.~ I('JJ fP'lJ! ~~ Anne V oas Chanhassen Little League A division of Chanhassen Athletic Association